Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers

Senate overwhelmingly rebukes Trump with tariff vote

CNN) For the second day in a row, the Senate pushed back on President Donald Trump, showing stiff resistance to his key policy decisions on tariffs and NATO even as the President is at a summit in Europe wrestling with allies over those same issues.

Senators voted overwhelmingly Wednesday calling on Trump to get congressional approval before using national security as a reason for imposing tariffs on other nations, as he did recently with steel and aluminum levies against Mexico, Canada and the European Union.

The bipartisan 88-to-11 tally on the non-binding resolution sends a message to the White House about how frustrated senators are over Trump's disruptive moves on tariffs.
think I care about a left wing rag like snopes
So facts don't mean anything to you. Only trump's lies do, right? Pitiful!
So where you been the last 10 years?
What does snopes say about collusion ?
The original Republicans were classical liberals. The pseudocons are nothing like them. They are more like the hippies of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

"Down with the Establishment!"
I see your point. However, Classical Liberalism and the psuedocons (to use your term) both view government as NOT being the answer to most issues.
GM warns that Trump tariffs could force US job cuts

General Motors warned Friday that President Trump’s threatened tariffs on imported vehicles could lead to “a smaller GM,” isolate US businesses from the global marketplace and cause job losses.

“Increased import tariffs could lead to a smaller GM, a reduced presence at home and abroad for this iconic American company, and risk less — not more — US jobs,” the Detroit-based automaker said in comments filed with the Commerce Department, The Street reported.

“Combined with the other trade actions currently being pursued by the US Government — namely the Section 232 Steel and Aluminum tariffs and the Section 301 tariffs against Chinese imports — the threat of additional tariffs on automobile imports could be detrimental to our company. At some point, this tariff impact will be felt by customers,” GM said.
The original Republicans were classical liberals. The pseudocons are nothing like them. They are more like the hippies of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

"Down with the Establishment!"
I see your point. However, Classical Liberalism and the psuedocons (to use your term) both view government as NOT being the answer to most issues.
You say this in a topic about the government being the answer to the farmers' problems. And the first post of mine you quoted was in response to a pseudocon who was defending government subsidies.

So you have missed the mark about pseudocons by a wide margin.

Little by little, Trump is leading them into the far left cave.
Tariffs threaten America's booming RV industry

Tariffs threaten America's booming RV industry

By Nathaniel Meyersohn June 7, 2018: 3:05 PM ET
RVs are having a moment in America, but President Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum threaten to hobble the industry.
Trump announced last week that the administration would follow through with 25% tariffs on imported steel and 10% on imported aluminum. The tariffs went into effect on Friday.
Airstream-maker Thor Industries (THO), the largest US manufacturer by sales, said on Thursday that tariffs had led to more expensive steel and aluminum prices — and dented the company's profit margin.
We are experiencing inflationary price increases...due in large part to the headwinds created by the announcement and implementation of the steel and aluminum tariffs," chief executive Bob Martin said in a release.
Steel prices are up 28% since the beginning of 2018 and average aluminum prices are 19% higher than last year, according to Moody's analyst Carol Cowan. Uncertainty about trade restrictions have contributed to the price swings.
The original Republicans were classical liberals. The pseudocons are nothing like them. They are more like the hippies of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

"Down with the Establishment!"
I see your point. However, Classical Liberalism and the psuedocons (to use your term) both view government as NOT being the answer to most issues.
Another thing.

The pseudocons believe these higher government tariffs (taxes) will rescue jobs in the private sector.

So they most certainly do believe government is the answer to our problems.

Protectionist tariffs have long been a leftie tactic.

Little by little, Trump is leading the pseudocons into the far left camp.

Because you are stupid, I will explain it to you.

If Farmers go bankrupt, people don't eat.

Agriculture is a Public Trust. And since you're too stupid to understand that, a Public Trust is something that is necessary for Society to exist.

For that reason, a Public Trust is often subsidized and given special protections. Power Companies, Water Companies, Agriculture

Now go back to CNN where you can hear All Hate All The Time.

stupid little girl

You are the reason the dimocrap scum party exists. All stupid all the time
Without Tariffs,.farmers don't need welfare. Now fuckoff dotard

Before the Tariffs, the government was dictating to farmers and providing subsidies. Wow.
they still are, but to the tune of 12 BILLION MORE thanks to your SAVIOUR
He is NOT My savior you god damned moron. He seems to be your personal devil, however. Perhaps you should charge rent for being in your head fulltime.
More than 100 Republicans sign letter urging Trump to back off on tariffs

More than 100 members of President Trump's own party signed a letter addressed to him Wednesday, expressing "deep concern" over his proposed tariffs and asking him to reconsider. Mr. Trump's announcement last week that he will impose a 25 percent tariff on imported steel and 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum has been met with opposition, but so far, he hasn't given any indication that he's backing down.
The letter is signed by Rep. Kevin Brady, the Texas chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, along with 106 other members of the GOP. In it, the Republican members urge Mr. Trump to reconsider "broad" tariffs, saying that if the president wants to target China, there are better ways to do so. Mr. Trump has repeatedly said that too many countries — both friends and enemies — have taken advantage of the U.S. for far too long, and that's going to change.

"We are writing to express deep concern about the prospect of broad, global tariffs on aluminum and steel imports," the letter says. "Because tariffs are taxes that make U.S. businesses less competitive and U.S. consumers poorer, any tariffs that are imposed should be designed to address specific distortions caused by unfair trade practices in a targeted way while minimizing negative consequences on American businesses and consumers."
US businesses express concern about tariffs on Chinese imports

A coalition of the nation's largest retailers and prominent business groups are expressing concern that President Trump's plan to crack down on China's trade practices will hit a wide swath of U.S. products.

Business and trade groups wrote two separate letters to Trump urging him to avoid applying what could amount to $30 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports because they will drive up prices for U.S. consumers, hurt their businesses and hamper economic growth.

The letter sent Monday by 25 major retailers including Target, Kohls, Walmart and Costco said that while the businesses support "holding our trading partners accountable and using targeted trade remedies against intellectual property theft, illegal dumping or subsidies," they are concerned about the negative effects that will ripple across the U.S. economy.
Isn't it amazngi how much the progressive left love low wage workers when it affects the goods they purchase....
More than 1,000 economists warn Trump his trade views echo 1930s errors

More than 1,000 economists warn Trump his trade views echo 1930s errors
President’s ‘economic protectionism’ harkens back to errors that fueled Great Depression, say experts including 14 Nobel winners

Over a thousand economists have written to Donald Trump warning his “economic protectionism” and tough rhetoric on trade threatens to repeat the mistakes the US made in the 1930s, mistakes that plunged the world into the Great Depression.

The 1,140 economists, including 14 Nobel prize winners, sent the letter on Thursday amid an escalating row over trade between the US and the European Union. Trump has imposed tariffs on steel and aluminium imports but has granted temporary reprieves to the EU, Australia and other countries.

“In 1930, 1,028 economists urged Congress to reject the protectionist Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act,” the authors write, citing a trade act that many economists argue was one of the triggers for the Great Depression.
Is this the shit on farmers thread? I think you should burn shirts with tractors on them. It seems everyone in this thread agrees with Paul Ryan that there is a way to tackle trade that doesn't involve tariffs. Any one of you geniuses care to share an idea. Maybe if we just ask nicely we won't get treated as a doormat. I bet if we say please, other countries would give us a break because we are such great people. Sometimes you have to have a backbone. Show some fight, or you are guaranteed to lose.
This trade war with China comes down to who can outlast the other. Keep in mind we’re subsidizing what we always have with a bit more. On their side the food prices are increasing and becoming more scarce. They can’t replace our volume of foods easily especially this time of year. So it’s going to be a wait and see game.
Aside from Trump inner circle yes boys and mam lap dogs. ......... Not a single one came up supporting Trump tariffs and trade wars. NOBODY.

Now we are borrowing $12b to help farmers which they didn’t need to begin with.
Is this the shit on farmers thread? I think you should burn shirts with tractors on them. It seems everyone in this thread agrees with Paul Ryan that there is a way to tackle trade that doesn't involve tariffs. Any one of you geniuses care to share an idea. Maybe if we just ask nicely we won't get treated as a doormat. I bet if we say please, other countries would give us a break because we are such great people. Sometimes you have to have a backbone. Show some fight, or you are guaranteed to lose.

Remember....every shit stain Leftist on this forum WANTS America to fail.
ANY person that does ANYTHING to force cheating foreign nations making out like bandits at American taxpayers expense to come clean is gonna totally piss off the Progs and haters on the Left.
It is a bit hard to believe you guys crap kittens because of 60% subsidized ag insurance when you literally can be ruined if it doesn't rain. I'd love to see you guys grow food with your worry free attitudes. The best part is you guys hate religion more than you hate farmers. So you wouldn't even be able to pray when nature doesn't go your way.

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