Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'

" entirely plausible allegations"
^^^^^^^ right DESIGNED to fit the
constructed CONSTRUCT
Lol..This was proposal nothing more than a deflection from Trump calling our fallen soldiers losers.
Which there is no proof of, other than an article in the Atlantic (which refused to name their "sources"), and that FOX News called a total fabrication....

Not to the journalists.
If they have "proof", they need to have the "witnesses" come forward....

Otherwise, there is no evidence that they were anywhere near what Trump is being accused of (or any proof that they even exist).....
Admit it. Even if everyone came forward and publicly stated what they heard the president say about our troops you would call them liars and then work to destroy them. In the end Trumpbots would forgive dear leader for pissing on anything they supposedly treasure.
So you think they should hide their "witnesses", where no one can tell if they even exist????

If you can't produce a witness to something, we have to assume that you don't have one....
If we had tape of these statements coming out of his mouth you would still defend him.
If you have one, post it....

Otherwise, you just have an allegation with no identifiable "witnesses"...

We don't know if they even exist, or if one of the drug-addled reporters at the Atlantic just made it up....
You are still defending Trump after everything he has done and said right out in the open. Doubtful there is any piece of verified information that you would accept or any action by him that would move you to withdraw your support.
How about giving us a verifiable witness????

You don't have one, do you????
How about acting as if you are not a blind follower of a deeply flawed leader? The reason the Atlantic article has gained so much traction is that it rings true with what is already known. When Trump is finally out of office and the price of telling the truth is no longer so high all these people will come forward, will you still think it's a lie?
How about giving us some proof of what you're claiming, since Bolton (no fan of Trump) has even publically stated that it's a lie????
Your wish for absolute verification is a lie since you probably totally accept all the totally unverified Qanon crap.
Well, asking you to give us some reason to believe you, like actual statements from witnesses (where we don't assume that you're just trying to feed us some fabricated bullshit) isn't unreasonable....
In the end you are going to believe whatever you want. The real tragedy is that when Trump is out of office for a few years you will not admit having ever supported him.
Translation: You've got nothing.....

Just as I thought....
I've already stated that there is nothing that could sway your blind support for your dear leader. You are probably proud of that fact.
Well, some evidence that you're not lying out your ass would help....

But you don't have any....
What do you have to prove that the biggest narcissist we have ever seen did not say those things? Your flat refusal to accept these entirely plausible allegations says a lot about you. I am not trying to change your mind. Only you can do that. If anything I am ridiculing the attitude of the Trump true believers who will follow him no matter what he defiles.
I'll tell you what...

Get back to me when you find some proof for your allegations...

Until then, we'll just have to assume that you're spouting bullshit, and upset that nobody's buying it....
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

the whole USA is the president's job The idiotic
1619 program is DANGEROUS RADICAL ETHNOCENTRISM (the stuff of which fascism is made)
We have a Department of Education. One person cannot be expected to understand or know everything that is going on. Merely using the bully pulpit and being willing to be arbitrary and capricious is a misuse of power.

All laws of a general nature shall have uniform operation.
You damned sure swallow unsourced allegations if they come from some conservative blog no one ever heard of.
I guess you are accusing conservatives in general not me specifically
What do you have to prove that the biggest narcissist we have ever seen did not say those things?
this is Alice in Wonderland illogic

dont they teach civics in school anymore?
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

To whom does the Department of Education answer?
The bottom line is, you can't trust the new age Democrat communists any more than you can trust Beijing communists. The only way to get back to good government is to vote Republican, otherwise we'll have 4 more years of coups and ignoramic investigations. The betting odds are that the media already has which bogus investigations will be raised and the order in which they will be brought up. Don't vote for these communists. Live and let live. MAGA
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

To whom does the Department of Education answer?
Where is the official review of the Department of Education on this issue?
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

To whom does the Department of Education answer?
Where is the official review of the Department of Education on this issue?

Irrelevant in any case.
Lol..This was proposal nothing more than a deflection from Trump calling our fallen soldiers losers.
Which there is no proof of, other than an article in the Atlantic (which refused to name their "sources"), and that FOX News called a total fabrication....

Not to the journalists.
If they have "proof", they need to have the "witnesses" come forward....

Otherwise, there is no evidence that they were anywhere near what Trump is being accused of (or any proof that they even exist).....
Admit it. Even if everyone came forward and publicly stated what they heard the president say about our troops you would call them liars and then work to destroy them. In the end Trumpbots would forgive dear leader for pissing on anything they supposedly treasure.
So you think they should hide their "witnesses", where no one can tell if they even exist????

If you can't produce a witness to something, we have to assume that you don't have one....
If we had tape of these statements coming out of his mouth you would still defend him.
If you have one, post it....

Otherwise, you just have an allegation with no identifiable "witnesses"...

We don't know if they even exist, or if one of the drug-addled reporters at the Atlantic just made it up....
You are still defending Trump after everything he has done and said right out in the open. Doubtful there is any piece of verified information that you would accept or any action by him that would move you to withdraw your support.
How about giving us a verifiable witness????

You don't have one, do you????
How about acting as if you are not a blind follower of a deeply flawed leader? The reason the Atlantic article has gained so much traction is that it rings true with what is already known. When Trump is finally out of office and the price of telling the truth is no longer so high all these people will come forward, will you still think it's a lie?

The Left does not give a flying fuck about troops. This is another failed attempt at “GET TRUMP”.

- The Left called our troops ‘baby killers’
- The Left spit on our troops
- The Left threw rocks and stones at troops
- The Left accused troops of being war criminals
- The Left sued to keep votes from troops out of the Election.
- The Left accused troops of torturing and terrorizing women and children
- The Left cavorted with the enemy during war
- The Left was more concerned about Saddam Hussein being photographed in his underwear.
- The Left referred to a terrorist mastermind against America as an “accomplished religious scholar”.
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

To whom does the Department of Education answer?
Where is the official review of the Department of Education on this issue?

Irrelevant in any case.
Only to the right wing. Misuse of power to push right wing bigotry and race baiting is not the job of the President of our Republic.
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

To whom does the Department of Education answer?
Where is the official review of the Department of Education on this issue?

Irrelevant in any case.
Only to the right wing. Misuse of power to push right wing bigotry and race baiting is not the job of the President of our Republic.

Without a legal basis, you have no argument.
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

To whom does the Department of Education answer?
Where is the official review of the Department of Education on this issue?

Irrelevant in any case.
Only to the right wing. Misuse of power to push right wing bigotry and race baiting is not the job of the President of our Republic.

Without a legal basis, you have no argument.
There are good people on both sides.
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'
Proof right wingers don't care about misuse of power.

Please explain the "misuse of power" you describe in legal terms.
It is not the job of the President to deny or disparage educational curriculum. We have a Department of Education to look into those matters and then provide guidance.

To whom does the Department of Education answer?
Where is the official review of the Department of Education on this issue?

Irrelevant in any case.
Only to the right wing. Misuse of power to push right wing bigotry and race baiting is not the job of the President of our Republic.

Without a legal basis, you have no argument.
There are good people on both sides.

Indeed. Good people can often be wrong.
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'

1619 Project Creator Admits “It Is Not A History” But a Fight “to Control the National Narrative”

Critic: 1619 Project trying to have it both ways, “it’s presented as “history” when convenient, to give it credibility (as in the curriculum description) but deemed non-history when its lack of historical rigor has been challenged.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) thrust the New York Times‘ 1619 Project back into the spotlight when he threatened to defund schools that use it in the curriculum.

The discussion led creator Hannah Jones to admit the 1619 Project is not history, but a “work of journalism.”

The 1619 Project leads one to believe the founding of America happened in 1619 when the first slave ship arrived in Virginia. The introduction states: “No aspect of the country that would be formed here has been untouched by the years of slavery that followed.” The beginning explains:

The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.

…. her pet project is a work of fiction.

Even if Jones wanted the 1619 Project to be a “work in journalism” she chose the wrong term. Journalism, like history, should report the truth. Not your truth. Not alternative facts.”
1619 Project Creator Admits "It Is Not A History" But a Fight "to Control the National Narrative"
Good, but not enough. The public school system needs to be purged of all revisionist nonsense.

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project 'will not be funded'

1619 Project Creator Admits “It Is Not A History” But a Fight “to Control the National Narrative”

Critic: 1619 Project trying to have it both ways, “it’s presented as “history” when convenient, to give it credibility (as in the curriculum description) but deemed non-history when its lack of historical rigor has been challenged.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) thrust the New York Times‘ 1619 Project back into the spotlight when he threatened to defund schools that use it in the curriculum.

The discussion led creator Hannah Jones to admit the 1619 Project is not history, but a “work of journalism.”

The 1619 Project leads one to believe the founding of America happened in 1619 when the first slave ship arrived in Virginia. The introduction states: “No aspect of the country that would be formed here has been untouched by the years of slavery that followed.” The beginning explains:

The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.

…. her pet project is a work of fiction.

Even if Jones wanted the 1619 Project to be a “work in journalism” she chose the wrong term. Journalism, like history, should report the truth. Not your truth. Not alternative facts.”
1619 Project Creator Admits "It Is Not A History" But a Fight "to Control the National Narrative"
Like yellow journalism during the Industrial Revolution?

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