Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers

Good thing those rich dems in blue states will now be paying their fair share of taxes.
It will help pay for this :badgrin:
Just more discrimination from the federal government.
I deal in aluminum and our bottom line has been hurt. We do yearly bids.
Where is my $$$?

If you voted GOP, I have no sympathy for you.
I actually wrote in a democrat.
He just wasnt a lunatic partisan hack so he didnt get very far :/

So you wasted a vote and this is what you get.
I didnt waste a vote. I voted for who i wanted to win.

From us taxpayers its called redistribution. Since the rich can hide most of their money , it will come from the median income people. We will also pay higher prices at the grocery stores, its the least we can do.

Don't eat so much.

1: You'll save money

2: You won't be as fat

No, it costs more to eat healthy.
$12 billion to farmers in the farm belt, temporary (until the general election, then fuck 'em).

Where have the fiscal conservatives gone? Well, the one's in congress get it, $12 billion is chump change if used to keep their job.
This thread illustrates the problem of trying to talk to dimocrap scum -- They're stupid.

Agriculture is subsidized in every modern Country on Earth. Think it's bad here? Try Japan or China.

Agriculture is a National Security issue. If we were ever to go to war and face a Naval blockade, we would have to feed ourselves. By ourselves. Hence the need to keep Farmers happy and financially healthy.

The Government also considers many other things to be a Public Trust -- Drugs, Banks, Insurance Companies, Water Companies, Electric Companies.... The list is long.

And the government has a vested interest in keeping those institutions happy healthy.

Now, if dimocrap scum want to bitch like the PMSing little girls they are about the Tariffs, then say so.

But they'd just hurl more stupid at us. As usual.

Trump has taken a strong stance against Foreign Countries and their unfair Trade Practices.

You'd think dimocrap scum would be all for that. But they're not.

Because....... Well, because they're scum

Because you are stupid, I will explain it to you.

If Farmers go bankrupt, people don't eat.

Agriculture is a Public Trust. And since you're too stupid to understand that, a Public Trust is something that is necessary for Society to exist.

For that reason, a Public Trust is often subsidized and given special protections. Power Companies, Water Companies, Agriculture

Now go back to CNN where you can hear All Hate All The Time.

stupid little girl

You are the reason the dimocrap scum party exists. All stupid all the time
Without Tariffs,.farmers don't need welfare. Now fuckoff dotard

Before the Tariffs, the government was dictating to farmers and providing subsidies. Wow.
Before food stamps, we fed the hungry with subsidized surplus food. True story. Food would be distributed monthly from community locations. Blocks of cheese, peanut butter, powdered milk, flour, rice, etc. The government bought it from the farmers to ensure they stayed in business from year to year despite any volatile or troublesome market.

Because you are stupid, I will explain it to you.

If Farmers go bankrupt, people don't eat.

Agriculture is a Public Trust. And since you're too stupid to understand that, a Public Trust is something that is necessary for Society to exist.

For that reason, a Public Trust is often subsidized and given special protections. Power Companies, Water Companies, Agriculture

Now go back to CNN where you can hear All Hate All The Time.

stupid little girl

You are the reason the dimocrap scum party exists. All stupid all the time
Without Tariffs,.farmers don't need welfare. Now fuckoff dotard

Before the Tariffs, the government was dictating to farmers and providing subsidies. Wow.
they still are, but to the tune of 12 BILLION MORE thanks to your SAVIOUR
This thread illustrates the problem of trying to talk to dimocrap scum -- They're stupid.

Agriculture is subsidized in every modern Country on Earth. Think it's bad here? Try Japan or China.

Agriculture is a National Security issue. If we were ever to go to war and face a Naval blockade, we would have to feed ourselves. By ourselves. Hence the need to keep Farmers happy and financially healthy.

The Government also considers many other things to be a Public Trust -- Drugs, Banks, Insurance Companies, Water Companies, Electric Companies.... The list is long.

And the government has a vested interest in keeping those institutions happy healthy.

Now, if dimocrap scum want to bitch like the PMSing little girls they are about the Tariffs, then say so.

But they'd just hurl more stupid at us. As usual.

Trump has taken a strong stance against Foreign Countries and their unfair Trade Practices.

You'd think dimocrap scum would be all for that. But they're not.

Because....... Well, because they're scum
Subsidizing farmers is a tenet of socialism. Government control of production is a basic socialism requirement that defines socialism.
Subsidizing farmers is a tenet of socialism. Government control of production is a basic socialism requirement that defines socialism.

That is infantile in the extreme.

All governments since the beginning of time have subsidized Farming.

Go back to reading your comic books
So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.

Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports
Yes where is the money coming from?

Yes where is the money coming from?

From us taxpayers its called redistribution. Since the rich can hide most of their money , it will come from the median income people. We will also pay higher prices at the grocery stores, its the least we can do.

I’m thinking it’s coming from that Wetback know, all that cash we’re saving by shutting down the cockroaches at the southern border.
You don’t whine about taxpayers funding wetbacks do you...why not?
Subsidizing farmers is a tenet of socialism. Government control of production is a basic socialism requirement that defines socialism.

That is infantile in the extreme.

All governments since the beginning of time have subsidized Farming.

Go back to reading your comic books
You just don't want to admit you have stumbled into supporting socialism. Nothing is infantile about my post. Any definition of Socialism begins with government control of production. When a government subsidizes it is controlling production.

Subsidizing farmers and controlling farm production has been part of America since the founding of America by the founding fathers. Subsidies began as soon as America became America and even before the Constitution was written.
Yes where is the money coming from?

Yes where is the money coming from?

From us taxpayers its called redistribution. Since the rich can hide most of their money , it will come from the median income people. We will also pay higher prices at the grocery stores, its the least we can do.

I’m thinking it’s coming from that Wetback know, all that cash we’re saving by shutting down the cockroaches at the southern border.
You don’t whine about taxpayers funding wetbacks do you...why not?
We are operating in the red. Funds will have to be borrowed, increasing our debt.
For over a year I've defended the Trumpbots on the basis that neither party's plans actually helped people who's wages were stagnant, despite good intentions by both W and Obama, and while Trump's solutions were gimmicks and husksterism, I could see why the voters turned their backs on both parties. I voted Libertarian myself.

But I was not under any delusion about what was offered. These clowns can't even figure out who pays the cost of tariffs, let alone the effect of tariffs. They live in barns.
For over a year I've defended the Trumpbots on the basis that neither party's plans actually helped people who's wages were stagnant, despite good intentions by both W and Obama, and while Trump's solutions were gimmicks and husksterism, I could see why the voters turned their backs on both parties. I voted Libertarian myself.

But I was not under any delusion about what was offered. These clowns can't even figure out who pays the cost of tariffs, let alone the effect of tariffs. They live in barns.
Mexico will pay the tariffs.

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