Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

Funny that the same people that cheered over Obama's treatment of FOX are now calling Trump a dictator because he did not invite CNN to a gaggle.

I happen to agree with the sentiment here though (and did as well through Obama's attempts at controlling the media) - there is no reason to support Trump in excluding any news agency in briefings and certainly not when he is specifically targeting left agencies as he was here. This is not a first amendment issue though - the agencies are free to report at will. For the most part, the news stations will handle this on their own (at least I hope so). Bret Baier, surprisingly, tweeted a proper response to this though:
"Some at CNN & NYT stood w/FOX News when the Obama admin attacked us & tried 2 exclude us-a WH gaggle should be open to all credentialed orgs"
White House blocks CNN, New York Times from press briefing hours after Trump slams media

The news organizations should, and will IMHO, stand against this kind of action against the media in general. I have no problem with Trump calling them out for the shit reporting that we get these days but I do have a problem with Trump using the system to try and punish specific organizations.
Fox Faux Expert...they misinform for The Government Fox tries to load the dice for Donald Trump on Sweden with a fake expert...

Fake Sweden expert on Fox News has criminal convictions in US, no connection to Swedish security
Source: DN

President Trump's statements about Sweden, based on a report on his favourite TV-channel Fox News, continue to drive the debate about the country in the United States. Sweden is portrayed as a nation plagued by crime and rape, in large part due to immigration.

Friday the question was the focus of debate during the conservative Fox-presenter Bill O’Reillys show, where Nils Bildt confirmed Donald Trumps negative view of Sweden. Nils Bildt was introduced by Fox as a ”Swedish defense and national security advisor”, which has caused more than a few raised eyebrows.

Marie Pisäter at the Swedish Defense Ministry says that no-one called Nils Bildt works there. ”We have no spokesman by that name”, she said. The Foreign Office also denies that he works there. ”We do not know who he is.”

Nils Bildt is the son of Sven Tolling, well know in Swedish equestrian circles. Nils Bildt emigrated from Sweden in 1994. Nine years later he changed his last name from Tolling to Bildt, and he now runs several security companies in the United States. His last known address, according to Swedish registers, is in Tokyo. It is unclear if his companies are still in business.


Read more: Fake Sweden expert on Fox News – has criminal convictions in US, no connection to Swedish security - DN.SE

The article in this Stockholm newspaper goes on to quote an email from Nils Bildt to the paper saying that he had no choice in how Fox News described him: "I appeared on Bill O'Reillys's show on Fox News. The title was chosen by Fox News's editor – I had no personal control over what title they chose."
Donald Trump for years would call media pretending to be John Baron or John Miller...Talk About Manufacturing Fake News ....
The amazing story of Donald Trumps old spokesman, John Barron
— who was actually Donald Trump himself
The amazing story of Donald Trump’s old spokesman, John Barron — who was actually Donald Trump himself
In the 1980s, when reporters called the Trump Organization to request an interview with the boss, they were sometimes referred to a spokesman, instead. That a busy and image-conscious executive such as Donald Trump would place a buffer between himself and the media was hardly unusual, but there was a twist: The spokesman, John Barron, was actually Trump, hiding behind a fake name.

Barron (also spelled “Baron” in some press accounts) appears to have been Trump’s go-to alias when he was under scrutiny,
in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.

Trump’s use of an assumed name runs counter to the persona he has crafted as the leading Republican candidate for president — one of an unfiltered, politically incorrect maverick who is unafraid to say anything. It suggests that the billionaire real estate mogul is — or, at least, was — not so bold as he likes to present himself.

Remarkably, Trump kept up the charade for a full decade,
as reporters unwittingly quoted Barron as if he were a real person. In a LexisNexis search, the first mention of the name appears on June 6, 1980, in a New York Times report about Trump’s controversial decision to destroy two Art Deco sculptures he had conditionally promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In that instance, Trump used the alias to stall for three days before finally giving an interview under his own name; when he did, he told the Times that he had been out of town and unavailable (!).
Groper Don the Con is the king of Cons
Donald Trump for years would call media pretending to be John Baron or John Miller...Talk About Manufacturing Fake News ....
The amazing story of Donald Trumps old spokesman, John Barron

— who was actually Donald Trump himself
The amazing story of Donald Trump’s old spokesman, John Barron — who was actually Donald Trump himself
In the 1980s, when reporters called the Trump Organization to request an interview with the boss, they were sometimes referred to a spokesman, instead. That a busy and image-conscious executive such as Donald Trump would place a buffer between himself and the media was hardly unusual, but there was a twist: The spokesman, John Barron, was actually Trump, hiding behind a fake name.

Barron (also spelled “Baron” in some press accounts) appears to have been Trump’s go-to alias when he was under scrutiny,
in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.

Trump’s use of an assumed name runs counter to the persona he has crafted as the leading Republican candidate for president — one of an unfiltered, politically incorrect maverick who is unafraid to say anything. It suggests that the billionaire real estate mogul is — or, at least, was — not so bold as he likes to present himself.

Remarkably, Trump kept up the charade for a full decade,
as reporters unwittingly quoted Barron as if he were a real person. In a LexisNexis search, the first mention of the name appears on June 6, 1980, in a New York Times report about Trump’s controversial decision to destroy two Art Deco sculptures he had conditionally promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In that instance, Trump used the alias to stall for three days before finally giving an interview under his own name; when he did, he told the Times that he had been out of town and unavailable (!).
Groper Don the Con is the king of Cons

"Hillary will win by a landslide"
The real issue isn't that a few news agencies were barred from this one press conference. The real news is that Trump and Bannon have both declared the the MSM to be the enemy of the American people. This reeks of Nazism!


The American people should be taking this very seriously!

The fact is that this is a assault on a free press. They have a right to get it wrong. We know what this is all about. Trump has no problem with pro-Trump fake news provocateurs like the Gateway Pundit. Hannity has used him several times for information and has had to apologize when it turns out it was fake news. If the press was fawning over him, Trump would have no issues with the press. The fact that they are willing to take Trump on is what annoys him. Trump has told as many lies as the press. Maybe Trump should be banned.

The press are the partisan enemy of Trump and Middle America.
The press are the partisan enemy of Trump and Middle America.
the Truth is the Mortal Enemy of Donald Trump and the minority of Americans who support him
USA Today, NYT covering all the blatant lies in Trump's CPAC speech
The number of Americans lacking health insurance has fallen by 20 million since the Affordable Care Act was enacted, according to the National Health Interview Survey, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But Trump claimed the law covered “very few people.”

Trump: "Obamacare covers very few people — and remember, deduct from the number all of the people that had great health care that they loved that was taken away from them — it was taken away from them."
There are several ways to measure the change in insurance coverage under the ACA, and they all show a reduction in the uninsured in the millions. There’s no need to “deduct” anyone who lost insurance; the figures from the CDC show the total net numbers for the insured and uninsured in the country, as we wrote when Trump made a similar claim last month.

The latest CDC report, released in February, on the National Health Interview Survey — a survey of about 35,000 households conducted by the Census Bureau — shows that the number of uninsured Americans of all ages decreased from 48.6 million in 2010, the year the ACA was enacted, to 28.2 million for January through September 2016.

The country now has the lowest uninsured rate on record — 8.8%. The rate was 16% in 2010, and it has been declining every year since. (Historical data are here.)
Since 2012, the year before the ACA federal and state marketplaces launched, the number of the uninsured has declined by 17.3 million.

Fact-checking Trump’s CPAC speech

This article thoroughly debunks his lies about "fake" media, Sweden, immigration,welfare, Keystone Pipeline and Nafta jobs etc
THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.
I wouldn't expect a blind supporter of fascism like yourself to say different

From Gallup.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


The campaign didn't really start till 2015.

THe numbers don't back up your claim that this is something that TRUMP has done.

THey do show a long running trend going back well before Trump and the media started clashing.

Which supports MY position that this is about the people recognizing the media for the biased shits they are.
Keep in mind that the most popular mass media sources are openly conservative outlets.

Such as?
Fox News is the most watched channel on television. Talk radio is completely dominated by partisan conservative hosts. Drudgereport now averages over 1 billion hits per month, while other conservative websites like Breitbart dominate the news cycle. The entirety of the conservative movement has been funneled into listening to just a handful of sources that are proudly partisan and have become some of the most powerful players in media. Your sources are part of the MSM buddy.

Fox is the most watch CABLE news channel. Broad cast news dwarfs it. That is how most Americans get their news.

Your claim is factually wrong.
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.
Trump is a whiny little juvenile weasel turd who can dish it out like no tomorrow but can't take it in return. He needs to grow up and grow some cojones!

PERFECT example of a special snowflake if there ever was one!

I watch CNN and I am entitled to hear the press conference of the man I pay to give such, with my taxes...without having to change the channel to watch FOX News etc in order to get it.

He's proving himself to be a vindictive, vengeful, slivering forked tongue snake on a daily basis.... too bad he never grew up and in to this job...

Except you guys are the ones all butthurt because someone is fighting back.
Attacking, blocking, and suppressing major media will only make Trump more of a target - which is a good thing. Now, they can devote more time to investigating his unlawful activities - instead of just reporting on his bullshit and lies. Go media!!!!!
Thats the thing isnt it. Apart from the resident nuts on here the rest of the world is shaking its head.

Looking at the wider picture Putin kills critical journalists.Tread carefully.

The world is going to hell. That they see Trump as the problem instead of the solution is evidence of how fucked they are.
The press are the partisan enemy of Trump and Middle America.
the Truth is the Mortal Enemy of Donald Trump and the minority of Americans who support him

The Truth is that Trump is not a nazi and anyone who even hints that he is, is a fucking lying piece of shit, like Hillary.
Do you have any concept of how stupid it is to defend trump by calling other people liars? There is not a single politician in political history, especially American Presidential history that comes close to the provable, indisputable list of lies told by trump. They number in the hundreds and many of them are just plain malicious.
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
The press are the partisan enemy of Trump and Middle America.
the Truth is the Mortal Enemy of Donald Trump and the minority of Americans who support him

The Truth is that Trump is not a nazi and anyone who even hints that he is, is a fucking lying piece of shit, like Hillary.
Do you have any concept of how stupid it is to defend trump by calling other people liars? There is not a single politician in political history, especially American Presidential history that comes close to the provable, indisputable list of lies told by trump. They number in the hundreds and many of them are just plain malicious.
The lies are on the left. Trump said fake news was the enemy of America and it was reported that he said the media was the enemy of America. You are too dishonest to even see how wrong that is.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.
The press are the partisan enemy of Trump and Middle America.
the Truth is the Mortal Enemy of Donald Trump and the minority of Americans who support him

The Truth is that Trump is not a nazi and anyone who even hints that he is, is a fucking lying piece of shit, like Hillary.
Do you have any concept of how stupid it is to defend trump by calling other people liars? There is not a single politician in political history, especially American Presidential history that comes close to the provable, indisputable list of lies told by trump. They number in the hundreds and many of them are just plain malicious.

Let's hear five, then. :dunno:

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