Trump wins again on Border wall

a. No it won't
b. Not in all cases, the wall is the antithesis of the Statue of Liberty.
c. Trump alone created the mess on our border.
Fences keep prisoners in jail. A border fence will keep the Mexicans on their side.

I'm not opposed to using resources to develop state of the art border defense. I think the discussion gets waylaid when we limit it to the term "wall". There are better ways to promote border defense and security and I'm not sure why this administration isn't interested in engaging all Americans in this discussion. Why create a division when it certainly is something most if not all Americans could get behind.

In Trump's meeting with Piglosi and Shoemaker several months ago, Trump said it didn't have to be a wall. He also said there are places where a border would be fruitless.

Trump is not designing the wall himself. It's going to be done with the people from border patrol,the army corps of engineers, and probably several other agencies.

I'm happy to hear the President isn't designing the wall. I'm not sure I feel overly confident that the army corp of engineers will play a major role since they royally messed up the original levee designs in New Orleans. (grin).

Yes, I remember the meeting between the President and democratic leaders. I still believe that there's an opportunity to focus more on promoting border security rather than a wall. People still focus on the "wall" as the primary form of security which shuts down open discussion and possibly common ground.

I think Trump will be instrumental in making suggestions. After all, construction was part of his line of work, and he knows quite a bit about it. However in the past, people that have worked with Trump stated he's a very open minded guy. He's not a "know it all" like DumBama was.

Like I said, a lot of agencies will have their input in the matter. Trump will be the ultimate decider of course.

Is it a win when our military pays for something that fat donnie kept saying was going to be paid for by Mexico?
If a plumber comes to your house to fix your sink, do you pay him IN ADVANCE (or after the job is done) ?
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Oh dear.
There is a reason why there are three branches of government, and Trump continues to try to do an end run around any checks on his behavior. This is so against the Constitution that I can only say I am very disappointed he got away with it. It is a fundamental fuck you to the country, and to the Founding Fathers who designed the government to stop unguided missiles like Trump. Good thing he's got less than two years left.

You're going to be very disappointed if you think Trump is only going go be here less than 2 years.

One of the things our Constitution charges the federal government with is protecting it's people within. That's impossible to do when you have flaccid or no borders to stop them. Birther Tourism is when countries and groups send their pregnant women here to have babies. They take their new Americans back home with them to be radicalized by the government or various Islamic groups. When they get of age, those new radicals come back to the US as citizens to do us harm, and there's not a damn thing we can d about it.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Is it a win when our military pays for something that fat donnie kept saying was going to be paid for by Mexico?

It is a win, especially when you've been trained by your media to keep bringing up who's going to pay for it instead of what a wall will accomplish. You are a fine example of how successful brainwashing actually is.
You're going to be very disappointed if you think Trump is only going go be here less than 2 years.
Actually, Trump could legally be in effect POTUS (via the Vice Presidency) for the rest of his life. Don't think it can't happen, Demmies.

You can only serve as President 8 years. You can't be a VP afterwards because the VP's main role is to take over as President if something terrible does happen to the President.
You can only serve as President 8 years. You can't be a VP afterwards because the VP's main role is to take over as President if something terrible does happen to the President.
FALSE! A former president CAN become Vice-president, and serve as an in-effect dual presidency with the president. While the president is limited to only 2 terms, there is no such limitation in the vice presidency. And neither the Constitution's eligibility provisions nor the Twenty-second Amendment's presidential term limit explicitly disqualify a twice-elected president from serving as vice president.

Thus, it appears that, after his 2nd term is over, Trump could be selected by the new president (Pence let's say) to be Vice President, establishing, ineffect, a dual presidency, with Trump still at the top for as long as he lives.

Trump could even serve as Vice-President under successive new presidents, in fact this has already happened twice in our history. George Clinton (1805–1812) served under both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; and John C. Calhoun (1825–1832) served under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.[17]

Vice President of the United States - Wikipedia

George Clinton

4th Vice President of the United States
In office

March 4, 1805 – April 20, 1812
President Thomas Jefferson (1805–1809)
James Madison (1809–1812)

John C. Calhoun

7th Vice President of the United States
In office

March 4, 1825 – December 28, 1832
President John Quincy Adams (1825–1829)
Andrew Jackson (1829–1832)
President Thomas Jefferson (1805–1809)
James Madison (1809–1812)
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