Trump wins again !

whining, pussy, chickenshit, hypocritical, bitches ...

Alex, I'll take uninformed Trump supporters for $1000 ...
scared, dishonest, hyperbolic, paranoid: What is a liberal, for 0 Alex.
Win is what Trump does. These guys still believe hyperbole is equivalent to Obama lies "you can keep your doctor"... Or even worse Hillary lies "There was no classified material".

Neither of those were lies but since you brought it up > President Trump is a pathological liar.


Too bad no one ever counted Obama's lies, or Hillary's, but only Liberals have the time for that, the rest of us have real jobs. I bet Obama could hit 50 or 75 solid, flat out lies a day without even trying. Trump's lies are a matter of opinion or soft lies.

Here's 7 pages of Trump's documented lies. That's 7 pages of documented lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Instead of conjecture based entirely on your far right wing hyper-partisan persona. How about you find fact based lies by Obama that surpass Trump's volume of lies, in such a short time?
The ball is in your court, Gomer.
Here's 7 pages of Trump's documented lies. That's 7 pages of documented lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Instead of conjecture based entirely on your far right wing hyper-partisan persona. How about you find fact based lies by Obama that surpass Trump's volume of lies, in such a short time?
The ball is in your court, Gomer.

Hey, bonehead, the very first claim is already easily proven wrong, so what does that say for the rest of them? The QUOTE might be accurate, it is the INTERPRETATION which is specious, moron, and idiots like you are just too eager to believe anything they read. People like you draw your conclusions FIRST then try to build a case to SUPPORT IT. All Trump said is that he had initiated an historic increase in spending for the military, he did not say the largest in history. If you look at the very chart provided in the article you will see how long it has been since spending has been anything near this, far from it. It has been ages since the military got a shot in the arm and much of our equipment is running out of spare parts and they are having a hard time keeping the aging stuff even working! I know, I have seen the first person reports in the field by the people trying to maintain things. So the monies Trump is getting and will continue to get in the future will go down in history as a big moment for rebuilding our military back up towards its former self, ie., historic.

BUT YOU MISS THE WHOLE POINT, Derp, at best what are you saying, that Trump has 120 instances where it can be claimed that he EXAGGERATED on what he is doing? Even if he DID, at least he is DOING IT! He is TRYING. The president is not a monopoly dictator where he just waves a wand on everything. Meantime, I have HUNDREDS in just one article alone (252) of things Obama DID, actual actions he took, not statements, policies where he grossly lied to the American people and took actions heavily against the nation's interests that HARMED THE COUNTRY. Far far worse than a little ego boasting.

So take your stupid worthless list and STUFF IT. If you follow this stuff at all like you claim to be doing, then you already know the things about Obama that I'm talking about! If that is all you have, parsing words and their intent with Trump, then it is going to be a VERY LONG 8 years for you.

Very long.

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