Trump's 4% GDP growth promise update

4% is a big number for such a large economy. The fact he hit 3% is an achievement.

It's much easier to achieve if you cut down your expenses, which neither party seems willing to do.
Trump said 4%. Don’t lower the bar. He even said he could go for 5% or 6%.

Obama couldn't manage even 3%.
Obama inherited a recession by a Republican President.
The recession was officially declared ended not long after he took office. The recession was partly due to democratic policies.
Yeah it ended but you really believe there was no recovery from the republican recession ? That everything went back to as it was before the worst recession of our time?
It is always fun to play misguided partisan politics. Part of the reason for the recession was Democrat policies. Part of the reason climbing out of the recession took so long was because of bad policies of the administration.
4% is a big number for such a large economy. The fact he hit 3% is an achievement.

It's much easier to achieve if you cut down your expenses, which neither party seems willing to do.
f the government cut spending, economic growth would be less.
Trump said 4%. Don’t lower the bar. He even said he could go for 5% or 6%.

Obama couldn't manage even 3%.
Obama inherited a recession by a Republican President.
The recession was officially declared ended not long after he took office. The recession was partly due to democratic policies.
Yeah it ended but you really believe there was no recovery from the republican recession ? That everything went back to as it was before the worst recession of our time?
It is always fun to play misguided partisan politics. Part of the reason for the recession was Democrat policies. Part of the reason climbing out of the recession took so long was because of bad policies of the administration.
Most was because it was trhe worst recession in 80- years.

Any idiot would surmise that a recovery would match the severity of any recession.

Unless you are a stupid fucking Trumpette
Trump said 4%. Don’t lower the bar. He even said he could go for 5% or 6%.

Obama couldn't manage even 3%.
Obama inherited a recession by a Republican President.
The recession was officially declared ended not long after he took office. The recession was partly due to democratic policies.
Yeah it ended but you really believe there was no recovery from the republican recession ? That everything went back to as it was before the worst recession of our time?
It is always fun to play misguided partisan politics. Part of the reason for the recession was Democrat policies. Part of the reason climbing out of the recession took so long was because of bad policies of the administration.
Furthermore, what Democrat policies caused the BUSH recerssion. It started 4th quarter of 2007. Seven years off the Bush presidency.
4% is a big number for such a large economy. The fact he hit 3% is an achievement.

It's much easier to achieve if you cut down your expenses, which neither party seems willing to do.

His economy isn't doing nearly as well in GDP growith, in job creation, or in wage growth, as the Obama economy. Trump promised "jobs on steriods", and that's not happening. He promises workers a $4000 a year raise from the corporate tax cuts, and that's not happening.

You want to achieve growth, raise wages. There's a lot of pent up demand among working Americans and the middle class, but they lack the money to act on that demand. All of the sluggishness with growth can be tied directly to the fact that the working and middle class have had no real raises in income since 1980, and have seen their savings and equity eroded by inflation and recessions.

Manufacturing has returned and China is stumbling, while Trump is addressing the trade imbalances and lack of contribution from allies.

He is doing what he can. If it were up to him, I am willing to guess you would see many budget cuts to excess waste.
He’s doing what he can? He said he could bring it to 5 to 6% growth. And he outright said he would bring it up to 4%. He’s doing less than he can. I fixed it for you.
New Jersey 'Dreamers' say they don't want to be used as pawns for border wall money

The U.S economy is damned near $20T a year. That means, it has to grow by 1Trillion a year to hit 5% growth. I submit to you that this demands better trade globally, especially with China, and the tariffs have helped a great deal.

It's very difficult. Trump took the right approach, a multi tier approach. He knows that bringing jobs back is key, and he's right. It will get people off of govt. dependence, it will increase U.S Treasury when taxed. Couple that with better (fairer) trade and correctly imbalances, and you can probably hit a couple of hundred billion from this alone. Then tax deductions should encourage growth and reinvestment.

To me, he could do a Obama economy and just inject a trillion into the economy. Viola, "look at the GDP growth!" Instead, he has to fight both sides of the aisle who just want to spend on window dressing. What amazes me, is Obama used massive budget Stimuli into the economy and still never hit 3%. That tells me that the money was a big boondoggle, mismanaged. Imagine Trump could just do the same direct, business stimuli with zero interest?

Here's a guarantee, just from all I know of Trump in the years I've followed him; he sees massive waste in government and he desperately would like to cut the fat. He knows very well that doing so would create an uptick in the economy because that money could be spent on say, infrastructure, or, cutting the deficit etc.
The right wing had nothing but repeal for all of those "shovel ready" jobs.

Why do the republicans have worse numbers and more debt?
Donald Trump promised 4.0% GDP growth a year.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

In 2018, he fell short with 3.2% growth.

It's still early in 2019, so all we have is estimates of first quarter growth. In order for the economy to stay on track to 4% growth, Q1 must be at least /approximately 4%.

So far things don't look good at all. Economist Diane Swonk said yesterday that Q1 growth could be 1.5%:

GDP growth for the first quarter could slip below 1-1/2% if shutdown endures through the end of the week.

Diane Swonk on Twitter

It looks like Trump wildly exaggerated the results he could achieve.
3.2 wasnt worth it this way. The tax scam and deregulations will cost more to everyone than will be offset by meager raises and 90% of that growth being captured by the top earners and owners. And that's why we call it a scam. It's a hope and dream that the GOP keep letting rich people and corporations off the hook on taxes they will invest all of their money back into their businesses and employees but there is not such requirement. These entities have everything they need and can meet demand via borrowing just fine prior to the cuts. Realistically the ensuing activity will be much less predictable. Mere fractions of their tax savings will go to hiring and raises. Calling it a jobs bill was part of the lie.
Obama couldn't manage even 3%.
Obama inherited a recession by a Republican President.
The recession was officially declared ended not long after he took office. The recession was partly due to democratic policies.
Yeah it ended but you really believe there was no recovery from the republican recession ? That everything went back to as it was before the worst recession of our time?
It is always fun to play misguided partisan politics. Part of the reason for the recession was Democrat policies. Part of the reason climbing out of the recession took so long was because of bad policies of the administration.
Most was because it was trhe worst recession in 80- years.

Any idiot would surmise that a recovery would match the severity of any recession.

Unless you are a stupid fucking Trumpette
So your answer to everything is double down on partisan politics while showing utter stupidity in being unable to spell even with spell check as a usual addition to most typing programs. Yeah for you.
4% is a big number for such a large economy. The fact he hit 3% is an achievement.

It's much easier to achieve if you cut down your expenses, which neither party seems willing to do.

His economy isn't doing nearly as well in GDP growith, in job creation, or in wage growth, as the Obama economy. Trump promised "jobs on steriods", and that's not happening. He promises workers a $4000 a year raise from the corporate tax cuts, and that's not happening.

You want to achieve growth, raise wages. There's a lot of pent up demand among working Americans and the middle class, but they lack the money to act on that demand. All of the sluggishness with growth can be tied directly to the fact that the working and middle class have had no real raises in income since 1980, and have seen their savings and equity eroded by inflation and recessions.

You're tarded, same with anyone who says the same. When the bottom drops out, then to a logical person with a sense of history (not progs) you'd expect to see a greater climb early during a recovery. Fact is not a single prog can explain what Obama did to experience some recovery.

Fact is low interest rates are the #1 reason for a recovery. A recovery that was particularly slow on Obama's watch, because he's an under-achiever and Obamacare interfered with a recovery.
Donald Trump promised 4.0% GDP growth a year.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

In 2018, he fell short with 3.2% growth.

It's still early in 2019, so all we have is estimates of first quarter growth. In order for the economy to stay on track to 4% growth, Q1 must be at least /approximately 4%.

So far things don't look good at all. Economist Diane Swonk said yesterday that Q1 growth could be 1.5%:

GDP growth for the first quarter could slip below 1-1/2% if shutdown endures through the end of the week.

Diane Swonk on Twitter

It looks like Trump wildly exaggerated the results he could achieve.

Have the 2018 numbers been released?

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Donald Trump promised 4.0% GDP growth a year.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

In 2018, he fell short with 3.2% growth.

It's still early in 2019, so all we have is estimates of first quarter growth. In order for the economy to stay on track to 4% growth, Q1 must be at least /approximately 4%.

So far things don't look good at all. Economist Diane Swonk said yesterday that Q1 growth could be 1.5%:

GDP growth for the first quarter could slip below 1-1/2% if shutdown endures through the end of the week.

Diane Swonk on Twitter

It looks like Trump wildly exaggerated the results he could achieve.

Have the 2018 numbers been released?

Sent from my iPhone using

According to the fed, CNBC, Kiplinger, the revised numbers were 2.9%. According to the federal open market committee, the forecast is 2.3% in 2019, 2% in 2020, 1.8% in 2021 based upon current economic growth. This discounts the effects of future trade war tariffs or a recession, given the slowing of the world economy. It doesn’t look like Trump will see any numbers close to a 4% growth rate except the one quarter in 2018 that was artificially created by a rush of purchases before the current tariffs took place.
And KILLING the Surrender Monkeys pathetic 8 years!!!!!

from 9/18....

And what is the result of all this "chaos" and "mayhem" in the White House that the media is in such a frenzy about? Well, as we learned last week, we now have the lowest number of American workers on unemployment insurance since Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, the biggest manufacturing boom in 14 years, the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded, and an economy that is growing at 4.4 percent this quarter, on top of 4.2 percent growth last quarter.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What a load of tripe that turned about to be. The GDP was no where near 4.4 that quarter. You people read these shit and just assume it came true.

There is a strong possibility that Trump's best yearly GDP number won't top Obama's best.

Are your eyes brown? If not they should be, because you are full of shit!
It is 2018 or bust for Trump and it isn't looking good for him at this point.

So far, Trump is averaging 2.9%

Obama's total was 2.1%.

Read it and weep, dumbass!

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

That link is from last August. Now, Trump's GDP is down to 2.81.

And the usually VERY reliable GDPNow has 4'th Quarter 2018 GDP as only 1.5%.

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

That would bring his GDP Growth average down to 2.65%.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Better than Obama's - but both are lousy considering all the ZIRP and QE and huge deficits they have run.

And Trump promised 4% GDP growth.

Trump is officially making an economic promise that will be nearly impossible to keep

Plus, Trump is currently on pace to post a gigantic $1.2 Trillion deficit for FY 2019.

Bottom line is Trump is NO WHERE NEAR his 4% GDP Growth promise and is running ridiculous deficits.
But the orange moron doesn't give a damn as he has said he won't be here when the shit hits the fan
IOW, you have no response.
GDP in 1997 = 4.4%
GDP in 1998 = 4.5%
GDP in 1999 = 4.8%
GDP in 2000 = 4.1%

It would seem that some posters here must have not been born yet based on some of the 'comical' posts
Obama inherited a recession by a Republican President.
The recession was officially declared ended not long after he took office. The recession was partly due to democratic policies.
Yeah it ended but you really believe there was no recovery from the republican recession ? That everything went back to as it was before the worst recession of our time?
It is always fun to play misguided partisan politics. Part of the reason for the recession was Democrat policies. Part of the reason climbing out of the recession took so long was because of bad policies of the administration.
Most was because it was trhe worst recession in 80- years.

Any idiot would surmise that a recovery would match the severity of any recession.

Unless you are a stupid fucking Trumpette
So your answer to everything is double down on partisan politics while showing utter stupidity in being unable to spell even with spell check as a usual addition to most typing programs. Yeah for you.

Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.
Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.
Actually the opposite. Reagan's historic recovery wasn't because he was brilliant, it was because he wasn't stupid, and he wanted a robust recovery.

After Bush bailed out the banks, the blood stopped flowing.

All Obama had to do for a robust recovery was to stay out of the way. Instead he regulated manufacturing jobs until they left and enriched his donors by attacking the energy sector.

Obama enriched big-insurance and big-pharm with Obamacare at the expense of the public, again downsizing the recovery.
Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.
Actually the opposite. Reagan's historic recovery wasn't because he was brilliant, it was because he wasn't stupid, and he wanted a robust recovery.

After Bush bailed out the banks, the blood stopped flowing.

All Obama had to do for a robust recovery was to stay out of the way. Instead he regulated manufacturing jobs until they left and enriched his donors by attacking the energy sector.

Obama enriched big-insurance and big-pharm with Obamacare at the expense of the public, again downsizing the recovery.

MAGA, how dumb are these people? I know, I know, a rhetorical question, lol.

The government is NOT the economy, the private sector is Leftists! All the government can do is---------->create conditions for the private sector to grow, or create conditions for the private sector to contract. The only other thing the government can do is MANIPULATE THE MONEY SUPPLY through interest rates or availability.

Now then Lefties, what do YOU think would cause the economy or GDP to grow more--------------->you being able to spend 100 dollars a week, or you being able to spend 110 dollars a week?

Your retort of course is--------------> just spend the 100, and leave the extra 10 with the government to spend. Have I got that correct!

So then, just by using your Socialistic logic, how then does the economy grow more? Does the government with that 10 bucks open new plants? Do they create new goods? New and exciting products that our trading partners want to buy from us? New technologies that LOWER the cost of goods at the final price point?

Noooooooooooo, you know what they do with it? If they don't buy votes with redistribution, they invest in things like a high speed rail line in California, then ABANDON the damn thing! Or, they invest in places like Solyndra that lose money, then fold up like a cheap suitcase.

Now then, if a private company had done these boondoggles, they would have gone out of business, and only the shareholders, CEOs, and operating officers would have taken a financial bath; you know, those evil rich, and rightfully so. But not your way, oh no, no, no. Taxpayers took a bath, the dummies who did it...………..some of them are still in Washington, and you financial GENIUSES want them to do something else because there last endeavors were sooooooo, damn, successful.

Again, while it is a rhetorical question, exactly HOW, DUMB, ARE YOU!

People Like Bernie who has never been in the private sector, or AOC, a bartender extraordinaire, knows how to create wealth better than corporations to make the economy grow?

You are ALL incompetent, irrelevant, and hopefully, immaterial!
Last edited:
Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.
Actually the opposite. Reagan's historic recovery wasn't because he was brilliant, it was because he wasn't stupid, and he wanted a robust recovery.

After Bush bailed out the banks, the blood stopped flowing.

All Obama had to do for a robust recovery was to stay out of the way. Instead he regulated manufacturing jobs until they left and enriched his donors by attacking the energy sector.

Obama enriched big-insurance and big-pharm with Obamacare at the expense of the public, again downsizing the recovery.

MAGA, how dumb are these people? I know, I know, a rhetorical question, lol.

The government is NOT the economy, the private sector is Leftists! All the government can do is---------->create conditions for the private sector to grow, or create conditions for the private sector to contract. The only other thing the government can do is MANIPULATE THE MONEY SUPPLY through interest rates or availability.

Now then Lefties, what do YOU think would cause the economy or GDP to grow more--------------->you being able to spend 100 dollars a week, or you being able to spend 110 dollars a week?

Your retort of course is--------------> just spend the 100, and leave the extra 10 with the government to spend. Have I got that correct!

So then, just by using your Socialistic logic, how then does the economy grow more? Does the government with that 10 bucks open new plants? Do they create new goods? New and exciting products that our trading partners want to buy from us? New technologies that LOWER the cost of goods at the final price point?

Noooooooooooo, you know what they do with it? If they don't buy votes with redistribution, they invest in things like a high speed rail line in California, then ABANDON the damn thing! Or, they invest in places like Solyndra that lose money, then fold up like a cheap suitcase.

Now then, if a private company had done these boondoggles, they would have gone out of business, and only the shareholders, CEOs, and operating officers would have taken a financial bath; you know, those evil rich, and rightfully so. But not your way, oh no, no, no. Taxpayers took a bath, the dummies who did it...………..some of them are still in Washington, and you financial GENIUSES want them to do something else because there last endeavors were sooooooo, damn, successful.

Again, while it is a rhetorical question, exactly HOW, DUMB, ARE YOU!

People Like Bernie who has never been in the private sector, or AOC, a bartender extraordinaire, knows how to create wealth better than corporations to make the economy grow?

You are ALL incompetent, irrelevant, and hopefully, immaterial!
And Trump the vile moron with his bankrupting 6 times isn't all of the above?? The moron born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple How much more does he need to add to our debt before repub idiots get a clue AND BTW how are those tax cuts paying for themselves??
Donald Trump promised 4.0% GDP growth a year.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

In 2018, he fell short with 3.2% growth.

It's still early in 2019, so all we have is estimates of first quarter growth. In order for the economy to stay on track to 4% growth, Q1 must be at least /approximately 4%.

So far things don't look good at all. Economist Diane Swonk said yesterday that Q1 growth could be 1.5%:

GDP growth for the first quarter could slip below 1-1/2% if shutdown endures through the end of the week.

Diane Swonk on Twitter

It looks like Trump wildly exaggerated the results he could achieve.

Have the 2018 numbers been released?

Sent from my iPhone using

Donald Trump promised 4.0% GDP growth a year.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

In 2018, he fell short with 3.2% growth.

It's still early in 2019, so all we have is estimates of first quarter growth. In order for the economy to stay on track to 4% growth, Q1 must be at least /approximately 4%.

So far things don't look good at all. Economist Diane Swonk said yesterday that Q1 growth could be 1.5%:

GDP growth for the first quarter could slip below 1-1/2% if shutdown endures through the end of the week.

Diane Swonk on Twitter

It looks like Trump wildly exaggerated the results he could achieve.

Have the 2018 numbers been released?

Sent from my iPhone using

According to the fed, CNBC, Kiplinger, the revised numbers were 2.9%. According to the federal open market committee, the forecast is 2.3% in 2019, 2% in 2020, 1.8% in 2021 based upon current economic growth. This discounts the effects of future trade war tariffs or a recession, given the slowing of the world economy. It doesn’t look like Trump will see any numbers close to a 4% growth rate except the one quarter in 2018 that was artificially created by a rush of purchases before the current tariffs took place.

GDP in 1997 = 4.4%
GDP in 1998 = 4.5%
GDP in 1999 = 4.8%
GDP in 2000 = 4.1%

It would seem that some posters here must have not been born yet based on some of the 'comical' posts

The recession was officially declared ended not long after he took office. The recession was partly due to democratic policies.
Yeah it ended but you really believe there was no recovery from the republican recession ? That everything went back to as it was before the worst recession of our time?
It is always fun to play misguided partisan politics. Part of the reason for the recession was Democrat policies. Part of the reason climbing out of the recession took so long was because of bad policies of the administration.
Most was because it was trhe worst recession in 80- years.

Any idiot would surmise that a recovery would match the severity of any recession.

Unless you are a stupid fucking Trumpette
So your answer to everything is double down on partisan politics while showing utter stupidity in being unable to spell even with spell check as a usual addition to most typing programs. Yeah for you.

Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.

Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.
Actually the opposite. Reagan's historic recovery wasn't because he was brilliant, it was because he wasn't stupid, and he wanted a robust recovery.

After Bush bailed out the banks, the blood stopped flowing.

All Obama had to do for a robust recovery was to stay out of the way. Instead he regulated manufacturing jobs until they left and enriched his donors by attacking the energy sector.

Obama enriched big-insurance and big-pharm with Obamacare at the expense of the public, again downsizing the recovery.

You know what fellas, lets see if the Leftists can follow the bouncing ball, lol------------>

QUESTION FOR LEFTISTS----------------> IF 10% MORE of world production of EVERYTHING was switched back in to United States, would the US economy grow larger, or shrink? I know, a very hard question, but I have even Leftists can come up with the correct answer!

Soooooooooooo, what would cause this; or any percentage of this to happen? Would it be-------->

A. cheaper price

B. better product

C. Both!

Now then, if all the inputs into the product cost basically the same price to virtually every country, and the labor costs are higher here, how can we compete?

ANSWER---------->PRODUCTIVITY! Our labor can be HIGHER, IF we produce more with the same amount of labor!

QUESTION TO LEFTIES---------------> If that is TRUE, then why did we lose much of our manufacturing base?

ANSWER---------------> Because LABOR is NOT the only external factor in final cost, there are many. Two of which are----------->the cost of REGULATION to produce the product, and the AMOUNT of TAX paid on the profit from that product! The LESS PROFIT you have coming into your corporation because you are attempting to compete with someone who does NOT have massive regulation or high taxes, the LESS you can reinvest in new technologies to INCREASE productivity! Add to that, some of your competitors are STEALING your technology from you and getting it for free, does not bode well for your long term survivability as a viable business.


1. Increase the amount of goods you produce for world consumption by increasing productivity.

2. But won't that cost jobs? Not like you think, because while it takes LESS people to produce the same amount of goods, because of your productivity, your price point is DOWN, which means you have INCREASED the amount of goods you are producing for world consumption, doing to other countries what they have done to you.

3. Lower costly, cumbersome, regulation to DECREASE what it costs to produce the goods to make you far more competitive in the world market.

4. Lower taxes so as they compete, corporations have MORE money to invest in new technologies to make them more productive so as you can corner MORE of the market for your goods, thus INCREASING GDP and jobs, albeit different kinds of jobs.

Who is trying to do that? Does that sound like AOC to you? In fact, does that sound like ANYTHING the Left is proposing?
Donald Trump promised 4.0% GDP growth a year.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

In 2018, he fell short with 3.2% growth.

It's still early in 2019, so all we have is estimates of first quarter growth. In order for the economy to stay on track to 4% growth, Q1 must be at least /approximately 4%.

So far things don't look good at all. Economist Diane Swonk said yesterday that Q1 growth could be 1.5%:

GDP growth for the first quarter could slip below 1-1/2% if shutdown endures through the end of the week.

Diane Swonk on Twitter

It looks like Trump wildly exaggerated the results he could achieve.

Have the 2018 numbers been released?

Sent from my iPhone using

Donald Trump promised 4.0% GDP growth a year.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

In 2018, he fell short with 3.2% growth.

It's still early in 2019, so all we have is estimates of first quarter growth. In order for the economy to stay on track to 4% growth, Q1 must be at least /approximately 4%.

So far things don't look good at all. Economist Diane Swonk said yesterday that Q1 growth could be 1.5%:

GDP growth for the first quarter could slip below 1-1/2% if shutdown endures through the end of the week.

Diane Swonk on Twitter

It looks like Trump wildly exaggerated the results he could achieve.

Have the 2018 numbers been released?

Sent from my iPhone using

According to the fed, CNBC, Kiplinger, the revised numbers were 2.9%. According to the federal open market committee, the forecast is 2.3% in 2019, 2% in 2020, 1.8% in 2021 based upon current economic growth. This discounts the effects of future trade war tariffs or a recession, given the slowing of the world economy. It doesn’t look like Trump will see any numbers close to a 4% growth rate except the one quarter in 2018 that was artificially created by a rush of purchases before the current tariffs took place.

GDP in 1997 = 4.4%
GDP in 1998 = 4.5%
GDP in 1999 = 4.8%
GDP in 2000 = 4.1%

It would seem that some posters here must have not been born yet based on some of the 'comical' posts

Yeah it ended but you really believe there was no recovery from the republican recession ? That everything went back to as it was before the worst recession of our time?
It is always fun to play misguided partisan politics. Part of the reason for the recession was Democrat policies. Part of the reason climbing out of the recession took so long was because of bad policies of the administration.
Most was because it was trhe worst recession in 80- years.

Any idiot would surmise that a recovery would match the severity of any recession.

Unless you are a stupid fucking Trumpette
So your answer to everything is double down on partisan politics while showing utter stupidity in being unable to spell even with spell check as a usual addition to most typing programs. Yeah for you.

Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.

Not partisan anything. It s called common sense.

The worse the recession, the more difficult the recovery

Why can't you get that??? Was it way over your head?

I am responding on a message board, not writing a thesis. Fuck you If you do't like my typos.
Actually the opposite. Reagan's historic recovery wasn't because he was brilliant, it was because he wasn't stupid, and he wanted a robust recovery.

After Bush bailed out the banks, the blood stopped flowing.

All Obama had to do for a robust recovery was to stay out of the way. Instead he regulated manufacturing jobs until they left and enriched his donors by attacking the energy sector.

Obama enriched big-insurance and big-pharm with Obamacare at the expense of the public, again downsizing the recovery.

You know what fellas, lets see if the Leftists can follow the bouncing ball, lol------------>

QUESTION FOR LEFTISTS----------------> IF 10% MORE of world production of EVERYTHING was switched back in to United States, would the US economy grow larger, or shrink? I know, a very hard question, but I have even Leftists can come up with the correct answer!

Soooooooooooo, what would cause this; or any percentage of this to happen? Would it be-------->

A. cheaper price

B. better product

C. Both!

Now then, if all the inputs into the product cost basically the same price to virtually every country, and the labor costs are higher here, how can we compete?

ANSWER---------->PRODUCTIVITY! Our labor can be HIGHER, IF we produce more with the same amount of labor!

QUESTION TO LEFTIES---------------> If that is TRUE, then why did we lose much of our manufacturing base?

ANSWER---------------> Because LABOR is NOT the only external factor in final cost, there are many. Two of which are----------->the cost of REGULATION to produce the product, and the AMOUNT of TAX paid on the profit from that product! The LESS PROFIT you have coming into your corporation because you are attempting to compete with someone who does NOT have massive regulation or high taxes, the LESS you can reinvest in new technologies to INCREASE productivity! Add to that, some of your competitors are STEALING your technology from you and getting it for free, does not bode well for your long term survivability as a viable business.


1. Increase the amount of goods you produce for world consumption by increasing productivity.

2. But won't that cost jobs? Not like you think, because while it takes LESS people to produce the same amount of goods, because of your productivity, your price point is DOWN, which means you have INCREASED the amount of goods you are producing for world consumption, doing to other countries what they have done to you.

3. Lower costly, cumbersome, regulation to DECREASE what it costs to produce the goods to make you far more competitive in the world market.

4. Lower taxes so as they compete, corporations have MORE money to invest in new technologies to make them more productive so as you can corner MORE of the market for your goods, thus INCREASING GDP and jobs, albeit different kinds of jobs.

Who is trying to do that? Does that sound like AOC to you? In fact, does that sound like ANYTHING the Left is proposing?
AOC is an ass ,,We all have our crosses to bear

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