Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton


WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

Sounds like Trey Gowdy should be prosecuted for trying to frame Hillary.

In a bombshell revelation, the Central Intelligence Agency reached out to Democrats serving on the Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday, October 17, 2015 to confirm that Chairman Trey Gowdy had altered documents provided to the committee by Hillary Clinton.

CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton

Comey testified that Hillary Lied, that she had emailed/ received classified data, that there were official docs, etc....

...and you are still trying to spew bullshit.


Comey was a pompous ass - but he exonerated Hillary.
Hillary did NOT break the law, but Ivanka did.
You are officially SENILE or on CRACK.

The FBI declared they had recovered over 15000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary attempted to destroy, documents Hillary was required to turn in for legal compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...and she turned in none of them.

Comey stated publicly she broke laws and testified under oath - answering Gowdy's questions - that Hillary lied.

The FBI did not just find classified data on Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server, they found data so classified Obama himself it could not be released to anyone without causing grave damage to our National Security ... The same data 6 foreign entities hacked, to include Russia and China.

Enough of your ridiculous, insane, unsubstantiated lies! Damn, and to think I once respected what you had to say...

That bridge has been burned with your more and more insane defenses of that traitorous felon who sold out her own country to try to win the Presidency after being given the DNC nomination she could not win herself!
Comey was a pompous ass - but he exonerated Hillary.
Yup, the criminal wrote the exoneration with Lynch before the 1st witness had been interviewed...

...and that does not change the fact that he testified Hillary LIED, exposing the fact she broke laws.
I know I’m coming in late to this discussion but I’m not understanding what the big deal is about this story and why all the outlets are talking about it. Trump was not shy about saying he wanted to prosecute Clinton during the campaign and he spoke just as strong about Comey after he fired him. So what’s the buzz all about with this story??
I know I’m coming in late to this discussion but I’m not understanding what the big deal is about this story and why all the outlets are talking about it. Trump was not shy about saying he wanted to prosecute Clinton during the campaign and he spoke just as strong about Comey after he fired him. So what’s the buzz all about with this story??

It is a big deal. I suggest you read the OP link to The New York Times.
Butt-hurt snowflakes are nervous now that a non-conspirator is over / in charge of overseeing the witch hunt and might actually investigate all the actual evidence of real crime that all leads back to Democrats!

I know I’m coming in late to this discussion but I’m not understanding what the big deal is about this story and why all the outlets are talking about it. Trump was not shy about saying he wanted to prosecute Clinton during the campaign and he spoke just as strong about Comey after he fired him. So what’s the buzz all about with this story??

It is a big deal. I suggest you read the OP link to The New York Times.
I read it but I’m still not seeing the issue. Had he ordered the DOJ to prosecute and it been followed through with then we would have something to talk about. But asking questions and even making suggestions that go nowhere is a non issue and when it gets blown up to be a big deal it only strengthens his fake/bias news narrative.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

This is an impeachable offense. Mueller undoubtedly knows this, and the Democrats are going after him on this one next year. This story isn't going away.
Yeah it will. Mostly because no harm came of it.
I know I’m coming in late to this discussion but I’m not understanding what the big deal is about this story and why all the outlets are talking about it. Trump was not shy about saying he wanted to prosecute Clinton during the campaign and he spoke just as strong about Comey after he fired him. So what’s the buzz all about with this story??

It is a big deal. I suggest you read the OP link to The New York Times.
I read it but I’m still not seeing the issue. Had he ordered the DOJ to prosecute and it been followed through with then we would have something to talk about. But asking questions and even making suggestions that go nowhere is a non issue and when it gets blown up to be a big deal it only strengthens his fake/bias news narrative.

Among other things it shows his intent - until Don McGahn talked him out of it. There are many angles to this story. Also, Don McGahn said that "to the best of his knowledge" Trump did not ask anyone else to follow through on prosecuting Hillary and Comey. It is currently unknown whether Trump discussed this with Matt Whitaker before making him AG. There is much more to be known. The legal experts think this is a really big deal.

From the OP:

It is unclear whether Mr. Trump read Mr. McGahn’s memo or whether he pursued the prosecutions further. But the president has continued to privately discuss the matter, including the possible appointment of a second special counsel to investigate both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey, according to two people who have spoken to Mr. Trump about the issue. He has also repeatedly expressed disappointment in the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, for failing to more aggressively investigate Mrs. Clinton, calling him weak, one of the people said.

Mr. Trump repeatedly pressed Justice Department officials about the status of Clinton-related investigations, including Mr. Whitaker when he was the chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, according to a person with direct knowledge of the conversations. CNN first reported those discussions.

During the presidential race, Mr. Whitaker, a former United States attorney, also said he would have indicted Mrs. Clinton, contradicting Mr. Comey’s highly unusual public announcement that he would recommend the Justice Department not charge her over her handling of classified information while secretary of state.

“When the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Mr. Whitaker wrote in an op-ed in USA Today in July 2016.

The following CNN article also adds some background:

Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on multiple occasions raised with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Matt Whitaker, who was then-chief of staff to Jeff Sessions, whether the Justice Department was progressing in investigating Hillary Clinton, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The President also wanted his previous White House counsel, Don McGahn, to ask the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton on numerous occasions, but McGahn rebuffed doing that, the source said.

Anticipating the question about Clinton would be raised, Whitaker came prepared to answer with what Justice was doing on Clinton-related matters, including the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One investigations, the source said. The source added that Whitaker was trying to appease the President, but did not seem to cross any line.

More: Trump raised investigating Clinton with Rosenstein, Whitaker and McGahn - CNNPolitics
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So? Hillary broke the law and lied repeatedly.

Look you could dig up all the emails you could possibly find and it won't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies.

Trump has the mindset of a DICTATOR. To use the justice department to attack political adversaries.

He is UNFIT & he's always been UNFIT to be POTUS.
Did Trump ask Whitaker to prosecute Clinton and Comey? Probably - but we don't know - yet...
Whitaker probably already knows their investigations need to begin immediately.

The US IG confirmed a non-standard 'investigation' of Clinton occurred, meaning a new one is needed.

The US IG rebuked Comey for 'usurping the power of the DOJ, violating the Separation of Powers' by assuming the SON's role / responsibility in deciding Hillary would not be indicted.

The US IG already recommended McCabe for indictment, which Rosenstein has ignored.

Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing Perjury.

Mueller and Rosenstein committed Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas ....

And all have been proven to be guilty of Conspiracy...
I know I’m coming in late to this discussion but I’m not understanding what the big deal is about this story and why all the outlets are talking about it. Trump was not shy about saying he wanted to prosecute Clinton during the campaign and he spoke just as strong about Comey after he fired him. So what’s the buzz all about with this story??

It is a big deal. I suggest you read the OP link to The New York Times.
I read it but I’m still not seeing the issue. Had he ordered the DOJ to prosecute and it been followed through with then we would have something to talk about. But asking questions and even making suggestions that go nowhere is a non issue and when it gets blown up to be a big deal it only strengthens his fake/bias news narrative.

Among other things it shows his intent - until Don McGahn talked him out of it. There are many angles to this story. Also, Don McGahn said that "to the best of his knowledge" Trump did not ask anyone else to follow through on prosecuting Hillary and Comey. It is currently unknown whether Trump discussed this with Matt Whitaker before making him AG. There is much more to be known. The legal experts think this is a really big deal.

From the OP:

It is unclear whether Mr. Trump read Mr. McGahn’s memo or whether he pursued the prosecutions further. But the president has continued to privately discuss the matter, including the possible appointment of a second special counsel to investigate both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey, according to two people who have spoken to Mr. Trump about the issue. He has also repeatedly expressed disappointment in the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, for failing to more aggressively investigate Mrs. Clinton, calling him weak, one of the people said.

Mr. Trump repeatedly pressed Justice Department officials about the status of Clinton-related investigations, including Mr. Whitaker when he was the chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, according to a person with direct knowledge of the conversations. CNN first reported those discussions.

During the presidential race, Mr. Whitaker, a former United States attorney, also said he would have indicted Mrs. Clinton, contradicting Mr. Comey’s highly unusual public announcement that he would recommend the Justice Department not charge her over her handling of classified information while secretary of state.

“When the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Mr. Whitaker wrote in an op-ed in USA Today in July 2016.

The following CNN article also adds some background:

Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on multiple occasions raised with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Matt Whitaker, who was then-chief of staff to Jeff Sessions, whether the Justice Department was progressing in investigating Hillary Clinton, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The President also wanted his previous White House counsel, Don McGahn, to ask the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton on numerous occasions, but McGahn rebuffed doing that, the source said.

Anticipating the question about Clinton would be raised, Whitaker came prepared to answer with what Justice was doing on Clinton-related matters, including the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One investigations, the source said. The source added that Whitaker was trying to appease the President, but did not seem to cross any line.

More: Trump raised investigating Clinton with Rosenstein, Whitaker and McGahn - CNNPolitics
I understand your point but you’re better off going after Trump for the things he actually does that are objectionable. Going after his stupid statements and even his failed attempts to do idiotic things is not going to land in a significant way. He campaigned on locking up Clinton so asking his DOJ or attorneys about it jist isn’t that surprising or that big of a deal. Now if they actually moved on it, then there is reason to voice strong objection
Reality is he had a good idea
Inane comment requiring no reply. But can we put aside for now our obsession with Trump’s character and behavior ( I know, it’s fascinating for most of us) and face the fact that the powers the US constitution gives the executive branch make a mockery of any cliaim the United States is a democracy?
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It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship. The President of the United States is the head of the law enforcement agencies of the country, charged with enforcement and execution of the law. That means if he finds any evidence that some dimshit scum broke the law he should ask for an investigation and demand prosecution if their is evidence to do so. Guess what there are hundreds of thousands of pages of evidence, and many more that were never investigated YET! Cry on your dimshit talking point memo.
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So? Hillary broke the law and lied repeatedly.

Look you could dig up all the emails you could possibly find and it won't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies.

Trump has the mindset of a DICTATOR. To use the justice department to attack political adversaries.

He is UNFIT & he's always been UNFIT to be POTUS.
Probably by in large true but we must face the fact the US constitution already gives the executive branch so many independent
powers any claim America is fully an open democracy are no more than delusional. I suggest Putin, who is himself is demonstrably evil yet dangerously sly and clever realises this and is using it to bring the US to it’s knees. Maybe the absurdly rosy fantasy most Americans have of their system of government blinds them to all of this but from outside the Land of The Brave and (supposedly) Free we can actually see more clearly where all this insanity is headed.
I know I’m coming in late to this discussion but I’m not understanding what the big deal is about this story and why all the outlets are talking about it. Trump was not shy about saying he wanted to prosecute Clinton during the campaign and he spoke just as strong about Comey after he fired him. So what’s the buzz all about with this story??

It is a big deal. I suggest you read the OP link to The New York Times.
I read it but I’m still not seeing the issue. Had he ordered the DOJ to prosecute and it been followed through with then we would have something to talk about. But asking questions and even making suggestions that go nowhere is a non issue and when it gets blown up to be a big deal it only strengthens his fake/bias news narrative.

Among other things it shows his intent - until Don McGahn talked him out of it. There are many angles to this story. Also, Don McGahn said that "to the best of his knowledge" Trump did not ask anyone else to follow through on prosecuting Hillary and Comey. It is currently unknown whether Trump discussed this with Matt Whitaker before making him AG. There is much more to be known. The legal experts think this is a really big deal.

From the OP:

It is unclear whether Mr. Trump read Mr. McGahn’s memo or whether he pursued the prosecutions further. But the president has continued to privately discuss the matter, including the possible appointment of a second special counsel to investigate both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey, according to two people who have spoken to Mr. Trump about the issue. He has also repeatedly expressed disappointment in the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, for failing to more aggressively investigate Mrs. Clinton, calling him weak, one of the people said.

Mr. Trump repeatedly pressed Justice Department officials about the status of Clinton-related investigations, including Mr. Whitaker when he was the chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, according to a person with direct knowledge of the conversations. CNN first reported those discussions.

During the presidential race, Mr. Whitaker, a former United States attorney, also said he would have indicted Mrs. Clinton, contradicting Mr. Comey’s highly unusual public announcement that he would recommend the Justice Department not charge her over her handling of classified information while secretary of state.

“When the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Mr. Whitaker wrote in an op-ed in USA Today in July 2016.

The following CNN article also adds some background:

Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on multiple occasions raised with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Matt Whitaker, who was then-chief of staff to Jeff Sessions, whether the Justice Department was progressing in investigating Hillary Clinton, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The President also wanted his previous White House counsel, Don McGahn, to ask the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton on numerous occasions, but McGahn rebuffed doing that, the source said.

Anticipating the question about Clinton would be raised, Whitaker came prepared to answer with what Justice was doing on Clinton-related matters, including the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One investigations, the source said. The source added that Whitaker was trying to appease the President, but did not seem to cross any line.

More: Trump raised investigating Clinton with Rosenstein, Whitaker and McGahn - CNNPolitics
I understand your point but you’re better off going after Trump for the things he actually does that are objectionable. Going after his stupid statements and even his failed attempts to do idiotic things is not going to land in a significant way. He campaigned on locking up Clinton so asking his DOJ or attorneys about it jist isn’t that surprising or that big of a deal. Now if they actually moved on it, then there is reason to voice strong objection

We don't yet know what Trump may have actually moved on. With Sessions or Whitaker.
It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship.
Who mentioned socialism and why have you bought it into the equation? Maybe like so many in the US something as simple and logical and a national public health scheme stinks of communism, yet another delusion.

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