Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag

You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints
Trump is no longer a reality TV star....he is President

His views reflect not only in himself but the entire country that elected him

Thinking he can prosecute people for burning a flag and even revoke citizenship does not reflect well on his competency

He's only resuscitating an idea put forth by hiLIARy and Babs Boxer back in 2005, bub.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints
Trump is no longer a reality TV star....he is President

His views reflect not only in himself but the entire country that elected him

Thinking he can prosecute people for burning a flag and even revoke citizenship does not reflect well on his competency

He's only resuscitating an idea put forth by hiLIARy and Babs Boxer back in 2005, bub.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints
Trump is no longer a reality TV star....he is President

His views reflect not only in himself but the entire country that elected him

Thinking he can prosecute people for burning a flag and even revoke citizenship does not reflect well on his competency

He's only resuscitating an idea put forth by hiLIARy and Babs Boxer back in 2005, bub.

You really do live in a hardened prog bubble. And you apparently never learned how to search for information on the interwebs. SAD!

The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced in the United States Senate at the 109th United States Congress on October 24, 2005, by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) and co-sponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.). Later co-sponsors included Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.).[1]

The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. It called for a punishment of no more than one year in prison and a fine of no more than $100,000; unless that flag was property of the United States Government, in which case the penalty would be a fine of not more than $250,000, not more than two years in prison, or both.[1][2][3]...

Flag Protection Act of 2005 - Wikipedia
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints
Trump is no longer a reality TV star....he is President

His views reflect not only in himself but the entire country that elected him

Thinking he can prosecute people for burning a flag and even revoke citizenship does not reflect well on his competency

He's only resuscitating an idea put forth by hiLIARy and Babs Boxer back in 2005, bub.

You really do live in a hardened prog bubble. And you apparently never learned how to search for information on the interwebs. SAD!

The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced in the United States Senate at the 109th United States Congress on October 24, 2005, by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) and co-sponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.). Later co-sponsors included Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.).[1]

The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. It called for a punishment of no more than one year in prison and a fine of no more than $100,000; unless that flag was property of the United States Government, in which case the penalty would be a fine of not more than $250,000, not more than two years in prison, or both.[1][2][3]...

Flag Protection Act of 2005 - Wikipedia
Ridiculous, pandering law

Hillary was an idiot for supporting it......Trump, as president, is a bigger idiot
Trump's tweet is driving leftist crazy, but at least they stop talking about Black Lives and muh trans rights...

They used to control the narrative and he took that from them. With a single tweet he turn the discussions to the right and nobody is talking about their favorite subjects.

He plays 4D chess with them, although it sounds more like Bannon.
AbsolutelllllllllYYYY Brother AmeRicanO you are the sharpest knife I have seen post in this thread!!!!! hahahahaA1
AbsolutelllllllllYYYY Brother AmeRicanO you are the sharpest knife I have seen post in this thread!!!!! hahahahaA1

It's pure joy reading leftists whining about First Amendment rights, for which they didn't care when was Hillary co-sponsoring the Act that actually punish burning the flag. Trump is not even president yet and they crying their eyes out already.

By the way, it's time to remind leftists that first amendment is not just about freedom of speech.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution
The only thing being reflected here is some people's inability to look past their own partisan viewpoints
Trump is no longer a reality TV star....he is President

His views reflect not only in himself but the entire country that elected him

Thinking he can prosecute people for burning a flag and even revoke citizenship does not reflect well on his competency

He's only resuscitating an idea put forth by hiLIARy and Babs Boxer back in 2005, bub.

Suddenly things that happened that long ago matter.......
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.

Whats irresponsible about promoting facism??? You got to be kidding me.


I guess we should never make statements against burning flags, but pass laws to keep people from flying them.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.

Our Mr. Tweety President elect strikes again--LOL I suspect we'll see this for the next 4 years, if he's not impeached first.

1st amendment rights guarantees freedom of speech, and the court has already ruled that burning the U.S. Flag is part of that protection.


Sweet baby Jesus--he's not even President yet, where criticism comes at you from every direction, and he just cannot learn to ignore it. Trump needs a straight jacket already.

But that's a Narcissist for you. They not only need constant attention, but they have be ADORED in order to survive their personality disorder.

A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


And he's definitely not getting a lot of LOVE here--LOL

You do realize that Trump's tweet is not a law, and it's not even proposal for the law (unlike Hillary's Act of 2005). It's just an opinion.

And that opinion is not about whether it's good or bad. It's about making leftists flip and go muh Constitution, muh free speech. Leftists didn't seem to care about first, or second, or tenth, or any amendment when they had power... look at them now.
You guys do realize that expressing an opinion is not calling for something right? Get back to us if he calls on congress to pass a bill for such measures that he says he will sign into law. Which the courts would rule unconstitutional by the way.
Trump is a big boy now
He is no longer calling Howard Stern and spouting whatever pops into his head

As President, it reflects on his judgement and knowledge of our Constitution

When... sorry... WHEN did you start caring about the Constitution?
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.

Our Mr. Tweety President elect strikes again--LOL I suspect we'll see this for the next 4 years, if he's not impeached first.

1st amendment rights guarantees freedom of speech, and the court has already ruled that burning the U.S. Flag is part of that protection.


Sweet baby Jesus--he's not even President yet, where criticism comes at you from every direction, and he just cannot learn to ignore it. Trump needs a straight jacket already.

But that's a Narcissist for you. They not only need constant attention, but they have be ADORED in order to survive their personality disorder.

A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


And he's definitely not getting a lot of LOVE here--LOL


I love the eternameltdown.

Trying to drag the regressives into the light, but true to form they fight every inch of the way...


Gotta love leftist meltdown.

Trump is not a politician by trade, he's a businessman. For most, the election would be the end, for the average politician, the majority of their job is to secure election. Even when in office, they never stop campaigning.

For Trump, the election was just the beginning, his goal wasn't to win the election, it's to make America great again. To do that, he needs to continue beating down the opposition, to use his influence in social media to win people to his cause and male his detractors look foolish, over and over.

He may be a narcissist, but he's a PR genius, and he's using that knowledge for good.

He basically tweeted what Hillary said some 10 years ago, and leftists are attacking him. Reeeee, you can't do that, it's unconstitutional. LOL. The tweet is microcosm of why they lost.

I love it!
You have to learn to understand your new President people. There's always something else embedded in what he says. I'll translate his intended message:
"I'm sick and tired of watching our lowest grade humans suck the system tit and depend on this countries policies to survive and then openly disrespect it and fight for the right to disrespect it."
Is it odd to anyone that good quality, proud, REAL American's would never think of disrespecting our flag?
Many would beat your ass for doing it.
20 year military veteran ....

I recognize your right to burn the flag ...

I only ask that you recognize how much it hurts to see you do it.
20 year military veteran ....

I recognize your right to burn the flag ...

I only ask that you recognize how much it hurts to see you do it.

IMO, there is no right to burn the flag. It's interpreted as free speech, and that interpretation could change.

About the revoking citizenship... according to Trop v. Dulles, 356 U.S. 86 (1958), it's unconstitutional for the government to revoke the citizenship of a U.S. citizen as a punishment.

However, I believe that as US citizen I have constitutional rights, but I don't think citizenship itself is a right, but privilege.

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