Trump Wants To Unilaterally Disarm Americans

NRA’s Warnings Have Come True: A President Wants To Unilaterally Disarm Americans

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second,” said President Donald Trump, a Republican.

For years, the National Rifle Association has been warning gun-loving Americans of a president who will take away their firearms, no matter what the Second Amendment says.

On Wednesday, that conservative nightmare became a reality when the current Republican U.S. president, Donald Trump, proposed taking away people’s guns, even without the legal right to do so.

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second,” Trump said at a meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers at the White House. “I like taking the guns early.”

Trump said law enforcement officers should specifically have taken the firearms possessed by Nikolas Cruz, the suspected gunman in the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

“I think they should have taken them away, whether they had the right or not,” he said.

The NRA has consistently insisted that Democratic politicians are a threat to the Second Amendment. The group warned that President Barack Obama was “coming for our guns” and said, if elected, Hillary Clinton would “come for your guns, she will attack your right to carry, she will attack your most basic right to defend your family with a firearm in your home.”

All this fear-mongering was big business for the gun industry, which saw sales skyrocket during Obama’s presidency.

While Trump praised the gun lobbying group on Wednesday, he also urged lawmakers not to be scared of the organization. NRA leaders reportedly appealed directly to Trump not to raise the age limit for buying certain guns.

It’s fairly easy to imagine how the NRA would have reacted had Obama or Clinton made a statement about taking guns away without due process. But the group did not immediately return a request for comment on Wednesday about what it thinks of Trump’s remarks.

More: NRA's Warnings Have Come True: A President Wants To Unilaterally Disarm Americans

It may just be an act - but Trump is acting like he wants to do something really big on gun control. Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump turns out to be the "gun-grabber" that NRA gun nuts have been fearing?

he is calling for action

big action

like hardening the security at schools and arming staff nationally

instead of pretending that gun free zones are a safe place for the children

Gun free zones were a failure from the get go, but arming staff nationally is like trading public psychos for gov psychos and it will be the real loss of freedom ...eventually.

Well no one that I know advocates "arming psychos"
Another surreal, silly OP. When Trump said take the guns first and then do due process, he was talking about extreme cases involving the mentally ill. They would still get due process, but would just have their guns held during the investigation and exam.
Would the Rs let something like this pass?
Of course not. Their silence is deafening.

Imagine if Obama proposed this? Holy shit. Hannity’s head would literally explode on live tv. CrusaderFrank and the rest of the USMB Wingnut Brigade would crash the servers with a billion “Obama is a dictator” threads.

If obama proposed it I would be against it every bit as much as I'm against it now.
NRA’s Warnings Have Come True: A President Wants To Unilaterally Disarm Americans

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second,” said President Donald Trump, a Republican.

For years, the National Rifle Association has been warning gun-loving Americans of a president who will take away their firearms, no matter what the Second Amendment says.

On Wednesday, that conservative nightmare became a reality when the current Republican U.S. president, Donald Trump, proposed taking away people’s guns, even without the legal right to do so.

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second,” Trump said at a meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers at the White House. “I like taking the guns early.”

Trump said law enforcement officers should specifically have taken the firearms possessed by Nikolas Cruz, the suspected gunman in the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

“I think they should have taken them away, whether they had the right or not,” he said.

The NRA has consistently insisted that Democratic politicians are a threat to the Second Amendment. The group warned that President Barack Obama was “coming for our guns” and said, if elected, Hillary Clinton would “come for your guns, she will attack your right to carry, she will attack your most basic right to defend your family with a firearm in your home.”

All this fear-mongering was big business for the gun industry, which saw sales skyrocket during Obama’s presidency.

While Trump praised the gun lobbying group on Wednesday, he also urged lawmakers not to be scared of the organization. NRA leaders reportedly appealed directly to Trump not to raise the age limit for buying certain guns.

It’s fairly easy to imagine how the NRA would have reacted had Obama or Clinton made a statement about taking guns away without due process. But the group did not immediately return a request for comment on Wednesday about what it thinks of Trump’s remarks.

More: NRA's Warnings Have Come True: A President Wants To Unilaterally Disarm Americans

It may just be an act - but Trump is acting like he wants to do something really big on gun control. Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump turns out to be the "gun-grabber" that NRA gun nuts have been fearing?

He's right though. In an emergency situation when there is clear and present danger or immanent threat or suicide ideology I would like police to have authority similar to removing children from home where there are clear signs of child abuse.

--removal of guns would be temporary pending court date within 3-5days. That's how it works in most states for child protection services.

--this would only work at state level, it's up to the states, all the feds can do is make sure NICs is airtight and people aren't selling guns out of their car in a Cracker Barrel parking lot.

Emergency, special circumstances only.

If you read the report on the colorado shooter and see what he told his school psychiatrist. Police could have visited his apartment and seen his stockpiles and explosives. Saved lives. These guys don't escalate in a vacuum.
Another surreal, silly OP. When Trump said take the guns first and then do due process, he was talking about extreme cases involving the mentally ill. They would still get due process, but would just have their guns held during the investigation and exam.

I don't think the GOP senators realized that.

I agree -- extreme high risk individuals, suicidal people, domestic abusers... anyone who threatens a neighbor with a gun and says "I will kill you." while drunk or high...

It's amazing that some states don't require police making a domestic abuse arrest to search the house, and some only allow police to take guns in plain sight.

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