Trump's a Populist, not a Conservative - Brietbart


The far right does not do definitions well, particularly the ones they don't like.
I don't know who ever said he was a conservative. I sure never felt he was. He's a Republican and I agree with Toro. He's conservative on some things, liberal leaning on some. But you would think more Democrats would lean towards him, instead of the hard core Left almost damn near Socialist/Commi like: Hillary and Bernie. Especially after that hard left thug you all put in as President
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Yup. The far right does not do definitions well, particularly the ones they don't like.
It's not just the FAR right, Jake... it's the Right in general... and pieces of the Center and even the Left (the blue collar types whose jobs are evaporating).

At least once you get down to the level of the Man on the Street, rather than the Ivory Tower types.

Trump is, indeed, a Populist, in the process of seizing the old, dying shell of the Conservative political framework.

Not to worry.

The Republican Party BEGAN as a Populist movement... a party OF the People, FOR the People, and BY the People... the Grand Old Party.

Until it was seized by the Corporatists in the early 20th, anyway.

The People are merely taking back THEIR party... shoving the Corporatists aside, to give The People a voice again, for the first time in decades.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, into thinking that the Dems held that role.

LibProgs and their goddamned social re-engineering agenda have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.

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I don't know who ever said he was a conservative. I sure never felt he was. He's a Republican and I agree with Toro. He's conservative on some things, liberal leaning on some. But you would think more Democrats would lean towards him, instead of the hard core Left almost damn near Socialist/Commi like: Hillary and Bernie. Especially after that hard left thug you all put in as President

Trump said it, my uneducated lunch lady.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, in order to advance their agenda, and to stay in power.

LibProgs have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


You couldn't be more wrong.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, in order to advance their agenda, and to stay in power.

LibProgs have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


You couldn't be more wrong.
I disagree, but, we will know, soon enough, one way or another.
Toro might be on to something, but probably the wrong perspective.

Here's the reality. No one would vote for the "Conservative" agenda if it was packaged honestly. The combination of free trade, deregulation, union-busting, and generally screwing over consumers and workers to benefit the wealthy and corporations. nobody would go for that. and we had a Glorious period when NEITHER party supported that, between FDR and Ike and LBJ and even Nixon.

And then the GOP figured out they could slip all this BULLSHIT through the backdoor by playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of the white working class. Hell, I'll admit. I fell for it for years.

Except once in a while, a populist comes along who trades in the Dog Whistle for a Bullhorn. In 1996 it was Buchanan, in 2008 it was Huckabee, Trump in 2016. Someone who plays on these fears and doesn't care that much about the interests of the rich, who really want the free trade and illegal immigration.

The combination of public anger, Trump's media Savvy, and generally weak establishment choices means the establishment can't deep six Trump like they did Huckabee and Buchanan.
Yup. The far right does not do definitions well, particularly the ones they don't like.
It's not just the FAR right, Jake... it's the Right in general... and pieces of the Center and even the Left (the blue collar types whose jobs are evaporating).

At least once you get down to the level of the Man on the Street, rather than the Ivory Tower types.

Trump is, indeed, a Populist, in the process of seizing the old, dying shell of the Conservative political framework.

Not to worry.

The Republican Party BEGAN as a Populist movement... a party OF the People, FOR the People, and BY the People... the Grand Old Party.

Until it was seized by the Corporatists in the early 20th, anyway.

The People are merely taking back THEIR party... shoving the Corporatists aside, to give The People a voice again, for the first time in decades.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, into thinking that the Dems held that role.

LibProgs and their goddamned social re-engineering agenda have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


jake and most of the Democrat snobs wouldn't have a clue of what "middle America" was all about or what they are thinking. they live in their Ivory Towers and just act like they know or care about them

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, in order to advance their agenda, and to stay in power.

LibProgs have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


You couldn't be more wrong.
I disagree, but, we will know, soon enough, one way or another.

This is not some sort of revolution against Liberalism. There wouldn't be a Bernie Sanders in the race if it were.
Kinda funny how the conservative movement in America right now is something other than it is. Change a word and somehow it's all OK. What a comedy this election has become. See conservative replies in link below. Maybe we need new words as words replace thought too often.

American Conservatives are Embarrassing

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt
Kinda funny how the conservative movement in America right now is something other than it is. Change a word and somehow it's all OK. What a comedy this election has become. See conservative replies in link below. Maybe we need new words as words replace thought too often.

American Conservatives are Embarrassing

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

is posting that a 100 times suppose to make people care? it's Someone's Opinion and I call it bullshit
...This is not some sort of revolution against Liberalism...
Yes and No.

Within the vast and increasing domain of those who are not loyal Democrats (the Right, the Center, and even pieces of the Left, depending on the year), it is.

Within the domain of those who want to keep the Gubmint Gravy Train rolling, it is not.

And, of course, on BOTH sides of the aisle, we are looking at serious Rebellion against the Establishment or Ruling Elites in each party.

Populism surfacing on BOTH sides of the aisle... helluvan interesting phenomenon.
He's a conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's hard to say since he's changed his mind so often.

He's really a populist.

I didn't know he'd hired illegals to work on his golf course.

Is Donald Trump Conservative? Here's the Rundown - Breitbart
The R party claims to be conservative, yet they nominate a string of progressives from HW to Mitt...and their Congressional members give BO whatever he desires.

Maybe their nominating a populist will be better. Worth a try rather than doing the same stupid shit over and over like Fakey keeps suggesting.
Yes and No.

Within the vast and increasing domain of those who are not loyal Democrats (the Right, the Center, and even pieces of the Left, depending on the year), it is.

Within the domain of those who want to keep the Gubmint Gravy Train rolling, it is not.

And, of course, on BOTH sides of the aisle, we are looking at serious Rebellion against the Establishment or Ruling Elites in each party.

Populism surfacing on BOTH sides of the aisle... helluvan interesting phenomenon.

i do find it hilarious that people who want to end the "Welfare Gravy Train" ignore the fact that the biggest entitlements are paid to the Middle Class- social security Medicare and unemployment insurance. Or as I like to call them, "White People Welfare".

They just hate those food stamps and Section 8 housing vouchers and Medicaid, you know, stuff poor people use.

The reality is, Trump stands a good chance because Americans are basically stupid. 75% of Americans can't name both of their senators and 51% can't even name one. But they can tell you who got voted off the Island on Survivor or who got a rose on The Bachelor. So an ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP.
Yup. The far right does not do definitions well, particularly the ones they don't like.
It's not just the FAR right, Jake... it's the Right in general... and pieces of the Center and even the Left (the blue collar types whose jobs are evaporating).

At least once you get down to the level of the Man on the Street, rather than the Ivory Tower types.

Trump is, indeed, a Populist, in the process of seizing the old, dying shell of the Conservative political framework.

Not to worry.

The Republican Party BEGAN as a Populist movement... a party OF the People, FOR the People, and BY the People... the Grand Old Party.

Until it was seized by the Corporatists in the early 20th, anyway.

The People are merely taking back THEIR party... shoving the Corporatists aside, to give The People a voice again, for the first time in decades.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, into thinking that the Dems held that role.

LibProgs and their goddamned social re-engineering agenda have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.

The Republican Party BEGAN as a Populist movement... a party OF the People, FOR the People, and BY the People... the Grand Old Party.

Until it was seized by the Corporatists in the early 20th, anyway.

The People are merely taking back THEIR party... shoving the Corporatists aside, to give The People a voice again, for the first time in decades.

Wouldn't that be wonderful if it was indeed true.
Most republicans aren't even aware that their party was hi jacked by the corporatists.
Yup. The far right does not do definitions well, particularly the ones they don't like.
It's not just the FAR right, Jake... it's the Right in general... and pieces of the Center and even the Left (the blue collar types whose jobs are evaporating).

At least once you get down to the level of the Man on the Street, rather than the Ivory Tower types.

Trump is, indeed, a Populist, in the process of seizing the old, dying shell of the Conservative political framework.

Not to worry.

The Republican Party BEGAN as a Populist movement... a party OF the People, FOR the People, and BY the People... the Grand Old Party.

Until it was seized by the Corporatists in the early 20th, anyway.

The People are merely taking back THEIR party... shoving the Corporatists aside, to give The People a voice again, for the first time in decades.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, into thinking that the Dems held that role.

LibProgs and their goddamned social re-engineering agenda have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.

You know, that's a very good analysis.

I asked a friend of mine this weekend that is a Trump supporter all sorts of questions about him this weekend.

Usually this guy tends to be on the conservative side, or opts out of politics all together.

Honestly, he does this shit for fun.

I asked him all sorts of questions, and usually he just said, who knows? Who cares? Look at the alternative. We'll just role the dice and hope for the best. :badgrin:

I asked him. . . What's Trump's position on the drug war, victimless crime and Marijuana reschedualization?

Who knows?

What's Trump's position on the regulation and audit of the Federal Reserve?

Who knows?

What's Trump's position regarding abortion?

Who knows?

What's Trump's position regarding stem cell research?

Who knows?

What's Trump's position regarding Climate Change?

Who knows?

Donald Trump is a Political and Cultural Phenomenon

Donald Trump is a Political and Cultural Phenomenon

There are the obvious factors here: how Trump has tapped into anger against the establishment and over immigration, and how he’s a plain-spoken breath of fresh air. Then there’s the astute observation made by the Weekly Standard’s Julius Krein in September: “What differentiates Trump is not what he says, or how he says it, but why he says it.… He does not apologize for having interests as an American, and he does not apologize for demanding that the American government vigorously prosecute those interests.” In other words, Trump professes a palpable politically incorrect nationalism in a time of prostrate, politically correct treason — or, as some put it, “internationalism.” Yet even this is just the iceberg’s tip.


Taking the Marxism analogy further, imagine it’s the old Soviet Union, and there’s a colorful dissident saying everything other citizens want to say but fear to. Now imagine the government sends its secret police to silence him, and they just get consumed. Bullets have no effect on him, and with every assault he simply becomes bigger. Imagine how frustrated and fearful the Kremlin commissars would become.

And imagine how the people would be in his corner.

(Oh, they might not always be willing to voice their support, but their hearts would be with him. And we see the same phenomenon today: a recent analysis indicated that Trump was under-polling because certain people, particularly the college-educated, were afraid to support him publicly due to social pressure — which, mind you, will be absent in the voting booth.)

And Trump is that dissident. He’s the man saying things Americans want to say but fear to, stifled by the social code, PC, enforced by the AME Axis and elitist political establishment. Trump is their crusader against those hated oppressors. In fact, he is the first and only such champion they’ve ever had. The AME Axis destroyed Joe McCarthy. It pummeled Richard Nixon. It discredited Dan Quayle. (It didn’t destroy Reagan, but he never quite so brazenly bucked PC.) It guillotined all who dared oppose its diktats, boasting an unbeaten record.

That is, until Trump came along.

To understand why Trump is Superman and his adversaries Lex Luthor without Kryptonite, consider what typically happens when someone crosses the PC thought police. The media may demonize him, the elite political establishment may try to destroy him, and any high-profile position he has will be lost (e.g., ex-Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, former Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran). Obscure individuals also suffer, at the hands of PC companies fearing bad press and lawsuits. And once cast to the winds, the victim can mount a soapbox and eloquently plead his case, but without media coverage he’ll be the tree falling in a forest with no one to hear it.

Why is Trump immune? First, he’s mega-rich. And the main impact this has is not, as many think, that he can’t be bought (many billionaires, such as George Soros, seem like the sorts who would sell their own mother for another billion).

It’s that he can’t be bullied.

Trump has lost business — notably a Macy’s contract — for opposing PC. But he has what I’ll refer to as, avoiding the vulgar descriptive, go-pound-sand money. But he’s not just any old billionaire (they’re a dime a dozen now, aren’t they?). Most of the mega-rich are somewhat PC themselves or aren’t interested in politics, and most of the rest couldn’t effectively wage a propaganda war against the establishment. But Trump has transcended his profession and even his wealth; he has long been a member of the glitterati, a celebrity in a celebrity culture, a natural-born character, the man who can colorize a drab news day. He’s one of the people People can’t do without, and note: That magazine has greater circulation than any news publication.

Thus, the media can’t wither Trump on the vine. Even if, let’s say, The New York Times aimed to and ignored him, it would simply wither its own exposure. So the media cover him big, and he uses it in a big way because he has a big personality; he likes the camera as much as it likes him. Yet there’s one more critical factor.

Imagine you went to a John Wayne movie years ago and the Duke, instead of being an intrepid champion of good, sheepishly apologized to the villain. You might have wanted your money back. For a hero stands up for what’s right, against all odds and even in a hail of bullets. And were he to back down, he would relinquish hero status.

Yet backing down is par for the course when confronted by the thought police. People will cower and apologize — thus relinquishing any support they might have had. Why would fellow citizens stand up for you if you won’t even stand up for yourself? And virtually everyone makes this mistake.

Except Donald Trump. Not only doesn’t he apologize, but he gets in the thought police’s face, doubles down and may demand an apology from them.
...i do find it hilarious that people who want to end the "Welfare Gravy Train" ignore the fact that the biggest entitlements are paid to the Middle Class- social security Medicare and unemployment insurance. Or as I like to call them, "White People Welfare". ...
Social Security and Medicare are basically Savings Accounts, and beneficiaries are taking-back what they paid in.

And, of course, like any speculative annuity, it is always possible to take more than you've paid in - that the beauty of that particular shell game.

...They just hate those food stamps and Section 8 housing vouchers and Medicaid, you know, stuff poor people use...

They don't hate it.

But, to borrow a line from Sarah (Big Knockers, Pea Brain) Palin... they're tired of the Safety Net turning into a Hammock.

...The reality is, Trump stands a good chance because Americans are basically stupid...
Ah, yes, the typical LibProg response, when The People begin to reject the Leftist agenda; calling The People stupid, rather than looking in the mirror for what went wrong.

...75% of Americans can't name both of their senators and 51% can't even name one. But they can tell you who got voted off the Island on Survivor or who got a rose on The Bachelor. ...
Given that more people voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012, then either McCain or Romney, it appears that more Obama supporters are ignorant in this respect, than others.

This Republic is OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People.

If you can't deal with that, you know where the door is.

...So an ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP.

An ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP, because America has had a bellyful of the LibProg agenda over the past eight years, led by the Magic Negro, and his Rule by Imperial Decree, and all this Dreamer and Gay Marriage accommodation, as well as a bushel-basket -full of other wrong-headed social engineering...

An ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP, because he's the only one who's had the balls to say that the 11,000,000 Illegal Alien invaders must go, and the only one who's said that we should refuse to take-in Syrian refugees, or to temporarily ban new Muslim immigration, because of the rise of a dangerous Militant Islam.

An Ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP, because he proposes draconian measures against the Corporatists, to bring American manufacturing and jobs back on-shore, and because he proposes tough dealing with China, India, et al, to level the playing field, and to reinvigorate the American Middle Class...

An ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP because LibProgs cannot admit to themselves that aspects of their own agenda are poisoning the well and will not adjust and compensate - preferring, instead, to call 'stupid', those who do not think like they do, or those who dare to voice opposition to their delusional autocracy...

An ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP because LibProgs have now lost the support of a vast percentage of the American People...

It's always easier to call the Other Guy 'stupid' than it is to take a long, hard, honest look in the mirror, and find fault with one's own agenda...

Well... calling the rest of America 'stupid' will be a comfort to you, anyway, as your cause slides into the abyss in the coming months, and as you lose power.

You(r side) have a bona fide Shit Sandwich waiting for you in November 2016.

Bon appetit !
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Yup. The far right does not do definitions well, particularly the ones they don't like.
It's not just the FAR right, Jake... it's the Right in general... and pieces of the Center and even the Left (the blue collar types whose jobs are evaporating).

At least once you get down to the level of the Man on the Street, rather than the Ivory Tower types.

Trump is, indeed, a Populist, in the process of seizing the old, dying shell of the Conservative political framework.

Not to worry.

The Republican Party BEGAN as a Populist movement... a party OF the People, FOR the People, and BY the People... the Grand Old Party.

Until it was seized by the Corporatists in the early 20th, anyway.

The People are merely taking back THEIR party... shoving the Corporatists aside, to give The People a voice again, for the first time in decades.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, into thinking that the Dems held that role.

LibProgs and their goddamned social re-engineering agenda have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


not even close to reality.

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