Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag

These two are the OP and the first post of the thread... Typical leftist hypocrisy.



Flag Protection Act of 2005
And as usual you come with your talking points provided to you by your masters without checking the facts for yourself. Typical of you dimwitted alt rights that can barely read..

Flag Protection Act of 2005 - Wikipedia

"The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. "

I hate to break it to you but, when leftists are burning the flag they doing it exactly with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

You were saying...?
Who told you that?

I was saying youre an idiot if you believe everyone that burns a flag is doing so with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?
If you look at your own personal situation I'm sure its pretty close.

I wouldn't know, that's why I am asking you.
Most mentally ill people dont know. Thats why you need to speak to someone close to you that can explain how your mental illness effects you.

Is that why you can't answer?
No. Its why youre a basket case.

By looking at your posts here, you're certified.

So, I still would like to know, what is like?
We been over this. Have someone explain to you how your madness effects you.
And as usual you come with your talking points provided to you by your masters without checking the facts for yourself. Typical of you dimwitted alt rights that can barely read..

Flag Protection Act of 2005 - Wikipedia

"The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. "

I hate to break it to you but, when leftists are burning the flag they doing it exactly with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

You were saying...?
Who told you that?

I was saying youre an idiot if you believe everyone that burns a flag is doing so with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?
To me it represents oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

No. i wouldnt agree. There is nothing at all that is intimidating about seeing someone burn a flag nor would it incite me to violence to see one burned.
20 year military veteran ....

I recognize your right to burn the flag ...

I only ask that you recognize how much it hurts to see you do it.
Why does it hurt? Thanks for being honest.

Why does it hurt?

Because I have seen the price paid to protect the right to burn the flag. I have held the guts of a kid from Illinois while he died for that flag, and for what it represents. I had my best friend take a bullet intended for me, leaving his wife and little boy devastated, all while defending that flag. Do you know what it's like to try to put his brains back in his head? I've laid in a hole in the ground all night as I watched enemy mortars trying to knock that flag down, and watched as it still stood in light of morning. I've participated in color guards at the funerals of military members, and seen widows who cling to that flag with a fierceness you can never understand, as if it were a symbol of the courage and honor of the loved one they lost. I watched a father receive the flag, then collapse on the ground crying incessantly, until finally he was able to stand, kiss the coffin of his child, come to attention and salute his little girl. A little girl he has lost forever.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.

I recognize the right to burn it --- hell, that's what I fought for. But, I find it ludicrous that those who have never defended that flag, nor defended the rights it represents, to so trivialize its meaning, and the sacrifices for it, to use the symbol of those freedoms and sacrifices to make a political argument. I consider to be a sacrilege and an insult to those who made the sacrifice so that "rights" can be abused, misused, and discarded so easily. We aren't burning a flag, we are demeaning and trivializing the efforts, and lives lost, to make it your right.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.
I dont mean to seem insensitive but where were your friends at when they paid a price so that americans could burn flags? How old are you? The last threat to our rights had to be back in the 1940's right?

Yeah ... right. You may not MEAN to seem insensitive, but you are - and damn good at it, too.

My career spanned over 20 years.

Your comment about "the last threat to our rights" is, simply, ludicrous. Maybe you should look around - our rights are under attack, both from outside and within, constantly. In fact, I would probably say that YOU are the biggest threat to our rights today ....
20 year military veteran ....

I recognize your right to burn the flag ...

I only ask that you recognize how much it hurts to see you do it.
Why does it hurt? Thanks for being honest.

Why does it hurt?

Because I have seen the price paid to protect the right to burn the flag. I have held the guts of a kid from Illinois while he died for that flag, and for what it represents. I had my best friend take a bullet intended for me, leaving his wife and little boy devastated, all while defending that flag. Do you know what it's like to try to put his brains back in his head? I've laid in a hole in the ground all night as I watched enemy mortars trying to knock that flag down, and watched as it still stood in light of morning. I've participated in color guards at the funerals of military members, and seen widows who cling to that flag with a fierceness you can never understand, as if it were a symbol of the courage and honor of the loved one they lost. I watched a father receive the flag, then collapse on the ground crying incessantly, until finally he was able to stand, kiss the coffin of his child, come to attention and salute his little girl. A little girl he has lost forever.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.

I recognize the right to burn it --- hell, that's what I fought for. But, I find it ludicrous that those who have never defended that flag, nor defended the rights it represents, to so trivialize its meaning, and the sacrifices for it, to use the symbol of those freedoms and sacrifices to make a political argument. I consider to be a sacrilege and an insult to those who made the sacrifice so that "rights" can be abused, misused, and discarded so easily. We aren't burning a flag, we are demeaning and trivializing the efforts, and lives lost, to make it your right.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.
I dont mean to seem insensitive but where were your friends at when they paid a price so that americans could burn flags? How old are you? The last threat to our rights had to be back in the 1940's right?

Yeah ... right. You may not MEAN to seem insensitive, but you are - and damn good at it, too.

My career spanned over 20 years.

Your comment about "the last threat to our rights" is, simply, ludicrous. Maybe you should look around - our rights are under attack, both from outside and within, constantly. In fact, I would probably say that YOU are the biggest threat to our rights today ....
Your career? I asked where were your friends at when they paid this price you were talking about.

I'm a threat to the rights I just championed? I love having freedom of speech. I think you are being emotional or you are just making stuff up to justify your position.
I hate to break it to you but, when leftists are burning the flag they doing it exactly with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

You were saying...?
Who told you that?

I was saying youre an idiot if you believe everyone that burns a flag is doing so with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?
To me it represents oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

No. i wouldnt agree. There is nothing at all that is intimidating about seeing someone burn a flag nor would it incite me to violence to see one burned.

Oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

Now, THAT is quite a trifecta. Maybe you can tell us who is being oppressed, what group is being systematically targeted for elimination (the very definition of 'genocide'), and whose business are we meddling in.

Now, before you start writing reams of fiction, let's keep in mind that the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, our rights, and our country. So, if you can explain to me how our freedoms, our rights, or our country are intentionally and systematically doing these things, I would be most interested.

If, on the other hand, you know of individuals, or even groups, that are doing these things - THAT is a different issue. Maybe you can explain how burning the flag demonstrates your displeasure with the KKK, BLM, or whatever group you wish to attack. Aren't you attacking the wrong element?
Who told you that?

I was saying youre an idiot if you believe everyone that burns a flag is doing so with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?
To me it represents oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

No. i wouldnt agree. There is nothing at all that is intimidating about seeing someone burn a flag nor would it incite me to violence to see one burned.

Oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

Now, THAT is quite a trifecta. Maybe you can tell us who is being oppressed, what group is being systematically targeted for elimination (the very definition of 'genocide'), and whose business are we meddling in.

Now, before you start writing reams of fiction, let's keep in mind that the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, our rights, and our country. So, if you can explain to me how our freedoms, our rights, or our country are intentionally and systematically doing these things, I would be most interested.

If, on the other hand, you know of individuals, or even groups, that are doing these things - THAT is a different issue. Maybe you can explain how burning the flag demonstrates your displeasure with the KKK, BLM, or whatever group you wish to attack. Aren't you attacking the wrong element?
People of color are being oppressed world wide due to US policies.
The NA's can bring you up to speed on the genocidal nature of the US.
The US has its nose in every other countries business they can exploit for natural resources.

I dont expect you to research this or even consider it. I know you are emotionally invested in the flag. I just dont share your emotional attachment to the flag. I just see it as a harbinger of death, corruption, and theft. Excellent tinder for a roaring fire.

I am still waiting for you to tell me where your friends were at when they paid the price for my right to free speech. Why are you stalling?
20 year military veteran ....

I recognize your right to burn the flag ...

I only ask that you recognize how much it hurts to see you do it.
Why does it hurt? Thanks for being honest.

Why does it hurt?

Because I have seen the price paid to protect the right to burn the flag. I have held the guts of a kid from Illinois while he died for that flag, and for what it represents. I had my best friend take a bullet intended for me, leaving his wife and little boy devastated, all while defending that flag. Do you know what it's like to try to put his brains back in his head? I've laid in a hole in the ground all night as I watched enemy mortars trying to knock that flag down, and watched as it still stood in light of morning. I've participated in color guards at the funerals of military members, and seen widows who cling to that flag with a fierceness you can never understand, as if it were a symbol of the courage and honor of the loved one they lost. I watched a father receive the flag, then collapse on the ground crying incessantly, until finally he was able to stand, kiss the coffin of his child, come to attention and salute his little girl. A little girl he has lost forever.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.

I recognize the right to burn it --- hell, that's what I fought for. But, I find it ludicrous that those who have never defended that flag, nor defended the rights it represents, to so trivialize its meaning, and the sacrifices for it, to use the symbol of those freedoms and sacrifices to make a political argument. I consider to be a sacrilege and an insult to those who made the sacrifice so that "rights" can be abused, misused, and discarded so easily. We aren't burning a flag, we are demeaning and trivializing the efforts, and lives lost, to make it your right.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.
I dont mean to seem insensitive but where were your friends at when they paid a price so that americans could burn flags? How old are you? The last threat to our rights had to be back in the 1940's right?

Yeah ... right. You may not MEAN to seem insensitive, but you are - and damn good at it, too.

My career spanned over 20 years.

Your comment about "the last threat to our rights" is, simply, ludicrous. Maybe you should look around - our rights are under attack, both from outside and within, constantly. In fact, I would probably say that YOU are the biggest threat to our rights today ....
Your career? I asked where were your friends at when they paid this price you were talking about.

I'm a threat to the rights I just championed? I love having freedom of speech. I think you are being emotional or you are just making stuff up to justify your position.

Oh no, believe me, I'm not being emotional .... and, frankly, I resent the implication.

Let me explain why I think YOU are the greatest threat to our freedoms.

You like our freedom of speech - as long as we say what you want us to say. You like our freedom of the press - as long they publish what you want them to publish. You even like our freedom of religion - as long as we shut up and practice our religion behind closed doors where you don't have to be aware of it. You like our guns rights, as long as you can pull the fangs and make it irrelevant. You like our capitalism - as long as you can reap the benefits, without making a concordant contribution.

I have no fear that there is some great monolithic army that is going to land on our shores, conquer us and send us to gulags or otherwise restrict our freedom.

You, on the other hand, scare the hell out of me. It is the constant erosion of our rights, quaintly painted as political correctness, or government intrusion, or non-offensive actions, that is causing our rights to be systematically eroded. Whether it be gun rights, right to life, or exclusion of offensive speech from the public discourse, there is a concentrated, and orchestrated, effort to transfer control of our lives to a mythical government entity determined to orchestrate all elements of our lives. You have developed, and executed, a plan of attack to usurp the power of the individual, and the authority of the parent, trying to coalesce control in vast mindless bureaucracies who are insistent that they know best, and try to shoehorn individuals into one-size-fits-all solutions.

In my book, that makes YOU the most dangerous threat to my liberties.
Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?
To me it represents oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

No. i wouldnt agree. There is nothing at all that is intimidating about seeing someone burn a flag nor would it incite me to violence to see one burned.

Oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

Now, THAT is quite a trifecta. Maybe you can tell us who is being oppressed, what group is being systematically targeted for elimination (the very definition of 'genocide'), and whose business are we meddling in.

Now, before you start writing reams of fiction, let's keep in mind that the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, our rights, and our country. So, if you can explain to me how our freedoms, our rights, or our country are intentionally and systematically doing these things, I would be most interested.

If, on the other hand, you know of individuals, or even groups, that are doing these things - THAT is a different issue. Maybe you can explain how burning the flag demonstrates your displeasure with the KKK, BLM, or whatever group you wish to attack. Aren't you attacking the wrong element?
People of color are being oppressed world wide due to US policies.
The NA's can bring you up to speed on the genocidal nature of the US.
The US has its nose in every other countries business they can exploit for natural resources.

I dont expect you to research this or even consider it. I know you are emotionally invested in the flag. I just dont share your emotional attachment to the flag. I just see it as a harbinger of death, corruption, and theft. Excellent tinder for a roaring fire.

I am still waiting for you to tell me where your friends were at when they paid the price for my right to free speech. Why are you stalling?

Tell me about these world-wide policies of racial oppression. Or, is that just fiction?

NA? I assume 'native American"? You are seriously going to hold today's people responsible for the actions 150 years ago? You don't believe we have moved beyond that? Maybe you can enlighten us. History is just exactly that - history. All a people, all a country, all you can do is learn the lessons of history, and move forward. Frankly, given today's conditions, that's a pretty piss-poor example.

As for US nose in "every other countries business", have you bothered to consider whether the US has a vested interest in that "business"? Please --- why don't you give us one - just one - example of US "intrusion" in which the US did NOT have a vested interest? We'll wait.
Why does it hurt? Thanks for being honest.

Why does it hurt?

Because I have seen the price paid to protect the right to burn the flag. I have held the guts of a kid from Illinois while he died for that flag, and for what it represents. I had my best friend take a bullet intended for me, leaving his wife and little boy devastated, all while defending that flag. Do you know what it's like to try to put his brains back in his head? I've laid in a hole in the ground all night as I watched enemy mortars trying to knock that flag down, and watched as it still stood in light of morning. I've participated in color guards at the funerals of military members, and seen widows who cling to that flag with a fierceness you can never understand, as if it were a symbol of the courage and honor of the loved one they lost. I watched a father receive the flag, then collapse on the ground crying incessantly, until finally he was able to stand, kiss the coffin of his child, come to attention and salute his little girl. A little girl he has lost forever.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.

I recognize the right to burn it --- hell, that's what I fought for. But, I find it ludicrous that those who have never defended that flag, nor defended the rights it represents, to so trivialize its meaning, and the sacrifices for it, to use the symbol of those freedoms and sacrifices to make a political argument. I consider to be a sacrilege and an insult to those who made the sacrifice so that "rights" can be abused, misused, and discarded so easily. We aren't burning a flag, we are demeaning and trivializing the efforts, and lives lost, to make it your right.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.
I dont mean to seem insensitive but where were your friends at when they paid a price so that americans could burn flags? How old are you? The last threat to our rights had to be back in the 1940's right?

Yeah ... right. You may not MEAN to seem insensitive, but you are - and damn good at it, too.

My career spanned over 20 years.

Your comment about "the last threat to our rights" is, simply, ludicrous. Maybe you should look around - our rights are under attack, both from outside and within, constantly. In fact, I would probably say that YOU are the biggest threat to our rights today ....
Your career? I asked where were your friends at when they paid this price you were talking about.

I'm a threat to the rights I just championed? I love having freedom of speech. I think you are being emotional or you are just making stuff up to justify your position.

Oh no, believe me, I'm not being emotional .... and, frankly, I resent the implication.

Let me explain why I think YOU are the greatest threat to our freedoms.

You like our freedom of speech - as long as we say what you want us to say. You like our freedom of the press - as long they publish what you want them to publish. You even like our freedom of religion - as long as we shut up and practice our religion behind closed doors where you don't have to be aware of it. You like our guns rights, as long as you can pull the fangs and make it irrelevant. You like our capitalism - as long as you can reap the benefits, without making a concordant contribution.

I have no fear that there is some great monolithic army that is going to land on our shores, conquer us and send us to gulags or otherwise restrict our freedom.

You, on the other hand, scare the hell out of me. It is the constant erosion of our rights, quaintly painted as political correctness, or government intrusion, or non-offensive actions, that is causing our rights to be systematically eroded. Whether it be gun rights, right to life, or exclusion of offensive speech from the public discourse, there is a concentrated, and orchestrated, effort to transfer control of our lives to a mythical government entity determined to orchestrate all elements of our lives. You have developed, and executed, a plan of attack to usurp the power of the individual, and the authority of the parent, trying to coalesce control in vast mindless bureaucracies who are insistent that they know best, and try to shoehorn individuals into one-size-fits-all solutions.

In my book, that makes YOU the most dangerous threat to my liberties.
Seems like youre being emotional. That typically happens when one writes and makes no sense. Like here you are claiming to know what I feel. You should have capitalized "think" instead of "you".

I dont care what you say. Has no bearing on my day to day life. You can say what you want to as part of the freedom of speech right. I hate news that is biased. I just want the complete news. I am very open about religion as long as people dont try to recruit me after I tell them I am not interested.. I love my weapons. I have several of them and wish to acquire more. I dont like capitalism as practiced by the US and other predatory societies. Its dangerous and disruptive the world over.

There is no law saying you have to be politically correct. Its your lack of responsibility for wanting to take ownership for a backlash that makes you feel like that. Just like you can say things that are not politically correct, people can do what they wish within the law to punish you for it. Man up and take the consequences of your actions. The individual is never more important than the whole. We know this because without that concept you wouldnt be here today. Your ancestors would have died out due to the inability to protect themselves while being lone rangers.
Why does it hurt?

Because I have seen the price paid to protect the right to burn the flag. I have held the guts of a kid from Illinois while he died for that flag, and for what it represents. I had my best friend take a bullet intended for me, leaving his wife and little boy devastated, all while defending that flag. Do you know what it's like to try to put his brains back in his head? I've laid in a hole in the ground all night as I watched enemy mortars trying to knock that flag down, and watched as it still stood in light of morning. I've participated in color guards at the funerals of military members, and seen widows who cling to that flag with a fierceness you can never understand, as if it were a symbol of the courage and honor of the loved one they lost. I watched a father receive the flag, then collapse on the ground crying incessantly, until finally he was able to stand, kiss the coffin of his child, come to attention and salute his little girl. A little girl he has lost forever.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.

I recognize the right to burn it --- hell, that's what I fought for. But, I find it ludicrous that those who have never defended that flag, nor defended the rights it represents, to so trivialize its meaning, and the sacrifices for it, to use the symbol of those freedoms and sacrifices to make a political argument. I consider to be a sacrilege and an insult to those who made the sacrifice so that "rights" can be abused, misused, and discarded so easily. We aren't burning a flag, we are demeaning and trivializing the efforts, and lives lost, to make it your right.

So, yeah, it hurts to watch them do it.
I dont mean to seem insensitive but where were your friends at when they paid a price so that americans could burn flags? How old are you? The last threat to our rights had to be back in the 1940's right?

Yeah ... right. You may not MEAN to seem insensitive, but you are - and damn good at it, too.

My career spanned over 20 years.

Your comment about "the last threat to our rights" is, simply, ludicrous. Maybe you should look around - our rights are under attack, both from outside and within, constantly. In fact, I would probably say that YOU are the biggest threat to our rights today ....
Your career? I asked where were your friends at when they paid this price you were talking about.

I'm a threat to the rights I just championed? I love having freedom of speech. I think you are being emotional or you are just making stuff up to justify your position.

Oh no, believe me, I'm not being emotional .... and, frankly, I resent the implication.

Let me explain why I think YOU are the greatest threat to our freedoms.

You like our freedom of speech - as long as we say what you want us to say. You like our freedom of the press - as long they publish what you want them to publish. You even like our freedom of religion - as long as we shut up and practice our religion behind closed doors where you don't have to be aware of it. You like our guns rights, as long as you can pull the fangs and make it irrelevant. You like our capitalism - as long as you can reap the benefits, without making a concordant contribution.

I have no fear that there is some great monolithic army that is going to land on our shores, conquer us and send us to gulags or otherwise restrict our freedom.

You, on the other hand, scare the hell out of me. It is the constant erosion of our rights, quaintly painted as political correctness, or government intrusion, or non-offensive actions, that is causing our rights to be systematically eroded. Whether it be gun rights, right to life, or exclusion of offensive speech from the public discourse, there is a concentrated, and orchestrated, effort to transfer control of our lives to a mythical government entity determined to orchestrate all elements of our lives. You have developed, and executed, a plan of attack to usurp the power of the individual, and the authority of the parent, trying to coalesce control in vast mindless bureaucracies who are insistent that they know best, and try to shoehorn individuals into one-size-fits-all solutions.

In my book, that makes YOU the most dangerous threat to my liberties.
Seems like youre being emotional. That typically happens when one writes and makes no sense. Like here you are claiming to know what I feel. You should have capitalized "think" instead of "you".

I dont care what you say. Has no bearing on my day to day life. You can say what you want to as part of the freedom of speech right. I hate news that is biased. I just want the complete news. I am very open about religion as long as people dont try to recruit me after I tell them I am not interested.. I love my weapons. I have several of them and wish to acquire more. I dont like capitalism as practiced by the US and other predatory societies. Its dangerous and disruptive the world over.

There is no law saying you have to be politically correct. Its your lack of responsibility for wanting to take ownership for a backlash that makes you feel like that. Just like you can say things that are not politically correct, people can do what they wish within the law to punish you for it. Man up and take the consequences of your actions. The individual is never more important than the whole. We know this because without that concept you wouldnt be here today. Your ancestors would have died out due to the inability to protect themselves while being lone rangers.

Hmmm ---- I think you got lost in the fog of your rhetoric. You don't seem to have put together a coherent argument.

But, you did expose yourself - I will say that. I think you just got caught with your pants down.
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?
To me it represents oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

No. i wouldnt agree. There is nothing at all that is intimidating about seeing someone burn a flag nor would it incite me to violence to see one burned.

Oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

Now, THAT is quite a trifecta. Maybe you can tell us who is being oppressed, what group is being systematically targeted for elimination (the very definition of 'genocide'), and whose business are we meddling in.

Now, before you start writing reams of fiction, let's keep in mind that the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, our rights, and our country. So, if you can explain to me how our freedoms, our rights, or our country are intentionally and systematically doing these things, I would be most interested.

If, on the other hand, you know of individuals, or even groups, that are doing these things - THAT is a different issue. Maybe you can explain how burning the flag demonstrates your displeasure with the KKK, BLM, or whatever group you wish to attack. Aren't you attacking the wrong element?
People of color are being oppressed world wide due to US policies.
The NA's can bring you up to speed on the genocidal nature of the US.
The US has its nose in every other countries business they can exploit for natural resources.

I dont expect you to research this or even consider it. I know you are emotionally invested in the flag. I just dont share your emotional attachment to the flag. I just see it as a harbinger of death, corruption, and theft. Excellent tinder for a roaring fire.

I am still waiting for you to tell me where your friends were at when they paid the price for my right to free speech. Why are you stalling?

Tell me about these world-wide policies of racial oppression. Or, is that just fiction?

NA? I assume 'native American"? You are seriously going to hold today's people responsible for the actions 150 years ago? You don't believe we have moved beyond that? Maybe you can enlighten us. History is just exactly that - history. All a people, all a country, all you can do is learn the lessons of history, and move forward. Frankly, given today's conditions, that's a pretty piss-poor example.

As for US nose in "every other countries business", have you bothered to consider whether the US has a vested interest in that "business"? Please --- why don't you give us one - just one - example of US "intrusion" in which the US did NOT have a vested interest? We'll wait.
Not really something I tell you. You have to be intelligent enough to do your own research.

I didnt say anything about people. I said the flag that represented those policies.

Vested interest? Please define that. From what I recall that just means someone is going to make some money off of something.
I dont mean to seem insensitive but where were your friends at when they paid a price so that americans could burn flags? How old are you? The last threat to our rights had to be back in the 1940's right?

Yeah ... right. You may not MEAN to seem insensitive, but you are - and damn good at it, too.

My career spanned over 20 years.

Your comment about "the last threat to our rights" is, simply, ludicrous. Maybe you should look around - our rights are under attack, both from outside and within, constantly. In fact, I would probably say that YOU are the biggest threat to our rights today ....
Your career? I asked where were your friends at when they paid this price you were talking about.

I'm a threat to the rights I just championed? I love having freedom of speech. I think you are being emotional or you are just making stuff up to justify your position.

Oh no, believe me, I'm not being emotional .... and, frankly, I resent the implication.

Let me explain why I think YOU are the greatest threat to our freedoms.

You like our freedom of speech - as long as we say what you want us to say. You like our freedom of the press - as long they publish what you want them to publish. You even like our freedom of religion - as long as we shut up and practice our religion behind closed doors where you don't have to be aware of it. You like our guns rights, as long as you can pull the fangs and make it irrelevant. You like our capitalism - as long as you can reap the benefits, without making a concordant contribution.

I have no fear that there is some great monolithic army that is going to land on our shores, conquer us and send us to gulags or otherwise restrict our freedom.

You, on the other hand, scare the hell out of me. It is the constant erosion of our rights, quaintly painted as political correctness, or government intrusion, or non-offensive actions, that is causing our rights to be systematically eroded. Whether it be gun rights, right to life, or exclusion of offensive speech from the public discourse, there is a concentrated, and orchestrated, effort to transfer control of our lives to a mythical government entity determined to orchestrate all elements of our lives. You have developed, and executed, a plan of attack to usurp the power of the individual, and the authority of the parent, trying to coalesce control in vast mindless bureaucracies who are insistent that they know best, and try to shoehorn individuals into one-size-fits-all solutions.

In my book, that makes YOU the most dangerous threat to my liberties.
Seems like youre being emotional. That typically happens when one writes and makes no sense. Like here you are claiming to know what I feel. You should have capitalized "think" instead of "you".

I dont care what you say. Has no bearing on my day to day life. You can say what you want to as part of the freedom of speech right. I hate news that is biased. I just want the complete news. I am very open about religion as long as people dont try to recruit me after I tell them I am not interested.. I love my weapons. I have several of them and wish to acquire more. I dont like capitalism as practiced by the US and other predatory societies. Its dangerous and disruptive the world over.

There is no law saying you have to be politically correct. Its your lack of responsibility for wanting to take ownership for a backlash that makes you feel like that. Just like you can say things that are not politically correct, people can do what they wish within the law to punish you for it. Man up and take the consequences of your actions. The individual is never more important than the whole. We know this because without that concept you wouldnt be here today. Your ancestors would have died out due to the inability to protect themselves while being lone rangers.

Hmmm ---- I think you got lost in the fog of your rhetoric. You don't seem to have put together a coherent argument.

But, you did expose yourself - I will say that. I think you just got caught with your pants down.
No one has ever convinced me that what you think should be viewed with awe and respect.

I can tell by your reply that you have nothing that is cogent to express after reading my post.
And as usual you come with your talking points provided to you by your masters without checking the facts for yourself. Typical of you dimwitted alt rights that can barely read..

Flag Protection Act of 2005 - Wikipedia

"The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. "

I hate to break it to you but, when leftists are burning the flag they doing it exactly with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

You were saying...?
Who told you that?

I was saying youre an idiot if you believe everyone that burns a flag is doing so with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?

Me? I don't see any good reason to burn a flag, but I can think of some reasons why a person might...................

In the 1960's, our flag was burned here at home as a form of protest against an unnecessary war, Viet Nam.

I can see where some might have wanted to burn the flag in protest against Jr. and Cheney going into Iraq, because our country leaders went after Saddam instead of Bin Laden.

And......................if Trump and the Republicans crash the economy, or get us into another unnecessary war, I can see the possibility of people wanting to burn flags then as well. I said further up the thread, if I saw someone burning a flag, my first instinct is to shout something rude at them, but I would stifle it long enough to find out WHY they are burning the flag. If I think it's a stupid reason, then I let loose with a bit of my own free speech.

But, if I think they are on to something and can make a sound argument for it? I just might join them.

And, I say that as a 20 year veteran.
Not really something I tell you. You have to be intelligent enough to do your own research.

I didnt say anything about people. I said the flag that represented those policies.

Vested interest? Please define that. From what I recall that just means someone is going to make some money off of something.

Oh, that's how you call getting the talking points from MSNBC and CNN... a research.

And just as I told NYCarbineer in post #340, the same is valid for you.

From what I've seen so far, you're the biggest racists on this board, while at the same time you're accusing everyone else of the same. The fact is, you really still aren't getting it. You believe the sky is falling, because that's what "they" told you. It's not. Stop being so scared.

You came into this thread to shit on Trump and his supporters about his response to flag burning. It's been explained to you. Why are you still here? To discuss his policies? Which ones? Why? You won't be convinced of anything so you just want to yell and scream at the top of your lungs at people who you don't agree with. Like the protesters who are out there burning the flag.

Which is probably why what Trump said set you off. But the problem for you now is that you're in a room, throwing a tantrum at people who don't value your opinion. You screaming at a giant wall that is indifferent to your thoughts, your words and your existence.

Let me show you something:

You're the person handcuffed to the light post.

I wish I could say "I'm sorry", but I'm not. You did this to yourself and honestly I'm gonna enjoy watching your worldview unravel. Now, keep whining. Or burn the flag. I couldn't care less.
So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?
To me it represents oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

No. i wouldnt agree. There is nothing at all that is intimidating about seeing someone burn a flag nor would it incite me to violence to see one burned.

Oppression, genocide, and an inability to mind ones own business.

Now, THAT is quite a trifecta. Maybe you can tell us who is being oppressed, what group is being systematically targeted for elimination (the very definition of 'genocide'), and whose business are we meddling in.

Now, before you start writing reams of fiction, let's keep in mind that the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, our rights, and our country. So, if you can explain to me how our freedoms, our rights, or our country are intentionally and systematically doing these things, I would be most interested.

If, on the other hand, you know of individuals, or even groups, that are doing these things - THAT is a different issue. Maybe you can explain how burning the flag demonstrates your displeasure with the KKK, BLM, or whatever group you wish to attack. Aren't you attacking the wrong element?
People of color are being oppressed world wide due to US policies.
The NA's can bring you up to speed on the genocidal nature of the US.
The US has its nose in every other countries business they can exploit for natural resources.

I dont expect you to research this or even consider it. I know you are emotionally invested in the flag. I just dont share your emotional attachment to the flag. I just see it as a harbinger of death, corruption, and theft. Excellent tinder for a roaring fire.

I am still waiting for you to tell me where your friends were at when they paid the price for my right to free speech. Why are you stalling?

Tell me about these world-wide policies of racial oppression. Or, is that just fiction?

NA? I assume 'native American"? You are seriously going to hold today's people responsible for the actions 150 years ago? You don't believe we have moved beyond that? Maybe you can enlighten us. History is just exactly that - history. All a people, all a country, all you can do is learn the lessons of history, and move forward. Frankly, given today's conditions, that's a pretty piss-poor example.

As for US nose in "every other countries business", have you bothered to consider whether the US has a vested interest in that "business"? Please --- why don't you give us one - just one - example of US "intrusion" in which the US did NOT have a vested interest? We'll wait.
Not really something I tell you. You have to be intelligent enough to do your own research.

I didnt say anything about people. I said the flag that represented those policies.

Vested interest? Please define that. From what I recall that just means someone is going to make some money off of something.

1) I'll take the response to "racial oppression" to be non-responsive. You don't seem to be able to actually justify your position.

2) How can you hold a piece of cloth responsible? It is the people you attack.

3) Vested interest ---- your limited, and naive, definition allows you to frame your argument in a nice, neat little box, doesn't it? If somebody makes money, then it MUST be vested interest. You automatically exclude things like national security, the security of our allies, our commitment to honoring our treaties, etc. How convenient.

I also notice how you avoid your responsibility as a human being to stop the slaughter of millions, the oppression of millions, and the subjugation of millions. But, hey, it's none of our business, right?
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I hate to break it to you but, when leftists are burning the flag they doing it exactly with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

You were saying...?
Who told you that?

I was saying youre an idiot if you believe everyone that burns a flag is doing so with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?

Me? I don't see any good reason to burn a flag, but I can think of some reasons why a person might...................

In the 1960's, our flag was burned here at home as a form of protest against an unnecessary war, Viet Nam.

I can see where some might have wanted to burn the flag in protest against Jr. and Cheney going into Iraq, because our country leaders went after Saddam instead of Bin Laden.

And......................if Trump and the Republicans crash the economy, or get us into another unnecessary war, I can see the possibility of people wanting to burn flags then as well. I said further up the thread, if I saw someone burning a flag, my first instinct is to shout something rude at them, but I would stifle it long enough to find out WHY they are burning the flag. If I think it's a stupid reason, then I let loose with a bit of my own free speech.

But, if I think they are on to something and can make a sound argument for it? I just might join them.

And, I say that as a 20 year veteran.

As I have repeatedly said - I do not object to burning the flag.

However, I seriously question the rationale of some who do. In fact, I seriously object to the rationale of some who do.

Objecting to political policy is a justification to demean and trivialize the people who made the right to burn a flag possible? Sorry, I can't buy that one.

But then, that's my right, too.
Who told you that?

I was saying youre an idiot if you believe everyone that burns a flag is doing so with the purpose of intimidation and inciting violence.

Perhaps you can give us some other reasons why someone should burn the flag????
They may not like what the flag represents for starters. Are you really that clueless on why people would burn a flag?

So, tell us --- just exactly what does that flag represent that you dislike so much?

Further, wouldn't you agree that the reason for publicly burning the flag is to change other people's opinions, to intimidate them thru an act of violence, or to act against the government you detest so much?

Me? I don't see any good reason to burn a flag, but I can think of some reasons why a person might...................

In the 1960's, our flag was burned here at home as a form of protest against an unnecessary war, Viet Nam.

I can see where some might have wanted to burn the flag in protest against Jr. and Cheney going into Iraq, because our country leaders went after Saddam instead of Bin Laden.

And......................if Trump and the Republicans crash the economy, or get us into another unnecessary war, I can see the possibility of people wanting to burn flags then as well. I said further up the thread, if I saw someone burning a flag, my first instinct is to shout something rude at them, but I would stifle it long enough to find out WHY they are burning the flag. If I think it's a stupid reason, then I let loose with a bit of my own free speech.

But, if I think they are on to something and can make a sound argument for it? I just might join them.

And, I say that as a 20 year veteran.

As I have repeatedly said - I do not object to burning the flag.

However, I seriously question the rationale of some who do. In fact, I seriously object to the rationale of some who do.

Objecting to political policy is a justification to demean and trivialize the people who made the right to burn a flag possible? Sorry, I can't buy that one.

But then, that's my right, too.

People don't protest when things are going all right, they protest when they are going badly. Protesting against an ideology that is wrong for this country, even if you burn a flag to do it, is a way of saying you don't like the direction of this country and wish it would change. And, I really don't view someone burning a flag as something personal against me individually, I look at it as seeing someone who is dissatisfied with this country, and I'd like to know why.

You don't fix the things that are working okay, you fix the ones that aren't, and if you don't know something is broken or wrong, you won't take any action to rectify the situation. I look at protesters as a way to tell me if something MIGHT be wrong with the way this country is going (notice I said MIGHT be), and if so, I'd like to know what it is, so that if I'm able to help, I will.

To view someone burning a flag in protest against this country as a personal insult against me is kinda foolish though, I don't comprise the whole country, and there is the possibility that I might agree with them.

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