Trump wins big in debate!!!

was the bar for trump really so low that you guys truly believe he did well last night?
was the bar for trump really so low that you guys truly believe he did well last night?

Is your head that far up Clinton's ass that you've truly lost site of what's going on?
look, reality is he behaved himself better than in the previous debates but if he were any other candidate nobody would be claiming he did well last night.

he does not have a grasp of issues. he lacks the knowledge to support his positions, and he has the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

but if you really think he won you're in for a surprise next month
The low information voters do not understand what this election is really about....Globalism vs. Nationalism.

I think this is why Clinton had so little concern for using an unsecured server and why she mentioned the 4 minute nuclear readiness thing. She wants open borders and the less secure our country is, the less national and more open to the global community it is.
was the bar for trump really so low that you guys truly believe he did well last night?

Is your head that far up Clinton's ass that you've truly lost site of what's going on?
look, reality is he behaved himself better than in the previous debates but if he were any other candidate nobody would be claiming he did well last night.

he does not have a grasp of issues. he lacks the knowledge to support his positions, and he has the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

but if you really think he won you're in for a surprise next month

I'll take that as a ''yes'.
So you don't see any problem with the media throwing all objectivity and fairness out the window and brainwashing the public by repeating the left's talking points channel after channel 24 hours a day. Perhaps you'd feel at home in N. Korea. :rofl:

They don't. That's just the victim mentality of neocon whackjobism. They don't have to show any bias. Trump just tweets, or open his mouth, and he hangs himself. Nothing to do with the media. Just himself. Anyway, you have your little joke channel Fox News. Of course, nobody takes them seriously.
Baloney. It's obvious that the media has decided to stop pretending they're unbiased. Apparently somebody gave then a pass.
This screen shot taken like three minutes ago on MSN shows TRUMP wining in the POLL question
I found it Hillaryous that Clinton thinks that Mosul is on the border with Syria, roflmao.
Mosul is the closest large city to the Syrian boarder, about 75 miles.
It is probably also the closest largest city to the Turkish border.

the point is she thought it was ON the fucking border, not close to it.

Texarkana is on the border between Texas and Arkansas, Dallas is not on any border at all though it is close to Oklahoma, to its great sadness..

What planet are you living on???

The obsolete main stream media is
"Public Enemy Number One", they have no integrity, no credibility, and the so-called journalist are a bunch of professional liars, it's no wonder they support lying Hillary Clinton at all cost including the destruction of America and everything it stands for under the rule of law.

America is still based on the rule of law, and not the rule rule of the Greedy Anti-American Establishment!!!

The media is a lousy, has been, dinosaur propaganda machine which has blown it's cover with this election
showing and proving to the world it's extreme bias, and Anti-American agenda.

The media poll are basically for lemmings they make up the poll numbers and we are suppose to follow their lead over a cliff.

Americans now see though the deceptions, and reject all the control the media think it has over the minds of the American people.

The media structure is nothing more than a professional lie factory creating all types of lies hoping to control public opinion.

No; not this time.
Anyone who really listened, and knows the difference between reality and rhetoric knows Trump is the only one on the stage that can save this country.

Lying "War criminals" who take photos with the leaders of ISIS, and have no respect for the rule of law and the Constitution are in reality America's worst nightmare.

Hillary is a pathological liar!!!!

LOLOLOL....I can't wait for the guy to win.......I want him to stop women from getting abortions at 9 months. guys are soooo stupid.

What planet are you living on???

The obsolete main stream media is
"Public Enemy Number One", they have no integrity, no credibility, and the so-called journalist are a bunch of professional liars, it's no wonder they support lying Hillary Clinton at all cost including the destruction of America and everything it stands for under the rule of law.

America is still based on the rule of law, and not the rule rule of the Greedy Anti-American Establishment!!!

The media is a lousy, has been, dinosaur propaganda machine which has blown it's cover with this election
showing and proving to the world it's extreme bias, and Anti-American agenda.

The media poll are basically for lemmings they make up the poll numbers and we are suppose to follow their lead over a cliff.

Americans now see though the deceptions, and reject all the control the media think it has over the minds of the American people.

The media structure is nothing more than a professional lie factory creating all types of lies hoping to control public opinion.

No; not this time.
I found it Hillaryous that Clinton thinks that Mosul is on the border with Syria, roflmao.
Mosul is the closest large city to the Syrian boarder, about 75 miles.
It is probably also the closest largest city to the Turkish border.

the point is she thought it was ON the fucking border, not close to it.

Texarkana is on the border between Texas and Arkansas, Dallas is not on any border at all though it is close to Oklahoma, to its great sadness..
In context of her statement, it doesn't matter whether she said near or on the Syria boarder. It is the closest Iraqi city to the boarder. Had the exact location been pertinent to the discussion, it would have mattered.
Trump's refusal to accept the results of the election is the final straw. He has given the election to Clinton.

Trump is in it to win it, and that's just the type of true leader America needs.

The rule of law is extremely important for civilized nations to adhere too.

Hillary is not above the rule of law by rigging the F.B.I with her Anti-American cronies such as Comey, and the Attorney General who violated the rule of law just as they do in communist nations.

A rigged justice system and media also points to a rigged election.

Hillary has no business even running for president, she has stolen billions from the state department, murdered millions with her inept communist policies, caused millions to flee their homes as refugees, and is working with the terrorist she claims to to fighting against.

Trumps refusal to accept any bogus election results helps the justice department to do the job under the rule of law they should have done from the start. Hillary Clinton is not above the law.

Trumps refusal to accept anything other than victory is the first real step in Taking America back!

Anyone who really listened, and knows the difference between reality and rhetoric knows Trump is the only one on the stage that can save this country.

Lying "War criminals" who take photos with the leaders of ISIS, and have no respect for the rule of law and the Constitution are in reality America's worst nightmare.

Hillary is a pathological liar!!!!

LOLOLOL....I can't wait for the guy to win.......I want him to stop women from getting abortions at 9 months. guys are soooo stupid.
There are no ninth month abortions. 1.3 percent of abortions happen at or after 21 weeks and 80 percent are for birth defects. A ninth month abortion is a unicorn and so it’s ridiculous to even discuss it but when has that ever stopped Trump.


Donald Trump Confuses Birth With Abortion. And No, There Are No Ninth Month Abortions. | Huffington Post

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