Trump wins again on Border wall


There should be guard towers on the border.

oh, guards too -

so much for a wall stopping immigrants -

Egads - it's starting to sound like a prison but for who...........

Republicans want to be locked up with 20 million murdering drug dealers with the plague ..


It's human nature to always find a way no matter the obstacle. If we are serious about addressing the issue of immigration then it has to be more than just border security.

people spend more time gaming the system than they do in church ---

if you aint supposed to, you can bet the farm someones trying to figure out how ....


More reason why it's important to get majority buy in. It would allow a holistic approach to a complex issue.
so as n korea engages it nuclear program again yall are happy this is happening....sadly i must say yall are idiots....
and what happen to mexico paying for the wall? your cheeto god could care less about anything other than lining his pockets and those of his family and friends
Why wouldn't Americans be happy about the wall getting built ? It's a good and needed thing, long overdue.

As for N. Korea, they're not going to denuclearize, and why should they ? Do they have not as much right to protect themselves as anybody else ? Let's not forget that they are in a very dangerous continental neighborhood, with nuclear nations all around them (Russia, China, India, Pakistan)

P1: A point to consider. A wall is expensive and only a symbol for security. It can be easily breached and thus maintenance will be an on going expense.

The wall is an antithesis of the Statue of Liberty, an money for the wall would be better spent on adding more portals, more Admin. Judges and lawyers, more diplomats and more modern technology even after trump gets his way.

P2. True. However Kim is a sociopathic despot and a murderer. Trump's interaction with him began with Trump's bellicose rhetoric and threats of fire and fury, aka Brinkmanship; now he's flipped and claims a love affair with a psychopath. Trump has no foreign policy experience and flies by the seat of his pants, never heading the expertise of foreign policy experts, diplomats and history.

It's human nature to always find a way no matter the obstacle. If we are serious about addressing the issue of immigration then it has to be more than just border security.

people spend more time gaming the system than they do in church ---

if you aint supposed to, you can bet the farm someones trying to figure out how ....

A Cost of Inequality?

Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation would mean people have no capital need to game our capital system of market based economics.

It would be much more efficient and provide an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
If Dems are complaining the wall won't stop all illegal immigration, there's more we can do.
P1: A point to consider. A wall is expensive and only a symbol for security. It can be easily breached and thus maintenance will be an on going expense.

The wall is an antithesis of the Statue of Liberty, an money for the wall would be better spent on adding more portals, more Admin. Judges and lawyers, more diplomats and more modern technology even after trump gets his way.

P2. True. However Kim is a sociopathic despot and a murderer. Trump's interaction with him began with Trump's bellicose rhetoric and threats of fire and fury, aka Brinkmanship; now he's flipped and claims a love affair with a psychopath. Trump has no foreign policy experience and flies by the seat of his pants, never heading the expertise of foreign policy experts, diplomats and history.
Even a modest wall is a major obstacle for women, children, disabled, and older migrants. As for the young, healthy, males..., easily breached ? See Post # 123 and 128.

A wall expense ($15 Billion one time) is miniscule relative to the savings it will help bring. US is losing $148 Billion/year to immigrants' remittances, and that's just one item on a list of about 20.

If the wall is an antithesis to the Statue of Liberty, GOOD. The Statue of Liberty is long out of date and bad for America. We don't need more people coming here, except very small numbers, purely on MERIT (only).

As I've said before, walls have proven their value in 77 other countries around the world. Not a question.

Regarding North Korea, I feel a sense of relief since Trump has gotten relations with them on a more even keel. Good job.
a. No it won't
b. Not in all cases, the wall is the antithesis of the Statue of Liberty.
c. Trump alone created the mess on our border.
Fences keep prisoners in jail. A border fence will keep the Mexicans on their side.

Not all of them, but it will reduce illegal immigration by at least 90%.

pull that # out of your ass or Trumps ?

By places that already have great success using a wall or other barriers.

Did anybody ever rob your house while you were away? Now picture if everybody knew you left your doors unlocked and open when you left the house. Do you think locking the doors would reduce the amount of people going into your house by 90% or more?

ok, sure- whatever -



build the wall - when the immigration issues continue, RW morons can blame Hillary.
Trump finishing the border wall will end the problem of illegal immigration. Don't you liberals realize that is a good thing?
Don`t you realize that Mexicans know how to build tunnels? It will be interesting to see how he builds a wall in the middle of the 1,200 mile shifting Rio Grande river. I would swap Trump`s Deplorables for illegals in a heartbeat. Unlike Trump`s base, Mexicans aren`t afraid of hard work. That`s correct, Trump`s base gets the bulk of the free stuff in this country.
As the border wall grows, smuggling tunnels proliferate
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

If that's the way you feel, you should support my idea of a divided country. We divide the country equally from north to south. We should have a national vote on who gets what side. Then we divide the country between the liberals and conservatives. Anybody in between will just have to pick a side.

I can't imagine life any happier than never to put up with liberal antics ever again. We will build a huge Trump wall to keep you liberals out, and live our lives happily ever after. Hell, if we elect the east side of the country for the conservative side, my property value would more than double overnight after all the liberals were kicked out.

You're not alone, but well outnumbered by the numbers of our service men and women buried in national cemeteries around our nations borders.

What you offer and support discredits the valor of those, and the men and women today who risk their life in defense of our union. You disgust me, and in that I'm not alone.
P1: A point to consider. A wall is expensive and only a symbol for security. It can be easily breached and thus maintenance will be an on going expense.

The wall is an antithesis of the Statue of Liberty, an money for the wall would be better spent on adding more portals, more Admin. Judges and lawyers, more diplomats and more modern technology even after trump gets his way.

P2. True. However Kim is a sociopathic despot and a murderer. Trump's interaction with him began with Trump's bellicose rhetoric and threats of fire and fury, aka Brinkmanship; now he's flipped and claims a love affair with a psychopath. Trump has no foreign policy experience and flies by the seat of his pants, never heading the expertise of foreign policy experts, diplomats and history.
Even a modest wall is a major obstacle for women, children, disabled, and older migrants. As for the young, healthy, males..., easily breached ? See Post # 123 and 128.

A wall expense ($15 Billion one time) is miniscule relative to the savings it will help bring. US is losing $148 Billion/year to immigrants' remittances, and that's just one item on a list of about 20.

If the wall is an antithesis to the Statue of Liberty, GOOD. The Statue of Liberty is long out of date and bad for America. We don't need more people coming here, except very small numbers, purely on MERIT (only).

As I've said before, walls have proven their value in 77 other countries around the world. Not a question.

Regarding North Korea, I feel a sense of relief since Trump has gotten relations with them on a more even keel. Good job.

They know they are dying trying to go around the existing walls into the dessert.


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