Trump Won.... So Why Are Dems Winning?

Any doubt there is a concerted effort by Dems and leftists to diminish the legitimacy and effectiveness of Trump's presidency? Everything Trump says or does (or does not do), and the timing of the same, is put under a microscope by the opposition (leftists, Dems and media) and molded to fit their narrative that Trump is an evil and incompetent boob, sometimes requiring a suspension of disbelief for the audience.

Trump won the election. It was legal and valid. It was not a popularity contest. It was a contest to win the most elector votes. That is the way it has always been. There is absolutely no evidence that anyone influenced the outcome of the election (except for James Comey... and Thank God for Comey!). Yet here we are, 3 weeks into Trump administration and it feels like both Trump and the nation are under siege by the left.

The media is largely to blame by this. The DNC and its members are too, for stoking unrest based upon race and economics. There is literally people with iPhones and MacBooks protesting capitalism; women dressing up like vaginas and protesting women's rights... in the one nation on earth that affords people the most civil rights and liberties on the face of the earth. BLM protesting "police brutality" in a country that mandates due process and will not shoot them just for the fuck of it.

Do these people have legitimate gripes? Probably. But they are WAY removed from reality. They need to go to the Third World and protest first. Then maybe I will give a shit about their opinions. This nation has done alright by me and I am grateful. These leftists, however, have every right and opportunity as everyone else and they are not happy. They just don't give a shit. They are ungrateful shits. It is just insane.

We probably need to regroup on the right and put together some sort of concerted PR message in opposition to the leftists. Clearly, with the media in collusion the left has the advantage. But this is going to require us all coming together for this purpose. That means the people like senile old McCain and closeted homo Lindsey Graham are going to have to tow the line.

It appears that Trump's win is not the end of the fight. It is just the beginning. Us on the right need to recognize this and mobilize before it is too late. This is a battle against leftist ideology. Ultimately the left will destroy our nation. The fight is on and we don't even know it. We have the presidency, both houses of Congress, the federal courts, and state governments. Great, huh? Nope, we are still getting our asses kicked. The left is setting the agenda, and they are fighting us tooth and nail. Are they desperate? Nope.

When you got your boot on your enemy's throats you got to snap the spine. You cannot let him get back up.
Republicans are like a dog chasing a car and yapping at it......then wondering what to do once they catch it

How is that repeal and replace doing ?
Any doubt there is a concerted effort by Dems and leftists to diminish the legitimacy and effectiveness of Trump's presidency? Everything Trump says or does (or does not do), and the timing of the same, is put under a microscope by the opposition (leftists, Dems and media) and molded to fit their narrative that Trump is an evil and incompetent boob, sometimes requiring a suspension of disbelief for the audience.

Trump won the election. It was legal and valid. It was not a popularity contest. It was a contest to win the most elector votes. That is the way it has always been. There is absolutely no evidence that anyone influenced the outcome of the election (except for James Comey... and Thank God for Comey!). Yet here we are, 3 weeks into Trump administration and it feels like both Trump and the nation are under siege by the left.

The media is largely to blame by this. The DNC and its members are too, for stoking unrest based upon race and economics. There is literally people with iPhones and MacBooks protesting capitalism; women dressing up like vaginas and protesting women's rights... in the one nation on earth that affords people the most civil rights and liberties on the face of the earth. BLM protesting "police brutality" in a country that mandates due process and will not shoot them just for the fuck of it.

Do these people have legitimate gripes? Probably. But they are WAY removed from reality. They need to go to the Third World and protest first. Then maybe I will give a shit about their opinions. This nation has done alright by me and I am grateful. These leftists, however, have every right and opportunity as everyone else and they are not happy. They just don't give a shit. They are ungrateful shits. It is just insane.

We probably need to regroup on the right and put together some sort of concerted PR message in opposition to the leftists. Clearly, with the media in collusion the left has the advantage. But this is going to require us all coming together for this purpose. That means the people like senile old McCain and closeted homo Lindsey Graham are going to have to tow the line.

It appears that Trump's win is not the end of the fight. It is just the beginning. Us on the right need to recognize this and mobilize before it is too late. This is a battle against leftist ideology. Ultimately the left will destroy our nation. The fight is on and we don't even know it. We have the presidency, both houses of Congress, the federal courts, and state governments. Great, huh? Nope, we are still getting our asses kicked. The left is setting the agenda, and they are fighting us tooth and nail. Are they desperate? Nope.

When you got your boot on your enemy's throats you got to snap the spine. You cannot let him get back up.
Republicans are like a dog chasing a car and yapping at it......then wondering what to do once they catch it

How is that repeal and replace doing ?
Yeah, thanks for that unsatisfying contribution, RW-er. Reading your posts are like screwing a chick and finding out in mid-stream that she is having her period.
Any doubt there is a concerted effort by Dems and leftists to diminish the legitimacy and effectiveness of Trump's presidency? Everything Trump says or does (or does not do), and the timing of the same, is put under a microscope by the opposition (leftists, Dems and media) and molded to fit their narrative that Trump is an evil and incompetent boob, sometimes requiring a suspension of disbelief for the audience.

Trump won the election. It was legal and valid. It was not a popularity contest. It was a contest to win the most elector votes. That is the way it has always been. There is absolutely no evidence that anyone influenced the outcome of the election (except for James Comey... and Thank God for Comey!). Yet here we are, 3 weeks into Trump administration and it feels like both Trump and the nation are under siege by the left.

The media is largely to blame by this. The DNC and its members are too, for stoking unrest based upon race and economics. There is literally people with iPhones and MacBooks protesting capitalism; women dressing up like vaginas and protesting women's rights... in the one nation on earth that affords people the most civil rights and liberties on the face of the earth. BLM protesting "police brutality" in a country that mandates due process and will not shoot them just for the fuck of it.

Do these people have legitimate gripes? Probably. But they are WAY removed from reality. They need to go to the Third World and protest first. Then maybe I will give a shit about their opinions. This nation has done alright by me and I am grateful. These leftists, however, have every right and opportunity as everyone else and they are not happy. They just don't give a shit. They are ungrateful shits. It is just insane.

We probably need to regroup on the right and put together some sort of concerted PR message in opposition to the leftists. Clearly, with the media in collusion the left has the advantage. But this is going to require us all coming together for this purpose. That means the people like senile old McCain and closeted homo Lindsey Graham are going to have to tow the line.

It appears that Trump's win is not the end of the fight. It is just the beginning. Us on the right need to recognize this and mobilize before it is too late. This is a battle against leftist ideology. Ultimately the left will destroy our nation. The fight is on and we don't even know it. We have the presidency, both houses of Congress, the federal courts, and state governments. Great, huh? Nope, we are still getting our asses kicked. The left is setting the agenda, and they are fighting us tooth and nail. Are they desperate? Nope.

When you got your boot on your enemy's throats you got to snap the spine. You cannot let him get back up.
Republicans are like a dog chasing a car and yapping at it......then wondering what to do once they catch it

How is that repeal and replace doing ?
Yeah, thanks for that unsatisfying contribution, RW-er. Reading your posts are like screwing a chick and finding out in mid-stream that she is having her period.
Doesn't answer the question.....

How is that first day Obamacare repeal working?

What happens when the public starts screaming that Republicans ruined healthcare?
Any doubt there is a concerted effort by Dems and leftists to diminish the legitimacy and effectiveness of Trump's presidency? Everything Trump says or does (or does not do), and the timing of the same, is put under a microscope by the opposition (leftists, Dems and media) and molded to fit their narrative that Trump is an evil and incompetent boob, sometimes requiring a suspension of disbelief for the audience.

Trump won the election. It was legal and valid. It was not a popularity contest. It was a contest to win the most elector votes. That is the way it has always been. There is absolutely no evidence that anyone influenced the outcome of the election (except for James Comey... and Thank God for Comey!). Yet here we are, 3 weeks into Trump administration and it feels like both Trump and the nation are under siege by the left.

The media is largely to blame by this. The DNC and its members are too, for stoking unrest based upon race and economics. There is literally people with iPhones and MacBooks protesting capitalism; women dressing up like vaginas and protesting women's rights... in the one nation on earth that affords people the most civil rights and liberties on the face of the earth. BLM protesting "police brutality" in a country that mandates due process and will not shoot them just for the fuck of it.

Do these people have legitimate gripes? Probably. But they are WAY removed from reality. They need to go to the Third World and protest first. Then maybe I will give a shit about their opinions. This nation has done alright by me and I am grateful. These leftists, however, have every right and opportunity as everyone else and they are not happy. They just don't give a shit. They are ungrateful shits. It is just insane.

We probably need to regroup on the right and put together some sort of concerted PR message in opposition to the leftists. Clearly, with the media in collusion the left has the advantage. But this is going to require us all coming together for this purpose. That means the people like senile old McCain and closeted homo Lindsey Graham are going to have to tow the line.

It appears that Trump's win is not the end of the fight. It is just the beginning. Us on the right need to recognize this and mobilize before it is too late. This is a battle against leftist ideology. Ultimately the left will destroy our nation. The fight is on and we don't even know it. We have the presidency, both houses of Congress, the federal courts, and state governments. Great, huh? Nope, we are still getting our asses kicked. The left is setting the agenda, and they are fighting us tooth and nail. Are they desperate? Nope.

When you got your boot on your enemy's throats you got to snap the spine. You cannot let him get back up.
Republicans are like a dog chasing a car and yapping at it......then wondering what to do once they catch it

How is that repeal and replace doing ?
Yeah, thanks for that unsatisfying contribution, RW-er. Reading your posts are like screwing a chick and finding out in mid-stream that she is having her period.
Doesn't answer the question.....

How is that first day Obamacare repeal working?

What happens when the public starts screaming that Republicans ruined healthcare?
Right winger practices the retarded Socratic method! Moron!

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