Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag

I've burnt flags and I was in the military. If you cant prove its cowardly then you are just being a snowflake again.
If that is true, if you have burnt the flag and used to be in the military I am glad you are no longer in the military, as doing so is a disgrace and an insult to the military and this country.

Some things don't have to be proven, such as the fact that Snowflakes burning American flags because they don't get their way are pu$$ies and cowards. YOU are one of the results of handing out 'participation' trophies instead of teaching kids some hard facts about life:
- Not everyone is a winner / you don't always win
- Try hard, do your best, and learn from your mistakes.
- Accept responsibilities, don't bale others - learn to assess yourself to get better
- Don't be a sore loser - be a gracious winner.

...things Snowflakes continuously prove they know nothing about.
I didnt ask if you were glad I'm not in the military. Thats irrelevant. I asked you to prove people that burned flags were cowards. Since you cant you are just being a snowflake.

I'm always a winner. Dont project your loser lifestyle on others. Man up and change your poor life.
You normally have very weak replies but you outdid yourself this time.
On September 22 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, in which he declared that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves in states in rebellion against the Union "shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free."
The US was formed in 1776. Why the delay and why did he only free slaves in the confederate states? Why not the ones in the union states that still had slaves? Oh I know why. He was a racist.


Is it easy and comfortable for you to call people racist while sitting on yur derriere?

Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.
I'll tell you after you tell me whats indecent about burning the american flag.

First, tell me what is decent about burning the U.S. flag.

I asked you first and you deflected. Please respond to my first question.

Just my opinion but the American flag represents freedom and many brave people have sacrificed and died for our rights to protest under the First Amendment. I would never burn an American flag, the symbol of freedom.


That "Freedom" is best represented by living in a country that allows you to burn the flag

Can you be any more free than that?

These RW'ers sort of win an election and all of the sudden they see their dreams of an American Conservatopia on the horizon.
I'd like to burn Melania's bra.

In the name of 'jealousy'?

In the name of heating my home for a month.

How big is your cardboard box?
The US was formed in 1776. Why the delay and why did he only free slaves in the confederate states? Why not the ones in the union states that still had slaves? Oh I know why. He was a racist.


Is it easy and comfortable for you to call people racist while sitting on yur derriere?

Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

Probably so. Most whites during that time had convinced themselves they were superior. There is a reason they voted for slavery in direct contradiction to their spoken values.

That may be true but its my right to bitch.
Is it easy and comfortable for you to call people racist while sitting on yur derriere?

Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

Probably so. Most whites during that time had convinced themselves they were superior. There is a reason they voted for slavery in direct contradiction to their spoken values.

That may be true but its my right to bitch.

Do you always speak for everyone in order to make your hate stronger?
Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

Probably so. Most whites during that time had convinced themselves they were superior. There is a reason they voted for slavery in direct contradiction to their spoken values.

That may be true but its my right to bitch.

Do you always speak for everyone in order to make your hate stronger?
I never speak for everyone. I just judge the results of their actions. I dont waste time hating. It makes you tired.
Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

Probably so. Most whites during that time had convinced themselves they were superior. There is a reason they voted for slavery in direct contradiction to their spoken values.

That may be true but its my right to bitch.

Do you always speak for everyone in order to make your hate stronger?
I never speak for everyone. I just judge the results of their actions. I dont waste time hating. It makes you tired.

As previously stated, you are tiresome.
So you are arguing that the USA should have done what? Racist ill informed liars have the worst ideas of how things in this country came to be, and no real understanding of history. I suppose this country had slaves for 300 years too. And that all of the southern people that fought, fought to keep slavery. I also guess that slaves were killed and incapacitated, and treated worse than the free blacks that were all over the country after they were "EMANCIPATED". Find a REAL history book published before 1920, and in a western territory state. As for Trump's tweet about the flag, it is just like all of the other things that he is putting out to show the rest of the country how stupid, shallow, unpatriotic, and vile liberals are and to bait the ultra stupid liberal press into making ignorant statements., The fact that there was a supreme court case to let scum burn flags means that the majority of people in those states didn't like desecrating the flag of the USA. Now as the liberal media jumps Trumps ass about it the country is watching the stupid shit say they like the idea of desecrating the flag. Chess is a pretty good game to try if you are really smart enough to design a strategy to make your opponent defeat himself. Right now Trump is controlling every stupid arrogant liberal piece of shit in the country, and making them PROVE beyond any doubt how stupid and shallow they really are. HAHAHAHA. It is JUST so funny to watch and read how stupid egotistical self assured Intellectual liberals are I have seen some ignorant people before, but most liberals are about as smart comparatively as a person from some country with no schools, that always lived in the jungle that is trying to do advanced calculus.
I have a strong objection to Donald Trump. Can I jail everyone who doesn't?

You have no authority.

When you get elected POTUS, knock yourself out then.

So you think Trump being president gives him the authority to go out and jail people who burn the flag?

Is that how it's done in your country?
No....that's how it's done in this country. How many people has Obama had locked up or brought charges against for speaking their minds? How many rightwingers has he harrassed using the IRS?

You can include me on that list.
Can you show us one person locked up for speaking their mind? This should be amusing to see you prove Obama locked anyone up.
No problem, spongelips.

‘Schindler’s List’ producer: Obama wants to ‘lock up’ foes

NEW YORK – “Schindler’s List” producer Gerald Molen, who is working on a new film with conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, says he will be watching for a federal court to deliver justice when a sentencing hearing is held in the fall on D’Souza’s violation of campaign laws.

D’Souza on Tuesday pleaded guilty to one part of a federal indictment in a plea bargain that had prosecutors give up on the worst counts. He will be sentenced in September.

There have been claims the case was a politically charged prosecution from the outset. Molen said he will be among those watching to make sure politics don’t influence the sentencing.

Molen issued a statement after D’Souza’s court hearing Tuesday.

“This administration doesn’t see its opponents as dissenters but as enemies, and if they can’t refute you, they try to lock you up,” he said.
Dinesh D'Souza did a year on trumped up charges for pissing Obama off.
Jailing flag burners would only overcrowd the prisons.

Summary execution and immediate cremation would not. Besides they can't bitch 'cause they just loves burning' shit!

We can build new prisons! Put people to work!
Also new funny farms....

But presumably, if they are illegals, they wouldn't stay in our prisons. They would go home and languish in their own prisons. Or be shot by their cops. Either way, meh.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The US was formed in 1776. Why the delay and why did he only free slaves in the confederate states? Why not the ones in the union states that still had slaves? Oh I know why. He was a racist.


Is it easy and comfortable for you to call people racist while sitting on yur derriere?

Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

For the most part, yes they were.

Since early colonial times, and until just a few decades ago, virtually all Whites believed race was a fundamental aspect of individual and group identity. They believed people of different races had different temperaments and abilities, and built markedly different societies. They believed that only people of European stock could maintain a society in which they would wish to live, and they strongly opposed miscegenation. For more than 300 years, therefore, American policy reflected a consensus on race that was the very opposite of what prevails today.

Those who would impute egalitarianism to the Founders should recall that in 1776, the year of the Declaration, race slavery was already more than 150 years old in North America and was practiced throughout the New World, from Canada to Chile.[2] In 1770, 40 percent of White households in Manhattan owned Black slaves, and there were more slaves in the colony of New York than in Georgia.[3] It was true that many of the Founders considered slavery a terrible injustice and hoped to abolish it, but they meant to expel the freed slaves from the United States, not to live with them in equality.

What the Founders Really Thought About Race
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

Probably so. Most whites during that time had convinced themselves they were superior. There is a reason they voted for slavery in direct contradiction to their spoken values.

That may be true but its my right to bitch.

Do you always speak for everyone in order to make your hate stronger?
I never speak for everyone. I just judge the results of their actions. I dont waste time hating. It makes you tired.

As previously stated, you are tiresome.
Most people with no real reason for complaining about my views feel I am tiresome. Facts make emotional people very tired.
Is it easy and comfortable for you to call people racist while sitting on yur derriere?

Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?

Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

For the most part, yes they were.

Since early colonial times, and until just a few decades ago, virtually all Whites believed race was a fundamental aspect of individual and group identity. They believed people of different races had different temperaments and abilities, and built markedly different societies. They believed that only people of European stock could maintain a society in which they would wish to live, and they strongly opposed miscegenation. For more than 300 years, therefore, American policy reflected a consensus on race that was the very opposite of what prevails today.

Those who would impute egalitarianism to the Founders should recall that in 1776, the year of the Declaration, race slavery was already more than 150 years old in North America and was practiced throughout the New World, from Canada to Chile.[2] In 1770, 40 percent of White households in Manhattan owned Black slaves, and there were more slaves in the colony of New York than in Georgia.[3] It was true that many of the Founders considered slavery a terrible injustice and hoped to abolish it, but they meant to expel the freed slaves from the United States, not to live with them in equality.

What the Founders Really Thought About Race

You realize women could not vote.
Were all the Founding Fathers racist?
You just like to bitch.

Probably so. Most whites during that time had convinced themselves they were superior. There is a reason they voted for slavery in direct contradiction to their spoken values.

That may be true but its my right to bitch.

Do you always speak for everyone in order to make your hate stronger?
I never speak for everyone. I just judge the results of their actions. I dont waste time hating. It makes you tired.

As previously stated, you are tiresome.
Most people with no real reason for complaining about my views feel I am tiresome. Facts make emotional people very tired.

Are you so arrogant as to turn your emotions into facts?
Probably so. Most whites during that time had convinced themselves they were superior. There is a reason they voted for slavery in direct contradiction to their spoken values.

That may be true but its my right to bitch.

Do you always speak for everyone in order to make your hate stronger?
I never speak for everyone. I just judge the results of their actions. I dont waste time hating. It makes you tired.

As previously stated, you are tiresome.
Most people with no real reason for complaining about my views feel I am tiresome. Facts make emotional people very tired.

Are you so arrogant as to turn your emotions into facts?
What does that have to do with the fact that this country championed slavery and genocide no matter how much you try to deflect from that fact?
I would if they were there when I did it. What do you think I would do different?

Try to act like a decent person?
Whats indecent about burning the flag?

What is decent about burning the American flag?

I'll tell you after you tell me whats indecent about burning the american flag.

First, tell me what is decent about burning the U.S. flag.

I don't know about decent but if I had a family member killed by the Ohio National Guard who were operating under the flag on May 4, 1970, I would not consider a protest and flag burning over that indecent. But that's just me.
Do you always speak for everyone in order to make your hate stronger?
I never speak for everyone. I just judge the results of their actions. I dont waste time hating. It makes you tired.

As previously stated, you are tiresome.
Most people with no real reason for complaining about my views feel I am tiresome. Facts make emotional people very tired.

Are you so arrogant as to turn your emotions into facts?
What does that have to do with the fact that this country championed slavery and genocide no matter how much you try to deflect from that fact?

I've never nor would I ever deflect from the egregious act of slavery, but you cannot speak for everyone. If everyone wanted slavery it would still be in existence.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints

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