Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

The claim that Russia "hacked" the election is the most recent major media lie. They have spent months trying to pull that crap over everyone's eyes.
Post a CNN link that says that has falsehoods about Russia hacking the election. I'd like to see specifically what lies you are talking about. If they are doing it every day it should be easy for you to find a bunch.
Adviser contradicts Trump: Russians hacked the US -
James Woosley was an advisor to Trump and CNN interviewed him about the Russia situation... So where is the fake news? You do understand what Fake News is right? Commentary and opinion from pundits and interviewees doesn't count as fake news... we are talking about reporting. Care to try again or explain where the fake news is in the story you linked to?
Sure it counts, when they put out one political hack after another supporting a claim that has no facts whatsoever to support it.
He was on Trumps team you dumbass. Completely relevant and proper to interview him, along with anybody else they want to interview. You fail

CNN gets no interviews now. They fail. They had their chance to be honest and blew it.

It's sad and funny at the same time. :D
Post a CNN link that says that has falsehoods about Russia hacking the election. I'd like to see specifically what lies you are talking about. If they are doing it every day it should be easy for you to find a bunch.
Adviser contradicts Trump: Russians hacked the US -
James Woosley was an advisor to Trump and CNN interviewed him about the Russia situation... So where is the fake news? You do understand what Fake News is right? Commentary and opinion from pundits and interviewees doesn't count as fake news... we are talking about reporting. Care to try again or explain where the fake news is in the story you linked to?
Sure it counts, when they put out one political hack after another supporting a claim that has no facts whatsoever to support it.
He was on Trumps team you dumbass. Completely relevant and proper to interview him, along with anybody else they want to interview. You fail

CNN gets no interviews now. They fail. They had their chance to be honest and blew it.

It's sad and funny at the same time. :D
For example?? I still flip between fox and CNN and haven't seen what you are talking about. Ratings are up too. So what are you talking about? Which shows on CNN do you watch?
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
Since any media outlet that's critical of Trump is labeled fake news, the number is going to grow. I'm surprised he hasn't banned ABC, CBS, and NBC. He has repeated called them out as fake news outlets.

I believe before the end of the Trump presidency, there will be an official government news service to combat fake news, a service run by the administration that of course only tells the truth.
Looks like the Trump administration has started a war against the free press. Anyone that says anything they don't like is barred from the White House and called fake news.

I really hate to say it but it really is right out of Hitler's playbook. The first thing he did was to control all media and shutdown any media that he didn't like.

Germany didn't have a first amendment, thank God we do!
According to Ivana Trump, Donald kept a copy of Hitler's speeches by his bedside. Maybe it's true. Trump speeches, his authoritarian approach to governing, his war with the media, his scapegoating minorities, his narcissistic personality, promises to make the country great again are similarities that are had to miss.
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But this CNN is fake news crap is way overblown and still nobody can prove it.

Why don't you morons shut the fuck up? You're all just making yourselves look ignorant. Has everyone forgotten about the CNN reporting of Russian prostitutes and golden showers with Trump? Come on man... it wasn't THAT long ago! has about 200 hrs. of recordings from CNN backrooms of all kinds of conversations taking place between the big wigs on "how to report the news" and they have these available on their website for anyone to listen to. Pretty enlightening shit... they talk about using older polling data so they can continue pushing a certain narrative instead of more recent polling that refutes the narrative... they talk about it being their duty as journalists to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" ...all kinds of hackery such as this.

For you little pissants to be sitting here acting like they are some kind of virtuous, impeccable and untouchable news outlet is a fucking joke. It's a wonder the FCC hasn't yanked their damn license. Fake News Central!
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The claim that Russia "hacked" the election is the most recent major media lie. They have spent months trying to pull that crap over everyone's eyes.
Post a CNN link that says that has falsehoods about Russia hacking the election. I'd like to see specifically what lies you are talking about. If they are doing it every day it should be easy for you to find a bunch.
Adviser contradicts Trump: Russians hacked the US -
James Woosley was an advisor to Trump and CNN interviewed him about the Russia situation... So where is the fake news? You do understand what Fake News is right? Commentary and opinion from pundits and interviewees doesn't count as fake news... we are talking about reporting. Care to try again or explain where the fake news is in the story you linked to?
Sure it counts, when they put out one political hack after another supporting a claim that has no facts whatsoever to support it.
He was on Trumps team you dumbass. Completely relevant and proper to interview him, along with anybody else they want to interview. You fail
He was a hold over from the last administration, and Trump kicked him off his team for a reason.
This week, the mask came off completely.
No they don't... where's that in the First Amendment? :dunno:
Freedom of the press in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This clause is generally understood as a means to prevent the government from interfering with the distribution of information and opinions.

Unless the White House is going to make claims of defamation they go down a slippery slope when they flex their muscles while picking and choosing which news outlets they engage with. Don't pretend you wouldn't be having a cow if Obama was going to this extreme against the Breitbarts and Foxs News organizations when he was prez

They didn't prevent them from distributing information or opinions.

They don't need to make any kind of claims, press outlets are invited at the pleasure of the president. Obama wouldn't even recognize FoxNews as news. It was Hillary and the left who coined the phrase "fake news" to blame her loss on sources like Breitbart and Drudge.

You idiots are down right silly when you're out of power. The entertainment never fails! :rofl:
Breitbart and Drudge are fake news as are many Left leaning online media outlets. CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS are a different level and while they each have their political leanings and emphasis with their reporting, non rise to the level of fake news. Obama didn't like Fox for obvious reasons but he never took it to the level that Trump is taking it. If he did, are you going to say with a straight face that you wouldn't mind?
You're gullible if you think CNN, NBC, CBS are on a different level. They're nothing but cheap propaganda organs.
Prove it then smart guy, you provided nothing but hot air and a link to a legit interview with a guy that was an advisor to trump
I've already done that too many times to count.
Liar - in - Chief at CPAC: "I love the First Amendment; nobody loves it better than me"

3 hours later: WH blocks CNN, NYTimes, others from press gaggle
But this CNN is fake news crap is way overblown and still nobody can prove it.

Why don't you morons shut the fuck up? You're all just making yourselves look ignorant. Has everyone forgotten about the CNN reporting of Russian prostitutes and golden showers with Trump? Come on man... it wasn't THAT long ago! has about 200 hrs. of recordings from CNN backrooms of all kinds of conversations taking place between the big wigs on "how to report the news" and they have these available on their website for anyone to listen to. Pretty enlightening shit... they talk about using older polling data so they can continue pushing a certain narrative instead of more recent polling that refutes the narrative... they talk about it being their duty as journalists to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" ...all kinds of hackery such as this.

For you little pissants to be sitting here acting like they are some kind of virtuous, impeccable and untouchable news outlet is a fucking joke. It's a wonder the FCC hasn't yanked their damn license. Fake News Central!

They are a part of the news media whether you like it or not. The fact is that Sean Hannity should be run off the air. He has put out so much fake news. He is dishonest. Trump has out fake news. Get off your high horse you Trump toady. You are no better than the liberals. CNN does not need a license and thank God for that. You and your Fuehrer are disgusting.
Liar - in - Chief at CPAC: "I love the First Amendment; nobody loves it better than me"

3 hours later: WH blocks CNN, NYTimes, others from press gaggle
But this CNN is fake news crap is way overblown and still nobody can prove it.

Why don't you morons shut the fuck up? You're all just making yourselves look ignorant. Has everyone forgotten about the CNN reporting of Russian prostitutes and golden showers with Trump? Come on man... it wasn't THAT long ago! has about 200 hrs. of recordings from CNN backrooms of all kinds of conversations taking place between the big wigs on "how to report the news" and they have these available on their website for anyone to listen to. Pretty enlightening shit... they talk about using older polling data so they can continue pushing a certain narrative instead of more recent polling that refutes the narrative... they talk about it being their duty as journalists to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" ...all kinds of hackery such as this.

For you little pissants to be sitting here acting like they are some kind of virtuous, impeccable and untouchable news outlet is a fucking joke. It's a wonder the FCC hasn't yanked their damn license. Fake News Central!

They are a part of the news media whether you like it or not. The fact is that Sean Hannity should be run off the air. He has put out so much fake news. He is dishonest. Trump has out fake news. Get off your high horse you Trump toady. You are no better than the liberals. CNN does not need a license and thank God for that. You and your Fuehrer are disgusting.
It is not so much the butt hurt than the reaction to it.

I feel your pain. and CNN's too.
They are a part of the news media whether you like it or not. The fact is that Sean Hannity should be run off the air. He has put out so much fake news. He is dishonest. Trump has out fake news. Get off your high horse you Trump toady. You are no better than the liberals. CNN does not need a license and thank God for that. You and your Fuehrer are disgusting.

Yeahhh.... pretty sure all networks need a license.

"Trump has out fake news" ....that supposed to MEAN something, mouth-breather?

Not disgusting... deplorable... and I rather like it on my high horse. :lol:
Liar - in - Chief at CPAC: "I love the First Amendment; nobody loves it better than me"

3 hours later: WH blocks CNN, NYTimes, others from press gaggle

The Main Stream Media is old tech, dying and stuck in their Marxist wannabe past.

Time to dump those leftwing losers and get with the real media.
"The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787. ME 6:57

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