Trump Won.... So Why Are Dems Winning?

If you all couldn't organize protests in 8 years of Obama, who you thought was destroying the world... I'm sorry but you're just not going to be able to accomplish it.

We actually think Trump is going to destroy the world. Our convictions are real, yours were bullshit. When we think someone is going to destroy the world, we protest. You sit on a couch and bitch.

Bullshit you guys have protested every republican since the 70s.

You guys ate so.full pf shot, there is no principal, just hypocrisy.

Yiu huys applauded the president or iran and invited, but don't like right win americans?

Are you fucking drunk, dumbass? Sober yourself up before you post more stpi shit.

EDIT: Oh dear, I got some of your stupid on me. Couldn't spell stupid!

Please don't beat your wife tonight.

I dont love violence like the left, so i dont beat my wife.

But again, he never talks about the arguments

So yes this has nothing to do with trump, they protest every republican.

They are hypocritical, since they invite the president of iran to speak, yet want to bar right wing americans.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
I'm not sure that's the best plan. People are running away from the dems because they act like retards and their arguments make no sense. I don't think us doing that will help our side. No big protests, no destructive demonstrations, no burning shit. We just simply point out their obvious failures in a peaceful manner. Aaaand, run them over when they block roads. That is actually fun and something we can do on our way to work.
I agree completely. Every time the idiots go out and burn something or assault some one the left loses votes. I spent a weekend recently with extended family and friends. I was stunned to hear one of my cousins say "I didn' vote for Trump but now I wish I had". His reason was the same as mine, I now see more clearly what absolute trash the left has become. They scream fascist, can't spell it and then act like brown shirts.
You people were happier when you lost presidential elections.
You think so? I don't see it in my area. I see optomism, happiness, a feeling of being released of the government hand. It could end any day for sure but for now it feels pretty good. You lefties though when you won weren't happy. You had obie, you had obiecare, you had the fags going nuts, you had people claiming special bathrooms and you were never satisfied with any of it.

We're happy now and getting happier by the day. Deport illegals, stop muslims from coming here, get our trade deals in our favor, fix the schools, get rid of obiecare and fix the tax rates.

You weren't happy when you had control, it's not surprising you're less happy when it all is going up in flames.
We had control for 3 weeks, dupe. At least no corrupt GOP bubble again....

The problem with Trump is all his promises to the deplorables were based on lies/bs propaganda and are unconstitutional.
Get back in your trailer and fuck your dog, you white trash piece of shit.

I guess you are a 90# liberal arts student that never had a piece of rug in his life, and are mad at the world of MEN and decent people because you tweated to bayud!!! Hell cowpattys are ashamed of you because liberals like you give them a bad name!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHh oh the limited monoplanic liberal mind is a waste of space, it should be replace with a more intelligent block of dried dung.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
I'm not sure that's the best plan. People are running away from the dems because they act like retards and their arguments make no sense. I don't think us doing that will help our side. No big protests, no destructive demonstrations, no burning shit. We just simply point out their obvious failures in a peaceful manner. Aaaand, run them over when they block roads. That is actually fun and something we can do on our way to work.
I agree completely. Every time the idiots go out and burn something or assault some one the left loses votes. I spent a weekend recently with extended family and friends. I was stunned to hear one of my cousins say "I didn' vote for Trump but now I wish I had". His reason was the same as mine, I now see more clearly what absolute trash the left has become. They scream fascist, can't spell it and then act like brown shirts.
Exactly. I think more people that didn't vote for him are now thinking they would based on how the left is acting. Does anyone not holding a far left position actually think stopping muslim terrorists from coming into the country a bad thing? How many left wingers actually want more illegals here? I don't think they have the numbers they think they do. Most rational people would want less muslims and less illegals. If Trump is the one trying to stop that and the dems are trying to keep him from doing it they will lose even worse next time arounnd.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
I'm not sure that's the best plan. People are running away from the dems because they act like retards and their arguments make no sense. I don't think us doing that will help our side. No big protests, no destructive demonstrations, no burning shit. We just simply point out their obvious failures in a peaceful manner. Aaaand, run them over when they block roads. That is actually fun and something we can do on our way to work.
I agree completely. Every time the idiots go out and burn something or assault some one the left loses votes. I spent a weekend recently with extended family and friends. I was stunned to hear one of my cousins say "I didn' vote for Trump but now I wish I had". His reason was the same as mine, I now see more clearly what absolute trash the left has become. They scream fascist, can't spell it and then act like brown shirts.
As if Berkeley is typical, dupes. Those poor 3 windows and that discolored sidewalk those 20 anarchists slightly damaged lol...
You weren't happy when you had control, it's not surprising you're less happy when it all is going up in flames.
We had control for 3 weeks, dupe. At least no corrupt GOP bubble again....

The problem with Trump is all his promises to the deplorables were based on lies/bs propaganda and are unconstitutional.

wow I guess there are no deportations, there are no reversals of oshit eos and there are no people getting ready to build a wall, Sounds like you are the liar, and bullshitter like all of the liberal boohooers here.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
I'm not sure that's the best plan. People are running away from the dems because they act like retards and their arguments make no sense. I don't think us doing that will help our side. No big protests, no destructive demonstrations, no burning shit. We just simply point out their obvious failures in a peaceful manner. Aaaand, run them over when they block roads. That is actually fun and something we can do on our way to work.
I agree completely. Every time the idiots go out and burn something or assault some one the left loses votes. I spent a weekend recently with extended family and friends. I was stunned to hear one of my cousins say "I didn' vote for Trump but now I wish I had". His reason was the same as mine, I now see more clearly what absolute trash the left has become. They scream fascist, can't spell it and then act like brown shirts.
Exactly. I think more people that didn't vote for him are now thinking they would based on how the left is acting. Does anyone not holding a far left position actually think stopping muslim terrorists from coming into the country a bad thing? How many left wingers actually want more illegals here? I don't think they have the numbers they think they do. Most rational people would want less muslims and less illegals. If Trump is the one trying to stop that and the dems are trying to keep him from doing it they will lose even worse next time arounnd.
Obama ALREADY had a moratorium and fixed the vetting process, and there have been THREE Americans killed by refugees in the last 40 years. The GOP blocked an unfakable SS card in 2010. A wall will do no good- just keeps this GOP mess going DUHHHHH.
You weren't happy when you had control, it's not surprising you're less happy when it all is going up in flames.
We had control for 3 weeks, dupe. At least no corrupt GOP bubble again....

The problem with Trump is all his promises to the deplorables were based on lies/bs propaganda and are unconstitutional.

wow I guess there are no deportations, there are no reversals of oshit eos and there are no people getting ready to build a wall, Sounds like you are the liar, and bullshitter like all of the liberal boohooers here.[/QUOTE]
No more deportations than under Obama, dupe, and the wall is still a joke, for dupes only. Oh Meliss/Spicer LOL...
You people were happier when you lost presidential elections.
You think so? I don't see it in my area. I see optomism, happiness, a feeling of being released of the government hand. It could end any day for sure but for now it feels pretty good. You lefties though when you won weren't happy. You had obie, you had obiecare, you had the fags going nuts, you had people claiming special bathrooms and you were never satisfied with any of it.

We're happy now and getting happier by the day. Deport illegals, stop muslims from coming here, get our trade deals in our favor, fix the schools, get rid of obiecare and fix the tax rates.

You weren't happy when you had control, it's not surprising you're less happy when it all is going up in flames.
We had control for 3 weeks, dupe. At least no corrupt GOP bubble again....

The problem with Trump is all his promises to the deplorables were based on lies/bs propaganda and are unconstitutional.
And you pissed it away on obiecare and then proceeded to use the nuclear option in the senate and then couldn't bring yourselves to actually blame islam for the terrorist attacks they claimed. You chose to go full on anti 2A, you chose to tell us free speech is only speech you would approve of, you told us all white people are racist, any opposition to obie was white privilage, cops are murderous gangs of vigilantie's, business owners are out to fuck everyone for a buck, burger flippers deserve 15 bucks an hour, you can kill your unborn child on demand and let planned parenthood sell off the extra parts they can farm from your murdered child. Fags have the same marriage as you, A guy dressing like a woman is a real woman and needs to be not only called a woman but treated as one. And your wife and daughter should just STFU and let that guy in their restroom. The government owes not only you free healthcare but every illegal that get's here needs that too along with a drivers license. You can't deport anyone, they broke the law but laws don't matter now. We just won't enforce some laws. EO's are the law of the land, if you can't get a law passed or removed an EO is all you need. A pen and a phone right? But now that's a bad thing.

I can go on but hear this.

This deplorable doesn't give a flying fuck what you think. You used those methods we will too. When it gets too out of control we can start shooting at each other. I'm ready, are you?
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.
The silent majority is doing just fine and does not need to resort to those kind of crude, immature and deplorable tactics.
Get back in your trailer and fuck your dog, you white trash piece of shit.

I guess you are a 90# liberal arts student that never had a piece of rug in his life, and are mad at the world of MEN and decent people because you tweated to bayud!!! Hell cowpattys are ashamed of you because liberals like you give them a bad name!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHh oh the limited monoplanic liberal mind is a waste of space, it should be replace with a more intelligent block of dried dung.

What? English please.

God damn, the average Syrian refugee has better English than an American Born white trash citizen.
If you don't get that he wins by default. It was pretty plain. The failure of comprehension falls on you.
You people were happier when you lost presidential elections.
You think so? I don't see it in my area. I see optomism, happiness, a feeling of being released of the government hand. It could end any day for sure but for now it feels pretty good. You lefties though when you won weren't happy. You had obie, you had obiecare, you had the fags going nuts, you had people claiming special bathrooms and you were never satisfied with any of it.

We're happy now and getting happier by the day. Deport illegals, stop muslims from coming here, get our trade deals in our favor, fix the schools, get rid of obiecare and fix the tax rates.

You weren't happy when you had control, it's not surprising you're less happy when it all is going up in flames.
We had control for 3 weeks, dupe. At least no corrupt GOP bubble again....

The problem with Trump is all his promises to the deplorables were based on lies/bs propaganda and are unconstitutional.
And you pissed it away on obiecare and then proceeded to use the nuclear option in the senate and then couldn't bring yourselves to actually blame islam for the terrorist attacks they claimed. You chose to go full on anti 2A, you chose to tell us free speech is only speech you would approve of, you told us all white people are racist, any opposition to obie was white privilage, cops are murderous gangs of vigilantie's, business owners are out to fuck everyone for a buck, burger flippers deserve 15 bucks an hour, you can kill your unborn child on demand and let planned parenthood sell off the extra parts they can farm from your murdered child. Fags have the same marriage as you, A guy dressing like a woman is a real woman and needs to be not only called a woman but treated as one. And your wife and daughter should just STFU and let that guy in their restroom. The government owes not only you free healthcare but every illegal that get's here needs that too along with a drivers license. You can't deport anyone, they broke the law but laws don't matter now. We just won't enforce some laws. EO's are the law of the land, if you can't get a law passed or removed an EO is all you need. A pen and a phone right? But now that's a bad thing.

I can go on but hear this.

This deplorable doesn't give a flying fuck what you think. You used those methods we will too. When it gets too out of control we can start shooting at each other. I'm ready, are you?
EO's only pertain to the fed gov't and mean very little, dupe. Man, relax- you're brainwashed out of your tiny PBS and TCM for a while and take it easy.
You people were happier when you lost presidential elections.
You think so? I don't see it in my area. I see optomism, happiness, a feeling of being released of the government hand. It could end any day for sure but for now it feels pretty good. You lefties though when you won weren't happy. You had obie, you had obiecare, you had the fags going nuts, you had people claiming special bathrooms and you were never satisfied with any of it.

We're happy now and getting happier by the day. Deport illegals, stop muslims from coming here, get our trade deals in our favor, fix the schools, get rid of obiecare and fix the tax rates.

You weren't happy when you had control, it's not surprising you're less happy when it all is going up in flames.
We had control for 3 weeks, dupe. At least no corrupt GOP bubble again....

The problem with Trump is all his promises to the deplorables were based on lies/bs propaganda and are unconstitutional.
And you pissed it away on obiecare and then proceeded to use the nuclear option in the senate and then couldn't bring yourselves to actually blame islam for the terrorist attacks they claimed. You chose to go full on anti 2A, you chose to tell us free speech is only speech you would approve of, you told us all white people are racist, any opposition to obie was white privilage, cops are murderous gangs of vigilantie's, business owners are out to fuck everyone for a buck, burger flippers deserve 15 bucks an hour, you can kill your unborn child on demand and let planned parenthood sell off the extra parts they can farm from your murdered child. Fags have the same marriage as you, A guy dressing like a woman is a real woman and needs to be not only called a woman but treated as one. And your wife and daughter should just STFU and let that guy in their restroom. The government owes not only you free healthcare but every illegal that get's here needs that too along with a drivers license. You can't deport anyone, they broke the law but laws don't matter now. We just won't enforce some laws. EO's are the law of the land, if you can't get a law passed or removed an EO is all you need. A pen and a phone right? But now that's a bad thing.

I can go on but hear this.

This deplorable doesn't give a flying fuck what you think. You used those methods we will too. When it gets too out of control we can start shooting at each other. I'm ready, are you?
BTW, that's all insane Fox/Rush insanity. The cops can handle you when you freak out...sounds like murder suicide anyway...
Get back in your trailer and fuck your dog, you white trash piece of shit.

I guess you are a 90# liberal arts student that never had a piece of rug in his life, and are mad at the world of MEN and decent people because you tweated to bayud!!! Hell cowpattys are ashamed of you because liberals like you give them a bad name!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHh oh the limited monoplanic liberal mind is a waste of space, it should be replace with a more intelligent block of dried dung.

What? English please.

God damn, the average Syrian refugee has better English than an American Born white trash citizen.
If you don't get that he wins by default. It was pretty plain. The failure of comprehension falls on you.

He doesn't even know how to construct proper sentences and paragraphs. Did he attend a Betsy Devos online school?
I thought demanding correct sentence structure and such was racist. Is that not racist now? You people change the rules so often. Maybe a Devos education would have been better for you, the language nazi position isn't going well.
You people were happier when you lost presidential elections.
You think so? I don't see it in my area. I see optomism, happiness, a feeling of being released of the government hand. It could end any day for sure but for now it feels pretty good. You lefties though when you won weren't happy. You had obie, you had obiecare, you had the fags going nuts, you had people claiming special bathrooms and you were never satisfied with any of it.

We're happy now and getting happier by the day. Deport illegals, stop muslims from coming here, get our trade deals in our favor, fix the schools, get rid of obiecare and fix the tax rates.

You weren't happy when you had control, it's not surprising you're less happy when it all is going up in flames.
We had control for 3 weeks, dupe. At least no corrupt GOP bubble again....

The problem with Trump is all his promises to the deplorables were based on lies/bs propaganda and are unconstitutional.
And you pissed it away on obiecare and then proceeded to use the nuclear option in the senate and then couldn't bring yourselves to actually blame islam for the terrorist attacks they claimed. You chose to go full on anti 2A, you chose to tell us free speech is only speech you would approve of, you told us all white people are racist, any opposition to obie was white privilage, cops are murderous gangs of vigilantie's, business owners are out to fuck everyone for a buck, burger flippers deserve 15 bucks an hour, you can kill your unborn child on demand and let planned parenthood sell off the extra parts they can farm from your murdered child. Fags have the same marriage as you, A guy dressing like a woman is a real woman and needs to be not only called a woman but treated as one. And your wife and daughter should just STFU and let that guy in their restroom. The government owes not only you free healthcare but every illegal that get's here needs that too along with a drivers license. You can't deport anyone, they broke the law but laws don't matter now. We just won't enforce some laws. EO's are the law of the land, if you can't get a law passed or removed an EO is all you need. A pen and a phone right? But now that's a bad thing.

I can go on but hear this.

This deplorable doesn't give a flying fuck what you think. You used those methods we will too. When it gets too out of control we can start shooting at each other. I'm ready, are you?
BTW, that's all insane Fox/Rush insanity. The cops can handle you when you freak out...sounds like murder suicide anyway...
I see you're struggling to reply. Please keep trying and i'll see if you get any better tomorrow.
We need to start organizing some protests of our own against Democrat officials. Demonstrate in front of their houses and offices like they do to Republicans. Do the same thing with fake new reporters. Put up billboards calling them out for their dishonesty and obstruction. Boycott businesses that make liberal political statements. The right has been far too nice and timid in expressing their dissatisfaction with liberalism. They don't speak up because they know they'll be stalked and smeared by the media (like Joe, the plumber), but if enough people get fed up and start expressing their outrage, the press will be too busy defending themselves to smear anybody. Time to start fighting back. The numbers are there, Trump would not have won if they weren't. Everyone who voted for him should speak up and speak up often, let your voices be heard.

Yes, but the left was defeated by basically ignoring them.

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