Trump well on his way to becoming the next president.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
When Donald Trump first entered the GOP primary, nobody took him seriously. As Trump caused a major earthquake within the GOP, the establishment was counting on Trump being a name calling blowhard who kept repeating the same mantra, thinking for sure he would fade away. Trump is playing chess, everyone else - establishment GOP and Democrats alike are playing checkers.

Trump is working with Jeff Sessions on immigration policy. Gradually the ideas and solutions are coming out. You see, Trump is gonna give just enough to stay ahead in the polls, giving as little as possible to avoid the Democrat-media complex and RINOs to try and trash him. He is working with Jeff Sessions on an immigration policy that is making Democrats freak out. Any time something makes Democrats freak out - then it's good for America. When the timing is right, he will give more ideas and solutions, there is a real good reason he is a billionaire.

I'm a big fan of Rand Paul, but make no mistake about it, as Trump gradually gives more and more ideas and solutions, he won't be stopped, he will be the next president.
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Indeed. And rightfully so.. What Trump is showing all of us is - its time for real hope and change. Hope that someone can come in and clean up this toxic spill, otherwise known as Obama's tenure.

It's also time for us to stand up and be proud for being white. That's right. White makes right.

Grab your knees liberals. Your little party is over.


I knew he played to a sold out crowd in Saginaw but I was just reading that he was warmly received in Flint. Trump is really hitting a nerve even with die hard Democrats that are just good old blue collar workers and who have watched their jobs shipped overseas.

They're on hard times in Michigan. Trump is starting to give some real honest to goodness hope that he could turn this economic mess around and truly "make America great again".

Great article.

"Only one presidential candidate seemed to care: Donald Trump. “A lot of what he says hits a chord with me,” said Hubbard. “Immigration and jobs going to China — this area’s really suffered from that. I just like somebody that stands up for what he speaks about.”

Trump’s rise and persistence as a presidential candidate has been credited to name recognition, to voter anger and to a specific contempt for the Republican Party establishment. But he is also the candidate talking most directly about the loss of manufacturing jobs to foreign countries."

A lot of what he says hits a chord with me Trump makes sense to American voters even Democrats National Post

A lot of what he says hits a chord with me’: Trump makes sense to American voters — even Democrats

What is interesting is that the far right anger bots are willing to give up their principles for a Trump candidacy. He wants a massive infrastructure overhaul. He denounces Bush and the Iraqi War violently as a monumental failure that should never have occurred. He will push for national health care single payer systems. He will get rid of all business deductions and exemptions in return for a fair playing field and lower income taxes. This is an interesting candidacy to say the least. Trump is more a progressive statist than either Obama or Bush.
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When Donald Trump first entered the GOP primary, nobody took him seriously. As Trump caused a major earthquake within the GOP, the establishment was counting on Trump being a name calling blowhard who kept repeating the same mantra, thinking for sure he would fade away. Trump is playing chess, everyone else - establishment GOP and Democrats alike are playing checkers.

Trump is working with Jeff Sessions on immigration policy. Gradually the ideas and solutions are coming out. You see, Trump is gonna give just enough to stay ahead in the polls, giving as little as possible to avoid the Democrat-media complex and RINOs to try and trash him. He is working with Jeff Sessions on an immigration policy that is making Democrats freak out. Any time something makes Democrats freak out - then it's good for America. When the timing is right, he will give more ideas and solutions, there is a real good reason he is a billionaire.

I'm a big fan of Rand Paul, but make no mistake about it, as Trump gradually gives more and more ideas and solutions, he won't be stopped, he will be the next president.

Donald Trump has hit a nerve with the GOP. You can't blame his supporters, EVERYONE is tired of the political class in this country. They're tired of the political double-speak. The campaigning on issues, but when it comes to actually do something after they're elected they go AWOL.

BUT--Donald Trump is not going to win the nomination. He may win a few caucus states like Iowa where voter turn-out is extremely low. Once the primary states come in, you will see him falter. To be a President they are required to have some coooth--LOL

BUT Trump supporters can have a plan B. Her name is Carly .Fiorina. She's not from the political class, never worked a day of her life in a government position. She can answer any question, she knows it all (unlike Trump who doesn't). She's intelligent, articulate--and she kicks butt. She's just as tough, maybe tougher than Donald Trump.

Here she is hitting Chris Mathews with a freight train and dragging him for 3 miles. There is no other candidate that can do this.

Jeb Bush will shit himself in a debate vs. Hilary. Conservatives need to find a guy or gal with a pair, and get behind them.
Congress had a 90+% retention rate in 2014. There is no vast voter outrage among the electorate.

If there's any outrage at all it is because of the government not passing budgets to maintain our infrastructure, science institutions or educational system.

There is outrage for 18 months; then the politicians start advertising for re-election, it goes away, then comes back. But even during the 18 months, the outrage is pretty much directed at "the other side" whomever it may be. One of the many reasons that I do not register with any political party is because I like calling "bullshit" when a member of that party does something clearly wrong.

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