Trump Won - Get Over It

He won the electoral college and is the President elect.
Well yeah but you still have a bunch of morons that don't understand that we live in a Republic not a Democracy, the whole point of which is to disperse power downwards and outwards. The EC was put into place to give all the states a say in who gets to be the Chief Executive for the Republic, do away with that and you open up the door for a Presidency that only needs to concern itself with wants of the large urban areas.

Do these people realize that if they want to dump the EC in favor of Democracy it begs the questions;

If you want to live by a simple majority, then what about the Constitutional Amendment process? how about we change that one to 50%+1 of Congress and 50%+1 of the States?

Look at the map folks, notice all those RED states and notice who's in charge of both of houses of Congress these days, you want President Trump and the Republicans putting up Amendments where only a simple majority is required?

How about that "anti-Democratic" filibuster rule? Do the Democrats want that one done away with about now?
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?

Progressives are astoundingly stupid.
You mean the Southern Democrats who became Republicans after the Civil Rights bill? Like Strom Thurmond?
So then why isn't the entire country Republican right now, snowflake? You falsely claim that all of the racist Dumbocrats suddenly and magically became Republicans but you fail to explain what happened to the original Republican's and why there are any Dumbocrats left.

Let me guess...they all agreed to switch sides? :lmao:
Why people would want their political views stereotyped and generalized by labeling them with one of two corrupt political parties, baffles me.

So where does that leave somebody like me who supports smaller government, pro choice, lower taxes, LGBT rights, immigration enforcement, common sense gun control, global trade reform, and improving our welfare/healthcare programs?
He won the electoral college and is the President elect.
Well yeah but you still have a bunch of morons that don't understand that we live in a Republic not a Democracy, the whole point of which is to disperse power downwards and outwards. The EC was put into place to give all the states a say in who gets to be the Chief Executive for the Republic, do away with that and you open up the door for a Presidency that only needs to concern itself with wants of the large urban areas.

Do these people realize that if they want to dump the EC in favor of Democracy it begs the questions;

If you want to live by a simple majority, then what about the Constitutional Amendment process? how about we change that one to 50%+1 of Congress and 50%+1 of the States?

Look at the map folks, notice all those RED states and notice who's in charge of both of houses of Congress these days, you want President Trump and the Republicans putting up Amendments where only a simple majority is required?

How about that "anti-Democratic" filibuster rule? Do the Democrats want that one done away with about now?
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?


You really think that a majority of Christians in America support those things?
He won the electoral college and is the President elect.
Well yeah but you still have a bunch of morons that don't understand that we live in a Republic not a Democracy, the whole point of which is to disperse power downwards and outwards. The EC was put into place to give all the states a say in who gets to be the Chief Executive for the Republic, do away with that and you open up the door for a Presidency that only needs to concern itself with wants of the large urban areas.

Do these people realize that if they want to dump the EC in favor of Democracy it begs the questions;

If you want to live by a simple majority, then what about the Constitutional Amendment process? how about we change that one to 50%+1 of Congress and 50%+1 of the States?

Look at the map folks, notice all those RED states and notice who's in charge of both of houses of Congress these days, you want President Trump and the Republicans putting up Amendments where only a simple majority is required?

How about that "anti-Democratic" filibuster rule? Do the Democrats want that one done away with about now?
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?

Progressives are astoundingly stupid.

Progressives just want one party rule (after all that worked out so well for the Soviet Union and North Korea)...

.... and if they keep up their arrogance, temper tantrums and stupidity they're going to get exactly what they want.

Unfortunately for them it'll be the wrong one party that ends up ruling.
He won the electoral college and is the President elect.
Well yeah but you still have a bunch of morons that don't understand that we live in a Republic not a Democracy, the whole point of which is to disperse power downwards and outwards. The EC was put into place to give all the states a say in who gets to be the Chief Executive for the Republic, do away with that and you open up the door for a Presidency that only needs to concern itself with wants of the large urban areas.

Do these people realize that if they want to dump the EC in favor of Democracy it begs the questions;

If you want to live by a simple majority, then what about the Constitutional Amendment process? how about we change that one to 50%+1 of Congress and 50%+1 of the States?

Look at the map folks, notice all those RED states and notice who's in charge of both of houses of Congress these days, you want President Trump and the Republicans putting up Amendments where only a simple majority is required?

How about that "anti-Democratic" filibuster rule? Do the Democrats want that one done away with about now?
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?

Progressives are astoundingly stupid.

Progressives just want one party rule (after all that worked out so well for the Soviet Union and North Korea)...

.... and if they keep up their arrogance, temper tantrums and stupidity they're going to get exactly what they want.

Unfortunately for them it'll be the wrong one party that ends up ruling.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
He won the electoral college and is the President elect.
Well yeah but you still have a bunch of morons that don't understand that we live in a Republic not a Democracy, the whole point of which is to disperse power downwards and outwards. The EC was put into place to give all the states a say in who gets to be the Chief Executive for the Republic, do away with that and you open up the door for a Presidency that only needs to concern itself with wants of the large urban areas.

Do these people realize that if they want to dump the EC in favor of Democracy it begs the questions;

If you want to live by a simple majority, then what about the Constitutional Amendment process? how about we change that one to 50%+1 of Congress and 50%+1 of the States?

Look at the map folks, notice all those RED states and notice who's in charge of both of houses of Congress these days, you want President Trump and the Republicans putting up Amendments where only a simple majority is required?

How about that "anti-Democratic" filibuster rule? Do the Democrats want that one done away with about now?
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?

Progressives are astoundingly stupid.

Progressives just want one party rule (after all that worked out so well for the Soviet Union and North Korea)...

.... and if they keep up their arrogance, temper tantrums and stupidity they're going to get exactly what they want.

Unfortunately for them it'll be the wrong one party that ends up ruling.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
Might have something to do with the temper tantrums they throw every time they don't get their way and the fact that they want to advance dumb ass arguments like getting rid of the EC (because an election didn't go their way), or all the spirited defense of Obama's EO's (after spending 8 years bitching about GWB's EO's), or Progressives like Barb Streisand suggesting Obama bypass Congress for his Supreme Court Picks, or Progressives like Rosie O'Donnell suggesting that the federal government seize all BP's assets...... and that's just the progressives on the LEFT the progressives on the RIGHT are just as bad.

People that worship the government ALWAYS want complete control of government so they can use government force to make everybody Else do what they say (Obamacare MANDATES anyone?) and I have yet to come across a progressive that doesn't worship government.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
We could....if your side of the aisle would stop breaking the law. Aside from these repulsive riots, your side has spent over 100 years shredding the U.S. Constitution and achieving your goals through executive fiat rather than constitutional legislation.

If you guys want the federal government handling retirement plans for America - fine. Lets have that conversation, convince the people you are right, and get the votes needed to amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. But you criminals don't do that. You just forge ahead with whatever you want, law be damned.

Sorry, but rational people and true Americans will never talk respectively and work with criminals. Never. You people want to start acting like law-abiding American's, then we'll come to the table and work tirelessly with you. Until then, you can forget about your pipe dream.
He won the electoral college and is the President elect.
Well yeah but you still have a bunch of morons that don't understand that we live in a Republic not a Democracy, the whole point of which is to disperse power downwards and outwards. The EC was put into place to give all the states a say in who gets to be the Chief Executive for the Republic, do away with that and you open up the door for a Presidency that only needs to concern itself with wants of the large urban areas.

Do these people realize that if they want to dump the EC in favor of Democracy it begs the questions;

If you want to live by a simple majority, then what about the Constitutional Amendment process? how about we change that one to 50%+1 of Congress and 50%+1 of the States?

Look at the map folks, notice all those RED states and notice who's in charge of both of houses of Congress these days, you want President Trump and the Republicans putting up Amendments where only a simple majority is required?

How about that "anti-Democratic" filibuster rule? Do the Democrats want that one done away with about now?
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?

Progressives are astoundingly stupid.

Progressives just want one party rule (after all that worked out so well for the Soviet Union and North Korea)...

.... and if they keep up their arrogance, temper tantrums and stupidity they're going to get exactly what they want.

Unfortunately for them it'll be the wrong one party that ends up ruling.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
Might have something to do with the temper tantrums they throw every time they don't get their way and the fact that they want to advance dumb ass arguments like getting rid of the EC (because an election didn't go their way), or all the spirited defense of Obama's EO's (after spending 8 years bitching about GWB's EO's), or Progressives like Barb Streisand suggesting Obama bypass Congress for his Supreme Court Picks, or Progressives like Rosie O'Donnell suggesting that the federal government seize all BP's assets...... and that's just the progressives on the LEFT the progressives on the RIGHT are just as bad.

People that worship the government ALWAYS want complete control of government so they can use government force to make everybody Else do what they say (Obamacare MANDATES anyone?) and I have yet to come across a progressive that doesn't worship government.
You can flip the script on your arguement and find examples of the Right doing the exact same thing. We need healthy protest and debate in this country as there are many differences in ideology but if addressed appropriately both sides can build something great. The conversation is not healthy any more because BOTH sides can no longer speak with respect and honesty. The Right stuck their thumbs up their butts over Obamas terms and did all they could do to obstruct. The left has done this as well. Don't pretend this is a one sided thing, both contribute to the problem and are responsible
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
We could....if your side of the aisle would stop breaking the law. Aside from these repulsive riots, your side has spent over 100 years shredding the U.S. Constitution and achieving your goals through executive fiat rather than constitutional legislation.

If you guys want the federal government handling retirement plans for America - fine. Lets have that conversation, convince the people you are right, and get the votes needed to amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. But you criminals don't do that. You just forge ahead with whatever you want, law be damned.

Sorry, but rational people and true Americans will never talk respectively and work with criminals. Never. You people want to start acting like law-abiding American's, then we'll come to the table and work tirelessly with you. Until then, you can forget about your pipe dream.
You anti liberal dupes crack me up. Progressives are what have always propelled our country, since inception. Liberalism is the gas pedal and conservatism is the brakes. Both necessary elements for progress but the car isn't going to move with out the gas... it will crash without the brakes. If we did everything your way we would be at a standstill.

Just look at the greatest accomplishments of our countries history... they are all progressive... ending slavery, women's rights, civil rights, our diversity, freedom of speech, religion, expression etc etc etc.

Yes you can cherry pick examples where the left goes overboard and that's where the reality check from the right becomes necessarily and useful. But your rediculous partisan rhetoric doesn't speak truth or do anything productive for our republic
We need healthy protest and debate in this country as there are many differences in ideology but if addressed appropriately both sides can build something great.
Now that part is true! But there is nothing "healthy" about what progressives are doing right now. Tell me, do you think it is "healthy" that grown damn adults require coloring books and a "safe space"? Do you think it is "healthy" that tens of thousands of progressives have physically assaulted thousands of Trump supporters? Do you think it is "healthy" to block highways, bridges, and streets (there was an incident this week - Tennessee maybe? - where a couple was trying to rush their dying baby to the ER but the bridge was blocked by ignorant, idiotic, selfish progressives that grew up being handed participation trophies and never learned how to lose with dignity).
Well yeah but you still have a bunch of morons that don't understand that we live in a Republic not a Democracy, the whole point of which is to disperse power downwards and outwards. The EC was put into place to give all the states a say in who gets to be the Chief Executive for the Republic, do away with that and you open up the door for a Presidency that only needs to concern itself with wants of the large urban areas.

Do these people realize that if they want to dump the EC in favor of Democracy it begs the questions;

If you want to live by a simple majority, then what about the Constitutional Amendment process? how about we change that one to 50%+1 of Congress and 50%+1 of the States?

Look at the map folks, notice all those RED states and notice who's in charge of both of houses of Congress these days, you want President Trump and the Republicans putting up Amendments where only a simple majority is required?

How about that "anti-Democratic" filibuster rule? Do the Democrats want that one done away with about now?
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?

Progressives are astoundingly stupid.

Progressives just want one party rule (after all that worked out so well for the Soviet Union and North Korea)...

.... and if they keep up their arrogance, temper tantrums and stupidity they're going to get exactly what they want.

Unfortunately for them it'll be the wrong one party that ends up ruling.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
Might have something to do with the temper tantrums they throw every time they don't get their way and the fact that they want to advance dumb ass arguments like getting rid of the EC (because an election didn't go their way), or all the spirited defense of Obama's EO's (after spending 8 years bitching about GWB's EO's), or Progressives like Barb Streisand suggesting Obama bypass Congress for his Supreme Court Picks, or Progressives like Rosie O'Donnell suggesting that the federal government seize all BP's assets...... and that's just the progressives on the LEFT the progressives on the RIGHT are just as bad.

People that worship the government ALWAYS want complete control of government so they can use government force to make everybody Else do what they say (Obamacare MANDATES anyone?) and I have yet to come across a progressive that doesn't worship government.
You can flip the script on your arguement and find examples of the Right doing the exact same thing. We need healthy protest and debate in this country as there are many differences in ideology but if addressed appropriately both sides can build something great. The conversation is not healthy any more because BOTH sides can no longer speak with respect and honesty. The Right stuck their thumbs up their butts over Obamas terms and did all they could do to obstruct. The left has done this as well. Don't pretend this is a one sided thing, both contribute to the problem and are responsible

Of course you can "flip the script" , progressives on the right are no less prone to shutting down arguments using slander, insults and demonization than progressives on the left are and they are no less likely to come up with the answer "government force" to any given "problem" that they're asked about.

"Healthy protest and debate" is not possible when you have large swaths of the citizenry that demean, demonize and slander ANYONE with an opposing worldview (the whole purpose of "political correctness") and whose response is almost invariably "get government to force them to do what we want".

There are VERY few questions that progressives don't want to resort to government force to answer , generally speaking;

for the left it's sex and drugs
for the right it's religion and education

If progressives want to restore some respect for their worldview they can start by LISTENING and assuming that opposing views are based on principle not malice, then considering the premise that leaving everyone else the fuck alone to make their own decisions about their lives is a good way to go.

Maybe you're a rare breed of progressive that doesn't fit the above model, dunno, but if you are you don't fit the common American progressive mold.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
We could....if your side of the aisle would stop breaking the law. Aside from these repulsive riots, your side has spent over 100 years shredding the U.S. Constitution and achieving your goals through executive fiat rather than constitutional legislation.

If you guys want the federal government handling retirement plans for America - fine. Lets have that conversation, convince the people you are right, and get the votes needed to amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. But you criminals don't do that. You just forge ahead with whatever you want, law be damned.

Sorry, but rational people and true Americans will never talk respectively and work with criminals. Never. You people want to start acting like law-abiding American's, then we'll come to the table and work tirelessly with you. Until then, you can forget about your pipe dream.
You anti liberal dupes crack me up. Progressives are what have always propelled our country, since inception. Liberalism is the gas pedal and conservatism is the brakes. Both necessary elements for progress but the car isn't going to move with out the gas... it will crash without the brakes. If we did everything your way we would be at a standstill.

Just look at the greatest accomplishments of our countries history... they are all progressive... ending slavery, women's rights, civil rights, our diversity, freedom of speech, religion, expression etc etc etc.

Yes you can cherry pick examples where the left goes overboard and that's where the reality check from the right becomes necessarily and useful. But your rediculous partisan rhetoric doesn't speak truth or do anything productive for our republic
Look at this post full of lies! And he wonders why conservatives don't want anything to do with his side of the aisle and why we refuse to work with them.

Buttercup, it was Abraham Lincoln and the Republican's that ended slavery. It was the Republican's that lead the Civil Rights movement and the Democrat's who vehemently opposed it. And the nation was founded by the truest of conservative principles: small, powerless government controlled by the people. That is the polar opposite of what you bat-shit crazy progressives demand.

Even your car analogy is comical. Both in the analogy and the real world, what progressives want to do is blow up the car (because of "pollution") and they want to walk mankind back to the caveman era. Yes, Republicans do have the breaks on. We're just trying to stop the regression of society your side of the aisle is working so hard to achieve. Lets look at the facts:

Slavery was outlawed about 150 years ago (rounding of course). And yet progressives believe that everyone has a right to my labor agains my will. I should work and then government should take the fruits of my labor (like the slave masters did) and hand it to the progressives that don't want to work.

Progressives want failed economic policy from the 1800's - Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". That is the entire progressive economic policy.

Progressives want political policy from the 1700's when King George III reigned. Obama just uses his "pen and his phone" to create law and all of society must except it. To hell with Congress or representative government.

Progressives want energy policy from the 1600's when all we had was fire to cook our food with and stay warm with. They want fracking outlawed. They want the coal industry completely shut down. They want nuclear power eliminated.

And here is the best part of all - they want society to regress all the way to 60,000 B.C. Just look at how they rape (Occupy Wall Street) and pillage (current assaults, thefts, and damage to property). Just look at how they insist that a grown man with mental illness and severe sexual deviance should get naked, shower, and pee with little girls like we're all in a cave again. The polar opposite of a civil society that embraces modesty and decency.
We need healthy protest and debate in this country as there are many differences in ideology but if addressed appropriately both sides can build something great.
Now that part is true! But there is nothing "healthy" about what progressives are doing right now. Tell me, do you think it is "healthy" that grown damn adults require coloring books and a "safe space"? Do you think it is "healthy" that tens of thousands of progressives have physically assaulted thousands of Trump supporters? Do you think it is "healthy" to block highways, bridges, and streets (there was an incident this week - Tennessee maybe? - where a couple was trying to rush their dying baby to the ER but the bridge was blocked by ignorant, idiotic, selfish progressives that grew up being handed participation trophies and never learned how to lose with dignity).
No I don't think anything you listed is healthy. There are elements on the left that are overly PC, and there are groups who take the protesting to far. I've called for people to give trump a chance, and I was very anti trump during the campaign. The election was one big protest, its time to move forward. If objectors what to gather at their capital and do one last statement of objection, then fine, but the other business involving violence, destruction, and stopping traffic is too far
And don't forget that the overwhelming majority of this nation is Christian. Do they want 50% + 1 dictating prayer in public school, theology in public school, mandatory church attendance?

Progressives are astoundingly stupid.

Progressives just want one party rule (after all that worked out so well for the Soviet Union and North Korea)...

.... and if they keep up their arrogance, temper tantrums and stupidity they're going to get exactly what they want.

Unfortunately for them it'll be the wrong one party that ends up ruling.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
Might have something to do with the temper tantrums they throw every time they don't get their way and the fact that they want to advance dumb ass arguments like getting rid of the EC (because an election didn't go their way), or all the spirited defense of Obama's EO's (after spending 8 years bitching about GWB's EO's), or Progressives like Barb Streisand suggesting Obama bypass Congress for his Supreme Court Picks, or Progressives like Rosie O'Donnell suggesting that the federal government seize all BP's assets...... and that's just the progressives on the LEFT the progressives on the RIGHT are just as bad.

People that worship the government ALWAYS want complete control of government so they can use government force to make everybody Else do what they say (Obamacare MANDATES anyone?) and I have yet to come across a progressive that doesn't worship government.
You can flip the script on your arguement and find examples of the Right doing the exact same thing. We need healthy protest and debate in this country as there are many differences in ideology but if addressed appropriately both sides can build something great. The conversation is not healthy any more because BOTH sides can no longer speak with respect and honesty. The Right stuck their thumbs up their butts over Obamas terms and did all they could do to obstruct. The left has done this as well. Don't pretend this is a one sided thing, both contribute to the problem and are responsible

Of course you can "flip the script" , progressives on the right are no less prone to shutting down arguments using slander, insults and demonization than progressives on the left are and they are no less likely to come up with the answer "government force" to any given "problem" that they're asked about.

"Healthy protest and debate" is not possible when you have large swaths of the citizenry that demean, demonize and slander ANYONE with an opposing worldview (the whole purpose of "political correctness") and whose response is almost invariably "get government to force them to do what we want".

There are VERY few questions that progressives don't want to resort to government force to answer , generally speaking;

for the left it's sex and drugs
for the right it's religion and education

If progressives want to restore some respect for their worldview they can start by LISTENING and assuming that opposing views are based on principle not malice, then considering the premise that leaving everyone else the fuck alone to make their own decisions about their lives is a good way to go.

Maybe you're a rare breed of progressive that doesn't fit the above model, dunno, but if you are you don't fit the common American progressive mold.
Well said, I agree
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
We could....if your side of the aisle would stop breaking the law. Aside from these repulsive riots, your side has spent over 100 years shredding the U.S. Constitution and achieving your goals through executive fiat rather than constitutional legislation.

If you guys want the federal government handling retirement plans for America - fine. Lets have that conversation, convince the people you are right, and get the votes needed to amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. But you criminals don't do that. You just forge ahead with whatever you want, law be damned.

Sorry, but rational people and true Americans will never talk respectively and work with criminals. Never. You people want to start acting like law-abiding American's, then we'll come to the table and work tirelessly with you. Until then, you can forget about your pipe dream.
You anti liberal dupes crack me up. Progressives are what have always propelled our country, since inception. Liberalism is the gas pedal and conservatism is the brakes. Both necessary elements for progress but the car isn't going to move with out the gas... it will crash without the brakes. If we did everything your way we would be at a standstill.

Just look at the greatest accomplishments of our countries history... they are all progressive... ending slavery, women's rights, civil rights, our diversity, freedom of speech, religion, expression etc etc etc.

Yes you can cherry pick examples where the left goes overboard and that's where the reality check from the right becomes necessarily and useful. But your rediculous partisan rhetoric doesn't speak truth or do anything productive for our republic
Look at this post full of lies! And he wonders why conservatives don't want anything to do with his side of the aisle and why we refuse to work with them.

Buttercup, it was Abraham Lincoln and the Republican's that ended slavery. It was the Republican's that lead the Civil Rights movement and the Democrat's who vehemently opposed it. And the nation was founded by the truest of conservative principles: small, powerless government controlled by the people. That is the polar opposite of what you bat-shit crazy progressives demand.

Even your car analogy is comical. Both in the analogy and the real world, what progressives want to do is blow up the car (because of "pollution") and they want to walk mankind back to the caveman era. Yes, Republicans do have the breaks on. We're just trying to stop the regression of society your side of the aisle is working so hard to achieve. Lets look at the facts:

Slavery was outlawed about 150 years ago (rounding of course). And yet progressives believe that everyone has a right to my labor agains my will. I should work and then government should take the fruits of my labor (like the slave masters did) and hand it to the progressives that don't want to work.

Progressives want failed economic policy from the 1800's - Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". That is the entire progressive economic policy.

Progressives want political policy from the 1700's when King George III reigned. Obama just uses his "pen and his phone" to create law and all of society must except it. To hell with Congress or representative government.

Progressives want energy policy from the 1600's when all we had was fire to cook our food with and stay warm with. They want fracking outlawed. They want the coal industry completely shut down. They want nuclear power eliminated.

And here is the best part of all - they want society to regress all the way to 60,000 B.C. Just look at how they rape (Occupy Wall Street) and pillage (current assaults, thefts, and damage to property). Just look at how they insist that a grown man with mental illness and severe sexual deviance should get naked, shower, and pee with little girls like we're all in a cave again. The polar opposite of a civil society that embraces modesty and decency.
You are just never going to understand... btw. Learn the difference between liberal/conservative vs republican/democrat especially when talking about historical politics... you just sound stupid
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
We could....if your side of the aisle would stop breaking the law. Aside from these repulsive riots, your side has spent over 100 years shredding the U.S. Constitution and achieving your goals through executive fiat rather than constitutional legislation.

If you guys want the federal government handling retirement plans for America - fine. Lets have that conversation, convince the people you are right, and get the votes needed to amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. But you criminals don't do that. You just forge ahead with whatever you want, law be damned.

Sorry, but rational people and true Americans will never talk respectively and work with criminals. Never. You people want to start acting like law-abiding American's, then we'll come to the table and work tirelessly with you. Until then, you can forget about your pipe dream.
You anti liberal dupes crack me up. Progressives are what have always propelled our country, since inception. Liberalism is the gas pedal and conservatism is the brakes. Both necessary elements for progress but the car isn't going to move with out the gas... it will crash without the brakes. If we did everything your way we would be at a standstill.

Just look at the greatest accomplishments of our countries history... they are all progressive... ending slavery, women's rights, civil rights, our diversity, freedom of speech, religion, expression etc etc etc.

Yes you can cherry pick examples where the left goes overboard and that's where the reality check from the right becomes necessarily and useful. But your rediculous partisan rhetoric doesn't speak truth or do anything productive for our republic
Look at this post full of lies! And he wonders why conservatives don't want anything to do with his side of the aisle and why we refuse to work with them.

Buttercup, it was Abraham Lincoln and the Republican's that ended slavery. It was the Republican's that lead the Civil Rights movement and the Democrat's who vehemently opposed it. And the nation was founded by the truest of conservative principles: small, powerless government controlled by the people. That is the polar opposite of what you bat-shit crazy progressives demand.

Even your car analogy is comical. Both in the analogy and the real world, what progressives want to do is blow up the car (because of "pollution") and they want to walk mankind back to the caveman era. Yes, Republicans do have the breaks on. We're just trying to stop the regression of society your side of the aisle is working so hard to achieve. Lets look at the facts:

Slavery was outlawed about 150 years ago (rounding of course). And yet progressives believe that everyone has a right to my labor agains my will. I should work and then government should take the fruits of my labor (like the slave masters did) and hand it to the progressives that don't want to work.

Progressives want failed economic policy from the 1800's - Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". That is the entire progressive economic policy.

Progressives want political policy from the 1700's when King George III reigned. Obama just uses his "pen and his phone" to create law and all of society must except it. To hell with Congress or representative government.

Progressives want energy policy from the 1600's when all we had was fire to cook our food with and stay warm with. They want fracking outlawed. They want the coal industry completely shut down. They want nuclear power eliminated.

And here is the best part of all - they want society to regress all the way to 60,000 B.C. Just look at how they rape (Occupy Wall Street) and pillage (current assaults, thefts, and damage to property). Just look at how they insist that a grown man with mental illness and severe sexual deviance should get naked, shower, and pee with little girls like we're all in a cave again. The polar opposite of a civil society that embraces modesty and decency.
You are just never going to understand... btw. Learn the difference between liberal/conservative vs republican/democrat especially when talking about historical politics... you just sound stupid
Yeah...we know how this goes with your side of the aisle. Your bat-shit crazy position is that everything good that happened, happened because of big-government progressives who were in the Republican Party. Then, one day, someone magically convinced EVERYONE to switch parties. So the big-government progressives all moved over to the Dumbocrats and the racist conservatives all switched over from the Dumbocrats to the Republicans. :eusa_doh:

Do you progressives have any idea how dumb you sound with that stupid ass narrative? You're the party of racism - own it. You're the party that created the KKK - own it. You're the party that believes that the modesty and decency of a civilized society should be thrown out the door and that mentally disturbed, sexually deviant men should defacate with little girls in public restrooms - own it.

I don't blame you one bit for being embarrassed by the history of your party. However, I do blame you for supporting and staying with something that embarrasses you.
Interesting dialogue in these last several posts.

All of this should be ongoing conversation as we continue to examine our country and what we look to the various levels of government to accomplish.

However, the dialogue that has followed Trumps selection has been hysterical.

I don't like Trump, but he won the electoral college.

People who say Hillary "won" don't take into account that if it were a popular vote, things would be different and there is no telling what would happen.

I know far to many people in Red states where there really was no down-ballot competition that simply stayed home. I could see many left wingers doing the same.
What makes you think they want one party rule? I consider myself perttt progressive and I think the contest of ideas between liberals and conservatives is crucial. I just wish we could talk with respect, honesty and a spirit of teamwork
We could....if your side of the aisle would stop breaking the law. Aside from these repulsive riots, your side has spent over 100 years shredding the U.S. Constitution and achieving your goals through executive fiat rather than constitutional legislation.

If you guys want the federal government handling retirement plans for America - fine. Lets have that conversation, convince the people you are right, and get the votes needed to amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. But you criminals don't do that. You just forge ahead with whatever you want, law be damned.

Sorry, but rational people and true Americans will never talk respectively and work with criminals. Never. You people want to start acting like law-abiding American's, then we'll come to the table and work tirelessly with you. Until then, you can forget about your pipe dream.
You anti liberal dupes crack me up. Progressives are what have always propelled our country, since inception. Liberalism is the gas pedal and conservatism is the brakes. Both necessary elements for progress but the car isn't going to move with out the gas... it will crash without the brakes. If we did everything your way we would be at a standstill.

Just look at the greatest accomplishments of our countries history... they are all progressive... ending slavery, women's rights, civil rights, our diversity, freedom of speech, religion, expression etc etc etc.

Yes you can cherry pick examples where the left goes overboard and that's where the reality check from the right becomes necessarily and useful. But your rediculous partisan rhetoric doesn't speak truth or do anything productive for our republic
Look at this post full of lies! And he wonders why conservatives don't want anything to do with his side of the aisle and why we refuse to work with them.

Buttercup, it was Abraham Lincoln and the Republican's that ended slavery. It was the Republican's that lead the Civil Rights movement and the Democrat's who vehemently opposed it. And the nation was founded by the truest of conservative principles: small, powerless government controlled by the people. That is the polar opposite of what you bat-shit crazy progressives demand.

Even your car analogy is comical. Both in the analogy and the real world, what progressives want to do is blow up the car (because of "pollution") and they want to walk mankind back to the caveman era. Yes, Republicans do have the breaks on. We're just trying to stop the regression of society your side of the aisle is working so hard to achieve. Lets look at the facts:

Slavery was outlawed about 150 years ago (rounding of course). And yet progressives believe that everyone has a right to my labor agains my will. I should work and then government should take the fruits of my labor (like the slave masters did) and hand it to the progressives that don't want to work.

Progressives want failed economic policy from the 1800's - Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". That is the entire progressive economic policy.

Progressives want political policy from the 1700's when King George III reigned. Obama just uses his "pen and his phone" to create law and all of society must except it. To hell with Congress or representative government.

Progressives want energy policy from the 1600's when all we had was fire to cook our food with and stay warm with. They want fracking outlawed. They want the coal industry completely shut down. They want nuclear power eliminated.

And here is the best part of all - they want society to regress all the way to 60,000 B.C. Just look at how they rape (Occupy Wall Street) and pillage (current assaults, thefts, and damage to property). Just look at how they insist that a grown man with mental illness and severe sexual deviance should get naked, shower, and pee with little girls like we're all in a cave again. The polar opposite of a civil society that embraces modesty and decency.
You are just never going to understand... btw. Learn the difference between liberal/conservative vs republican/democrat especially when talking about historical politics... you just sound stupid
Yeah...we know how this goes with your side of the aisle. Your bat-shit crazy position is that everything good that happened, happened because of big-government progressives who were in the Republican Party. Then, one day, someone magically convinced EVERYONE to switch parties. So the big-government progressives all moved over to the Dumbocrats and the racist conservatives all switched over from the Dumbocrats to the Republicans. :eusa_doh:

Do you progressives have any idea how dumb you sound with that stupid ass narrative? You're the party of racism - own it. You're the party that created the KKK - own it. You're the party that believes that the modesty and decency of a civilized society should be thrown out the door and that mentally disturbed, sexually deviant men should defacate with little girls in public restrooms - own it.

I don't blame you one bit for being embarrassed by the history of your party. However, I do blame you for supporting and staying with something that embarrasses you.
Haha, you are making up the progressive narrative and then calling them stupid for your mischaracterization. You aren't fooling anybody with those transparent tactics.
We could....if your side of the aisle would stop breaking the law. Aside from these repulsive riots, your side has spent over 100 years shredding the U.S. Constitution and achieving your goals through executive fiat rather than constitutional legislation.

If you guys want the federal government handling retirement plans for America - fine. Lets have that conversation, convince the people you are right, and get the votes needed to amend the U.S. Constitution to make that the responsibility of the federal government. But you criminals don't do that. You just forge ahead with whatever you want, law be damned.

Sorry, but rational people and true Americans will never talk respectively and work with criminals. Never. You people want to start acting like law-abiding American's, then we'll come to the table and work tirelessly with you. Until then, you can forget about your pipe dream.
You anti liberal dupes crack me up. Progressives are what have always propelled our country, since inception. Liberalism is the gas pedal and conservatism is the brakes. Both necessary elements for progress but the car isn't going to move with out the gas... it will crash without the brakes. If we did everything your way we would be at a standstill.

Just look at the greatest accomplishments of our countries history... they are all progressive... ending slavery, women's rights, civil rights, our diversity, freedom of speech, religion, expression etc etc etc.

Yes you can cherry pick examples where the left goes overboard and that's where the reality check from the right becomes necessarily and useful. But your rediculous partisan rhetoric doesn't speak truth or do anything productive for our republic
Look at this post full of lies! And he wonders why conservatives don't want anything to do with his side of the aisle and why we refuse to work with them.

Buttercup, it was Abraham Lincoln and the Republican's that ended slavery. It was the Republican's that lead the Civil Rights movement and the Democrat's who vehemently opposed it. And the nation was founded by the truest of conservative principles: small, powerless government controlled by the people. That is the polar opposite of what you bat-shit crazy progressives demand.

Even your car analogy is comical. Both in the analogy and the real world, what progressives want to do is blow up the car (because of "pollution") and they want to walk mankind back to the caveman era. Yes, Republicans do have the breaks on. We're just trying to stop the regression of society your side of the aisle is working so hard to achieve. Lets look at the facts:

Slavery was outlawed about 150 years ago (rounding of course). And yet progressives believe that everyone has a right to my labor agains my will. I should work and then government should take the fruits of my labor (like the slave masters did) and hand it to the progressives that don't want to work.

Progressives want failed economic policy from the 1800's - Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". That is the entire progressive economic policy.

Progressives want political policy from the 1700's when King George III reigned. Obama just uses his "pen and his phone" to create law and all of society must except it. To hell with Congress or representative government.

Progressives want energy policy from the 1600's when all we had was fire to cook our food with and stay warm with. They want fracking outlawed. They want the coal industry completely shut down. They want nuclear power eliminated.

And here is the best part of all - they want society to regress all the way to 60,000 B.C. Just look at how they rape (Occupy Wall Street) and pillage (current assaults, thefts, and damage to property). Just look at how they insist that a grown man with mental illness and severe sexual deviance should get naked, shower, and pee with little girls like we're all in a cave again. The polar opposite of a civil society that embraces modesty and decency.
You are just never going to understand... btw. Learn the difference between liberal/conservative vs republican/democrat especially when talking about historical politics... you just sound stupid
Yeah...we know how this goes with your side of the aisle. Your bat-shit crazy position is that everything good that happened, happened because of big-government progressives who were in the Republican Party. Then, one day, someone magically convinced EVERYONE to switch parties. So the big-government progressives all moved over to the Dumbocrats and the racist conservatives all switched over from the Dumbocrats to the Republicans. :eusa_doh:

Do you progressives have any idea how dumb you sound with that stupid ass narrative? You're the party of racism - own it. You're the party that created the KKK - own it. You're the party that believes that the modesty and decency of a civilized society should be thrown out the door and that mentally disturbed, sexually deviant men should defacate with little girls in public restrooms - own it.

I don't blame you one bit for being embarrassed by the history of your party. However, I do blame you for supporting and staying with something that embarrasses you.
Haha, you are making up the progressive narrative and then calling them stupid for your mischaracterization. You aren't fooling anybody with those transparent tactics.
I'm not making anything up. I never do. I've noticed you haven't even attempted to deny one thing I've said - because you can't. It's the truth.

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