Trump wins again on Border wall

Blah, blah, blah. Your ignorant Repug ass does realize that most illegal immigrants do not cross the Mexican border and that this idiotic wall will have little or no impact on illegal immigration?

Of course you don't.
Most means "more than half". With 30+ million illegal aliens in the US, if there had been a wall built years ago, that could have stopped/deterred MILLIONS of invaders.
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

Less border crossings is a perfect way to do just that. No illegals = no humanitarian crisis.

Trump the chess-master declares the check-mate again. Soon we will have ZERO children attempting to cross the border. How many of these kids find their way to leftist orgies by the way?
"A brief order explaining the court’s decision said the government “made a sufficient showing” that the groups challenging the decision did not have grounds to bring a lawsuit." That's not a win, the cert will be amended and I doubt trump will win. The issue remains unsettled, since the issue is can the executive supersede Art I, Sec. 7, clause 1; and, Art I, Sec 9, clause 7 (the power of the purse).

If Trump wins the precedent will give the power of the purse to the President, and that is not what the framers wanted.
You can doubt until you're blue in the face. Trump bashers have been doubting and doubting ever since November of 2016. Anybody want to add a few more doubts ? Feel free. :biggrin:
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

President Trump did propose new beds etc, but Democrats blocked it. I guess Democrats hate Hispanics.
nothing but right wing bigotry.

abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to stop creating refugees.

"bigotry" ? Not hardly. PROTECTING the nation from foreign invasion (any kind of foreign invasion) is the # 1 job of the POTUS. Back to the 4th grade for you.
nothing but right wing bigotry.

abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to stop creating refugees.

"bigotry" ? Not hardly. PROTECTING the nation from foreign invasion (any kind of foreign invasion) is the # 1 job of the POTUS. Back to the 4th grade for you.
what foreign invasion? we have a refugee problem on our southern border.
what foreign invasion? we have a refugee problem on our southern border.
"refugee" ? HA HA. That BS line was refuted years ago. If migrants were fleeing from crime, there are countries they could go to, that are closer to Central America, and have lower crime rates than the US (ex. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba)

They're coming to the US to ca$h in on jobs and welfare goodie$ enticed to them by leftists (Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, etc), looking to import Democrat VOTES.
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

President Trump did propose new beds etc, but Democrats blocked it. I guess Democrats hate Hispanics.
How did the Democrats block it?
They REFUSED to do anything to give him the money in the House, which of course you already know and are just playing games cause you think it wins points, Further when they finally approved money for more beds what happened? The left protested and started a campaign to keep suppliers from providing those beds. Which you also know.
what foreign invasion? we have a refugee problem on our southern border.
"refugee" ? HA HA. That BS line was refuted years ago. If migrants were fleeing from crime, there are countries they could go to, that are closer to Central America, and have lower crime rates than the US (ex. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba)

They're coming to the US to ca$h in on jobs and welfare goodie$ enticed to them by leftists (Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, etc), looking to import Democrat VOTES.
refugee problem. you can't care until they are on US soil for Jurisdiction.
Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.

He better build it now. Or all of his white supremacist supporters like you are going to continue throwing your temper tantrums about it. We certainly can't have that.

Isn’t a whiter America a safer more productive America?
Why does that suck?
Do you have statistics we haven't yet seen?
You realize that all your beloved human pets wanted to come to America because it was run by and inhabited by whites....right?
These are those scary facts you hate to face...huh?
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So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

See Darkwinds post below...

That is Congresses job. They have only to pass a bill giving the Border patrol more money for beds, larger facilities, and toiletries.

Why don't they?

President Trump did propose new beds etc, but Democrats blocked it. I guess Democrats hate Hispanics.

How did the Democrats block it?

By voting against it. How do you think ?

They REFUSED to do anything to give him the money in the House, which of course you already know and are just playing games cause you think it wins points, Further when they finally approved money for more beds what happened? The left protested and started a campaign to keep suppliers from providing those beds. Which you also know.

How Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah, a Self-Made Billionaire and Son of Immigrants, Got Caught Up in the Border Crisis
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

I guess for the same reason we don't have bars, casinos, and strip clubs in our prisons: it will only make it more inviting for others to come in.

The reason our border is flooded and creating this humanitarian crisis is because the Democrats put out the welcome mat. Leftist organizations sent their lawyers over the border to instruct people how to cheat the system, and Congress being Democrat led promising those people eventual acceptance into our country if they break our laws. In fact it was not until recent weeks when Democrats abandoned the claim that there was no crisis, and finally admitted there was.

The tides have turned. Not only will we have a wall, but because of Trump's genius strategy to hold Mexico accountable for those that travel through their country to get here, we are greatly reducing those coming here in the first place. Add to that, Trump changed the criteria to apply for asylum (which most know they don't apply) to not do so at our border, but instead, at a US embassy in their own country. Plus you do not qualify for asylum if you crossed Mexico go get here and refused their asylum offer.

Prior to all this, parents would send their teen daughters on this dangerous journey to the US with a pocket full of birth control pills for "when" they get raped multiple times. This is not to mention all the people who have died or been killed along the way.

Trump is putting a stop to that because these people know the fate of their children are better off in their hands instead of coyotes and drug lords to guide them along the way.

So this is not only a win for Trump, but a win for those innocent children as well.

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