Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

I understand your point but you’re better off going after Trump for the things he actually does that are objectionable. Going after his stupid statements and even his failed attempts to do idiotic things is not going to land in a significant way. He campaigned on locking up Clinton so asking his DOJ or attorneys about it jist isn’t that surprising or that big of a deal. Now if they actually moved on it, then there is reason to voice strong objection

We don't yet know what Trump may have actually moved on. With Sessions or Whitaker.
Well until something comes out let’s stick with the real shit like how he is fumbling this Saudi Arabia situation or screwing up the stock market with his trade war. There is plenty of ammo to go after him with. I don’t think him wanting to investigate Clinton or Comey is surprising or significant. But that’s just my opinion.

It all falls under abuse of power. I agree that the tangible stuff should take priority.
The best thing Trump opponents can do in my opinion is hold their noses for two years and then vote him out of office. Need to make sure there is a good candidate running against him that has strong messaging and fresh ideas. Most importantly, stop taking the bait that Trump constantly lays out. He is nothing without enemies and fall guys so don’t give him any easy targets

The best thing is to gather enough overwhelming evidence and impeach his fucking ass! Prison would be even better. And get his entire mafia family of grifters out of federal government.
Evidence of what, doing what the voters want him to do?

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?
Yet, Obama had no trouble getting Eric Holder to do whatever he wanted.

Exactly, this is the one thing I never understood..

The rule seems to be that the Democrats can prosecute anyone for any reason, but Republicans can't prosecute anyone if the Dims object.
About time the DOJ went after Hillary and Comey. We have an AG who will do what he's supposed to do.

Your comment strongly suggests you support the United States to devolve and become nothing more than banana republic, where a despot jails opponents, enslaves the people and robs the treasury.

Don't ever claim to be a patriot, you are not even close to being one.

You're not very smart are ya, we didn't even have a DOJ till 5 years after the civil war was concluded. How ever did this banana republic survive all that time without it. BTW the bitch was a criminal long before she was Trumps opponent, and she belongs in jail.

About time the DOJ went after Hillary and Comey. We have an AG who will do what he's supposed to do.

Your comment strongly suggests you support the United States to devolve and become nothing more than banana republic, where a despot jails opponents, enslaves the people and robs the treasury.

Don't ever claim to be a patriot, you are not even close to being one.

You're not very smart are ya, we didn't even have a DOJ till 5 years after the civil war was concluded. How ever did this banana republic survive all that time without it. BTW the bitch was a criminal long before she was Trumps opponent, and she belongs in jail.


Exactly they are trying so hard to change it into we don't even know what sex we are..

It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship.

You really are an idiot. Democracy has come a long way since the Constitution was ratified.

And the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land. Time doesn't change that.

It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship.

You really are an idiot. Democracy has come a long way since the Constitution was ratified.
Given what the White House can get away with maybe it hasn’t come far enough?

The NaziCon Congress is ignoring the checks and balances. I doubt the founders ever envisioned that both houses of Congress would become treasonous - including the presidency - all at the same time.

Yeah, if everyone had done their jobs the bitch would have gone to jail in 2015 or sooner.

It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship.

You really are an idiot. Democracy has come a long way since the Constitution was ratified.

And the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land. Time doesn't change that.


But Eric holder is trying like hell to outsmart it..they are using the 9th to bypass these news articles..
Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.
It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship.

You really are an idiot. Democracy has come a long way since the Constitution was ratified.

And the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land. Time doesn't change that.


But Eric holder is trying like hell to outsmart it..they are using the 9th to bypass these news articles..

Holder is another on that should have gone to jail, first AG to be held in contempt of congress and then he abused his power and refused to follow the law on such contempt.

Trump cannot offer the shambling semblance of an Article II excuse for what is, on its face, deeply problematic conduct—like firing Comey and publicly conceding that the firing was related to the Russia investigation—and then claim Congress is constitutionally obliged to leave him be.

tick TICK ..
Trump cannot offer the shambling semblance of an Article II excuse for what is, on its face, deeply problematic conduct—like firing Comey and publicly conceding that the firing was related to the Russia investigation—and then claim Congress is constitutionally obliged to leave him be.

tick TICK ..

Yeah, Trump got rid of Comey and made it public he wasn't a target of FBI's investigation all in one move. That lifted the cloud off Trump personally, it was a stroke of genius and completely within his Article II authority. Cry all you want, that's just the way it is.

It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship.

You really are an idiot. Democracy has come a long way since the Constitution was ratified.

And the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land. Time doesn't change that.


But Eric holder is trying like hell to outsmart it..they are using the 9th to bypass these news articles..

Holder is another on that should have gone to jail, first AG to be held in contempt of congress and then he abused his power and refused to follow the law on such contempt.


42 days until the new Congress is seated.

Let’s see how that contempt thing works out for you then.
It is not a democracy it has never been one and hopefully never will be. It is a Representative Republic. Just as it was when the Constitution formed it. Dimshits want it to be socialist dictatorship.

You really are an idiot. Democracy has come a long way since the Constitution was ratified.

And the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land. Time doesn't change that.

Mueller is coming...
And I thought it was still just at the heavy breathing stage.

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