Trump was right all along

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Nope for 2 reasons.

There are way more unvaxxed whites than the total amount of Blacks vaxxed or not.

Medical racism and experimentation gives them a valid reason to not want to get the vax. WTF is wrong with whites? Whats their reason?
Perhaps many have had it (like myself) and don’t need it. Perhaps many just want to roll the dice. It again only kills the old and the weak so why does it bother you? Please explain .
When you ask a factual question I will give you the answer. That silly shit ^^^ is not true.
Of course it is. 99% survive it. So if you die from it, you have an inferior immune system. I am dead serious. This is nature’s way of weeding out the weak. My entire family had it and we are still here. I even helped the weak by donating my evolved platelets that bested COVID19. Acknowledge me.
When you ask a factual question I will give you the answer. That silly shit ^^^ is not true.
It’s 100% true. Holy fuck you don’t even know how statistics work and you still insist on making statements on this forum as if you actually fucking know.
and then infected multiple retarded Drumpf supporters that refused to get vaxxed.

Does it not bother you at all that you come across as either completely ignorant or totally disingenuous? It has been explained ad nauseum that these are infection permissive vaccines, and the virus infects, replicates and sheds in vaccinated hosts just like it does in unvaccinated hosts. Hence, whether or not people were vaccinated was immaterial to the Delta variant getting a foothold here. Not to mention that your assessment of the unvaccinated as Trump supporters is belied by the fact that 90% of blacks vote Democrat and they are by far the largest demographic of unvaccinated in the country.
Does it not bother you at all that you come across as either completely ignorant or totally disingenuous?
I take it as a source of pride when retards think that. It lets me know I must be a fucking genius compared to them.
You are such a fucking idiot you won an award tonight
I think I found Asslips’ award.

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