Trump Will Get Us Into Another War....Thanks, Rednecks Everywhere

I didn't say that. That is what the article said. If you refute it, then go provide some evidence with a link. Thanks.
Refute it? What the fuck are you talking about? It's simple math. You said 2,687 days of war. Do you want me to refute the Vietnam Campaign ribbon I wore on my chest for 3 years? Do you think the military issued us with bogus medals?

Again, I didn't say that. I quoted it from two liberal sources.

I don't know anything about Vietnam. That was before my time. I don't know anything about you. You are a stranger on the internet who could claim to be anyone or anything.
Maybe what you are saying (or what you've quoted someone else as saying) is that DURING THE TERMS OF 8 YEARS IN OFFICE, there has been no continuous war under way during each of those 8 years, except that of Obama's 2 terms Perhaps that's true.
Maybe what you are saying (or what you've quoted someone else as saying) is that DURING THE TERMS OF 8 YEARS IN OFFICE, there has been no continuous war under way during each of those 8 years, except that of Obama's 2 terms Perhaps that's true.

Do I have to tell you again that I didn't make that claim? That was what the New York Times and the Huffington Post say. I quoted from their articles. :eusa_eh:
Maybe what you are saying (or what you've quoted someone else as saying) is that DURING THE TERMS OF 8 YEARS IN OFFICE, there has been no continuous war under way during each of those 8 years, except that of Obama's 2 terms Perhaps that's true.

I guess you'll need to take up your dispute with the New York Times and the Huffington Post.
Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

Many of the women that voted for p.o.shit trump will now have to prepare a burial plot for their own child because of their vote. In essence they voted for the death of their own child. Any piece.of.shit that asks three times in a security meeting "why can't we use nuclear weapons" will send these people's children to die somewhere because some teenage kid in Ramadi tweeted that trump is a pussy.
why's that? what is your evidence son? He'll be returning the strength that the dude obummer gave up. No more nukes, hmmm that seems less dangerous to me. I bet the women were plotting more graves with that decision by barry.

'Returning the strength'? What "strength" did we lose, asshat? Military spending is up. To the extent it was even cut, that was a result of the sequester, i.e. blockading by Republicans.
LOL ....! The sequester? Holy fuck! How long ago was that and how long did it last?
Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

Many of the women that voted for p.o.shit trump will now have to prepare a burial plot for their own child because of their vote. In essence they voted for the death of their own child. Any piece.of.shit that asks three times in a security meeting "why can't we use nuclear weapons" will send these people's children to die somewhere because some teenage kid in Ramadi tweeted that trump is a pussy.
why's that? what is your evidence son? He'll be returning the strength that the dude obummer gave up. No more nukes, hmmm that seems less dangerous to me. I bet the women were plotting more graves with that decision by barry.

'Returning the strength'? What "strength" did we lose, asshat? Military spending is up. To the extent it was even cut, that was a result of the sequester, i.e. blockading by Republicans.
obummer built ISIS. The oil fields, the lost money from that oil from the war that was ongoing there by our military. Obummer pulled out, allowed the creation of ISIS. We lose monthly to ISIS. Military is weak. It is thin and takes their orders from lawyers in Washington. Not after trump though, the generals will get their power back. Period. up to date weapon systems as well. Maybe even more soldiers.
Do I have to tell you again that I didn't make that claim?
Yes, you do have to tell me again ... because you are too fucking stupid to read my reply. You bloody idiot!
Maybe what you are saying (or what you've quoted someone else as saying) is that DURING THE TERMS OF 8 YEARS IN OFFICE, there has been no continuous war under way during each of those 8 years, except that of Obama's 2 terms Perhaps that's true.
Anyways, the length of the wars wasn't really my point. MY point is that Hillary is a well known warmonger. Even people from her own side say so. So now what?
'So what now', you ask? Now (next time) don't confuse a simple issue with a load of crap. I agree 100% percent that "Hillary is a well known warmonger". Had you said that plain and simple, rather than concentrating on my Socialist philosophy (and making absurd conclusions) we could have shared the thought instead of diving into a black pit.
Do I have to tell you again that I didn't make that claim?
Yes, you do have to tell me again ... because you are too fucking stupid to read my reply. You bloody idiot!
Maybe what you are saying (or what you've quoted someone else as saying) is that DURING THE TERMS OF 8 YEARS IN OFFICE, there has been no continuous war under way during each of those 8 years, except that of Obama's 2 terms Perhaps that's true.

I already had told you that I didn't say it though. Are you libs really so dense? Good grief.
Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

Many of the women that voted for p.o.shit trump will now have to prepare a burial plot for their own child because of their vote. In essence they voted for the death of their own child. Any piece.of.shit that asks three times in a security meeting "why can't we use nuclear weapons" will send these people's children to die somewhere because some teenage kid in Ramadi tweeted that trump is a pussy.

This from the fucking numb nuts advocating Civil War in the US.
Anyways, the length of the wars wasn't really my point. MY point is that Hillary is a well known warmonger. Even people from her own side say so. So now what?
'So what now', you ask? Now (next time) don't confuse a simple issue with a load of crap. I agree 100% percent that "Hillary is a well known warmonger". Had you said that plain and simple, rather than concentrating on my Socialist philosophy (and making absurd conclusions) we could have shared the thought instead of diving into a black pit.

I'm not concentrating on anything about you. I couldn't care less about you. Lol.
Trump will get us into another war...and Hillary / Barry haven't?

Hillary / Barry allowed Iraq to be invaded after we had liberated them

Hillary / Barry by-passed Congress to drag the US to war on their own in Libya to help Al Qaeida

Hillary / Barry by-passed Congress to drag the US to war on their own in Syria

Hillary / Barry by-passed Congress to create an Iran-Friendly treaty with Iran, helping them further goal of getting nukes and starting a nuclear arm's race in the Middle East

Hillary / Barry have gotten extremely close to waging a war against Russia (openly declaring he was going to order a (CYBER ATTACK) on Russia, causing Putin to declare he would respond militarily to any ATTACK on Russia
-- Barry got his ass kicked because of inexperience and semantics here.

1. Never openly declare to an enemy, "I'm about to attack you...just thought you'd like to know'.

2. The world KNEW Russia was 'doing some hacking' of the United States - no big long as you use the phrase 'hacking'. What Russia was doing was engaging in 'Cyber Warfare' - he was just smart enough not to refer to it as that AND to never openly admit it (even if everyone knows). 'Hacking' sound so much more peaceful. When Barry used the word 'attack' it gave an inference that Russia was going to be the victim of the ATTACK. What did they do? They were just doing a little 'hacking'. This also gave the perception that the US is the aggressor and Russia has every right to defend itself. If this was a chess match, Putin would have just taken Barry's 'Horsey-thingy'. :p

3. If you are going to do it - just do it...and then do what they (Libs) do best - lie, deny, lie, deny :p Putin is a master at this.
Well, aside from Hillary getting 2 million more votes than Trump. Sure.

But failed to get the votes in the states with the most electoral votes. That's how it works, Einstein.

The state with the most electoral votes is California. Do you know how to properly form sentences?

Trump did not win "bigly". He squeaked by on the EC while losing the popular vote. It will go down as the most hotly contested, close election of all time.

He won fair and square, but keep whining, tiny pecker boy.

You said "losing bigly" and that couldn't be further fom the truth.

You've lost bigly this election season. Now go cry with your tiny little pecker. Lol.

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