Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.

The role of the press as you describe it, requires some level professionalism and objectivity.

Such characteristics have been sorely lacking in the MSM.
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.

The role of the press as you describe it, requires some level professionalism and objectivity.

Such characteristics have been sorely lacking in the MSM.
Its not up to you to decide, they are still the press whether you agree with them or not
Trump is a whiny little juvenile weasel turd who can dish it out like no tomorrow but can't take it in return. He needs to grow up and grow some cojones!

PERFECT example of a special snowflake if there ever was one!

I watch CNN and I am entitled to hear the press conference of the man I pay to give such, with my taxes...without having to change the channel to watch FOX News etc in order to get it.

He's proving himself to be a vindictive, vengeful, slivering forked tongue snake on a daily basis.... too bad he never grew up and in to this job...

Except you guys are the ones all butthurt because someone is fighting back.
Correll, President Trump is a pathological LIAR....this isn't about butt hurt, this is about our Nation and the LIAR N CHIEF trying to destroy our Constitution, while people like you, his cult, sit back and clap and cheer him on and beg for more destruction of the constitution....

so you can put it where the Sun don't shine!

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post.

My point thus stands.

Except you guys are the ones all butthurt because someone is fighting back
The press are the partisan enemy of Trump and Middle America.
the Truth is the Mortal Enemy of Donald Trump and the minority of Americans who support him

The Truth is that Trump is not a nazi and anyone who even hints that he is, is a fucking lying piece of shit, like Hillary.
Do you have any concept of how stupid it is to defend trump by calling other people liars? There is not a single politician in political history, especially American Presidential history that comes close to the provable, indisputable list of lies told by trump. They number in the hundreds and many of them are just plain malicious.
The lies are on the left. Trump said fake news was the enemy of America and it was reported that he said the media was the enemy of America. You are too dishonest to even see how wrong that is.
:bsflag:He tweeted that the media was the enemy of the American people.
The lies are on the left. Trump said fake news was the enemy of America and it was reported that he said the media was the enemy of America. You are too dishonest to even see how wrong that is.

NO, idiot.......FIRST Trump said the "media is the enemy of the people", and had to have some "brave" staffer telling him to CLARIFY and CHANGE his statement and use "fake news as the enemy of the people"

Trump Clarifies the Media’s Not the Enemy of the People, Just the ‘Fake News’ Media

Trump Clarifies the Media’s Not the Enemy of the People, Just the ‘Fake News’ Media
So he clarified it but that's not important enough to say? How can all media be the problem when he's complimenting some of them. Out of content for fake news to please the dishonest leftists.
He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?

That's fake news....

Indeed it is. It's falsehoods like that that make people not care about the news.

Yeah you're right, Trump fired Flynn based on "Fake News" White House leaks. :rolleyes:

Pence had Trump fire Flynn. He didn't like being lied to.
Flynn was a democrat after all......
What does politics have to do with anything
Everything, when it involves a democrat....why?
Some administrations don't like a dissenting opinion. Dissent is generally always patriotic.
Where was the outrage from the left?

Liberal HYPOCRISY!! Look How CNN Reacted When President Obama BANNED FOX News! * LIBERTY WRITERS NEWS

President Trump has had enough of CNN and their fake news stories, so today he took action.

From the Hill:

“The White House blocked a number of news outlets from covering spokesman Sean Spicer’s question-and-answer session on Friday afternoon.
Spicer decided to hold an off-camera “gaggle” with reporters inside his West Wing office instead of the traditional on-camera briefing in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room.
Among the outlets not permitted to cover the gaggle were news organizations President Trump has singled out for criticism, including CNN. “

Reporters at CNN were outraged by the move, but remember when president Obama did even WORSE to FOX News?

“The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network, newly released documents show,” the Daily Beast reported.

Judicial Watch exposed documents between Deputy White House communications director Jennifer Psaki and Treasury official, Jenni LeCompte.

Psaki wrote: “I am putting some dead fish in the fox cubby – just cause.”
Deputy press secretary Josh Earnest wrote LeCompte that day:

“We’ve demonstrated our willingness and ability to exclude Fox News from significant interviews…”

Let’s take a look at the outrage from CNN at the time…


Exactly, CNN didn’t care one bit. The Obama administration was actually so horrible to the news organizations that he disagreed with, he even won The Jefferson Muzzle Award for restricting free press!!

According to the Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the Obama administration won the award for “the press office’s routine shunning of journalists from official functions”.

It looks like CNN is finally realizing what FOX news went through for the last 8 years. The difference is, FOX NEVER LIED or reported fake news about the President, CNN does it on a daily basis!
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
No. There goes their access rights. Not the same thing.
Thats just the beginning of losing 1st amendment rights. Keep an eye out on what follows
Good thing Obamas gone, huh......
What does 1st amendment right have to do with Obama, son?
His suppression of it, child....
Tell us exactly when that happened
Some administrations don't like a dissenting opinion. Dissent is generally always patriotic.
Apparently not when a Democrat is in office. But you are confused over the news/fake news thing. Liberals can only see what their filters allow them to see.
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.

The role of the press as you describe it, requires some level professionalism and objectivity.

Such characteristics have been sorely lacking in the MSM.
The consumers and public decide what is good news reporting, what is fake news and what they want to use for news information, not the people who are being criticized and certainly not the government. The President is the government. He has no business interfering with the media. Government interfering with the media is what tyrants and fascist do.
Liberals have no clue what rights are. The media feeds them total crap and they swallow it like candy, then parrot it as fact.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
No. There goes their access rights. Not the same thing.
Thats just the beginning of losing 1st amendment rights. Keep an eye out on what follows
Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Time will tell, but what is certain is that the media should lose its right of access if all they will be is a political hit machine for one side.
Who determines that, YOU?
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.

The role of the press as you describe it, requires some level professionalism and objectivity.

Such characteristics have been sorely lacking in the MSM.
Its not up to you to decide, they are still the press whether you agree with them or not

My point was not about agreeing or disagreeing, but about the fact that they are not fulfilling their role.

They are NOT the press. They are political operatives there representing the Far Left.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
No. There goes their access rights. Not the same thing.
Thats just the beginning of losing 1st amendment rights. Keep an eye out on what follows
Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Time will tell, but what is certain is that the media should lose its right of access if all they will be is a political hit machine for one side.
Who determines that, YOU?
Common sense and reality. If the show were on the other foot I have no doubt you would be able to see it.
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.

The role of the press as you describe it, requires some level professionalism and objectivity.

Such characteristics have been sorely lacking in the MSM.
Its not up to you to decide, they are still the press whether you agree with them or not

My point was not about agreeing or disagreeing, but about the fact that they are not fulfilling their role.

They are NOT the press. They are political operatives there representing the Far Left.
That is not for you to determine, especially with your right wing agenda

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