Trump's a Populist, not a Conservative - Brietbart

Impossibilities are not policies. They are lies.

Enforcing our laws is impossible?

Renegotiating bad trade deals is impossible?

It's impossible to deport 10.5 million. You cannot unilaterally renegotiate. You may be able to lie well enough to get people to think otherwise though.

If those 10.5 million can move here, they can be moved BACK.

Unilaterally? Not sure what you mean. Sure, there will be multiple sides to such negotiations. Trump is an experienced negotiator who as leader of the largest economy in the world will have TREMENDOUS LEVERAGE.

And the fact that he will be negotiating with American interests as his goal will be a huge improvement over the last 5O years.
  1. Trump: Abortion rights ‘nowhere to be found' in Constitution ...
    Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says the Roe v. Wade decision legalizingabortion created rights that are not in the Constitution.
  2. Donald Trump on Abortion
    Donald Trump on Abortion; Political pundits. ... Trump clarified his views on abortion, saying he favors abortion rights, but respects those who oppose his position.
He cannot trifle with the women's vote and win.

"Trifle with the women's vote"?

What does that mean?

He has a "nuanced" position. Plenty of politicians do. Doesn't hurt them.

Obama was all over the place on gay marriage and they never wavered.
:lol: Donald will have to spruce up his answers on this. He won't give yours.

Agreed. He will be better than I can imagine.
Trump is getting support from conservatives because he appeals to the uneducated, uninformed, the racists, the xenophobes..
I don't think he's really getting conservatives. But, conservatives realize that Ted Cruz would likely cost the gop the senate, and perhaps even the House.

The problem is that there is an arugment to be made that getting rid of all tax gimmicks, and spending on special interests, would overall benefit the economy. But that is an argument that cannot be made in an election cycle. It would take a guy like Reagan or even W to spend two years working the state party organizations. But, the state party organizations are seen as selling out to the special interests themselves. And, a message that so long as another country's not screwing with our trading partners markets, or threatening to bomb us, is not really popular at the moment.
  1. Trump: Abortion rights ‘nowhere to be found' in Constitution ...
    Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says the Roe v. Wade decision legalizingabortion created rights that are not in the Constitution.
  2. Donald Trump on Abortion
    Donald Trump on Abortion; Political pundits. ... Trump clarified his views on abortion, saying he favors abortion rights, but respects those who oppose his position.
He cannot trifle with the women's vote and win.

"Trifle with the women's vote"?

What does that mean?

He has a "nuanced" position. Plenty of politicians do. Doesn't hurt them.

Obama was all over the place on gay marriage and they never wavered.
:lol: Donald will have to spruce up his answers on this. He won't give yours.

Agreed. He will be better than I can imagine.
It'll be a miracle LOL
  1. Trump: Abortion rights ‘nowhere to be found' in Constitution ...
    Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says the Roe v. Wade decision legalizingabortion created rights that are not in the Constitution.
  2. Donald Trump on Abortion
    Donald Trump on Abortion; Political pundits. ... Trump clarified his views on abortion, saying he favors abortion rights, but respects those who oppose his position.
He cannot trifle with the women's vote and win.

"Trifle with the women's vote"?

What does that mean?

He has a "nuanced" position. Plenty of politicians do. Doesn't hurt them.

Obama was all over the place on gay marriage and they never wavered.
:lol: Donald will have to spruce up his answers on this. He won't give yours.

Agreed. He will be better than I can imagine.
It'll be a miracle LOL

No, it will be the deft handling of the question by a master of the art.
And the far right will freek when they find out Trump is going to do almost nothing for them.

I do prefer Trump to Cruz, who is dangerous to American civil liberties.
Everything must go through Congress and if anyone can do it, it would be Trump. I can see Dems/Repubs enjoying working with him. Notice there hasn't been one business man/woman who has come forth and said anything negative about him in the business world...unless I missed it?

Nobody in business has said he's unreasonable or a tyrant to work with. Quite the opposite, everyone seems to like him as a business man.
Social Security and Medicare are basically Savings Accounts, and beneficiaries are taking-back what they paid in.

No, no, they are not.

A savings account is finite amount of money that you would give to other people if you don't live long enough to spend it.

Social Security is going to keep paying you, even if you live long enough to use up more than you have put in. IN fact, the main reason WHY it is in such trouble now is because the average life expectency has increased from 62 to 78.

Now, if they were "Well, this is your total account, and if you exceed that, you'd better start liking the taste of Alpo", you might have a point.

As I said. White People Welfare. The "Good" kind.

But, to borrow a line from Sarah (Big Knockers, Pea Brain) Palin... they're tired of the Safety Net turning into a Hammock.

I don't think Palin said that. It was actually Paul Ryan, and he was full of shit when he said it. Most people on welfare are only on it for a few years.

Given that more people voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012, then either McCain or Romney, it appears that more Obama supporters are ignorant in this respect, than others.

This Republic is OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People.

If you can't deal with that, you know where the door is.

I'm not sure how you draw that correlation. Obama got elected for a very good reason. Bush fucked up everything he touched. McCain and Romney were just offering more of the same, and they sounded like assholes when they offered it. Bush at least came off as likeable, not a cranky old man or a weird Mormon Robot.

But if we elect Trump, we really and truly are a stupid country.

An ignoramus on a reality TV show is now the frontrunner for the GOP, because America

GUy, I'm not bothering to go through your laundry list of all the dark people you hate.

The fact is, the GOP has for years been playing on racism, misogyny and homophobia to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests. Trump is just better at appealling to people like you. But, thankfully, your sort isn't in the majority.
People need to get over it, They support him and give zero fucks about some meaningless label that opponents and haters want to pin on him. It just doesn't matter....

Maybe they should.

My worry about Trump winning is the reason why he's popular is because we Americans mistake "Celebrity" for "Merit". One state elected as a governor a body builder turned action star, another elected a professional wrestler. And yes, their idealogies didn't matter, because they didn't have one.

They also had no idea how to do their jobs, and Governors Ventura and Schwarzenegger were considered disasters

so let's ignore a guy like Kasich who has spent years actually doing the hard work of passing bills, running agencies. We done got us a guy who was on TV!!!!
Everything must go through Congress and if anyone can do it, it would be Trump. I can see Dems/Repubs enjoying working with him. Notice there hasn't been one business man/woman who has come forth and said anything negative about him in the business world...unless I missed it?

Nobody in business has said he's unreasonable or a tyrant to work with. Quite the opposite, everyone seems to like him as a business man.

That might be a valid point, in that his public persona is all an act, and when he gets down to business, he's quite business-like.

That said, our only other two "Businessman Presidents" were Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush. That's not exactly a great track record.
Everything must go through Congress and if anyone can do it, it would be Trump. I can see Dems/Repubs enjoying working with him. Notice there hasn't been one business man/woman who has come forth and said anything negative about him in the business world...unless I missed it?

Nobody in business has said he's unreasonable or a tyrant to work with. Quite the opposite, everyone seems to like him as a business man.

That might be a valid point, in that his public persona is all an act, and when he gets down to business, he's quite business-like.

That said, our only other two "Businessman Presidents" were Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush. That's not exactly a great track record.
I predict that when he gets the nomination....he'll settle in and be a little less bombastic. Right now he's at war on the campaign trail and will do what it takes to get the nomination. I fully expect to see a different Trump emerge after he's nominated. He'll still be on message but his delivery will be 'toned down'.
And the far right will freek when they find out Trump is going to do almost nothing for them.

I do prefer Trump to Cruz, who is dangerous to American civil liberties.
Everything must go through Congress and if anyone can do it, it would be Trump. I can see Dems/Repubs enjoying working with him. Notice there hasn't been one business man/woman who has come forth and said anything negative about him in the business world...unless I missed it?

Nobody in business has said he's unreasonable or a tyrant to work with. Quite the opposite, everyone seems to like him as a business man.
The Donald is a one act play

After The Gold Rush
He's a conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's hard to say since he's changed his mind so often.

He's really a populist.

I didn't know he'd hired illegals to work on his golf course.

Is Donald Trump Conservative? Here's the Rundown - Breitbart
it's gotten to the point where we say, what he is, what you see, that's what we want.

so many of us decided early, we've known him for decades, he's mellowed with age. he's not afraid to be himself, he embraces competition, and handles the media better than anyone i've seen.

liberal attempts to shape the narrative for the other side are inconsequential. even conservatives trying to warn people the guy they like is terrible. none of that matters this time. it's the republican's race to lose, but Trump will transcend even that. the people want him, that's how it was for obama, that's how it is for Trump. i hope the people get it right this time, cause hillary and bernie and the third guy are all sinkers. they are all duds. the people know that too.

the success train is leaving the station, and people will scramble to get on board and not be left behind. that's the populist part harper.

while you're here, what do you think about the Cruz being semi Canadian situation ?
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And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, in order to advance their agenda, and to stay in power.

LibProgs have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


You couldn't be more wrong.
I disagree, but, we will know, soon enough, one way or another.

This is not some sort of revolution against Liberalism. There wouldn't be a Bernie Sanders in the race if it were.
it's a referendum on european type socialism, this isn't Vermont's finest hour, i can tell you that. howard dean, now bernie... ouch.

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