Trump won. Now look what is happening.

They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.

The President has lawyers watching their every move.

The AL Franken "victory" in Minnesota shows how the Democrats keep counting until they have enough.
The difference is that we have a fighter leading The Republican Party now.
Not such pussy fucking establishment fuck that will just roll over.
They kept counting all the ballots. Is that not what elections are for?
Creating all the ballots you mean??
Nope counting legally cast ballots.
Then why did they stop counting them?
Who stopped counting?
Please.....really? The ones who haven't declared yet silly.
Those states are still counting.
They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.

The President has lawyers watching their every move.

The AL Franken "victory" in Minnesota shows how the Democrats keep counting until they have enough.
The difference is that we have a fighter leading The Republican Party now.
Not such pussy fucking establishment fuck that will just roll over.
They kept counting all the ballots. Is that not what elections are for?
Creating all the ballots you mean??
Nope counting legally cast ballots.
Then why did they stop counting them?
Who stopped counting?
Please.....really? The ones who haven't declared yet silly.
Those states are still counting.
Why did they stop, then start again? Just keep counting.....

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.
Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Trump didn't win. What you saw last night was Trump leading the Election Day vote count, but the mail in ballots were still largely out of the fold. Those heavily favor Biden and we've known that for weeks. Why do you think Biden came out and made that appearance last night? He knew what was counted and what wasn't. These campaigns have internal information that we don't see. I have a friend who ran for Congress here in Nevada several years back and he was very well connected with the Clinton campaign. He texted me around 7:30 PM on Election Day 2016 and said the Clinton campaign already realized they were fucked. This was before Wisconsin was even announced on tv for Trump, which started the ball rolling.
Every state that's having difficulty counting their votes held their mail-in votes till after the they could stuff the boxes full of manufactured votes. That's how 200k new votes showed up overnight in Michigan and 100% of them went to Biden.
The race should have been over by this morning....but Democrats are trying to pull a Florida by counting paper ballots after the election is over.
Demo Demons furiously working in their basements last night with their fake IDs, and Mail In Ballots, and counterfeit post marks manufacturing the ballots they need to steal all 5 states The President already won last night and should have been declared the winner last night.
In Pennsylvania the newly found ballots are 3 to 1 for Biden. Newly found. Yeah.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Its just an opinion, walking corpse. Seems silly to wait a week for election results. Funny how you on the left vilify others for having a disparate opinion. Way to bring the country together....
Demo Demons furiously working in their basements last night with their fake IDs, and Mail In Ballots, and counterfeit post marks manufacturing the ballots they need to steal all 5 states The President already won last night and should have been declared the winner last night.
In Pennsylvania the newly found ballots are 3 to 1 for Biden. Newly found. Yeah.
No Judge should have ever allowed extensions of the count. That is just asking for a fraudulent election and manufacturing of ballots.

At this point knowing what the Evil Policies are of the New DemNazi party is, if they get away with stealing this, and Biden, Harris and the rest of the Globalists get to finish the work Obama started, I am just going to go dark, and do some evangelism and wait for the 2nd coming within 4-6 years.

America will be done within that time frame and be under global rule.
Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Trump didn't win. What you saw last night was Trump leading the Election Day vote count, but the mail in ballots were still largely out of the fold. Those heavily favor Biden and we've known that for weeks. Why do you think Biden came out and made that appearance last night? He knew what was counted and what wasn't. These campaigns have internal information that we don't see. I have a friend who ran for Congress here in Nevada several years back and he was very well connected with the Clinton campaign. He texted me around 7:30 PM on Election Day 2016 and said the Clinton campaign already realized they were fucked. This was before Wisconsin was even announced on tv for Trump, which started the ball rolling.
Every state that's having difficulty counting their votes held their mail-in votes till after the they could stuff the boxes full of manufactured votes. That's how 200k new votes showed up overnight in Michigan and 100% of them went to Biden.
The race should have been over by this morning....but Democrats are trying to pull a Florida by counting paper ballots after the election is over.
Is that what happened? On its face, that looks like fraud. How could they all be for Biden?
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.

By exploiting this flu-like virus they kept kids home from school for large parts of two school years. They put untold numbers of families through hell dealing with that including mine. The school officials were following the democratic party's initiative to give them an unofficial strike disguised as a quarantine. My wife is at work right now in the hospital with the other nurses. They are another bunch who has been put through hell because of this fake "plague" which never produced the numbers of patients they were told to expect by any stretch of the imagination. They've been moved all over like pieces on a chess board for nothing and lost a percentage of their annual income. She just texted me and said they are mostly all basically hoping for Trump to win. Way to go, girls! Pray he does.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.
Now that the election is nearing the end, there is suddenly talk of sending kids back to school full spite of the fact that the virus is supposedly spiking. Why is that? Kind of sounds to anyone with half a brain that it wasn't really about the virus...just an excuse to have an unofficial strike sponsored by the democratic party. They have put countless family through fucking hell educating their kids at home, online, etc...having to work weird shifts and lose hours to accomodate. What the dems have done to us is un-fucking-forgivable. :cranky:
Now that the election is nearing the end, there is suddenly talk of sending kids back to school full spite of the fact that the virus is supposedly spiking. Why is that? Kind of sounds to anyone with half a brain that it wasn't really about the virus...just an excuse to have an unofficial strike sponsored by the democratic party. They have put countless family through fucking hell educating their kids at home, online, etc...having to work weird shifts and lose hours to accomodate. What the dems have done to us is un-fucking-forgivable. :cranky:

It is and they should have paid a much higher price yesterday.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

There are no 3000 COVID deaths per day, stupid. It's fake...just like Hillary would win in 2016. If there were 3000 deaths per day you'd be seeing many people in your area dying left and right. They're about to send the kids back to school, moron! My son's teachers mention it in every session! It's not the virus they were staying home for, it was a "strike" to help the democratic party which supports their union to build the lie. Stupid idiots got fucked by their own party. They will have to go back soon whether Trump is in or Biden is in. Once the election is over this will have been ONE EXPENSVE LIE for the democratic party. One of the most expensive lies in American history for everyone. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. JEEZ!

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

There are no 3000 COVID deaths per day, stupid. It's fake...just like Hillary would win in 2016. If there were 3000 deaths per day you'd be seeing many people in your area dying left and right. They're about to send the kids back to school, moron! My son's teachers mention it in every session! It's not the virus they were staying home for, it was a "strike" to help the democratic party which supports their union to build the lie. Stupid idiots got fucked by their own party. They will have to go back soon whether Trump is in or Biden is in. Once the election is over this will have been ONE EXPENSVE LIE for the democratic party. One of the most expensive lies in American history for everyone. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. JEEZ!

Exactly...per CDC


All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

Both are true, friend. The dems try to gain control through delaying things. It's one of their most used tactics, And the introduction of voting remotely, by mail, etc is ANOTHER tactic. That was to create uncertainty and complications to facilitate the delay. It wasn't a Republican initiative to introduce mail-in ballots. The dems knew it would make it easier for them to manipulate things and the virus gave them an alibi.

All this does is divide us further. The system is obviously broken and not trusted.

according to Trump. And actually Dick Nixon and Al Gore lost with more class, even though they had a better argument that the result was "fixed."

Huh? The system is broken. We still don't know who won and its the next morning. I agree that his tweet was stupid. Is stupid. In this day and age of tech and we still don't know?!??! Something is amiss.

You're nuts, ShortBus. The system is not broken just because you don't like it.

Exactly. No matter if Biden or Trump wins, the election showed the system is not broken. Trump with a 43% approval rating and soon to be having 3000 death PER DAY that could have been prevented has either won or come very close, and the only reason can be is that an awful lot of people think his ideas are pretty good even if he's a pretty awful person. I think that shows an electorate that can hold multiple thoughts at the same time and come to a decision.

Subjective. What is broken is how slowly we count ballots not how we vote. In this day and age of modern day tech, we should be better and 3k a day are dying? What?

Both are true, friend. The dems try to gain control through delaying things. It's one of their most used tactics, And the introduction of voting remotely, by mail, etc is ANOTHER tactic. That was to create uncertainty and complications to facilitate the delay. It wasn't a Republican initiative to introduce mail-in ballots. The dems knew it would make it easier for them to manipulate things and the virus gave them an alibi.

It didn't give them an alibi. It gave them the legal means to do this without a vote of the people. Mail-in voting was impost by governors in blue states. No one every voted on it except in PA.
Demo Demons furiously working in their basements last night with their fake IDs, and Mail In Ballots, and counterfeit post marks manufacturing the ballots they need to steal all 5 states The President already won last night and should have been declared the winner last night.
In Pennsylvania the newly found ballots are 3 to 1 for Biden. Newly found. Yeah.

It's not even slightly believable. They have been caught red handed, and don't realize that justice is coming for them. They will spend the rest of days in jail.

Trump will win in court.

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