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Trump won’t commit to peaceful transfer of power.

3 1/2 years a and the leftists still haven't committed to a peaceful transfer of power.
Your comment is beyond fucking stupid.

The most idiotic retort of the month, if not the entire year.

Dangerous, too.

Slavish, servile cult-worshipers of the Orange Baboon-God shamefully make light of such serious concerns on the part of Americans who support the Rule of Law.

Trump won. Hillary lost. You leftists are burning down the country because you didnt get your way. That's what's dangerous and a threat to the rule of law. You will lose again in November and you leftists will throw another hissy fit, destroy the election process and burn cities again.
We will not lose again.

The American people, overwhelmingly will pick Biden.... the American people do not want to have another 4 years of destruction to our Constitution and Nation with Trump.
Now you sound just like a trumper. Biden is a fucking joke, just like the orange buffoon. Very little difference between the two, but Ds and Rs haven’t figured that out.

The election will be very close.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election

Yes president Trump told the liberal news media to shove their TROLL question up their ass. You people got some nerve. You lowlife scum have refused to accept the 2016 election for the past 4 years so pardon us while we laugh at you and your troll question. :auiqs.jpg:
So you think Trump should not abide by the election results and install himself as dictator for life?

It's not Trump Dem dumb asses need to worry about, it's Trump's supporters. If my some change (likely Dem cheating) Biden wins we will utterly destroy the Dem party 2 years later in the mid terms. Your f'ing ancestors will feel the beat down.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
The commie faction has even stated that a Trump victory will not be honored and many
blue states are going to allow the counting of mail in ballots well after November 3rd. They want to see how many dead voters they will need to "dig up" to create fake ballots for. God help this country if the commie leftists decide this is the tactic to go with because MILLIONS of Americans will be kicking some leftist ass. I will not stand passively by and allow the communist coup that has been in the works the day after the 2016 election. We couldn't live with ourselves if we allowed it.

My suggestion to commie fucks like yourself? Either load up on guns and ammo so at least you have a small chance or become worm food. I would rather die fighting than become a slave of the commie DNC.
3 1/2 years a and the leftists still haven't committed to a peaceful transfer of power.
Your comment is beyond fucking stupid.

Maybe in a bizarro world where stupid means accurate.

Let's see what the previous presidential candidate believes about conceding elections...

"Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out," Clinton warned.

They are talking about until the final count is clear. Sheesh, the right doesn't understand English very well.
...Trump won. Hillary lost...
The previous election results are irrelevant to the peaceful transition of power on January 20, 2021, if appropriate, other than to define one of the players.

...You leftists are burning down the country because you didnt get your way...
1. I am not a Leftist; merely a modestly left-leaning Centrist and Independent

2. As far as I am concerned, send-in squadrons of cavalry (mounted police) equipped with long batons, tazers, semi-auto pistols, etc., and crack some skulls.

3. You confuse opposition to your Baboon-God with alignment with the Idiot Left - an easy mistake to make, for superficial partisans who are incapable of such distinctions

...That's what's dangerous and a threat to the rule of law...
Agreed. Rioting and looting under the false banner of legitimate protest is a genuine and existential danger to the Republic. Suppress it. Mercilessly.

...You will lose again in November and you leftists will throw another hissy fit, destroy the election process and burn cities again.
You may be right, but I will not be one of them. I will abide by the outcome of the November 3rd election, as will you, and everyone else. Including your Baboon-God.
Lol same thing was said in 2016 and they did end up being right kind of. Hillary Clinton and the democrats still have not accepted that election. You dems need to come up with better fake scenarios.

Tramp is going to lose unless he cheats, he did it in 2016 and now plans to do it in 2020.
I never worried about the Russian in the elections until tramp invited them in in 2016.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
/——/ Why would anyone running for office even consider losing an election? Trump would be stupid for even accepting the premise. Piglosi told Dementia Joe he should not concede no matter what. Any fake outrage over that?
TRUMP didn't come into the WH under a peaceful transfer of power from the O'Biden administration who illegally spied on his campaign.

I was talking to the wife not long ago. We were talking about Ronald Reagan. Even Jimmy Carter. But for this discussion. Reagan seems best.

Reagan had an opposition Congress. He faced Tip O’Neal in the House. If you think Nancy has power you can’t imagine what life with Tip was like.

The funny thing is that Reagan rose above all the insults and obstruction. He went to the people and had them flood Congress with phone calls and telegrams. Letters too. All demanding support for his tax cuts. He got the tax cuts.

Reagan faced problems and set backs. But he did so with class. Enemies were in Russia. Not Congress. He had great public support through his administration. He won in landslides. For his re-election he won what? 49 states?

The thing was that you could see Reagan loved this country. Even the parts you detest.

Reagan had class. He had political opponents that towered over Pelosi. He had opposition that made AOC look like a Punch and Judy skit.

When Reagan proposed Star Wars. Everyone was opposed. Congress. The Military. Researchers. And they all argued against it. And it was passed. Because again Reagan went to the people and explained his vision. With class and respect he took his message to the people.

Fake News? Opposition Press? Every Editor wrote several articles about the waste of money SDI would be. How it would destabilize the world. It would definitely lead to World War III. Reagan got it anyway.

At the time the Army was standing ready to fight the Soviets when they came swarming through the Fulda Gap like New York Cockroaches. We were told the Air Force would bomb them. But we had a joke. Two Soviet Generals were having coffee in Paris and the first turned to the second. “So who won the air war?”

Reagan had class. Class that is sorely lacking in this era. And don’t pretend that it is way different now. The Democrats leading the opposition are School Yard Bullies compared to the Democrats of that era. And don’t pretend that the interference of whoever is way worse. The KGB had way more people involved here than anywhere and could not derail Reagan. The same universities are teaching the same stuff.

Trump is a middle school punk compared to Reagan. When someone shouted you suck to Reagan he would smile and wave. When someone shouts it at Trump he shouts back. Trump is like a dog distracted by a squirrel.

NOT counting absentee ballots casts doubts on the election results.... counting them, does not....

Even if states allow a week or two, to count them....They should be counted, if they are ballots that have been post MARKED prior to the election.

Get it through your thick skull... IM NOT TALKING ABOUT ABSENTEE BALLOTS!!!!!

I am talking about these ridiculous “I’m too fucking lazy to go to the polls” ballots. The ballots some States are saying they make count up to multiple digit days after the election ends. These ballots shouldn’t even exist. If they do exist they should be required to be in the hands of the Election officials a week early, so they can be counted immediately.
Lol same thing was said in 2016 and they did end up being right kind of. Hillary Clinton and the democrats still have not accepted that election. You dems need to come up with better fake scenarios.

Tramp is going to lose unless he cheats, he did it in 2016 and now plans to do it in 2020.
I never worried about the Russian in the elections until tramp invited them in in 2016.
/——/ Too bad you clowns couldn’t produce any evidence that Trump cheated.
TRUMP didn't come into the WH under a peaceful transfer of power from the O'Biden administration who illegally spied on his campaign.

I was talking to the wife not long ago. We were talking about Ronald Reagan. Even Jimmy Carter. But for this discussion. Reagan seems best.

Reagan had an opposition Congress. He faced Tip O’Neal in the House. If you think Nancy has power you can’t imagine what life with Tip was like.

The funny thing is that Reagan rose above all the insults and obstruction. He went to the people and had them flood Congress with phone calls and telegrams. Letters too. All demanding support for his tax cuts. He got the tax cuts.

Reagan faced problems and set backs. But he did so with class. Enemies were in Russia. Not Congress. He had great public support through his administration. He won in landslides. For his re-election he won what? 49 states?

The thing was that you could see Reagan loved this country. Even the parts you detest.

Reagan had class. He had political opponents that towered over Pelosi. He had opposition that made AOC look like a Punch and Judy skit.

When Reagan proposed Star Wars. Everyone was opposed. Congress. The Military. Researchers. And they all argued against it. And it was passed. Because again Reagan went to the people and explained his vision. With class and respect he took his message to the people.

Fake News? Opposition Press? Every Editor wrote several articles about the waste of money SDI would be. How it would destabilize the world. It would definitely lead to World War III. Reagan got it anyway.

At the time the Army was standing ready to fight the Soviets when they came swarming through the Fulda Gap like New York Cockroaches. We were told the Air Force would bomb them. But we had a joke. Two Soviet Generals were having coffee in Paris and the first turned to the second. “So who won the air war?”

Reagan had class. Class that is sorely lacking in this era. And don’t pretend that it is way different now. The Democrats leading the opposition are School Yard Bullies compared to the Democrats of that era. And don’t pretend that the interference of whoever is way worse. The KGB had way more people involved here than anywhere and could not derail Reagan. The same universities are teaching the same stuff.

Trump is a middle school punk compared to Reagan. When someone shouted you suck to Reagan he would smile and wave. When someone shouts it at Trump he shouts back. Trump is like a dog distracted by a squirrel.

/——/ The problem today is the current democRAT party doesn’t give a rat’s azz what the great unwashed think, like they did when Reagan was president.
TRUMP didn't come into the WH under a peaceful transfer of power from the O'Biden administration who illegally spied on his campaign.

I was talking to the wife not long ago. We were talking about Ronald Reagan. Even Jimmy Carter. But for this discussion. Reagan seems best.

Reagan had an opposition Congress. He faced Tip O’Neal in the House. If you think Nancy has power you can’t imagine what life with Tip was like.

The funny thing is that Reagan rose above all the insults and obstruction. He went to the people and had them flood Congress with phone calls and telegrams. Letters too. All demanding support for his tax cuts. He got the tax cuts.

Reagan faced problems and set backs. But he did so with class. Enemies were in Russia. Not Congress. He had great public support through his administration. He won in landslides. For his re-election he won what? 49 states?

The thing was that you could see Reagan loved this country. Even the parts you detest.

Reagan had class. He had political opponents that towered over Pelosi. He had opposition that made AOC look like a Punch and Judy skit.

When Reagan proposed Star Wars. Everyone was opposed. Congress. The Military. Researchers. And they all argued against it. And it was passed. Because again Reagan went to the people and explained his vision. With class and respect he took his message to the people.

Fake News? Opposition Press? Every Editor wrote several articles about the waste of money SDI would be. How it would destabilize the world. It would definitely lead to World War III. Reagan got it anyway.

At the time the Army was standing ready to fight the Soviets when they came swarming through the Fulda Gap like New York Cockroaches. We were told the Air Force would bomb them. But we had a joke. Two Soviet Generals were having coffee in Paris and the first turned to the second. “So who won the air war?”

Reagan had class. Class that is sorely lacking in this era. And don’t pretend that it is way different now. The Democrats leading the opposition are School Yard Bullies compared to the Democrats of that era. And don’t pretend that the interference of whoever is way worse. The KGB had way more people involved here than anywhere and could not derail Reagan. The same universities are teaching the same stuff.

Trump is a middle school punk compared to Reagan. When someone shouted you suck to Reagan he would smile and wave. When someone shouts it at Trump he shouts back. Trump is like a dog distracted by a squirrel.

Regan did things his way and got stuff done, TRUMP is doing things in his own way and getting things done. I could care less about if one smiles and waves or shouts back, all I care about are actions made in line with commitments.

And you are being disingenuous claiming that things were no different back then. To start media outreach was significant smaller with 3 MSM outlets and print news.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
This is who Trump and his supporters are: authoritarian enemies of our democratic institutions.
TRUMP didn't come into the WH under a peaceful transfer of power from the O'Biden administration who illegally spied on his campaign.

I was talking to the wife not long ago. We were talking about Ronald Reagan. Even Jimmy Carter. But for this discussion. Reagan seems best.

Reagan had an opposition Congress. He faced Tip O’Neal in the House. If you think Nancy has power you can’t imagine what life with Tip was like.

The funny thing is that Reagan rose above all the insults and obstruction. He went to the people and had them flood Congress with phone calls and telegrams. Letters too. All demanding support for his tax cuts. He got the tax cuts.

Reagan faced problems and set backs. But he did so with class. Enemies were in Russia. Not Congress. He had great public support through his administration. He won in landslides. For his re-election he won what? 49 states?

The thing was that you could see Reagan loved this country. Even the parts you detest.

Reagan had class. He had political opponents that towered over Pelosi. He had opposition that made AOC look like a Punch and Judy skit.

When Reagan proposed Star Wars. Everyone was opposed. Congress. The Military. Researchers. And they all argued against it. And it was passed. Because again Reagan went to the people and explained his vision. With class and respect he took his message to the people.

Fake News? Opposition Press? Every Editor wrote several articles about the waste of money SDI would be. How it would destabilize the world. It would definitely lead to World War III. Reagan got it anyway.

At the time the Army was standing ready to fight the Soviets when they came swarming through the Fulda Gap like New York Cockroaches. We were told the Air Force would bomb them. But we had a joke. Two Soviet Generals were having coffee in Paris and the first turned to the second. “So who won the air war?”

Reagan had class. Class that is sorely lacking in this era. And don’t pretend that it is way different now. The Democrats leading the opposition are School Yard Bullies compared to the Democrats of that era. And don’t pretend that the interference of whoever is way worse. The KGB had way more people involved here than anywhere and could not derail Reagan. The same universities are teaching the same stuff.

Trump is a middle school punk compared to Reagan. When someone shouted you suck to Reagan he would smile and wave. When someone shouts it at Trump he shouts back. Trump is like a dog distracted by a squirrel.

But in doing that, he rose above and got what he wanted, but the lib machine was untouched and continued to destroy and oppress everyone else.

Trump, when he fights backs, is fighting for the rest of US, against the lefty machine of oppression.

We have lost the Culture War because people like Reagan, focused on other issues and let the liberals continue their work.

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