Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers

Trump has taken a strong stance against Foreign Countries and their unfair Trade Practices.

About that...

Which country with those "unfair Trade Practices" has a lower unemployment rate than the US?

Which country with those "unfair Trade Practices" has a higher per capita GDP, or nominal GDP than the US?

Which country with those "unfair Trade Practices" has gone longer than 109 straight months of economic expansion?

Which country with those "unfair Trade Practices" has more total wealth or more wealth per capita than the US?
I found this on Reuters:

Sonny Perdue, secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said the relief package will be financed through the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation and thus will not require congressional approval.

The aid is intended to serve as temporary boost to farmers as the United States and China negotiate over trade issues.

“This obviously is a short-term solution that will give President Trump time to work on a long-term trade policy,” Perdue said.

The Commodity Credit Corporation has broad authority to make loans and direct payments to U.S. growers when prices for corn, soybeans, wheat and other agricultural goods are low.

Move to help U.S. farmers shows Trump's commitment to tariffs
I haven't cared too much for Trump's handling of trade. Part of it is Trump's negotiating style, but mostly it is uncertainty about what'll be the endgame?

While it would be nice if this relief wasn't needed, if it helps working folks keep jobs I'm not about to squawk about it.
Janet Kubat Willette | Jul 24, 2018

USDA plans to spend up to $12 billion to help ag producers facing market disruptions due to what it calls “illegal retaliatory tariffs.”

The three programs:

  1. Market facilitation program will provide payments to producers of soybeans, sorghum, cotton, corn, wheat, dairy and pork.
  2. Food purchase and distribution program, which will purchase surplus agricultural commodities for distribution to food banks and other nutrition programs. Targeted commodities include fruits, nuts, rice, legumes, beef, pork and milk.
  3. Trade promotion program, which is geared toward assisting in developing new export markets in conjunction with the private sector.
FFS? MAGA Farmers should not sell their goods to U.S. Gobmint to give handouts to the poor.
Where Taxpayers paid for their over farming to save their ass.

Because you are stupid, I will explain it to you.

If Farmers go bankrupt, people don't eat.

Agriculture is a Public Trust. And since you're too stupid to understand that, a Public Trust is something that is necessary for Society to exist.

For that reason, a Public Trust is often subsidized and given special protections. Power Companies, Water Companies, Agriculture

Now go back to CNN where you can hear All Hate All The Time.

stupid little girl

You are the reason the dimocrap scum party exists. All stupid all the time
Without Tariffs,.farmers don't need welfare. Now fuckoff dotard

Before the Tariffs, the government was dictating to farmers and providing subsidies. Wow.
they still are, but to the tune of 12 BILLION MORE thanks to your SAVIOUR

Of all the things that could be subsidized and probably shouldn't...…...this country's farmers are the one that need it most. They are the ones that put food on everyones table. Without the subsidies, they'd shut down...….which means that much less food available and could possibly downturn the whole economy & we'd be food rationing.

Stop & think about that for a minute.

They aren't farmers but big corporations...I haven't looked so I don't know if they're true subsidies which I without exception abhor. Farmer dependence on subsidies is the direct result of federal meddling in farming...using unconstitutional regulations to dictate this or that restriction...and then paying the farmers in order to offset the economic toll that the feds KNOW their stupid management practices result in.

Stop the subsidies. Stop them all. Stop housing subsidies, stop farming subsidies. Stop school subsidies and logging subsidies and every other subsidy.

Remove the agencies, stop their funding, shut them down.

Distribute all of our public lands back to the public via a 40 acre lot lottery, and let them do anything they want with it.

That 40 acres would be a blessing for some that could work it and would only provide for themselves. What about everyone else? Or export/import trade? And if you think about it...….there's a whole lot of people that wouldn't know what to do with 40 acres if they had it & couldn't grow a dandelion if they tried.

Yes there is the big AG corporations.....but who do you think supplies them? They don't grow or raise all the food stuffs they control. There are still a good number of farmers/ranchers that do provide much of our food supply and aren't paid even pennies on the dollar for what they produce. The cost in the grocery store is profits for all those in between......the stores, distribution & AG corps.

I say get rid of the AG corps that are ripping everyone off, both the farmers & consumers. Don't change the prices in the stores, but more of it goes to the farmers so they don't need subsidies.

Because you are stupid, I will explain it to you.

If Farmers go bankrupt, people don't eat.

Agriculture is a Public Trust. And since you're too stupid to understand that, a Public Trust is something that is necessary for Society to exist.

For that reason, a Public Trust is often subsidized and given special protections. Power Companies, Water Companies, Agriculture

Now go back to CNN where you can hear All Hate All The Time.

stupid little girl

You are the reason the dimocrap scum party exists. All stupid all the time

I’m not sure if you even know how this $12 billions bail out even got started.

Since you are so ignorant let me explain it for you.
Trump tariffs are mean to punish foreign countries that he declared trade wars.

Not a single economist, Republicans leaders or businesses support this incompetent POTUS trade wars.

Farmers is just one of victims of this trade wars.

CNNMoney exclusive: Jamie Dimon on the trade war, the infrastructure 'emergency' and Trump

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is worried the economy's momentum could be derailed by President Donald Trump's trade wars.
"If you do another $200 billion of tariffs and this national security thing about cars, I think that you're getting pretty close to reversing some of the benefits you've seen in the economy," Dimon told CNNMoney's Christine Romans.
Trump has announced pending tariffs on Chinese goods worth $200 billion, as well as potential tariffs on imports of autos and auto parts.
Trumps soybean war with China fucked American farmers so he wants to un fuck his tariff fuck up with a $12B $$$$$ check to them.
This thread illustrates the problem of trying to talk to dimocrap scum -- They're stupid.

Agriculture is subsidized in every modern Country on Earth. Think it's bad here? Try Japan or China.

Agriculture is a National Security issue. If we were ever to go to war and face a Naval blockade, we would have to feed ourselves. By ourselves. Hence the need to keep Farmers happy and financially healthy.

The Government also considers many other things to be a Public Trust -- Drugs, Banks, Insurance Companies, Water Companies, Electric Companies.... The list is long.

And the government has a vested interest in keeping those institutions happy healthy.

Now, if dimocrap scum want to bitch like the PMSing little girls they are about the Tariffs, then say so.

But they'd just hurl more stupid at us. As usual.

Trump has taken a strong stance against Foreign Countries and their unfair Trade Practices.

You'd think dimocrap scum would be all for that. But they're not.

Because....... Well, because they're scum

Dude YOU don’t know shit what you are talking about.
Democrats did not wage trade wars. Your incompetent ignorant boy did that. Stop blaming Democrats.
  • Thanks
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This thread illustrates the problem of trying to talk to dimocrap scum -- They're stupid.

Agriculture is subsidized in every modern Country on Earth. Think it's bad here? Try Japan or China.

Agriculture is a National Security issue. If we were ever to go to war and face a Naval blockade, we would have to feed ourselves. By ourselves. Hence the need to keep Farmers happy and financially healthy.

The Government also considers many other things to be a Public Trust -- Drugs, Banks, Insurance Companies, Water Companies, Electric Companies.... The list is long.

And the government has a vested interest in keeping those institutions happy healthy.

Now, if dimocrap scum want to bitch like the PMSing little girls they are about the Tariffs, then say so.

But they'd just hurl more stupid at us. As usual.

Trump has taken a strong stance against Foreign Countries and their unfair Trade Practices.

You'd think dimocrap scum would be all for that. But they're not.

Because....... Well, because they're scum
You see?

These pseudocons sound more and more like 1970s liberals every day. Trump will have them all sounding like marxists before too long.
Whirlpool loved Trump's tariffs. Now it's struggling

Whirlpool loved Trump's tariffs. Now it's struggling

Tariffs are the greatest!" President Donald Trump said on Twitter Tuesday morning. Whirlpool used to agree.

In January, when Trump announced tariffs on imported washing machines, CEO Marc Bitzer told analysts, "This is, without any doubt, a positive catalyst for Whirlpool."

But the Trump administration didn't stop there. It imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum, sending raw material prices skyrocketing. That has raised costs for Whirlpool by $350 million and squeezed its profit margins. Steel prices in the United States are 60% higher than the rest of the world, Bitzer told analysts on Tuesday.

Now Whirlpool is backtracking on its protectionist cheerleading. The company's reversal demonstrates the unintended consequences tariffs have sowed on manufacturers and their carefully-planned supply chains.

The company on Monday slashed its profit outlook for 2018 in part because of a "very challenging cost environment." Whirlpool's stock tanked 14% on Tuesday after it missed Wall Street's expectations.
These pseudocons sound more and more like 1970s liberals every day. Trump will have them all sounding like marxists before too long.

Classical liberals
The original Republicans were classical liberals. The pseudocons are nothing like them. They are more like the hippies of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

"Down with the Establishment!"

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