Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag

i would also like to burn the Army Corp of Engineers flag, after what they did to my home in New Orleans, if you folks don't mind, that is.
What about wearing the flag on your head? This actually pisses me off.

Why does that piss you off?

Does this piss you off?

Yes, she needs to take that off! :banana::banana::banana:
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.
Yep. I think if you burn the flag, especially in the presence of a vet or current millitary (or family). You should receive a huge fine and spend time in jail.

I'm guessing that burning a flag in front of you then wouldn't get anyone any time.
I wouldn't be surprised if he came out with a new "tweet" in a few days: "After speaking with First Amendment advocates, I feel that burning the flag is a Constitutionally-protected activity that must be protected. We must protect speech even if we don't like it. God Bless America, believe me!"

You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.

Nobody believes that Trump is going to do anything that he says that should be done. We are merely confirming his stance of being opposed to freedom of speech. That seems to us to be rather significant, since he is the president elect. Of course, in his case, it is hardly surprising, having once said that he might be in favor of closing mosques, as well.
I wouldn't be surprised if he came out with a new "tweet" in a few days: "After speaking with First Amendment advocates, I feel that burning the flag is a Constitutionally-protected activity that must be protected. We must protect speech even if we don't like it. God Bless America, believe me!"

Trump is good at working various sides of an issue this way.
I've burnt flags and I was in the military. If you cant prove its cowardly then you are just being a snowflake again.
If that is true, if you have burnt the flag and used to be in the military I am glad you are no longer in the military, as doing so is a disgrace and an insult to the military and this country.

Some things don't have to be proven, such as the fact that Snowflakes burning American flags because they don't get their way are pu$$ies and cowards. YOU are one of the results of handing out 'participation' trophies instead of teaching kids some hard facts about life:
- Not everyone is a winner / you don't always win
- Try hard, do your best, and learn from your mistakes.
- Accept responsibilities, don't bale others - learn to assess yourself to get better
- Don't be a sore loser - be a gracious winner.

...things Snowflakes continuously prove they know nothing about.
I didnt ask if you were glad I'm not in the military. Thats irrelevant. I asked you to prove people that burned flags were cowards. Since you cant you are just being a snowflake.

I'm always a winner. Dont project your loser lifestyle on others. Man up and change your poor life.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.

Nobody believes that Trump is going to do anything that he says that should be done. We are merely confirming his stance of being opposed to freedom of speech. That seems to us to be rather significant, since he is the president elect. Of course, in his case, it is hardly surprising, having once said that he might be in favor of closing mosques, as well.
No what your doing is taking a statement and twisting it suit your own political views.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.

Nobody believes that Trump is going to do anything that he says that should be done. We are merely confirming his stance of being opposed to freedom of speech. That seems to us to be rather significant, since he is the president elect. Of course, in his case, it is hardly surprising, having once said that he might be in favor of closing mosques, as well.
Snowflakes only believe Trump will do the scary things. However, they spent the last few weeks trying to prove that he's not doing everything else he said he would do
What is decent about burning the American flag?

I'll tell you after you tell me whats indecent about burning the american flag.

First, tell me what is decent about burning the U.S. flag.

I asked you first and you deflected. Please respond to my first question.

Just my opinion but the American flag represents freedom and many brave people have sacrificed and died for our rights to protest under the First Amendment. I would never burn an American flag, the symbol of freedom.


That "Freedom" is best represented by living in a country that allows you to burn the flag

Can you be any more free than that?

These RW'ers sort of win an election and all of the sudden they see their dreams of an American Conservatopia on the horizon.
Can you show us one person locked up for speaking their mind? This should be amusing to see you prove Obama locked anyone up.
That would be the director/producer of the infamous video Barry and Hillary tried to use as an excuse for the f* up in allowing 4 Americans to needlessly die in Benghazi.

Both openly declared they would put the filmmaker in jail for exercising his 1st Amendment Right - Hillary told the deceased relatives she was going to make the filmmaker pay.
So no one then? Is this filmmaker in prison?

The scapegoat for Benghazi was released from prison.

We’re kidding ourselves. The Benghazi attack should humble us. Not just because our ambassador and three aides were killed, but because all of us—even those who thought they were uncovering the truth behind a lie—were wrong about what happened.

In the days after the assault, spokesmen for the Obama administration linked it to an anti-Muslim video that had triggered riots elsewhere. Republicans accused the administration of drawing this conclusion because it suited Obama’s worldview. It reduced the attack to a matter of diplomacy and, in Romney’s words, “apologizing.” Liberals had rushed to believe what they wanted to believe.

As early accounts of a protest at the consulate collapsed, Republicans substituted their own story. The video, they explained, was irrelevant. Instead, the attack had been plotted by allies of al-Qaida to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11. This story, too, suited the worldview of its advocates. It reduced the Benghazi incident to a matter of security, warfare, and refusing to apologize. And, like the protest story, it has unraveled.

The intelligence from Libya was confused all along. The attack took place in the midst of uprisings against the video across the Muslim world, aimed particularly at U.S. embassies. The rage, though real, was ignited and stoked by anti-American extremists. That’s how it often is with mob violence: One man’s motivation is another man’s pretext. In Benghazi, witnesses saw attackers and onlookers. The problem was figuring out the relationship between them. The CIA’s initial assessments suggested a hybrid scenario: a demonstration “spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" that "evolved into a direct assault" by extremists.

Republicans Said Obama Misrepresented the Libya attack. Now the Joke’s On Them.
Did the members of Congress all agree?
I must admit, you are tiresome.
Did the members of congress revolt or go with the program of slavery and genocide?

On September 22 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, in which he declared that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves in states in rebellion against the Union "shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free."
The US was formed in 1776. Why the delay and why did he only free slaves in the confederate states? Why not the ones in the union states that still had slaves? Oh I know why. He was a racist.


Is it easy and comfortable for you to call people racist while sitting on yur derriere?

Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I've placed zero conditions on you. I simply offered my opinion.
It wasnt an opinion. It was a directive. If you want something to happen you must be prepared to pay for it.

Burn it in front a Gold Star family's home in the South and discover the violence and chaos that most likely will ensure. You're brave, aren't you?

Don't project your feelings onto me. I'm not a flag burner nor am I an instigator of violence. You're the flag burner, remember?
I didnt project anything. I just pointed out if you want to dare me to do something you need to pay for it.

I've not dared you to do anything. Do you only take action if people dare you?

Yes you dared me. I just called your bluff.

Burn it in front a Gold Star family's home in the South and discover the violence and chaos that most likely will ensure. You're brave, aren't you?

No. My action is largely determined by what I am motivated to do.

If you desire to burn a flag, burn it. Do you really need anyone's permission?
Did the members of congress revolt or go with the program of slavery and genocide?

On September 22 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, in which he declared that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves in states in rebellion against the Union "shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free."
The US was formed in 1776. Why the delay and why did he only free slaves in the confederate states? Why not the ones in the union states that still had slaves? Oh I know why. He was a racist.


Is it easy and comfortable for you to call people racist while sitting on yur derriere?

Never thought about it.

What does that have to do with the point that the US government supported slavery and genocide?

Why do you choose to live here?
I get to make money and i was born here. Are you saying that I should move because the founding fathers were racists thereby proving my point about the hypocritical nature of the flag?
It wasnt an opinion. It was a directive. If you want something to happen you must be prepared to pay for it.

Don't project your feelings onto me. I'm not a flag burner nor am I an instigator of violence. You're the flag burner, remember?
I didnt project anything. I just pointed out if you want to dare me to do something you need to pay for it.

I've not dared you to do anything. Do you only take action if people dare you?

Yes you dared me. I just called your bluff.

Burn it in front a Gold Star family's home in the South and discover the violence and chaos that most likely will ensure. You're brave, aren't you?

No. My action is largely determined by what I am motivated to do.

If you desire to burn a flag, burn it. Do you really need anyone's permission?
I didnt ask for you permission. I just said if you are going to put conditions on where and when I do it then you have to pay for it.

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