Trumpies will have a Hard Time Smearing Mueller Like They're Smearing Comey

I've read a few posts by Trumpies making lies up about Bob Mueller, not knowing anything about his long distinguished public service.

Once Mueller starts indicting members of the trump administration, if they start attacking his integrity, they'll be personally attacking Trump who respected him and was on his short list for his FBI head..

DEPLORABLES what to do what to do.

Whatever we want.....


I've read a few posts by Trumpies making lies up about Bob Mueller, not knowing anything about his long distinguished public service.

Once Mueller starts indicting members of the trump administration, if they start attacking his integrity, they'll be personally attacking Trump who respected him and was on his short list for his FBI head..

DEPLORABLES what to do what to do.

Whatever we want.....

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Why don't they fix that damn fountain so it's in the middle???
Don't you just love the outrage from the left about the right smearing Comey? The exact same Comey they smeared because of they way he handled Hillary's e-mail investigation oh excuse the Hillary matter.
Everybody agreed Comey made a huge mistake saying Hillary was under investigation when she wasnt( but Trump was)
It most likely cost her the election. But he wasn't smeared and his professionalism has always stood the test of time.
Comey has 1,000,000 times more credibility than the liar pussy grabber.,

Holy shit, you are not even a decent shill for the Hildebeast. Comey lost the confidence of the rank and file members of the FBI not only because of the way Hildebeast was allowed to skate the first time but then a second time when Anthony Wiener's laptop was confiscated showing hundreds of thousands of e-mails that he had of the Hildebeast including incriminating evidence indicating child sex trafficking out of Haiti. NYPD detectives are also chomping at the bit to release information that would take down high profile politicians from both sides which should be done. Both political parties are equally despicable, corrupted and compromised.
You're lying just like Trump did. Comey had the full support of his agency. Maybe not 100%, that's not practical but...
The agency isn't a mess.
Comey didn't lose the respect of the FBI.
Trump and you are liars..

Indeed he did and you don't even know the real history of Comey and how he can a bank that was a CIA front to launder drug money and was a Clinton operative. You are sooooo "small time" spewing partisan political bullshit. I have yet to make a determination if Trump is a puppet of the Deep State that controls USA.INC or is working with the "white hats" to turn this country around before the financial collapse happens and make no mistake, this bubble is gonna pop and it will make 2008 seem like a mother's kiss in comparison. If we don't have a strong leader that can guide us through it? We are fucked......Trump has done some things that I don't like and has done some things that gives me hope. You better hope that he is the "real deal" because if not? You are gonna be sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands hoping that the "cavalry" arrives ......but I wouldn't bet so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig that it will happen. You don't have the slightest clue on how up to our necks in shit that we actually are. The American male has become "domesticated" like a neutered tomcat and incapable of fending for themselves without "da gubermint".

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