Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Trump has won nothing of yet. Count the damn votes

They had plenty for time to count them. Funny that only the incompetent/crooked Democratic districts seem to have a problem.
Wrong, Republican Legislatures in these States mandated that they could not open the mail-in ballots ahead of time like they could in other States.

Facts, they're your friend.
but they could count them on election day. that's over.
The election is officially extended due to COVID !!!
don't know what that means. explain
Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Trump didn't win. What you saw last night was Trump leading the Election Day vote count, but the mail in ballots were still largely out of the fold. Those heavily favor Biden and we've known that for weeks. Why do you think Biden came out and made that appearance last night? He knew what was counted and what wasn't. These campaigns have internal information that we don't see. I have a friend who ran for Congress here in Nevada several years back and he was very well connected with the Clinton campaign. He texted me around 7:30 PM on Election Day 2016 and said the Clinton campaign already realized they were fucked. This was before Wisconsin was even announced on tv for Trump, which started the ball rolling.
There is no popular vote contested.
Why is this so hard for you?
Is it your low intelligence?
If there is no popular vote, why do Republicans work so hard to suppress it?
Yes, making people show an ID and stand in line.....oh the horror!

The Negro Coalition here in NC successfully sued to remove the ID requirement claiming their peoples were too incompetent to get free ID's.
The fourth quarter was yesterday.
All the votes have not been counted.

They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.
I heard days ago--maybe weeks ago--that they were going to stop counting at 10 pm and resume the next day. This is just another conspiracy theory to undermine our democratic elections.
Feeling better? I know I am
It's not over yet.
View attachment 411078
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Blame state by state voter laws. We should allow counties to prepare and count as they come in.
i'm good with that. Seems odd, keeping material allows for mischief.
You'd have to be braindead (OP) or blindly partisan to have missed the election story of the past month or so, with Trump urging the gop to not use mail in, when in past elections they'd used it more than dems …. including Trump …, and the dems urging their voters to mail in. And Trump's plan all along has been to declare mail in votes "fraud" to hide the fact that most likely he's getting his ass kicked by voters.

Factually False.
Willfully untrue

It's simply not true Bennyboy
You don't know the difference or don't accept the difference in types of ballots.
Not much I can do over the internet to make you understand -
Of course I understand ballots are different. THAT'S THE POINT. LOL And the gop has used mail in more than dems in past elections.

No, you do not.
You'd have to be braindead (OP) or blindly partisan to have missed the election story of the past month or so, with Trump urging the gop to not use mail in, when in past elections they'd used it more than dems …. including Trump …, and the dems urging their voters to mail in. And Trump's plan all along has been to declare mail in votes "fraud" to hide the fact that most likely he's getting his ass kicked by voters.

Factually False.
Willfully untrue

It's simply not true Bennyboy
You don't know the difference or don't accept the difference in types of ballots.
Not much I can do over the internet to make you understand -
Of course I understand ballots are different. THAT'S THE POINT. LOL And the gop has used mail in more than dems in past elections.

No, you do not.
Well, are you contending that ballots are not evenly counted? That seems to me to be the only basis for gop unhappiness.
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
Covid-19 was no gift from God they spun up the whole scare out of thin air and whole cloth. Sure there was a virus as usual but it was no big deal as folks are finding out if they want to. Of course sheeple will be sheeple so the myth and presumed danger persists as long as the MSM fans the flames.
You'd have to be braindead (OP) or blindly partisan to have missed the election story of the past month or so, with Trump urging the gop to not use mail in, when in past elections they'd used it more than dems …. including Trump …, and the dems urging their voters to mail in. And Trump's plan all along has been to declare mail in votes "fraud" to hide the fact that most likely he's getting his ass kicked by voters.

Factually False.
Willfully untrue

It's simply not true Bennyboy
You don't know the difference or don't accept the difference in types of ballots.
Not much I can do over the internet to make you understand -
Of course I understand ballots are different. THAT'S THE POINT. LOL And the gop has used mail in more than dems in past elections.

No, you do not.
Well, are you contending that ballots are not evenly counted? That seems to me to be the only basis for gop unhappiness.
They are counted by Republicans and created and counted by Dems what's so hard to understand?
that's why they call it election day, not election month. if ballots weren't in the office at the close of the election, they don't count. what is it you need?

PA is allowing mail ins up to three days after the election, postmarks unnecessary. If Trump loses PA, he should take that to court if it cost him the presidency.
This matter has already gone to the Supreme Court and they were split 4-4, leaving the previous ruling by Pennsylvania's Supreme Court ruling that can count ballots that come in within 3 days after the election.

Pennsylvania won't matter anyway if Biden can hold onto Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin.
You'd have to be braindead (OP) or blindly partisan to have missed the election story of the past month or so, with Trump urging the gop to not use mail in, when in past elections they'd used it more than dems …. including Trump …, and the dems urging their voters to mail in. And Trump's plan all along has been to declare mail in votes "fraud" to hide the fact that most likely he's getting his ass kicked by voters.

Factually False.
Willfully untrue

It's simply not true Bennyboy
You don't know the difference or don't accept the difference in types of ballots.
Not much I can do over the internet to make you understand -
Of course I understand ballots are different. THAT'S THE POINT. LOL And the gop has used mail in more than dems in past elections.

No, you do not.
Well, are you contending that ballots are not evenly counted? That seems to me to be the only basis for gop unhappiness.
They are counted by Republicans and created and counted by Dems what's so hard to understand?
Well hopefully Billiejeens is not so blindly partisan. LOL
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Blame state by state voter laws. We should allow counties to prepare and count as they come in.
I have election fatigue. Don't care who wins so long as the John James wins the Senate seat in Michigan.
Hard to argue DEMs are stuffing the Michigan ballot boxes when a GOP senate candidate wins
Not the only place that happened though

What state?
New York I believe.
New York didn't have a Senate race. :eusa_doh:
that's why they call it election day, not election month. if ballots weren't in the office at the close of the election, they don't count. what is it you need?

PA is allowing mail ins up to three days after the election, postmarks unnecessary. If Trump loses PA, he should take that to court if it cost him the presidency.
This matter has already gone to the Supreme Court and they were split 4-4, leaving the previous ruling by Pennsylvania's Supreme Court ruling that can count ballots that come in within 3 days after the election.

Pennsylvania won't matter anyway if Biden can hold onto Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin.
I believe I saw before leaving the house this am that 25% of Penn's votes are uncounted. It may be Friday before they call it.

I understand in theory why a state would not want to begin counting before election day on the assumption that if there are rumors that one or another candidate is wayyyyy ahead, it might sway other voters. That's actually how the gop won the Senate in 1980. Reagan won, so the left coast voters stayed home …. unless they wanted to vote for Reagan too.

But when I vote in person, I get the ballot with a little dot I have to color in by a candidate's name, and it's machine scanned ... but not online. Then the machines are all transported to a central site where the votes are tabulated. It just seems to me that it should not be that complicated, although the ballot I filled out yesterday was not the same ballot used all over the state, because there were state judges and congresscritters whose districts are not statewide.

But still. Colorado SCANS all the mail in ballots. ALL the ballots. It can't be that hard
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Blame state by state voter laws. We should allow counties to prepare and count as they come in.
I have election fatigue. Don't care who wins so long as the John James wins the Senate seat in Michigan.
Hard to argue DEMs are stuffing the Michigan ballot boxes when a GOP senate candidate wins
Not the only place that happened though

What state?
New York I believe.
New York didn't have a Senate race. :eusa_doh:

I've been focused on the top of the ticket. You'll probably find some state that had the POTUS race go for Biden and the Senate or other Statewide race go the other....

But it's emblematic that he jumps to NY by reflex...not having a clue what he's talking about.
Here in Miss the gop had a clean sweep, including a senator who likes to pose as a confederate soldier, but we also passed a new non-racist flag, got rid of the Jim Crow ban on needing a supermajority of counties for state level state races and LEGAL WEED. It's fixed I tell. ya. Fixed. LOL
Here in Miss the gop had a clean sweep, including a senator who likes to pose as a confederate soldier, but we also passed a new non-racist flag, got rid of the Jim Crow ban on needing a supermajority of counties for state level state races and LEGAL WEED. It's fixed I tell. ya. Fixed. LOL
You live in Miss?

Ole Miss or Miss State? Who you got?
False. Must be postmarked by yesterday: unless something changed

The ballots came with a pre-paid envelope which are usually not postmarked.

Dumbfuck, they get postmarked by the post office when they're mailed. Stop spreading lies.

In its Sept. 17 ruling, the divided state Supreme Court said ballots must be postmarked by the time polls close and be received by county election boards at 5 p.m. on Nov. 6, three days after the Nov. 3 election. It also said that ballots lacking a clear postmark could be counted unless there was evidence that they were mailed after the pol
False. Must be postmarked by yesterday: unless something changed

The ballots came with a pre-paid envelope which are usually not postmarked.

Dumbfuck, they get postmarked by the post office when they're mailed. Stop spreading lies.

In its Sept. 17 ruling, the divided state Supreme Court said ballots must be postmarked by the time polls close and be received by county election boards at 5 p.m. on Nov. 6, three days after the Nov. 3 election. It also said that ballots lacking a clear postmark could be counted unless there was evidence that they were mailed after the pol

He's a professional conspiracy theorist. He doesn't believe anything that doesn't fully re-enforce his stance.

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