Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

The Soviets had teh sole-source Pravda....soon Trump will have the sole-source FOX.....

(actually, it'll never happen....Trump is sliding down the tubes.....Look at the latest polls)
So, the only people from whom God Emperor took questions from was Fox?

Care to source that claim?
Pres Trump isn't restricting anyone's 1st Amendment rights.

Liberals are totally free to listen to all of the lefty socialist media nonsense their tiny brains can handle.

The Soviets had teh sole-source Pravda....soon Trump will have the sole-source FOX.....

(actually, it'll never happen....Trump is sliding down the tubes.....Look at the latest polls)
Been hearing that since last August.

LOL indeed....the same polls telling the loons all was well and Cankles would win easily....and the dopes still fall for it.
Why does Trump hate the press? because the press is calling him on his outrageous lies! Trump says something that is demonstrably untrue. Then, when this is pointed out, he cries "fake news" "alternative facts"!

Meanwhile, the dedicated partisans who fail to see that the emperor is, indeed, without clothes, rallies to his indefensible side and chimes along with the idiot that the press is lying.

All the while, our basic freedom of a free press is being eroded by an amateur, a petulant game show host with no statesmanlike qualities. And we're all supposed to skip along merrily with this subversion of America.
Trump lies! Get some new material
Everyoen knows this. Everyone also knows those people kicked out have been gargling bullshit for months.
So an adversarial relationship between the White House and the press is something to celebrate? Something to champion? Something healthy for our democracy?

Trump has been steadily undermining our democracy. He probably, if not absolutely colluded with the Russians to hack our democratic process. When Nixon did it in 1972 it was seen as a constitutional crisis. When Trump did it in 2016, his partisan supporters cheered!

Trump called the press 'the enemy of the American people'. Is this the attitude of a responsible democratic leader, or something more akin to an authoritarian strongman?

It may be that Trump has absolutely no experience in government. It may be that a minority of the electorate wanted an amateur, an outsider to 'shake things up'. It may be that Trump has utterly failed to surround himself with 'the best and brightest'. And it may be that Trump's vision of how the American people should be regarded is by purely amateurish means laced with petulance and division and fear mongering. And, unfortunately, some of that minority of the electorate is just as amateurish, crass, boorish and undemocratic as the huckster buffoon they voted for.

The press created the adversarial relationship, not the President. They pulled their biased reporting tricks and are now paying the price.

It's over for you socialists. Lie, bitch and moan all you wish. America will not listen to your propaganda any longer.
Reporting facts that harm the image of the president is not propaganda. It's reporting It's journalism.

As for bias, I guess bias is just fine so long as it confirms your beliefs rather than challenges them. Re enforces your ideology rather than question it.

Bias in the irresponsible wild west 'media' of the internet where fact checking is a pain in the rear and the priority is on spreading the ideological word, not the truth is just fine with the simple minded partisan. Anything more challenging is just too hard to accept. So it gets demonized and our freedoms suffer.

Journalism is the one and only occupation mentioned in the constitution. Because it is vital to our democracy.

Distorting facts in order to harm the image of the president is not journalism - it's disgusting.
I agree, but also I have to ask... Does the president not do the exact same thing to his opponents?
I have an issue with the President excluding certain media outlets. It sets a bad precedent. Let the people decide who to listen or not listen to, not the President.
Breitbart and Drudge are fake news as are many Left leaning online media outlets. CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS are a different level and while they each have their political leanings and emphasis with their reporting, non rise to the level of fake news. Obama didn't like Fox for obvious reasons but he never took it to the level that Trump is taking it. If he did, are you going to say with a straight face that you wouldn't mind?

IF Obama were being shanghaied the way the media is doing Trump, I imagine he would do the same, but the media practically gave him blow jobs every time he entered a room. He could do no wrong... they got tingley up their legs... swooned at his physique... asked him one softball question after another... never held him the least bit accountable on anything. Their treatment of Obama is precisely why you have a Breitbart, moron.
Ideology and partisanship is why there are breitbarts... and the stuff pumped out of Breitbart and othe wingnut outlets on both sides is much more of a problem than CNN.

While CNN has take a left turn, their bias is only shown in the focus of reporting. They aren't making stuff up like Trump claims. They occasionally report in bad information which outlets like Fox also does. But this CNN is fake news crap is way overblown and still nobody can prove it.
Do you know what the first thing was that Hitler did as the new leader of Germany? It wasn't bashing the media, or killing people it was gun confiscation


Here above is a moron who actually "thinks" that Ben Carson is a historian.......In 1938 Germany,
Hitler's regime deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. It made handguns easier to own by allowing anyone with a hunting license to buy, sell or carry one at any time. It also extended the permit period from one year to three and gave local officials more discretion in letting people under 18 get a gun.

The ONLY restriction on buying guns were placed on the Jews.....
2 rather large threads merged. Same topic.. MIGHT be a bit confusing until it unwinds. 2nd thread starts about 1:40PM this day..
In a strange way, nothing makes me happier than to have Trump clearly show his despotic tendencies and attitudes. .....Perhaps, the press corps at Trump's WH will boil down to Fox, Breibart and Daily Caller since that is the ONLY way that Trump can get 'laudable coverage of his screw ups.

Legitimate press outlets will probably ban together and not allow Trump to "divide and conquer" the press in his blatant attempts to divert the attention away from his ties to Russian thugs.......
Always remember (as an aside) that it was the ultra right wing that prompted our nation to NOT trust Russian bran of communism.....Now, however, and through the Trumpster, they wish us to leran to love and forgive the antics of a murderer like Putin and his cronies.

Bottom line.....I actually welcome Trump's trashing ofthe 1st amendment in banning the type of news that is critical of him ......the line of the beginning of the end has been crossed..

So what is President Trump afraid off ,if these media outlets are off their leash..... ~S~

Not a damn thing, because the pecking order has been established, and they are not that relevant.
Fox uses AP...they do very little original reporting....but yeah, Fox is selective in the opposite direction from the others....omission of positive news is just as wrong as fake news. Find me ONE positive story about Trump on the CNN site....hint: there aren't any.

Why would there be. He's a train wreck.
Thanks! I'm actually a card-carrying deplorable and hope someday to also be an irredeemable.

Explains a lot....
Fox uses AP...they do very little original reporting....but yeah, Fox is selective in the opposite direction from the others....omission of positive news is just as wrong as fake news. Find me ONE positive story about Trump on the CNN site....hint: there aren't any.

Why would there be. He's a train wreck.

I think the way he just owned the dishonest media is Glorious! This is a Great day in America! Smell the freedom! Oh you can't? Give it a month.
I think the way he just owned the dishonest media is Glorious! This is a Great day in America! Smell the freedom! Oh you can't? Give it a month.

LOL..typical Deplorable. Claps his hands because Trump is acting like Putin. They show their real colours. Love it...
I think the way he just owned the dishonest media is Glorious! This is a Great day in America! Smell the freedom! Oh you can't? Give it a month.

LOL..typical Deplorable. Claps his hands because Trump is acting like Putin. They show their real colours. Love it...

Do you really? or do you secretly hate it?

PS: Bitch, in America, it's spelled "color" ;) No "U" necessary.

Ask me how I know you're not American.
He said Fake news was the enemy of the people not the media so you are a liar or you get your news from liars. Which is it?

No nitwit.....Trump FIRST stated that the "media is the enemy of the people"........THEN, when some brave acolyte must have whispered to him that he was off his meds.......Trump changed it to "fake news id the enemy of the people"....:.....................Look it up and learn.
Do you really? or do you secretly hate it?

PS:Bitch, in America, it's spelled "color" ;) No "U" necessary.

God no, I think it's fantastic you loons are out in the open. Much better than muttering into your sour mash and beating up your wife. I'm not American doofus. I spell it how the English do. You know, the people who invented the language.
Do you really? or do you secretly hate it?

PS:Bitch, in America, it's spelled "color" ;) No "U" necessary.

God no, I think it's fantastic you loons are out in the open. Much better than muttering into your sour mash and beating up your wife. I'm not American doofus. I spell it how the English do. You know, the people who invented the language.

I knew it! a pussified UKer
If you had any balls you'd be like them all vowel-spelling guys or Scottish or Irish.

We gots our own languages 'round heanh. :p Suck it while you pussy out and allow Muslims to own your country.
I feel for you, but you need a gun and some balls.

Trump is sliding down the tubes.....Look at the latest polls
Looney liberals and their polls...... :lol:

After Hillary's epic % poll disaster would think they'd know better than to cite poll numbers. ..... :cuckoo:
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I knew it! a pussified UKer
If you had any balls you'd be like them all vowel-spelling guys or Scottish or Irish.

We gots our own languages 'round heanh. :p Suck it while you pussy out and allow Muslims to own your country.
I feel for you, but you need a gun and some balls.

I'm not British either. As for pussified, you're the guys who are so scared of their own shadows they have to hide behind their peashooters....wimps...

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