Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Ignoring and failing to acknowledge evidence helps the Duopoly Party retain it's hold on the national narrative
driven by the desire to expand a particular state-

As they note, the problem is that when you suppress what is really going on and the reasons for it, you are left with increasingly unconvincing narratives—as happened in the USSR. And in the US, where there is still a large segment of the White population that has not trusted the liberal media for decades, mainly because of mainstream conservative media figures like Rush Limbaugh, what is happening before our eyes is radical polarization. The possibility of civil war is discussed—a possibility mentioned several times on this site. Civil war seems reasonably likely if Trump wins. One can imagine antifa-BLM violence far beyond anything seen thus far breaking out in all major urban areas, and it would inevitably require a major military force to bring it under control. And if he loses, there will deep anger among Trump supporters. Unlike the left, the right has not shown much of an appetite for violence lately, but that could change. We have already seen armed White men standing up against antifa-BLM protesters who were bussed in to their communities. For many such White men, free speech may not be their #1 priority, but having guns is very important and would loom large in the context of a far left government influenced by the likes of Kamala Harris (who has already said she would issue an executive order on gun ownership if Congress fails to act). It seems likely that Biden would be similarly prone to such actions.

Also unmentioned is the role of the ADL in pressuring media companies to censor speech they don’t like. This has been going on for decades but quite obviously is reaching fruition now. I wrote this in 2002 (Preface to the paperback edition of Culture of Critique, lvii:

More at this link
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared.
Ever watch the World Series? No time limit. The game ends when 27 outs are recorded.
Same thing here unless you think that certain people's vote shouldn't count.
Is it the voters fault if the people counting the votes don't get it done when Ray9 dictates?

Hasn't been much of a problem in the past. This mail in voting nonsense Fd everything up, but the only way Democrats can get enough votes is to get the welfare people to vote by putting a ballot on their kitchen table.

Ray, oh, Ray. Are you saying that our Voting in Colorado is corrupt? So far, the biggest frauds have been done by Republicans here since 2016. But not enough to affect the election.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
The Democrat Party was able to bring the dirty tactics of California like Ballot Harvesting in Nursing Homes and with The Homeless, Vote Fixing in to our National Presidential Election, and that on top of their allies the Chinese and WHO attacking the US with a BIO Weapon is the story of 2020.

Also, Jo Jorgenson should be tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a rail
This is the biggest theftin American History. Make No mistake about If, the Democrats can pull this Off, there will NEVER BE a non Democrat president again.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
The Democrat Party was able to bring the dirty tactics of California like Ballot Harvesting in Nursing Homes and with The Homeless, Vote Fixing in to our National Presidential Election, and that on top of their allies the Chinese and WHO attacking the US with a BIO Weapon is the story of 2020.

Also, Jo Jorgenson should be tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a rail

LOL, what did Jo Jorgenson do to you?
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
What a crock of shit. The election is over when all the votes are counted.

Full stop
Hun, its the morning after the 4th quartered was completely played and they still haven't called the game.
Oh. I see. My bad. I should have said the 7th inning instead of 3rd quarter.
It's the morning after the 9th inning of Trump winning---------and they still haven't called the game.

The dems are waiting for rain so they can falsely claim a tie and then declare no results will ever be given making Pelosi queen.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
What a crock of shit. The election is over when all the votes are counted.

Full stop
Can we all keep voting until we win, or just the Dirty Democrats?
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Trump won the election on the day of the election

Well, I won't go that far Ray, last election, Trump won at 2AM, the day after, not the day of the election.

I don't buy this midnight crap, but I also find it impossible to swallow how much the Dems pushed unrestricted mail in voting then so many democrats voted that way! Why were so many democrats so afraid to just go to the poll as any other year when EVERY precaution their "science" says protects us that they use EVERY DAY was being used there?

We literally have MILLIONS of votes being counted, or are GOING to be counted as legit, which were:
  1. Never requested by the voter.
  2. Did not follow the rules.
  3. Were absent a signature or had one not remotely matching voter records.
  4. And were not even received by Election DAY.
Anyone who claims this did not invite cheating is an idiot.

If Biden wins, half this country is not going to accept him as the true, legitimate winner and is going to lose ALL faith in our government and the election process.
Trump reached 270, did he?
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
Calling the game in the 3rd quarter?
How about we wait until all the votes are counted.
The game is over.
I'm hoping he doesn't win the popular vote. Democrats will destroy their cities even more, and that's always fun to watch.
Trump's a life-long Democrat who dodged his taxes for decades, and your idea of fun is to give him four more years to throw corporate gasoline on urban flames?
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
If brain dead Biden wins the bill he will get from China will be high.

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