Trump wins again on Border wall

Just seeing this. Good news if not overwhelmingly good. Still it creates acknowledgement by the court that
the president has the right to use funds to improve the nation's border security.

Imagine a party that would make it difficult if not impossible to make America more secure.
That party would by definition be anti American. That party would be peopled by a-holes and
America haters.

That party is the democrat party, to no one's surprise.
The founding fathers would hate the Democrats. We were founded as a white Christian nation. The Democrats side with everyone but white Christians.

Maybe because you racists ain't Christians.
Trump never gets tired of winning, does he?

More Moon Bats howling at the sky and marching around in their pink pussy hats while Trump is MAGAing once again.

With the wall built and the agreement with Guatemala and Mexico sending troops how in the hell is the filthy Democrat Party ever going to get any voters?
Just seeing this. Good news if not overwhelmingly good. Still it creates acknowledgement by the court that
the president has the right to use funds to improve the nation's border security.

Imagine a party that would make it difficult if not impossible to make America more secure.
That party would by definition be anti American. That party would be peopled by a-holes and
America haters.

That party is the democrat party, to no one's surprise.
The founding fathers would hate the Democrats. We were founded as a white Christian nation. The Democrats side with everyone but white Christians.

Maybe because you racists ain't Christians.
Pitiful. Is your diaper full?
It's just really REALLY hard for me to believe anyone in politics actually wants to do much of anything to help America.

Let's see how much new barrier actually gets placed.

If Trump actually gets this done in spite of the impossible resistance he's faced, he may just prove to be one of America's greatest modern US presidents.
On the surface, this seems to be the most any US President has done to secure the borders in a LONG time (Im also including the negotiations with other SA countries such as Mexico to help control the flow of immigrants.

We got more debt from Obama.....and after Obama we still had no Barrier, No border wall, No Infrastructure improvements, MUCH weaker military, a fractured space program and no International respect. At least with Trump we have to something to show for that money.

The world may say they hate Trump (if they do), but they know he means business and they do respect him.
Supreme Court rules for Trump in border wall funding dispute

Supreme Court rules for Trump in border wall funding dispute
26 Jul 19 ~ By David G. Savage
The Supreme Court on Friday handed President Trump a major victory by clearing the way for him to divert $2.5 billion from the military’s budget and use it to build an extra 100 miles of border wall in California, Arizona and New Mexico. The justices, by a vote of 5 to 4, lifted orders by a federal judge in Oakland and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that had barred the administration from using the Pentagon’s money to build a border wall.

Muller on Wednesday, this court decision today and the Nadler making a complete lying fool of himself as well.
A good week... Meanwhile, this will NOT be a pleasant weekend for Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats across America. First they flopped big time with Mueller hearing and now this.
To add insult to injury, if they allowed this re appropriation of military funds they will also allow the rest.
This is excellent timing for the Administration. The wall construction should be in high gear during the campaign. In addition, I read today that McConnell is set to approve as many as 19 Judges this coming week....NINETEEN!!!
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The Trump administration wants to finalize contracts for the work before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30. That signifies a lot of work to be getting done almost immediately.
It's just really REALLY hard for me to believe anyone in politics actually wants to do much of anything to help America.

Let's see how much new barrier actually gets placed.

If Trump actually gets this done in spite of the impossible resistance he's faced, he may just prove to be one of America's greatest modern US presidents.
On the surface, this seems to be the most any US President has done to secure the borders in a LONG time (Im also including the negotiations with other SA countries such as Mexico to help control the flow of immigrants.

We got more debt from Obama.....and after Obama we still had no Barrier, No border wall, No Infrastructure improvements, MUCH weaker military, a fractured space program and no International respect. At least with Trump we have to something to show for that money.

The world may say they hate Trump (if they do), but they know he means business and they do respect him.

Blah, blah, blah. Your ignorant Repug ass does realize that most illegal immigrants do not cross the Mexican border and that this idiotic wall will have little or no impact on illegal immigration?

Of course you don't.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh voted to lift the 9th Circuit injunction. Three justices — Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — would have left it in place.

Justice Stephen G. Breyer proposed a compromise to which no one signed on: allow the government to finalize contracts for the project but not begin construction.

Supreme Court says Trump can proceed with plan to spend military funds for border wall construction
It's just really REALLY hard for me to believe anyone in politics actually wants to do much of anything to help America.

Let's see how much new barrier actually gets placed.

If Trump actually gets this done in spite of the impossible resistance he's faced, he may just prove to be one of America's greatest modern US presidents.
On the surface, this seems to be the most any US President has done to secure the borders in a LONG time (Im also including the negotiations with other SA countries such as Mexico to help control the flow of immigrants.

We got more debt from Obama.....and after Obama we still had no Barrier, No border wall, No Infrastructure improvements, MUCH weaker military, a fractured space program and no International respect. At least with Trump we have to something to show for that money.

The world may say they hate Trump (if they do), but they know he means business and they do respect him.

Blah, blah, blah. Your ignorant Repug ass does realize that most illegal immigrants do not cross the Mexican border and that this idiotic wall will have little or no impact on illegal immigration?

Of course you don't.
Wow, you're a fucking moron. Thanks for the heads up.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh voted to lift the 9th Circuit injunction. Three justices — Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — would have left it in place.

Justice Stephen G. Breyer proposed a compromise to which no one signed on: allow the government to finalize contracts for the project but not begin construction.

Supreme Court says Trump can proceed with plan to spend military funds for border wall construction
All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House.
It's just really REALLY hard for me to believe anyone in politics actually wants to do much of anything to help America.

Let's see how much new barrier actually gets placed.

If Trump actually gets this done in spite of the impossible resistance he's faced, he may just prove to be one of America's greatest modern US presidents.
On the surface, this seems to be the most any US President has done to secure the borders in a LONG time (Im also including the negotiations with other SA countries such as Mexico to help control the flow of immigrants.

We got more debt from Obama.....and after Obama we still had no Barrier, No border wall, No Infrastructure improvements, MUCH weaker military, a fractured space program and no International respect. At least with Trump we have to something to show for that money.

The world may say they hate Trump (if they do), but they know he means business and they do respect him.

Blah, blah, blah. Your ignorant Repug ass does realize that most illegal immigrants do not cross the Mexican border and that this idiotic wall will have little or no impact on illegal immigration?

Of course you don't.
Wow, you're a fucking moron. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, because Trump says otherwise. Fucking brainwashed racist Repug dumb fuck.
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?
It's just really REALLY hard for me to believe anyone in politics actually wants to do much of anything to help America.

Let's see how much new barrier actually gets placed.

If Trump actually gets this done in spite of the impossible resistance he's faced, he may just prove to be one of America's greatest modern US presidents.
On the surface, this seems to be the most any US President has done to secure the borders in a LONG time (Im also including the negotiations with other SA countries such as Mexico to help control the flow of immigrants.

We got more debt from Obama.....and after Obama we still had no Barrier, No border wall, No Infrastructure improvements, MUCH weaker military, a fractured space program and no International respect. At least with Trump we have to something to show for that money.

The world may say they hate Trump (if they do), but they know he means business and they do respect him.

Blah, blah, blah. Your ignorant Repug ass does realize that most illegal immigrants do not cross the Mexican border and that this idiotic wall will have little or no impact on illegal immigration?

Of course you don't.
Wow, you're a fucking moron. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, because Trump says otherwise. Fucking brainwashed racist Repug dumb fuck.
Again, you prove how fucking stupid you are.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Didn't vote for him, won't vote for him in 2020. He si a progressive and never met a spending bill he did not like.

But I see you are a fucking American hating POS whose entire life and thought process revolves not around critical thought, but around what the other American haters tell you to think. As I said, a fucking moron.

Probably a sock too.

JSTFU while your still behind and go bother people who you might be able to outthink.

Which would be no on on this website.
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?
That is Congresses job. They have only to pass a bill giving the Border patrol more money for beds, larger facilities, and toiletries.

Why don't they?
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?
----------------------------------- feck those people , if they want Better let them go home to their 'zhithole' and build Better Coyote .
You really don't understand the ruling, your bias prevents you from understanding the decision, and thus make a false claim that trump won again.
When you present some specific substance, for your claim, rather than just unsubstantiated hot air, maybe it might get taken seriously (but I wouldn't bet on that) Post # 13, and its link is lot stronger.

Supreme Court says Trump can proceed with plan to spend military funds for border wall construction

"A brief order explaining the court’s decision said the government “made a sufficient showing” that the groups challenging the decision did not have grounds to bring a lawsuit." That's not a win, the cert will be amended and I doubt trump will win. The issue remains unsettled, since the issue is can the executive supersede Art I, Sec. 7, clause 1; and, Art I, Sec 9, clause 7 (the power of the purse).

If Trump wins the precedent will give the power of the purse to the President, and that is not what the framers wanted.

Postscript: Real conservatives understand this, Trump supporters', well ...

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