Trump Won.... So Why Are Dems Winning?

You people have flip flopped on so many issues and stances lately.

For the record, I've been quite consistent with my stances lately.

You guys have been consistent in protesting and smashing people/things. You lack enough conviction to debate civilly and react civilly to someone who you disagree with.
We actually think Trump is going to destroy the world.

The man wins the Presidency and the only world that's been destroyed is yours.

You have no convictions. You people have flip flopped on so many issues and stances lately.

Who are you to question my convictions? Who is "you people"?

I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You have strayed from me, my son.
The man wins the Presidency and the only world that's been destroyed is yours.

You have no convictions. You people have flip flopped on so many issues and stances lately.

Who are you to question my convictions? Who is "you people"?

I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You have strayed from me, my son.

I will stray from you even further, troll.

Every single person on this forum is a troll, idiot.

Said that to try and make yourself feel better, didn't you?

Now answer me. To whom are we referring to when you say "you people"?

Why do you think it's okay to question the convictions of other people?
Don't act like you're some majority because you won the electoral system.

That electoral system was created to keep tyrannical people like you away from it.

Did something snap loose, you going back in all my posts in this thread and rating them funny?

Want me to do some more? Because I find your posts in this thread to be truly satirical and not serious in the slightest.
I will stray from you even further, troll.

Every single person on this forum is a troll, idiot.

Said that to try and make yourself feel better, didn't you?

Now answer me. To whom are we referring to when you say "you people"?

Why do you think it's okay to question the convictions of other people?

I mean you white trash pieces of conservative garbage.


How revealing. People of your proclivities like to preach about not being stereotypical and bigoted, but in less than 10 words you managed to be both.

I'm a responsible environmentalist. When I see trash, I label it and dump it in the right bin.

You'll have a hard time fitting me into a bin of any kind. Hey, why don't you go hug a tree and cite some ginned up climate statistics?
Don't act like you're some majority because you won the electoral system.

That electoral system was created to keep tyrannical people like you away from it.

Did something snap loose, you going back in all my posts in this thread and rating them funny?

Want me to do some more? Because I find your posts to be truly satirical and not serious in the slightest.

Whatever gets your dick hard my brother.

At least I have one.


(by the way, I saw your sig. You'll have to do better than name calling to get yourself banned.)
That electoral system was created to keep tyrannical people like you away from it.

Did something snap loose, you going back in all my posts in this thread and rating them funny?

Want me to do some more? Because I find your posts to be truly satirical and not serious in the slightest.

Whatever gets your dick hard my brother.

At least I have one.


(by the way, I saw your sig. You'll have to do better than name calling to get yourself banned.)

I insulted moderators families and got myself a 7 day ban for a completely unrelated incident.

Oh well. Go read the rules again and pick one to break. I'm not going to tell you how.

This conversation is now pointless.
That's your standard conservative right there.

Not EVEN close bud that also shows how stupid you are, I am only some ways a conservative, other ways I am a liberals worst nightmare unfortunately for you, what you have is a whole lot of people like me who are dissatisfied with your attempts to FORCE us to do ANYTHING at all. They all have the same basic IDEA that no person, especially some lying labeling pile of dogshit is going to force them to do ANYTHING, and if they do they try they will never try again. Your standard conservative is the hundreds of thousands of letters the congress and the president are getting every day.

Get back in your trailer and fuck your dog, you white trash piece of shit.
Wow good come
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
I'm not sure that's the best plan. People are running away from the dems because they act like retards and their arguments make no sense. I don't think us doing that will help our side. No big protests, no destructive demonstrations, no burning shit. We just simply point out their obvious failures in a peaceful manner. Aaaand, run them over when they block roads. That is actually fun and something we can do on our way to work.
I agree completely. Every time the idiots go out and burn something or assault some one the left loses votes. I spent a weekend recently with extended family and friends. I was stunned to hear one of my cousins say "I didn' vote for Trump but now I wish I had". His reason was the same as mine, I now see more clearly what absolute trash the left has become. They scream fascist, can't spell it and then act like brown shirts.
As if Berkeley is typical, dupes. Those poor 3 windows and that discolored sidewalk those 20 anarchists slightly damaged lol...
We saw this violence at virtually every Trump rally. Constantly. We've seen it at every Milo Yiannopolis event, every Ben Shapiro event. Any time the left has no argument they do every thing they can to intimidate and silence. Violence seems to be all they have.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
I'm not sure that's the best plan. People are running away from the dems because they act like retards and their arguments make no sense. I don't think us doing that will help our side. No big protests, no destructive demonstrations, no burning shit. We just simply point out their obvious failures in a peaceful manner. Aaaand, run them over when they block roads. That is actually fun and something we can do on our way to work.
I'm not talking about burning shit and breaking things, I'm talking about showing our numbers (visually). When the only thing people ever see is massive protests, all from the left, how will they know there's another point of view or support for any other effort? But yeah, run their asses down if they block the road.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.

Yes, but the left was defeated by basically ignoring them.
We showed up at the rallies in huge numbers to show our support for Trump. We need to not stop showing that support. Republican legislators also need to know we support them and expect them to support Trump with their votes in Congress. If the only voice they ever hear is from the left, they'll cave to them. And Dems need to know we're watching them too, and will show up to vote against them if they don't represent us.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
The silent majority is doing just fine and does not need to resort to those kind of crude, immature and deplorable tactics.
What's deplorable about exercising our first amendment rights? We won this election, that's great. But if we sit and do nothing while the media runs fake stories and helps the Schumers and Pelosis obstruct Trump's agenda, we'll lose in 2020 without accomplishing anything. We have a window of opportunity to finally get some shit done with a no bullshit president and he needs us to make our voices heard. Now is not the time to remain silent.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.

Start by demanding these so-called 'Judges' be impeached when they deliberately obstruct our national security efforts. Start with the 9th Court's illegal actions.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
The silent majority is doing just fine and does not need to resort to those kind of crude, immature and deplorable tactics.
What's deplorable about exercising our first amendment rights? We won this election, that's great. But if we sit and do nothing while the media runs fake stories and helps the Schumers and Pelosis obstruct Trump's agenda, we'll lose in 2020 without accomplishing anything. We have a window of opportunity to finally get some shit done with a no bullshit president and he needs us to make our voices heard. Now is not the time to remain silent.

The indies that voted for Trump will still be around, regardless, and he doesn't follow through then they will find somebody else to take his place; they are never going to vote for an establishment Republican again, period, and they certainly aren't going to vote for some Democratic Party criminal. Getting rid of the Paul Ryans, Rubios, and other vermin who are just as intent on sabotaging Trump is a great start, too.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.

Start by demanding these so-called 'Judges' be impeached when they deliberately obstruct our national security efforts. Start with the 9th Court's illegal actions.
Good point, couldn't agree more.
Any doubt there is a concerted effort by Dems and leftists to diminish the legitimacy and effectiveness of Trump's presidency? Everything Trump says or does (or does not do), and the timing of the same, is put under a microscope by the opposition (leftists, Dems and media) and molded to fit their narrative that Trump is an evil and incompetent boob, sometimes requiring a suspension of disbelief for the audience.

Trump won the election. It was legal and valid.
I stopped reading here because Trump, himself, contradicts this last statement you just made. He has made the claim that millions of illegals voted in the election, which, in fact, makes it illegal and invalid.

The left isn't making Trump out to be an incompetent boob...Trump is making Trump out to be an incompetent boob.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
If we are going to speak out we had better be ready for violence. That is all the left has left. They have lost the major elections both on the federal level and the state level just as they should have.
If you all couldn't organize protests in 8 years of Obama, who you thought was destroying the world... I'm sorry but you're just not going to be able to accomplish it.

We actually think Trump is going to destroy the world. Our convictions are real, yours were bullshit. When we think someone is going to destroy the world, we protest. You sit on a couch and bitch.
Not so, the protest during Obama was a peaceful protest in the form of the Tea Party. You know the Tea Party that the left lied about and vilified. Now you want to claim some sort of moral high ground and justify the left wing violence, that takes some real nerve.

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