Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag

The right wing version of PC.

I hate to see the flag being burned, but I'll defend you if you do it.

Same as if you don't want to bake a cake.

So much for freedom of expression.
I'll never defend flag-burning.
I might buy you a ticket to Cuba if you don't like America.

What will that do if you buy someone a ticket to Cuba? When they come back from vacation they can just keep burning flags.
I think getting out of the US is an eye-opener for snowflakes.
It certainly was for me. There is a much better world out there.
You got that right.
I love America and the freedoms she gives us. Burning the flag sickens me. However, it should be allowed, it's freedom of expression. I also believe those offended by flag burning should be allowed the freedom of expression by punching the flag burner in the face.

Allowing flag burning allows us to identify who the assholes are in America. If you want to burn the flag, you have the right to do so. However if you hate this country so much that you burn the flag, then get the fuck out of America

Flag burning isn't the only way to ID an Asshole.

Message boards do a great job of it. Your post being the best case in point of fact.

My rating to post ratio is superior to yours. Looks like you're the real one, lol
What about wearing the flag on your head? This actually pisses me off.

Why does that piss you off?

Does this piss you off?


You obviously did not see her on the news this last summer...I found it very disrespectful.
She was cocky as hell while having "ulterior motives" ... You have to look at her past to see her intentions..

American domestic law enforcement policies have also received Ahmed’s condemnation during the 2010 trial of Mohamed Mohamud. An FBI sting operation had caught Mohamud seeking to detonate what he thought was a van loaded with explosives in downtown Portland, although his legal defense claimed entrapment.

Mohamud’s “family friend,” Ahmed condemned officials for irresponsible behavior, saying that the “Muslim community is the one suffering the consequences.” Ahmed concluded in charging the government with incitement after arson at Mohamud’s mosque. “We will take very serious action – politically and legally – against the government for this.”

Are you pissed off at her wearing the flag or her attitude? I dont understand what you are saying and what her views have to do with it.

Both...I think of wearing the flag is a honor... I was raised that way as my father fought in WWII

When you wear it disrespectfully I find it very upsetting, while it dishonors the life's taken while fighting for our freedoms.

The woman is the bikini is nothing like the Muslim woman being cocky and has past history of supporting terrorists..


Wearing the flag is in violation of the flag code. It's not supposed to be used as apparel.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints

...except you, of course.
I think it's morally questionable, reprehensible, and just un-American to burn the flag. However I understand why it's protected under the 1st amendment. The 1st amendment isn't in place so we can talk about the football game last night or the weather-it's to protect the freedom of speech of everybody-even the reprehensible members of society. Protecting the freedoms of those we don't agree with, is what the Bill of Rights is all about.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.
Yep. I think if you burn the flag, especially in the presence of a vet or current millitary (or family). You should receive a huge fine and spend time in jail.
No one has the right not to be offended
The left has a whole laundry list of people you are not allowed to offend.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.
Yep. I think if you burn the flag, especially in the presence of a vet or current millitary (or family). You should receive a huge fine and spend time in jail.

I'm guessing that burning a flag in front of you then wouldn't get anyone any time.
Try again.
You know, I spent 20 years of my life, and served in 4 war zones during that time, in the U.S. Navy. Yes, I've worn that flag in an active war zone, and yes, I'm a retired veteran.

Yes. I also believe that you should be able to burn a flag if you want to. Why? Burning something is generally understood to be a protest, because the person doing the protesting thinks something is wrong. Flags are only a small part of it, because people also burn effigys as well. If you are burning a flag in this country, then obviously you think there is something wrong with it and are trying to bring attention to it.

If I saw someone burning a flag, my first instinct might be to yell something derogatory at them, but I will follow that up with asking them why they are burning the flag, and what is it they feel is wrong with this country? Hell...........if they have a good enough cause they are protesting, I might join them.

I also find it remarkable that people who are bitching about burning the flag because they view it as "disrespectful", are the same ones wearing flag shirts, flag shorts, flag bikinis, flag underwear, etc.

I think leaving a skidmark on flag themed underwear is more disrespectful than burning it, because in that case, not only are you not even considering what you have on, you are also quite literally crapping on it.

And no...................the only crime you should lose your citizenship for is treason.
(which it is).
Here's how we got here.

Hillary sure did spend a lot of time stepping on her own dick

umm, she is also not stupid.

Setting up her own server was pretty damned stupid. It cost her the Presidency and all she got out of it was saving some embarrassement about what a corrupt political hack she is

When Republicans are after you for 30 years you'd be setting up your own server too. There was no law against using personal email and other heads of DoS used it and by the way, not only they used it, but also refused to turn over their emails. So it wasn't outright stupid, even if it ended up damaging her.

The REAL take away from this story is ridiculous inadequacy of federal electronic communication systems and ancient laws regulating their use.

So seriously, you actually believe that it was in doubt whether you can put secret and top secret information on your own server and expose it to your maid, IT staff and America's enemies. You actually believe the Hildabeast when she claims that?

You just walk up to Democrats, open your mouth and invite them to cum. It's sickening
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints
Trump is no longer a reality TV star....he is President

His views reflect not only in himself but the entire country that elected him

Thinking he can prosecute people for burning a flag and even revoke citizenship does not reflect well on his competency
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
He would be right to do so. Flag burning is HATE speech not protected by the First Amendment.

Burning the flag is showing contempt for the one thing that unites us. Doing this isn't showing contempt for the "other side," but for ALL Americans.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.
Yep. I think if you burn the flag, especially in the presence of a vet or current millitary (or family). You should receive a huge fine and spend time in jail.
No one has the right not to be offended
The left has a whole laundry list of people you are not allowed to offend.
Hasn't it been a tent pole argument from the Right against "political correctness" been no one has a right to not be offended?

Or did you mean no one other than yourself and those who agree with you?
I love America and the freedoms she gives us. Burning the flag sickens me. However, it should be allowed, it's freedom of expression. I also believe those offended by flag burning should be allowed the freedom of expression by punching the flag burner in the face.

Allowing flag burning allows us to identify who the assholes are in America. If you want to burn the flag, you have the right to do so. However if you hate this country so much that you burn the flag, then get the fuck out of America

Flag burning isn't the only way to ID an Asshole.

Message boards do a great job of it. Your post being the best case in point of fact.

My rating to post ratio is superior to yours. Looks like you're the real one, lol
Looks like you are worthy of a participation trophy

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