Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag

Dear President-Elect Trump:

Don't encourage them.


And no...................the only crime you should lose your citizenship for is treason.
(which it is).

Also as a veteran ... I would have to agree ... Even as disrespectful as flag burning may be.
Probably because as a veteran ... I think burning the flag is tantamount to a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum and coloring on the walls.

I mean damn ... Bless their precious little hearts.

In Texas v. Johnson (1989), "To protest the policies of the Reagan administration, Gregory Lee Johnson burned an American flag outside of the Dallas City Hall. He was arrested for this act, but argued that it was symbolic speech. The Supreme Court agreed, ruling that symbolic speech is constitutionally protected even when it is offensive."
The Court Held: "Even offensive speech such as flag burning is protected by the First Amendment."

What Johnson did is protest. When leftists are burning the flag, they're not doing it for the same reason that Islamic extremists are doing it: They hate this country. Nothing to do with free speech, rather with hate speech. And leftists are masters of it.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution

When... sorry... WHEN did you start caring about the Constitution?

At the Democratic Convention, Gold Star Father Khizr Khan reached in his pocket and offered Trump his copy of the Constitution

Looks like Trump should have taken it

Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.

How low can you be when your best asset is your ability to troll as a POTUS? I think he is serious. However, he cant do anything.

These two are the OP and the first post of the thread... Typical leftist hypocrisy.



Flag Protection Act of 2005

So now you're a Clinton supporter? Btw....

intent to incite or produce imminent violence or a breach of the peace;

intentionally threatening or intimidating any person, or group of persons

stealing or knowingly converting the use of a U.S. flag belonging to the United States, or belonging to another person

Aren't these things already illegal?
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.

How low can you be when your best asset is your ability to troll as a POTUS? I think he is serious. However, he cant do anything.

These two are the OP and the first post of the thread... Typical leftist hypocrisy.



Flag Protection Act of 2005

So now you're a Clinton supporter? Btw....

intent to incite or produce imminent violence or a breach of the peace;

intentionally threatening or intimidating any person, or group of persons

stealing or knowingly converting the use of a U.S. flag belonging to the United States, or belonging to another person

Aren't these things already illegal?

Hillary supporter? Where did you get that from?

Nope, I am just pointing out that to leftist hypocrites didn't bother when Hillary was co-sponsoring the law that is punishing burning of the flag. Suddenly, Trump's tweet that states the opinion, and have no power of the law, is somehow infringing your rights.

And just to be clear, regardless of SCOTUS decision that treats flag burning as free speech, I don't think it does fall under that, so I am definitely for punishing people who does it.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution

When... sorry... WHEN did you start caring about the Constitution?

At the Democratic Convention, Gold Star Father Khizr Khan reached in his pocket and offered Trump his copy of the Constitution

Looks like Trump should have taken it


I hope you have your copy handy, because I'll ask you to check it out every time you lefties try negate gun rights, state rights, freedom or religion etc.
Trump's comment is like the kind of answers you get from 6 year olds, when you ask them what would you do if you were President?

"I'd put people in jail who burn the flag!"

Hillary Clinton also wanted to jail people who burned the American flag. How old would you say she is?
Can you show us one person locked up for speaking their mind? This should be amusing to see you prove Obama locked anyone up.
That would be the director/producer of the infamous video Barry and Hillary tried to use as an excuse for the f* up in allowing 4 Americans to needlessly die in Benghazi.

Both openly declared they would put the filmmaker in jail for exercising his 1st Amendment Right - Hillary told the deceased relatives she was going to make the filmmaker pay.
So no one then? Is this filmmaker in prison?

The scapegoat for Benghazi was released from prison.
The Minds of Pre-Intelligent Primates

Why didn't the media ever show the movie? It's very poorly done, but its cartoonishness wouldn't be noticed by the Low IQ Muzzies.'re right..............Hillary DID sponsor a bill against flag burning. However..........that bill was defeated and did not pass.

She probably figured out that it wasn't something that should be done after trying to get the bill passed.'re right..............Hillary DID sponsor a bill against flag burning. However..........that bill was defeated and did not pass.

She probably figured out that it wasn't something that should be done after trying to get the bill passed.

Ya think.
And..........if Trump actually had people around him that knew something, they would have been able to tell him about the bill being defeated, as well as the fact that it is unConstitutional because it goes against the 1st Amendment.

And yeah................Trump is going to have to watch what he says, because as the elected leader of this country, his words (even if inappropriate) are going to reflect back on this country.
And..........if Trump actually had people around him that knew something, they would have been able to tell him about the bill being defeated, as well as the fact that it is unConstitutional because it goes against the 1st Amendment.

And yeah................Trump is going to have to watch what he says, because as the elected leader of this country, his words (even if inappropriate) are going to reflect back on this country.

Much like Hillary labeling Americans deplorable and irredeemable?
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.
Yep. I think if you burn the flag, especially in the presence of a vet or current millitary (or family). You should receive a huge fine and spend time in jail.
No one has the right not to be offended
The left has a whole laundry list of people you are not allowed to offend.
Hasn't it been a tent pole argument from the Right against "political correctness" been no one has a right to not be offended?

Or did you mean no one other than yourself and those who agree with you?
I'm not a republican or a right winger.
Trump's comment is like the kind of answers you get from 6 year olds, when you ask them what would you do if you were President?

"I'd put people in jail who burn the flag!"

Yeah, hypocrisy of the left. According to leftists, Trump is an idiot who tweets nonsense but they lose their mind and get obnoxious like his tweet is a serious policy proposal. :confused-84:

You're the problem though. And when the solution is presented to you, you deny it. You insult it. You insult the person giving it to you.

I think you know you're the problem, but you're willing yourself into believing that you're not. Some kind of reality distortion field.

What is being said right now is this: Trump, is not trying get flag burning turned into a crime, he's trying to draw attention to the flag burners. In doing so he's addressing an actual problem. The violent left, being funded by a leftist billionaire.

Now, you respond by ignoring the information that is given you. Because I think you see the truth, but you need to deny it. Your world view is and has always been broken. But with Trump and the movement around, you can no longer ignore that fact. Still you fight hard to ignore it. How bad do you need to do fight? Go back to all your posts and see how you're actively fighting reality.

Beside that however is your denial. I'll paraphrase "Duh, Trump is stupid and you all are just sheep bleating along defending his stupidity." The problem with your argument is that Trump has done this before, exactly the same on other subjects, you've seen it unfold, and it never ends well for people like you. This isn't some stupid blowhard. This is a man who plays you, the rest of the left, and the MSM like a fucking fiddle.

The rest of us will dance along and enjoy the show. You keep pretending you have any actual value to the world. It could help if you burn a flag, or two...

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