Trump wins again on Border wall

Just seeing this. Good news if not overwhelmingly good. Still it creates acknowledgement by the court that
the president has the right to use funds to improve the nation's border security.

Imagine a party that would make it difficult if not impossible to make America more secure.
That party would by definition be anti American. That party would be peopled by a-holes and
America haters.

That party is the democrat party, to no one's surprise.
The founding fathers would hate the Democrats. We were founded as a white Christian nation. The Democrats side with everyone but white Christians.

Maybe because you racists ain't Christians.
Lol, thanks for proving you lost. Race card, lol.

I went through this whole thread and read each post searching for comments that had substance so I could respond. I would say 99% of the comments posted are nothing more than bombastic.


The ruling is an example of why Congress should not make decisions out of spite when their party is in charge. It can and will be used against them when they are no longer in power.

There is certainly a crisis in how we are handling our immigration issue but I'm not sure this decision is the end of the debate or fight.
so as n korea engages it nuclear program again yall are happy this is happening....sadly i must say yall are idiots....
and what happen to mexico paying for the wall? your cheeto god could care less about anything other than lining his pockets and those of his family and friends
Lol, Mexico is paying their troops to stop the illegals at their border. To prevent them to invade our border. So in fact Mexico is doing more to protect America, than you American hating liberals. Trump is the best thing to happen to America in a long time.
Trump finishing the border wall will end the problem of illegal immigration. Don't you liberals realize that is a good thing?
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

Keeping the filthy ass Illegals from coming here in the first place is the most humanitarian thing he can do.

If if the Illegal shitheads didn't want to endure "humanitarian conditions" all they had to do was turn around and go back home. Of course if they did that you stupid Moon Bats wouldn't have a welfare voting base for the Democrat Party, would you?
100 years of U.S. intervention have made their countries the shitholes that they are. They`re fleeing unfettered Capitalism.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. US Interventionism has not created Socialist shitholes. Socialism did that all on its own.
It's just really REALLY hard for me to believe anyone in politics actually wants to do much of anything to help America.

Let's see how much new barrier actually gets placed.

If Trump actually gets this done in spite of the impossible resistance he's faced, he may just prove to be one of America's greatest modern US presidents.
On the surface, this seems to be the most any US President has done to secure the borders in a LONG time (Im also including the negotiations with other SA countries such as Mexico to help control the flow of immigrants.

We got more debt from Obama.....and after Obama we still had no Barrier, No border wall, No Infrastructure improvements, MUCH weaker military, a fractured space program and no International respect. At least with Trump we have to something to show for that money.

The world may say they hate Trump (if they do), but they know he means business and they do respect him.

Blah, blah, blah. Your ignorant Repug ass does realize that most illegal immigrants do not cross the Mexican border and that this idiotic wall will have little or no impact on illegal immigration?

Of course you don't.
Wow, you're a fucking moron. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, because Trump says otherwise. Fucking brainwashed racist Repug dumb fuck.
the R word means nothing because you use it so much
we just laugh when we see it
Trump finishing the border wall will end the problem of illegal immigration. Don't you liberals realize that is a good thing?

a. No it won't
b. Not in all cases, the wall is the antithesis of the Statue of Liberty.
c. Trump alone created the mess on our border.
Fences keep prisoners in jail. A border fence will keep the Mexicans on their side.
You really don't understand the ruling, your bias prevents you from understanding the decision, and thus make a false claim that trump won again.
But Trump did win. That is clear. Pelosi and Schumer recognize it.

Trump won because the wall is good for America. Democrats lost for the same reason
Trump finishing the border wall will end the problem of illegal immigration. Don't you liberals realize that is a good thing?

a. No it won't
b. Not in all cases, the wall is the antithesis of the Statue of Liberty.
c. Trump alone created the mess on our border.
Fences keep prisoners in jail. A border fence will keep the Mexicans on their side.

I'm not opposed to using resources to develop state of the art border defense. I think the discussion gets waylaid when we limit it to the term "wall". There are better ways to promote border defense and security and I'm not sure why this administration isn't interested in engaging all Americans in this discussion. Why create a division when it certainly is something most if not all Americans could get behind.
Trump finishing the border wall will end the problem of illegal immigration. Don't you liberals realize that is a good thing?
Don`t you realize that Mexicans know how to build tunnels? It will be interesting to see how he builds a wall in the middle of the 1,200 mile shifting Rio Grande river. I would swap Trump`s Deplorables for illegals in a heartbeat. Unlike Trump`s base, Mexicans aren`t afraid of hard work. That`s correct, Trump`s base gets the bulk of the free stuff in this country.
As the border wall grows, smuggling tunnels proliferate
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

Keeping the filthy ass Illegals from coming here in the first place is the most humanitarian thing he can do.

If if the Illegal shitheads didn't want to endure "humanitarian conditions" all they had to do was turn around and go back home. Of course if they did that you stupid Moon Bats wouldn't have a welfare voting base for the Democrat Party, would you?
100 years of U.S. intervention have made their countries the shitholes that they are. They`re fleeing unfettered Capitalism.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. US Interventionism has not created Socialist shitholes. Socialism did that all on its own.

It's so sad, you've never left Florida and not seen other parts of the world. As is true of most White Supremacists your ignorance, bigotry and lack of curiosity have your brain locked in box where you are scared that men of color will take your job. Sad too that your false belief of your supremacy has been effectively destroyed when a man of color served our nation as POTUS, leaving you scared, insecure and filled with hate for anyone who doesn't look like yourself. Sad too that you do not embrace the strength of America for hundreds of years: e pluribus unum.

You really don't understand the ruling, your bias prevents you from understanding the decision, and thus make a false claim that trump won again.
But Trump did win. That is clear. Pelosi and Schumer recognize it.

Trump won because the wall is good for America. Democrats lost for the same reason


"A brief order explaining the court’s decision said the government “made a sufficient showing” that the groups challenging the decision did not have grounds to bring a lawsuit." That's not a win, the issue will be amended and I doubt trump will win.

The issue remains unsettled, since the issue is can the executive supersede Art I, Sec. 7, clause 1; and, Art I, Sec 9, clause 7 (the power of the purse).

If Trump wins the precedent will give the power of the purse to the President, and that is not what the framers wanted, and something real conservatives abhor.

Only trump supporters, easily led by Trump's words, believe otherwise:


so as n korea engages it nuclear program again yall are happy this is happening....sadly i must say yall are idiots....
and what happen to mexico paying for the wall? your cheeto god could care less about anything other than lining his pockets and those of his family and friends
Why wouldn't Americans be happy about the wall getting built ? It's a good and needed thing, long overdue.

As for N. Korea, they're not going to denuclearize, and why should they ? Do they have not as much right to protect themselves as anybody else ? Let's not forget that they are in a very dangerous continental neighborhood, with nuclear nations all around them (Russia, China, India, Pakistan)

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