Trump wants to buy Greenland

what is 400,000.00 a year , to millions a year. He is bluffing you, its his tax write off.
And you can prove Trump is making millions of dollars per year as president how?

Sure he raised the rates on his "southern WH", and has the Post Office where foreigners stay, and raised all his golf courses prices, and he has not divested of his org. Figure it out.

I guess only the wealthy can have assess to him, and his GOP cult.
Sure he raised the rates on his "southern WH", and has the Post Office where foreigners stay, and all his golf courses, and he has not divested of his org. Figure it out.
Foreigners stay in a post office? What? I asked if you could prove Trump is making millions of dollars as president and you said you could. And of course you lied your wrinkled ass off (I assume it is old and worn out).
Who is surprised? Not me!
Man, this would be so great. Dump California. Add Greenland.

Trump Eyes a New Real-Estate Purchase: Greenland
Hahahahahahaha the dumbest shit you and your idiot say on daily basis. Give us a break is too much to digest.
Greenland GDP is what compared to 5th largest economy ?
And dumb ass Greenland is not really green hahaaha
No but the vast mineral deposits there mean tons of green for the United States, you bumbass plantation minority.

Under the Ice?
Under the Ice?

OK...step back here...why do you think, does all the major powers have science stations at the south pole?...well, it's not all about climate research...a lot has to do with mineral exploration...Arctic and antarctic are both said to have rich mineral deposits...Greenland is no exception, they explore techniques for deep ice mining...that is all done for future activity of course, yet it is an investment into the future.

Greenland is far more intersting than either pole...cause it never used to be a frozen only froze solid during the "little ice age" in medieval times, towards the end of the 15th century (that's what wiped out the vikings...the Danes living there today only came during the 18th century for whaling)...given the fact, that there is a good chance of a re-thaw of Greenland, it would make a lot of sense as long as it's..well...a bit what Alaska was to Russia...we'll see...but it sure makes sense
Man, this would be so great. Dump California. Add Greenland.

Trump Eyes a New Real-Estate Purchase: Greenland
I'm all for it if Trump supporters all move there.

Oh please. How in the world would Democrats live without the tax money from all us "rich" folks? The US would fall in a year if all Republicans left.
I said Trump supporters. Most of them probably don’t have two dimes (or brain cells) to rub together.
The Vikings named them to deter other people from trying to settle there.

History of Greenland - Wikipedia

This course kept the Norse Greenlanders afloat until in the course of the 15th century CE a mysterious silence kicked in and any word of them stopped reaching beyond their island. Among other factors, the climate turning colder (by courtesy of the so-called Little Ice Age, c. 1300 - c. 1850 CE) is generally seen to have played a role in their disappearance. When in 1721 CE Norwegian missionary Hans Egede was the first to successfully navigate the drift ice since the silence and actually reach Greenland’s former Western Settlement, he found Inuit there but no sign of the Norse.

Viking Age Greenland
Man, this would be so great. Dump California. Add Greenland.

Trump Eyes a New Real-Estate Purchase: Greenland
I'm all for it if Trump supporters all move there.

Oh please. How in the world would Democrats live without the tax money from all us "rich" folks? The US would fall in a year if all Republicans left.

The fools on the left would starve to death without us. Food doesn't come from government.
Then why so many farm subsidies?
Breaking! Trump Eyes U.S Purchasing Greenland

Eagerly awaiting the predictable and completely moronic, breathless threads announcing the strategic need to militarily occupy the island, how it is becoming an outpost of ISIS, secret partner to Iran, soon to be dominated by Putin, etc.

Don't we already have a base on it?
I know we have a base in Iceland. Don't know about Greenland though.
Hey stupid you can't a country lol.

"you can't a country"? do you mean: you can't buy a country? well, that is not has happened before (Alaska, Louisana) and Truman offered $100 milion for Greenland back in 1946

he stupid, turns out you can...

Sure, it's not like "give me the country and I give you cash" it's a complicates process in which for instance compensation has to be paid to Denmark and investments into Greenland and so on
Too bad there's no natural resources in Greenland otherwise it could possibly serve as the last bastion for the white race to take refuge from all the brownos. But they'd follow us there and ruin it for us anyway.

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