Trump Won - Get Over It

He won the electoral college and is the President elect.

The GOP, somehow (and in spite of it's own stupidity) managed to hold onto the Senate.

They retained the House where they will be in the Majority for another two years (and likely more than that).

Listening to the whining of the left has been hysterical.

We're not going to stop complaining. Hillary won the popular vote by a significant margin. The Democrats have won the popular vote in every presidential election going back to 1988, and that includes the election stolen from Kerry in 2004.

If it wasn't for Repug voter suppression in states like N. Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin, Hillary might have won the election by close to 5 million votes. Republican-elected officials eliminated over 800 voting locations nationwide in Democratic precincts for the 2016 election, in order to create massive lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Fuck them all.
Uh oh, here comes the Waaaaaaaahbulance... Maybe if the Dimocrat party runs some better candidates, maybe they can win.
Intolerant progressives can't accept that the American people reject their bat-shit crazy communist ideology...

Hillary backers: 'Hateful bigot, I hope you die ... I will put a bullet in your brain'

Electoral voters ‘deluged’ with death threats in multiple states

Really? When did Social Security get rejected? When did Medicare get rejected? When did minority rights get rejected? Shall I go on?
Because that is all progressives have ever done? Bwahahahahaha! If you're not lying, then your side got reject for accomplishing TWO things in over 100 hundred years (we're the one's who got rights for minorities junior - your side tried to prevent it as always). If you are lying (as usual), then you need look no further than idiotic posts like this for explanations for why you have no credibility on USMB.
Name the conservatives on this board who 'just got over' Obama winning,


Here you go bub. Review it until you have it memorized.

Intolerant progressives can't accept that the American people reject their bat-shit crazy communist ideology...

Hillary backers: 'Hateful bigot, I hope you die ... I will put a bullet in your brain'

Electoral voters ‘deluged’ with death threats in multiple states

Really? When did Social Security get rejected? When did Medicare get rejected? When did minority rights get rejected? Shall I go on?
Because that is all progressives have ever done? Bwahahahahaha! If you're not lying, then your side got reject for accomplishing TWO things in over 100 hundred years (we're the one's who got rights for minorities junior - your side tried to prevent it as always). If you are lying (as usual), then you need look no further than idiotic posts like this for explanations for why you have no credibility on USMB.
As usual, upside down and backwards...SS, UE, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Civil Rights, and a Health Care system all happened because of a Dem president in full control. The GOP only joined in when it was inevitable- then it went full blown southern conservative...
Anarchist-fueled violence and destruction can’t be tolerated. Nor should corporate (or anti-corporate) temper tantrums that blatantly violate free-speech rights.

Collegiate sobbing and wailing, on the other hand, shouldn’t be tolerated — especially not by the parents who are shelling out tens of thousands of dollars to pay for it.

Scenes from the liberal meltdown
Intolerant progressives can't accept that the American people reject their bat-shit crazy communist ideology...

Hillary backers: 'Hateful bigot, I hope you die ... I will put a bullet in your brain'

Electoral voters ‘deluged’ with death threats in multiple states

Really? When did Social Security get rejected? When did Medicare get rejected? When did minority rights get rejected? Shall I go on?
Because that is all progressives have ever done? Bwahahahahaha! If you're not lying, then your side got reject for accomplishing TWO things in over 100 hundred years (we're the one's who got rights for minorities junior - your side tried to prevent it as always). If you are lying (as usual), then you need look no further than idiotic posts like this for explanations for why you have no credibility on USMB.
As usual, upside down and backwards...SS, UE, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Civil Rights, and a Health Care system all happened because of a Dem president in full control. The GOP only joined in when it was inevitable- then it went full blown southern conservative...

All those social safety nets....big money suckers and the things that will burden the coming generations......that will ensure they don't vote democrat for decades.

Get a clue moron.
We'll never know for sure (on both sides) - but one thing is for certain: the actual numbers differ from the "official" numbers. It's irresponsible for anyone to make any claims about the "popular" vote. What is indisputable is that Donald Trump won the Electoral College.

Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

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