Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

I knew it! a pussified UKer
If you had any balls you'd be like them all vowel-spelling guys or Scottish or Irish.

We gots our own languages 'round heanh. :p Suck it while you pussy out and allow Muslims to own your country.
I feel for you, but you need a gun and some balls.

I'm not British either. As for pussified, you're the guys who are so scared of their own shadows they have to hide behind their peashooters....wimps...

I'm big enough to go bear hunting without a gun. I ain't skeered. I still spell color "color"

What, you from the great land of no-gun having Oz?
Or the what was the great white north?
"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." -Thomas Jefferson
I'm big enough to go bear hunting without a gun. I ain't skeered. I still spell color "color"

What, you from the great land of no-gun having Oz?
Or the what was the great white north?

Get of your milk and drink your horse! ;)

Live in Oz, but from over the ditch....
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
Horseshit, flake. No one is preventing them from speaking. Trump is exercising his free speech to speak to whom he wishes - which ain't fake news agencies. Pay back is a bitch.
Controlling and demonizing the free press is the kind of democracy you applaud? Think about it. If you love America, why? Our freedoms? Doesn't sound like it.

What freedoms have you lost ?
"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." -Thomas Jefferson

They're free to do what they want. As for the president feeding them info to have them twist it. That may not happen too much the next 6 mos.

I'm all for freedom of the press, but not when they're lying all the time. That wasn't taken into consideration back then. Back then everybody would know straightaway if they were lying and they'd probably be hung.
Seriously, you think not?
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I'm not going to sit here and list out the volumes of shit the left-wing media hacks have churned out on Trump. You got to be outta your fucking mind. I've got better shit to do man. If you want to think they've covered him objectively and fairly, that's your business.
You aren't going to list them, because they don't exist. Thanks for playing

The claim that Russia "hacked" the election is the most recent major media lie. They have spent months trying to pull that crap over everyone's eyes.
Post a CNN link that says that has falsehoods about Russia hacking the election. I'd like to see specifically what lies you are talking about. If they are doing it every day it should be easy for you to find a bunch.
Adviser contradicts Trump: Russians hacked the US -
James Woosley was an advisor to Trump and CNN interviewed him about the Russia situation... So where is the fake news? You do understand what Fake News is right? Commentary and opinion from pundits and interviewees doesn't count as fake news... we are talking about reporting. Care to try again or explain where the fake news is in the story you linked to?
Sure it counts, when they put out one political hack after another supporting a claim that has no facts whatsoever to support it.
The white house has a responsibility to our press and the first amendment.

No they don't... where's that in the First Amendment? :dunno:
Freedom of the press in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This clause is generally understood as a means to prevent the government from interfering with the distribution of information and opinions.

Unless the White House is going to make claims of defamation they go down a slippery slope when they flex their muscles while picking and choosing which news outlets they engage with. Don't pretend you wouldn't be having a cow if Obama was going to this extreme against the Breitbarts and Foxs News organizations when he was prez

What "slippery slope" is that? There is no law that even requires the president to hold press briefings.
The slippery slope of the white house intimidating news organizations to not be oppositional. That is part of their job, to ask the hard questions. By the white house playing favorites and go so far as to penalize organizations that have been critical of them, call them the Enemy of the American people, fuel the divide and distrust of our media, it is moving us away from a free press and one closer to that of Russia where the media is under the leaderships control. I can't think of anything more unAmerican than that. He's already got all you puppets calling legit orgs like CNN fake news and nobody can prove it.

The last link you posted from CNN wasn't fake news. I challenge you to make the point of how it is. Point out specifically what is fake or made up about their reporting for that story.
They didn't do their jobs for the last eight years. Now, all of a sudden, it's a national imperative?


you'll have to excuse me if I'm not concerned.
Trump is very pissed that the media will soon discover his nefarious dealings with Russian thugs and spies.......So, he wants the FBI to shut out or cover up what investigators are finding and banning the press from reporting these despotic attempts......

No, orange clown..the media is NOT the enemy of the people, YOU and your cabal are!!!

Eventually, even the dumbest of right wingers will figure this out,
You just admitted they have no evidence of Trump having any "nefarious dealings with Russian thugs and spies."

How does it feel to know what a dumbass you are?
When one introduces to a free media the concepts of propaganda and censorship through denial of access, THEN you are well on the road toward FASCISM.......Mussolini knew this well and used it very effectively in the 1930s.......
Remember that it was Benito who first coined the phrase, "I Will Make Italy Great Again."

ROFL! The opposition media is nothing more than a propaganda organ for the Democrat party, and you're concerned about "censorship? What censorship?

No one is swayed by your incessant comparisons with fascism. Nothing could be more fascist than the Democrat party and it's propaganda organ, the opposition media.
He has repeatedly said he wants to gut the US Constitution and he has already started. The First Amendment is sacrosanct. The fact that the RWNJ traitors are in favor of censoring journalism isn't surprising since these idiots have also consistently sided with russia against their own country.

I don't know why but the right is completely anti-America and pro-Russian dictator.

Learn the definition of censorship, moron.
Trump is very pissed that the media will soon discover his nefarious dealings with Russian thugs and spies.......So, he wants the FBI to shut out or cover up what investigators are finding and banning the press from reporting these despotic attempts......

No, orange clown..the media is NOT the enemy of the people, YOU and your cabal are!!!

Eventually, even the dumbest of right wingers will figure this out,

You're going to have a hard 8 years.

I wonder why you RWNJ traitors believe its only liberals/Dems who will lose rights under the Agent Orange regime.
No one is losing any rights, douche bag.
This week, the mask came off completely.
The white house has a responsibility to our press and the first amendment.

No they don't... where's that in the First Amendment? :dunno:
Freedom of the press in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This clause is generally understood as a means to prevent the government from interfering with the distribution of information and opinions.

Unless the White House is going to make claims of defamation they go down a slippery slope when they flex their muscles while picking and choosing which news outlets they engage with. Don't pretend you wouldn't be having a cow if Obama was going to this extreme against the Breitbarts and Foxs News organizations when he was prez

They didn't prevent them from distributing information or opinions.

They don't need to make any kind of claims, press outlets are invited at the pleasure of the president. Obama wouldn't even recognize FoxNews as news. It was Hillary and the left who coined the phrase "fake news" to blame her loss on sources like Breitbart and Drudge.

You idiots are down right silly when you're out of power. The entertainment never fails! :rofl:
Breitbart and Drudge are fake news as are many Left leaning online media outlets. CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS are a different level and while they each have their political leanings and emphasis with their reporting, non rise to the level of fake news. Obama didn't like Fox for obvious reasons but he never took it to the level that Trump is taking it. If he did, are you going to say with a straight face that you wouldn't mind?
You're gullible if you think CNN, NBC, CBS are on a different level. They're nothing but cheap propaganda organs.
It actually is a pretty sad state of affairs when "the press" is so dishonest they have to be cut out of the loop.
Maybe if they tightened up on their ethics. :dunno:
You aren't going to list them, because they don't exist. Thanks for playing

The claim that Russia "hacked" the election is the most recent major media lie. They have spent months trying to pull that crap over everyone's eyes.
Post a CNN link that says that has falsehoods about Russia hacking the election. I'd like to see specifically what lies you are talking about. If they are doing it every day it should be easy for you to find a bunch.
Adviser contradicts Trump: Russians hacked the US -
James Woosley was an advisor to Trump and CNN interviewed him about the Russia situation... So where is the fake news? You do understand what Fake News is right? Commentary and opinion from pundits and interviewees doesn't count as fake news... we are talking about reporting. Care to try again or explain where the fake news is in the story you linked to?
Sure it counts, when they put out one political hack after another supporting a claim that has no facts whatsoever to support it.
He was on Trumps team you dumbass. Completely relevant and proper to interview him, along with anybody else they want to interview. You fail
This week, the mask came off completely.
The white house has a responsibility to our press and the first amendment.

No they don't... where's that in the First Amendment? :dunno:
Freedom of the press in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This clause is generally understood as a means to prevent the government from interfering with the distribution of information and opinions.

Unless the White House is going to make claims of defamation they go down a slippery slope when they flex their muscles while picking and choosing which news outlets they engage with. Don't pretend you wouldn't be having a cow if Obama was going to this extreme against the Breitbarts and Foxs News organizations when he was prez

They didn't prevent them from distributing information or opinions.

They don't need to make any kind of claims, press outlets are invited at the pleasure of the president. Obama wouldn't even recognize FoxNews as news. It was Hillary and the left who coined the phrase "fake news" to blame her loss on sources like Breitbart and Drudge.

You idiots are down right silly when you're out of power. The entertainment never fails! :rofl:
Breitbart and Drudge are fake news as are many Left leaning online media outlets. CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS are a different level and while they each have their political leanings and emphasis with their reporting, non rise to the level of fake news. Obama didn't like Fox for obvious reasons but he never took it to the level that Trump is taking it. If he did, are you going to say with a straight face that you wouldn't mind?
You're gullible if you think CNN, NBC, CBS are on a different level. They're nothing but cheap propaganda organs.
Prove it then smart guy, you provided nothing but hot air and a link to a legit interview with a guy that was an advisor to trump
CNN Is considering skipping White House Correspondents' Dinner. That's ok. It's only for journalists anyway.

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