Trumped-Up Rallies Are Now Confirmed Public Health Hazards!

The Blue Wave Democrats are clearly shown better able to address the rising numbers of Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations now under way. There is still the problem of getting the death rate down.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)

Then why are the overwhelming amount of deaths and cases in blue areas?
Illiterate posters--BluesLegend, Billy_Bob, and theHawk--show the Trumped-Up disregard for protocols, public example, and even good sense that creates the widespread rejection of their attempts at baby-genital mutilations. Norman poster can be added!

The idea is to sicken the parents--even the children--using the referenced super-spreader kinds of events.

The case numbers are rising. The Trumped-Up intended murders to rise: And in fact with basis in the health of the Republicans! Democrats appear ready to do that. The Trumped-Up brand seems to think it's weakness(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Traitors like you show your traits.
They want the "freedom" and "liberty" to infect themselves, their loved ones, their co-workers, and any other innocent victims who make the mistake of coming near them, dammit! That's Ammmurica!


I think grown men and women have a right to assess their own risk. As someone who has typically expressed libertarian views over the years you have participated here, I'm rather surprised that you don't.
The most recent rally on the White House lawn was not about limited crowd size--3 to 10, maximum two hours! The most recent evidence is that the Trumped-Up rallies are health hazards, even at the expense of orderly administration and government.

And so it is being noticed. An outdoor rally at the Biden campaign is about new tech uses of the internet That includes new uses of TV. That includes even social media generally. Attendees stand in designated spots. Outdoor classrooms space the attenders in breezy settings.

The messages delivered are shown to matter!

Consider even the "Social Distance" matter about the number of justices on the Supreme Court. In 1936 there were nine, US Population barely 100 mil. or so. In 2020, the number of justice on the Supreme Court is still nine. The US population, now: Is approaching 350 mil. There is clearly less access to judicial remedy.

Access to justice issues have even spilled into the streets over the summer.

So not too many issues stand in the way of a Biden-Harris Landslide: A Social Distancing matter, supported.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
They want the "freedom" and "liberty" to infect themselves, their loved ones, their co-workers, and any other innocent victims who make the mistake of coming near them, dammit! That's Ammmurica!


Finally Mac is getting it, that indeed is America. Freedom!

Biden wants a lockdown that according to WHO only made people poorer and saved no one. Americans do BETTER without draconian measures, in a state of freedom, as intended by the founders.

Obviously, us Americans use our freedoms wisely. We are far smarter than any of Biden's central planning could ever hope to be. Not that it was ever intended for the good of the country anyway.

In Kinda Kommie Mac’s America Father Government has his finger on the freedom/liberty button at all times, he can activate and deactivate the U.S. Constitution any time he damn well pleases. Ain’t that right Kinda Kommie Mac1958 ?
They want the "freedom" and "liberty" to infect themselves, their loved ones, their co-workers, and any other innocent victims who make the mistake of coming near them, dammit! That's Ammmurica!


I think grown men and women have a right to assess their own risk. As someone who has typically expressed libertarian views over the years you have participated here, I'm rather surprised that you don't.

I have never met a libertarian who makes fun of and belittles American freedoms.

Mac is playing with something not good, and not sincere.
College and Universities create social distancing for students--even in large tent temporary structures--since the message matters.

The JGalt illiterate assertion of attendance at hundred of spreader events all over some large area, no one social distancing or wearing a mask, is best said not even a viable attempt at being credible. The areas of attendance are not mentioned. The hundreds of potential jurisdictions are not mentioned.

The count of indoor bars and restaurants is not mentioned.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)

The country got a good look at how Dems social distance when you people are rioting, burning, and looting cities.
Blue States tend to population density--greater actual numbers of people. Blue State California is actually holding steady, for example: While the Red State illiterates case numbers are exploding.
See their fervent prayers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
They want the "freedom" and "liberty" to infect themselves, their loved ones, their co-workers, and any other innocent victims who make the mistake of coming near them, dammit! That's Ammmurica!


I think grown men and women have a right to assess their own risk. As someone who has typically expressed libertarian views over the years you have participated here, I'm rather surprised that you don't.

Kinda Kommie Mac1958 is moving further Left by the days end he’ll rival rightwinger and his twisted fucked in the head LeftOlogy.
Illiterate posters--BluesLegend, Billy_Bob, and theHawk--show the Trumped-Up disregard for protocols, public example, and even good sense that creates the widespread rejection of their attempts at baby-genital mutilations. Norman poster can be added!

The idea is to sicken the parents--even the children--using the referenced super-spreader kinds of events.

The case numbers are rising. The Trumped-Up intended murders to rise: And in fact with basis in the health of the Republicans! Democrats appear ready to do that. The Trumped-Up brand seems to think it's weakness(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Oh STFU, put on your face diaper, and go hide in your bunker.
Blue States tend to population density--greater actual numbers of people. Blue State California is actually holding steady, for example: While the Red State illiterates case numbers are exploding.
See their fervent prayers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Yeah, they keep their criminals on the street instead of prison.
Blue States tend to population density--greater actual numbers of people. Blue State California is actually holding steady, for example: While the Red State illiterates case numbers are exploding.
See their fervent prayers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)

Red states exploding?

Again, by far the most cases have been in blue areas. Perhaps they should not be free to pack in like rabbits. It's seriously not working. But nope, everyone's freedoms be gone, because these morons can't handle it.

Not that the lockdowns worked even in the cities - other than to make everyone poorer which was the true plan. Orange Man Bad!!!
Blue States tend to population density--greater actual numbers of people. Blue State California is actually holding steady, for example: While the Red State illiterates case numbers are exploding.
See their fervent prayers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)

Are those Dem rioters, looters, and arsonists illiterate?
Illiterate posters--BluesLegend, Billy_Bob, and theHawk--show the Trumped-Up disregard for protocols, public example, and even good sense that creates the widespread rejection of their attempts at baby-genital mutilations. Norman poster can be added!

The idea is to sicken the parents--even the children--using the referenced super-spreader kinds of events.

The case numbers are rising. The Trumped-Up intended murders to rise: And in fact with basis in the health of the Republicans! Democrats appear ready to do that. The Trumped-Up brand seems to think it's weakness(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
The Biden-supporter-rioters are the cause of the rise in Covid cases. They want to kill Americans and ruin their livelihoods in a desperate attempt to put their empty-shell candidate into office so they can supplant our Constitution with Communism.
Illiterate posters--BluesLegend, Billy_Bob, and theHawk--show the Trumped-Up disregard for protocols, public example, and even good sense that creates the widespread rejection of their attempts at baby-genital mutilations. Norman poster can be added!

The idea is to sicken the parents--even the children--using the referenced super-spreader kinds of events.

The case numbers are rising. The Trumped-Up intended murders to rise: And in fact with basis in the health of the Republicans! Democrats appear ready to do that. The Trumped-Up brand seems to think it's weakness(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
The Biden rioters are the cause of the rise in Covid cases. They want to kill Americans because they are anarchists and Nihilists.

Dem super spreaders. We may need to round them all up and intern them in a camp until the pandemic is over.
The most recent rally on the White House lawn was not about limited crowd size--3 to 10, maximum two hours! The most recent evidence is that the Trumped-Up rallies are health hazards, even at the expense of orderly administration and government.

And so it is being noticed. An outdoor rally at the Biden campaign is about new tech uses of the internet That includes new uses of TV. That includes even social media generally. Attendees stand in designated spots. Outdoor classrooms space the attenders in breezy settings.

The messages delivered are shown to matter!

Consider even the "Social Distance" matter about the number of justices on the Supreme Court. In 1936 there were nine, US Population barely 100 mil. or so. In 2020, the number of justice on the Supreme Court is still nine. The US population, now: Is approaching 350 mil. There is clearly less access to judicial remedy.

Access to justice issues have even spilled into the streets over the summer.

So not too many issues stand in the way of a Biden-Harris Landslide: A Social Distancing matter, supported.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)

I’m curious...did any of you severely fucked in the head LefTards dub this a “public health crisis”?

The Supreme Court "Enhancement" issue addresses the major "Injustice" evidence that prompted any violence and kidnappings, assaults by domestic terrorist types: On public buildings. Low income minorities, for example, are increasingly packed into overcrowded jails and prisons--all indoors.

The issue of a Supreme Court restructure responds to what has been noticed over summer in the police-matters protests. "Defunding Police," has been relegated to the data suggesting that limited police response tends to better community policing. Eugene, OR, is a stand-out example. Other departments ask them for advice.

Some may have noticed that many on unemployment were suddenly "Enhanced" into a Living Wage: Like never before in history. The $1200 and the $600.00 per week are an example of a "Structural Reform." That was a "Never Before In History," social and political event: Directly affecting economic survival, even worldwide.

How to accommodate an increase of affordable access to judicial remedy can actually help to put out the fires, even.

The will be an Issue resolved in the Democratic Congress. The Republicans call it, "Packing(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
They want the "freedom" and "liberty" to infect themselves, their loved ones, their co-workers, and any other innocent victims who make the mistake of coming near them, dammit! That's Ammmurica!


I think grown men and women have a right to assess their own risk. As someone who has typically expressed libertarian views over the years you have participated here, I'm rather surprised that you don't.
My issue with this attitude isn't about the role or size or scope of government, in one direction or the other. It's about the destructive, tribal influence and power of ideology. It robs a person of their ability to see outside their little world.

I definitely have some Libertarian impulses, but they're not absolute, because life isn't absolute. I'm a psychotic advocate for freedom of expression, but I'm willing to make grudging exceptions for things like yelling FIRE in a crowded theater or BOMB in an airport.
The most recent rally on the White House lawn was not about limited crowd size--3 to 10, maximum two hours! The most recent evidence is that the Trumped-Up rallies are health hazards, even at the expense of orderly administration and government.

And so it is being noticed. An outdoor rally at the Biden campaign is about new tech uses of the internet That includes new uses of TV. That includes even social media generally. Attendees stand in designated spots. Outdoor classrooms space the attenders in breezy settings.

The messages delivered are shown to matter!

Consider even the "Social Distance" matter about the number of justices on the Supreme Court. In 1936 there were nine, US Population barely 100 mil. or so. In 2020, the number of justice on the Supreme Court is still nine. The US population, now: Is approaching 350 mil. There is clearly less access to judicial remedy.

Access to justice issues have even spilled into the streets over the summer.

So not too many issues stand in the way of a Biden-Harris Landslide: A Social Distancing matter, supported.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral message continues: Matt 25: 14-30!)
They want the "freedom" and "liberty" to infect themselves, their loved ones, their co-workers, and any other innocent victims who make the mistake of coming near them, dammit! That's Ammmurica!


Finally Mac is getting it, that indeed is America. Freedom!

Biden wants a lockdown that according to WHO only made people poorer and saved no one. Americans do BETTER without draconian measures, in a state of freedom, as intended by the founders.

Obviously, us Americans use our freedoms wisely. We are far smarter than any of Biden's central planning could ever hope to be. Not that it was ever intended for the good of the country anyway.

In Kinda Kommie Mac’s America Father Government has his finger on the freedom/liberty button at all times, he can activate and deactivate the U.S. Constitution any time he damn well pleases. Ain’t that right Kinda Kommie Mac1958 ?

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