Trumpies will have a Hard Time Smearing Mueller Like They're Smearing Comey

Don't you just love the outrage from the left about the right smearing Comey? The exact same Comey they smeared because of they way he handled Hillary's e-mail investigation oh excuse the Hillary matter.
Everybody agreed Comey made a huge mistake saying Hillary was under investigation when she wasnt( but Trump was)
It most likely cost her the election. But he wasn't smeared and his professionalism has always stood the test of time.
Comey has 1,000,000 times more credibility than the liar pussy grabber.,

Mueller is a Deep State operative that was complicit in the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. He should be in jail....not running any crime fighting agency.
So you're saying Trump has poor judgement.
He's not going to be pleased with you
Your 9/11 comment is straight out of Infowars who admitted it's not a news site but rather an entertainment site.

I don't need anyone tell me what should be common sense to anyone with critical thinking skills. Where do you get your news? MSNBC? CNN????? Good luck with all that.
Moron is asking me where I get my news with my link staring him in the face. Lol

That is your only news source? Normally I don't click on links posted by leftards but I will peruse yours and critique it....

Mueller is a Deep State operative that was complicit in the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. He should be in jail....not running any crime fighting agency.
So you're saying Trump has poor judgement.
He's not going to be pleased with you
Your 9/11 comment is straight out of Infowars who admitted it's not a news site but rather an entertainment site.

I don't need anyone tell me what should be common sense to anyone with critical thinking skills. Where do you get your news? MSNBC? CNN????? Good luck with all that.
Moron is asking me where I get my news with my link staring him in the face. Lol

NPR? That is where you get your news? No liberal bias there whatsoever....nope, not all! LMAO!!!!!!!!!
Don't you just love the outrage from the left about the right smearing Comey? The exact same Comey they smeared because of they way he handled Hillary's e-mail investigation oh excuse the Hillary matter.
Everybody agreed Comey made a huge mistake saying Hillary was under investigation when she wasnt( but Trump was)
It most likely cost her the election. But he wasn't smeared and his professionalism has always stood the test of time.
Comey has 1,000,000 times more credibility than the liar pussy grabber.,
Careful you don't fall and hurt yourself spinning like that.

Left wing short term memory loss. The Dems hated Comey in 2016 with the Hildebeast business.
How original! Fox must have said that 1000 times a week.
Comey fucked up before the election but he has decades of solid public service. Trump has no public service.. and I'm including the past 4 months. Everything's about him, not the people..
But this thread is about Mueller and I'm predicting you dopes will start attacking him when he starts indicting Trump's band of criminals.
It's your kind's most consistent feature. Attack anyone who criticizes or tells the truth about your serial sex offender.
Don't you just love the outrage from the left about the right smearing Comey? The exact same Comey they smeared because of they way he handled Hillary's e-mail investigation oh excuse the Hillary matter.
Everybody agreed Comey made a huge mistake saying Hillary was under investigation when she wasnt( but Trump was)
It most likely cost her the election. But he wasn't smeared and his professionalism has always stood the test of time.
Comey has 1,000,000 times more credibility than the liar pussy grabber.,
Careful you don't fall and hurt yourself spinning like that.
I don't spin. I tell the truth. You guys and Fox spin.
Don't you just love the outrage from the left about the right smearing Comey? The exact same Comey they smeared because of they way he handled Hillary's e-mail investigation oh excuse the Hillary matter.
Everybody agreed Comey made a huge mistake saying Hillary was under investigation when she wasnt( but Trump was)
It most likely cost her the election. But he wasn't smeared and his professionalism has always stood the test of time.
Comey has 1,000,000 times more credibility than the liar pussy grabber.,

Holy shit, you are not even a decent shill for the Hildebeast. Comey lost the confidence of the rank and file members of the FBI not only because of the way Hildebeast was allowed to skate the first time but then a second time when Anthony Wiener's laptop was confiscated showing hundreds of thousands of e-mails that he had of the Hildebeast including incriminating evidence indicating child sex trafficking out of Haiti. NYPD detectives are also chomping at the bit to release information that would take down high profile politicians from both sides which should be done. Both political parties are equally despicable, corrupted and compromised.

Left wing short term memory loss. The Dems hated Comey in 2016 with the Hildebeast business.
How original! Fox must have said that 1000 times a week.
Comey fucked up before the election but he has decades of solid public service. Trump has no public service.. and I'm including the past 4 months. Everything's about him, not the people..
But this thread is about Mueller and I'm predicting you dopes will start attacking him when he starts indicting Trump's band of criminals.
It's your kind's most consistent feature. Attack anyone who criticizes or tells the truth about your serial sex offender.
I'm predicting you dopes will start attacking him when he starts indicting Trump's band of criminals.

IF, not WHEN.

Nothing is sure at this point.
Don't you just love the outrage from the left about the right smearing Comey? The exact same Comey they smeared because of they way he handled Hillary's e-mail investigation oh excuse the Hillary matter.
Everybody agreed Comey made a huge mistake saying Hillary was under investigation when she wasnt( but Trump was)
It most likely cost her the election. But he wasn't smeared and his professionalism has always stood the test of time.
Comey has 1,000,000 times more credibility than the liar pussy grabber.,

Holy shit, you are not even a decent shill for the Hildebeast. Comey lost the confidence of the rank and file members of the FBI not only because of the way Hildebeast was allowed to skate the first time but then a second time when Anthony Wiener's laptop was confiscated showing hundreds of thousands of e-mails that he had of the Hildebeast including incriminating evidence indicating child sex trafficking out of Haiti. NYPD detectives are also chomping at the bit to release information that would take down high profile politicians from both sides which should be done. Both political parties are equally despicable, corrupted and compromised.
You're lying just like Trump did. Comey had the full support of his agency. Maybe not 100%, that's not practical but...
The agency isn't a mess.
Comey didn't lose the respect of the FBI.
Trump and you are liars..

Muller is a good dude. He is a non political dude not given to the feminine behaviors of Comey. Where Comey was more of a mean girl before he got booted out of the clique Muller has always come off as a guy who genuinely loves his country and has and even greater love and respect for the law. That fact that more and more Half Black Jesus's old band members keep coming up at these hearings is very interesting.
You're calling 6'6" former basketball player Comey " feminine?"
Your elevator doesn't go to the top floor.
What is exactly the height you need to be to no longer be feminine? Does this apply to women and men? Or was it basketball not height? If you play basketball as a 5 foot woman you're no longer feminine?

I'm just trying to follow the stupid you're providing.
Same old shit even after you lost the game!! Guess what Trump is still president and will be till he finishes his eight years.

Muller is a good dude. He is a non political dude not given to the feminine behaviors of Comey. Where Comey was more of a mean girl before he got booted out of the clique Muller has always come off as a guy who genuinely loves his country and has and even greater love and respect for the law. That fact that more and more Half Black Jesus's old band members keep coming up at these hearings is very interesting.
You're calling 6'6" former basketball player Comey " feminine?"
Your elevator doesn't go to the top floor.

Yes I am. I'm saying just that because according to you he was cowed by a Orange fat man when in reality he likely put his own ass right in Mullers cursing line. Comey broke laws. If he makes jail sureHe will get in touch with his feminin side.
Don't you just love the outrage from the left about the right smearing Comey? The exact same Comey they smeared because of they way he handled Hillary's e-mail investigation oh excuse the Hillary matter.
Everybody agreed Comey made a huge mistake saying Hillary was under investigation when she wasnt( but Trump was)
It most likely cost her the election. But he wasn't smeared and his professionalism has always stood the test of time.
Comey has 1,000,000 times more credibility than the liar pussy grabber.,

Comey nor anyone else ever said Trump was under investigation. It's the lying. It makes you look stupid.

Muller is a good dude. He is a non political dude not given to the feminine behaviors of Comey. Where Comey was more of a mean girl before he got booted out of the clique Muller has always come off as a guy who genuinely loves his country and has and even greater love and respect for the law. That fact that more and more Half Black Jesus's old band members keep coming up at these hearings is very interesting.
You're calling 6'6" former basketball player Comey " feminine?"
Your elevator doesn't go to the top floor.
What is exactly the height you need to be to no longer be feminine? Does this apply to women and men? Or was it basketball not height? If you play basketball as a 5 foot woman you're no longer feminine?

I'm just trying to follow the stupid you're providing.

Mostly It applies to spineless Washington types who break laws because their boss fired them.
His stare is dead eye
This guy you would Never mess with but at the top he got cocky and screwed up . He tried to hurt who had the goods on him but that screwed up also

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