Trump wants to buy Greenland

I’m sorry did I get a vote to take on that island!?? No we didn’t.. 5 congress people don’t represent me.. Cut off the shit hole!
Wanna cut off Mississippi or Alabama? They generally get more aid than Puerto Rico.
/——/ Mississippi and Louisiana actually produce goods and services people want.
Yeah? But Puerto Rico doesn't? Even though they produce tons of prescription drugs and medical devices?
Expanding welfare isn’t productive haha
Don't be stupider than you have to be kid.
My fcuking sisters are PR and both are welfare whores,, I grew up down the street where they filmed a latin Kings documentary, my high school baseball team was alll Spanish.. all on welfare... I was just in a store behind one she was using her MASS WELFARE CARD to buy her food...

Stop with the ad hominem and debate
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Breaking! Trump Eyes U.S Purchasing Greenland

Eagerly awaiting the predictable and completely moronic, breathless threads announcing the strategic need to militarily occupy the island, how it is becoming an outpost of ISIS, secret partner to Iran, soon to be dominated by Putin, etc.

Don't we already have a base on it?
Yep, and clearly that isn’t enough for the empire
To start with, our continual never ending wars. Our hypocrisy. Such as condemning China for manipulating their money supply when we do that constantly.

Sounds like boilerplate liberal talking points. Do you have any thoughts of your own?

You can address those or not.

Who specifically does not respect America, name them or you are just parroting talking points. The left told you what to think and say and you obeyed.

I've made the arguments.

No you bloviated talking points and when I called BS you can't back up your talking points, shocker. :itsok: Liberal drone alert ^^^

I posted my reasons for what I said.
Sounds like boilerplate liberal talking points. Do you have any thoughts of your own?

You can address those or not.

Who specifically does not respect America, name them or you are just parroting talking points. The left told you what to think and say and you obeyed.

I've made the arguments.

No you bloviated talking points and when I called BS you can't back up your talking points, shocker. :itsok: Liberal drone alert ^^^

I posted my reasons for what I said.

Yes you outed yourself as a liberal drone talking point parrot, enough said.
Denmark says: "open for business, not for sale"....heh many people have said that to Trump in the past, only to grab his check in the end? If Trump wants Greenland, he'll get it....He's headed to Denmark next month and said to be fascinated by how we bought Alaska in 1867. How cool would it be if we sold Kali to Mehico, and made Greenland our new 50th state?

Really, does that mean Harry Truman is a retard?

If YOU had bothered to read the link provided at post one, you would have learned that America have already tried TWO times officially to buy Greenland. Trump is only talking out loud about it.

Though Greenland is technically part of North America, it is culturally and politically linked to Europe. Following World War II, the U.S. under President Harry Truman developed a geopolitical interest in Greenland and in 1946 offered to buy it from Denmark for $100 million. Denmark refused to sell. And that was the second failed attempt—the State Department had also launched an inquiry into buying Greenland and Iceland in 1867.

Try not to eat your dirty shoes so quickly next time, the word Trump floats into your left ear.
#6: If you drain your fantasy swamp from liberals, what you'll get is fascism. Furthermore, the prisoners are forgetting or don't even know that the U.S. very much relied on Russia's most capable anti-fascist forces during WWII, and that this gesture of buying Greenland is Trump's veiled mockery of dipshit China's arrogant offer to buy the Russian Far East.
Or we could go old school and just claim it. What's Denmark going to do, throw used hypodermic needles at us?

Denmark is part of NATO, and if we invaded, there would be a lot of countries allied against us.

Uh, we are already there! No need to invade.

Yes, we have a base, but we pay a lease on it. Marathon Mike was suggesting that we invade the country and take it by force.
Denmark says: "open for business, not for sale"....heh many people have said that to Trump in the past, only to grab his check in the end? If Trump wants Greenland, he'll get it....He's headed to Denmark next month and said to be fascinated by how we bought Alaska in 1867. How cool would it be if we sold Kali to Mehico, and made Greenland our new 50th state?
According to Obama, Greenland would become our 58th state.
Man, this would be so great. Dump California. Add Greenland.

Trump Eyes a New Real-Estate Purchase: Greenland
Hahahahahahaha the dumbest shit you and your idiot say on daily basis. Give us a break is too much to digest.
Greenland GDP is what compared to 5th largest economy ?
And dumb ass Greenland is not really green hahaaha
No but the vast mineral deposits there mean tons of green for the United States, you bumbass plantation minority.
No a 51st state. He loses 3-5 billion a year. He has no money except what he is self enriching off the presidency.
by refusing a salary?
what is 400,000.00 a year , to millions a year. He is bluffing you, its his tax write off.
The Clinton's had nothing and received millions a year. Still do. For nothing. Two of the most people in our nation. Their child Chelsea is not supposed to be a bright bulb and has gotten paid millions on top of the great life she already has by her name alone. People do not like her in employment areas she has been involved with.

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