Trump wins big in debate!!!

If this is a double post of the same image apologies, as I am not seeing it on my first comment above. i


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Trump's refusal to accept the results of the election is the final straw. He has given the election to Clinton.

You lie. That is not what he said....though you are not to blame you probably saw some reporter claim that...i saw a reporter claim that also. The difference being I watched the debate and heard what Trump said. Case closed. Move along boyo.
I agree, Trump chewed her up and shat her out.

But here's totally biased propaganda machine CNN's response: Hillary won, plus, even if Hillary and her cronies commit election fraud, Trump should accept.

That's what their take away was. And they wonder why Trump calls the election rigged.

I think using the term 'rigged alone and by itself' was a mistake....what Trump should have said and what needs to be said over and over because it is absolutely and demonstrably true...the media are attemping along with others to skewer the election in hillarys favor...that is very obvious.
I agree, Trump chewed her up and shat her out.

But here's totally biased propaganda machine CNN's response: Hillary won, plus, even if Hillary and her cronies commit election fraud, Trump should accept.

That's what their take away was. And they wonder why Trump calls the election rigged.

Too much is made of these so called debates to begin with....anyhow....everyone is going to see what they want to see. I was sitting in a room with a liberal female friend and we both saw it in the opposite manner...she saw what she wanted to see and I saw the truth. heheh and so it goes....It is a waste of time to watch all the talking heads try and spin the thing...they spin it the way their bosses want ...end of story. Move along boyos.
That bitch never once mentions Veterans either.
Why would she when she they are deplorable fascists?

I only watched to see if hillary would fall out.

It was a shame she did not come out in a witches appropriate that would have been...might have won her the election. hehheh

Surely, I jest...she is truly disgusting....but the low-information voters fall for her b.s.

One point that i fear a lot of people may have missed and it is very revealing of reference to the Orlando Night Club shooter...she said "he was born in queens...just like you Donald'....the point she was trying to make was that he was an American....she didnt want to admit he was a muslim....or she wanted to over-rule his islamic faith by claiming he was an American justs like donald....irregardless of the shooters religious motive.

Another point that the donald should have made in regards to the muslim is the children that usually become was the case in pulse night club shooting in orlando...research has proven the children of muslims are very susceptible to radicalization......................thus no matter how well you vent the muslim immigrants, no matter how good of a people they are, no matter how much they suffered in syria or elsewhere....the children of muslim immigrants present the greatest danger.
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LOL Love poor losers in advance. LOL

Your silly candidate destroyed any chance he had.

I think we are all going to be surprised...

I just have one question, if you believe The Donald is so bad and unqualified to be POTUS, WTF does our Power Grid have to do with open borders?
Anyone who really listened, and knows the difference between reality and rhetoric knows Trump is the only one on the stage that can save this country.

Lying "War criminals" who take photos with the leaders of ISIS, and have no respect for the rule of law and the Constitution are in reality America's worst nightmare.

Hillary is a pathological liar!!!!


Save the country from what exactly?
Anyone who really listened, and knows the difference between reality and rhetoric knows Trump is the only one on the stage that can save this country.

Lying "War criminals" who take photos with the leaders of ISIS, and have no respect for the rule of law and the Constitution are in reality America's worst nightmare.

Hillary is a pathological liar!!!!

That bitch never once mentions Veterans either.

Amazing how well set up faux 'refugees' are compared to veterans, or any poor American person for that matter, under Obama, not to mention the criminal discrimination against what few Christians are left alive over there, since Obama agrees with the UN vermin and utter scum that they magically don't qualify for refugee status. And anybody who believes they're vetting anybody at all other than making sure they aren't Christians needs to buy these bags of magic beans I'll be happy to sell them.
Anyone who really listened, and knows the difference between reality and rhetoric knows Trump is the only one on the stage that can save this country.

Lying "War criminals" who take photos with the leaders of ISIS, and have no respect for the rule of law and the Constitution are in reality America's worst nightmare.

Hillary is a pathological liar!!!!

Allah Akbar!
Hillary was baffled and blurry eyed and Trump kept her on topic. What is a med pen? It was reported that her agent put a med pen in her pocket. Oxy or worse?
I agree, Trump chewed her up and shat her out.

But here's totally biased propaganda machine CNN's response: Hillary won, plus, even if Hillary and her cronies commit election fraud, Trump should accept.

That's what their take away was. And they wonder why Trump calls the election rigged.

Too much is made of these so called debates to begin with....anyhow....everyone is going to see what they want to see. I was sitting in a room with a liberal female friend and we both saw it in the opposite manner...she saw what she wanted to see and I saw the truth. heheh and so it goes....It is a waste of time to watch all the talking heads try and spin the thing...they spin it the way their bosses want ...end of story. Move along boyos.
Like I said this may be the first election where the social media and other online news sources finally overtake traditional media like CNN and MSNBC in relevancy. At least that's what Trump seems to be banking on. We might be watching the fall of the fascist lapdogs of the Democrat party. .
Like I said this may be the first election where the social media and other online news sources finally overtake traditional media like CNN and MSNBC in relevancy. At least that's what Trump seems to be banking on. We might be watching the fall of the fascist lapdogs of the Democrst party. .

And see the rise of fascism via the Trumpster! I love that he's into tweeting. Everytime he says something, he loses votes. Love it. Keep it up Trumplethinskin...
do any of you want to know a secret? this is absolutely the most powerful meme in america right now and has been for almost a year:

most powerful meme ever.jpg

no one really knows why because it's absurdly simplistic, it's just trump in a car with a gun, but that's america so go figure.

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