Trump will NOT approve release of DEM memo

Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.

Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!
Endangering Methods and sources is only bad if a Republican does it... Democrats can do it at the drop of a hat.... Fienstine is that You?
Guys I live under a dictatorship. Trump has a dictator caracterstics.
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..
The House Intelligence Comittee is a propaganda arm of the Republican Party

Our President just confirmed it
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.
LOL the House can not order the President to declassify anything dumb ass.

Before you call someone a dumbass, you should probably do a little research.

"The process for publicly releasing the Schiff memo is the same as the Nunes document: The President will have five days to decide whether to allow the document to be made public or object to its release. If the President objects, the House Intelligence Committee could send the matter to the full House to debate in closed session and vote on whether to make the memo public."

House Intelligence Committee unanimously votes to release Democratic memo - CNNPolitics

...and before you attack the source, this is not an opinion piece, it is the PROCEDURE.
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.

Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!
Endangering Methods and sources is only bad if a Republican does it... Democrats can do it at the drop of a hat.... Fienstine is that You?

Bullshit, it's bad if anybody does it. There was nothing at all even remotely risky or dangerous in the Nunes memo, nothing at all that mentioned methods and sources. I'm sure the Dems can drop or rewrite the concerning parts and resubmit. It'll get into the public arena soon enough; I wouldn't be surprised if it gets leaked to the press in the next few days, and the Dems will claim they had to do it. At least get the FBI/DOJ to sign off on the rewrite as acceptable.
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

The Committee apparently erred.
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

The Committee apparently erred.
The Committee DEMOCRATS apparently erred OR did it on purpose.
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Democrats did exactly what was expected. They larded the memo up with classified information knowing it could not be released, so they could complain it wasn't released.

Gads but democrats are the most putrid cretins to ever crawl out of a grave.
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

The Committee apparently erred.
The Committee DEMOCRATS apparently erred OR did it on pourpose.

Porpoise? Yer giving me a haddock.
No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

The Committee apparently erred.
The Committee DEMOCRATS apparently erred OR did it on pourpose.

Porpoise? Yer giving me a haddock.
Damn spelling police... I tell ya.... Pulling a Pelosi
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...

So you're saying it is ok for one party to use their position as the majority to put out a misleading memo that references classified information they know can't/shouldn't be released to the public as part of a propaganda campaign, but it isn't ok for the other party in the same committee to try and refute/prove the other memo was bullshit?

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