Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Sure. There was a totally valid reason for them, too. And no, I don't want to argue about Covid this morning. That's my opinion.

Of course the Democrats used Covid as an excuse, but watch what happens next election if and when Covid is gone. They're going to pull the same stunt.
Okay, don't go nuts on me, but maybe it's a good idea to make voting more convenient and accessible, even after Covid is gone. We had historic turnout in a lot of places, and that is never a bad thing. The states just need to nudge their systems, legally, to accomodate more mail in and early voting, and to streamline counting so it doesn't take forever to know who won.
You take an ID, show up and stand in line, and vote.....more accessible?
None of that is true -
But getting the Ghetto Hood rats to keep killing each other and destroying the large Democrat Plantation Cities
would be an excellent side victory.
Trump's grifter family owes its wealth to corrupt Democrats in New York politics. You think an imbecilic crony-capitalist who cut out the political middlemen plans to drain the swamp that made him rich? "Ghetto Hood rats" know better.
Democrats are the party of big corporations. Look who backs them. Google,Microsoft,Amazon,Netflix,Twitter,YouTube,Gillette,The NFL,NBA,Hollywood,Big Pharma,The MSM etc...

the left claiming they aren’t is laughable.
That is very true. They take billions, give scraps to the poors in the name of social justice and give politicians millions to shut em up.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

No kidding. There's no excuse with the technology we have.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.

The time limit is in December.... There is some really dumb fuckers on this forum that thinks the TV companies are counting the votes and have to get them in so some fucker has to be kicked off the island by next weeks episode....

This is an election not a reality show...
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. The only difference between this and every other election is the quantity of absentee ballots. Because of the huge quantity you are seeking what usually goes on behind the scenes out in public. It's all perfectly normal and legitimate.

Get over it.
Okay, don't go nuts on me, but maybe it's a good idea to make voting more convenient and accessible, even after Covid is gone. We had historic turnout in a lot of places, and that is never a bad thing. The states just need to nudge their systems, legally, to accomodate more mail in and early voting, and to streamline counting so it doesn't take forever to know who won.

I'm against mail in voting because it gets lazy people who don't know much about issues or politics to vote. I don't want politically ignorant voters. That's how we end up with problems in this country.

There is no reason this race should be even close. You have a clown here with dementia, who wants to increase taxes, double our fuel prices, destroy our suburbs, virtually eliminate the ability to purchase firearms, bring in more foreigners to take our jobs we Americans need, and reward the lawbreakers already here with citizenship. Biden shouldn't have won one state with this platform. So how did he do it? Uninformed voters. Nobody in their right mind would vote for issues like these. We have people voting to destroy this country.
Okay, don't go nuts on me, but maybe it's a good idea to make voting more convenient and accessible, even after Covid is gone. We had historic turnout in a lot of places, and that is never a bad thing. The states just need to nudge their systems, legally, to accomodate more mail in and early voting, and to streamline counting so it doesn't take forever to know who won.

I'm against mail in voting because it gets lazy people who don't know much about issues or politics to vote. I don't want politically ignorant voters. That's how we end up with problems in this country.

There is no reason this race should be even close. You have a clown here with dementia, who wants to increase taxes, double our fuel prices, destroy our suburbs, virtually eliminate the ability to purchase firearms, bring in more foreigners to take our jobs we Americans need, and reward the lawbreakers already here with citizenship. Biden shouldn't have won one state with this platform. So how did he do it? Uninformed voters. Nobody in their right mind would vote for issues like these. We have people voting to destroy this country.
And the liberal political propaganda machine called the media spewing their trash to lemmings.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

No kidding. There's no excuse with the technology we have.

Mail in ballots have been used in past elections. We didn't know in 2000 who won either. IF WE REALLY wanted to USE TECHNOLOGY AND TRUMP DOES NOT WANT TO DO THAT, we'd pass a national law making all federal elections run like Colorado's. Everybody gets mailed a ballot, and all ballots have to be turned in by some date to be counted. And the ballot has to be signed and returned in an specific envelop that is mailed out with the ballot.
Okay, don't go nuts on me, but maybe it's a good idea to make voting more convenient and accessible, even after Covid is gone. We had historic turnout in a lot of places, and that is never a bad thing. The states just need to nudge their systems, legally, to accomodate more mail in and early voting, and to streamline counting so it doesn't take forever to know who won.

I'm against mail in voting because it gets lazy people who don't know much about issues or politics to vote. I don't want politically ignorant voters. That's how we end up with problems in this country.

There is no reason this race should be even close. You have a clown here with dementia, who wants to increase taxes, double our fuel prices, destroy our suburbs, virtually eliminate the ability to purchase firearms, bring in more foreigners to take our jobs we Americans need, and reward the lawbreakers already here with citizenship. Biden shouldn't have won one state with this platform. So how did he do it? Uninformed voters. Nobody in their right mind would vote for issues like these. We have people voting to destroy this country.
Well, see I could say your opinion of Trump shows a lazy ill informed mind. And that's why all a person has to do to vote is be legally registered. It's called a democratic election in a republic.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

No kidding. There's no excuse with the technology we have.

Mail in ballots have been used in past elections. We didn't know in 2000 who won either. IF WE REALLY wanted to USE TECHNOLOGY AND TRUMP DOES NOT WANT TO DO THAT, we'd pass a national law making all federal elections run like Colorado's. Everybody gets mailed a ballot, and all ballots have to be turned in by some date to be counted. And the ballot has to be signed and returned in an specific envelop that is mailed out with the ballot.

But you opened up the Covid reason so anyone could send in a ballot this time....loss of quality control.
Okay, don't go nuts on me, but maybe it's a good idea to make voting more convenient and accessible, even after Covid is gone. We had historic turnout in a lot of places, and that is never a bad thing. The states just need to nudge their systems, legally, to accomodate more mail in and early voting, and to streamline counting so it doesn't take forever to know who won.

I'm against mail in voting because it gets lazy people who don't know much about issues or politics to vote. I don't want politically ignorant voters. That's how we end up with problems in this country.

There is no reason this race should be even close. You have a clown here with dementia, who wants to increase taxes, double our fuel prices, destroy our suburbs, virtually eliminate the ability to purchase firearms, bring in more foreigners to take our jobs we Americans need, and reward the lawbreakers already here with citizenship. Biden shouldn't have won one state with this platform. So how did he do it? Uninformed voters. Nobody in their right mind would vote for issues like these. We have people voting to destroy this country.
Well, see I could say your opinion of Trump shows a lazy ill informed mind. And that's why all a person has to do to vote is be legally registered. It's called a democratic election in a republic.
Or not....or dead....or multiple times.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

No kidding. There's no excuse with the technology we have.

Mail in ballots have been used in past elections. We didn't know in 2000 who won either. IF WE REALLY wanted to USE TECHNOLOGY AND TRUMP DOES NOT WANT TO DO THAT, we'd pass a national law making all federal elections run like Colorado's. Everybody gets mailed a ballot, and all ballots have to be turned in by some date to be counted. And the ballot has to be signed and returned in an specific envelop that is mailed out with the ballot.

You are still confusing mail in with absentee...why do you do that?....
They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.

The President has lawyers watching their every move.

The AL Franken "victory" in Minnesota shows how the Democrats keep counting until they have enough.
The difference is that we have a fighter leading The Republican Party now.
Not such pussy fucking establishment fuck that will just roll over.
They kept counting all the ballots. Is that not what elections are for?

Factually False

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

No kidding. There's no excuse with the technology we have.

Mail in ballots have been used in past elections. We didn't know in 2000 who won either. IF WE REALLY wanted to USE TECHNOLOGY AND TRUMP DOES NOT WANT TO DO THAT, we'd pass a national law making all federal elections run like Colorado's. Everybody gets mailed a ballot, and all ballots have to be turned in by some date to be counted. And the ballot has to be signed and returned in an specific envelop that is mailed out with the ballot.

You are still confusing mail in with absentee...why do you do that?....

You'd have to be braindead (OP) or blindly partisan to have missed the election story of the past month or so, with Trump urging the gop to not use mail in, when in past elections they'd used it more than dems …. including Trump …, and the dems urging their voters to mail in. And Trump's plan all along has been to declare mail in votes "fraud" to hide the fact that most likely he's getting his ass kicked by voters.

Factually False.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.

The time limit is in December.... There is some really dumb fuckers on this forum that thinks the TV companies are counting the votes and have to get them in so some fucker has to be kicked off the island by next weeks episode....

This is an election not a reality show...

Cite the December date please.

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