Trump's a Populist, not a Conservative - Brietbart

I don't know who ever said he was a conservative. I sure never felt he was. He's a Republican and I agree with Toro. He's conservative on some things, liberal leaning on some. But you would think more Democrats would lean towards him, instead of the hard core Left almost damn near Socialist/Commi like: Hillary and Bernie. Especially after that hard left thug you all put in as President
Trump has only really "changed his mind" on a few issues. Not only has he been a registered Republican since 1980, but he defended Dan Quayle in 1988 at a time when RINOs were doing all they could to get Quayle kicked off the ticket. Only someone with a center-right core would have come to Quayle's defense.
Yup. The far right does not do definitions well, particularly the ones they don't like.
It's not just the FAR right, Jake... it's the Right in general... and pieces of the Center and even the Left (the blue collar types whose jobs are evaporating).

At least once you get down to the level of the Man on the Street, rather than the Ivory Tower types.

Trump is, indeed, a Populist, in the process of seizing the old, dying shell of the Conservative political framework.

Not to worry.

The Republican Party BEGAN as a Populist movement... a party OF the People, FOR the People, and BY the People... the Grand Old Party.

Until it was seized by the Corporatists in the early 20th, anyway.

The People are merely taking back THEIR party... shoving the Corporatists aside, to give The People a voice again, for the first time in decades.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, into thinking that the Dems held that role.

LibProgs and their goddamned social re-engineering agenda have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


not even close to reality.
Are you intelligent enough to back up your post with factual data?
Trump has only really "changed his mind" on a few issues. Not only has he been a registered Republican since 1980, but he defended Dan Quayle in 1988 at a time when RINOs were doing all they could to get Quayle kicked off the ticket. Only someone with a center-right core would have come to Quayle's defense.

Trump has only really "changed his mind" on a few issues. Not only has he been a registered Republican since 1980, but he defended Dan Quayle in 1988 at a time when RINOs were doing all they could to get Quayle kicked off the ticket. Only someone with a center-right core would have come to Quayle's defense.

Though he has long identified as a Republican, in the past Trump donated to Hillary Clinton, even inviting her and Bill to his wedding in 2005.
Lets break it down and make it simple. Trumps supporters don't care if he's a populist, Green party, yellow party, Dr Dre Party or Republican party. This whole 'lets label everything so we can put it in a nice box' is dying a slow death. Ask any Trump supporter if they care if he's a populist and they'll laugh. They don't that again...they do not care. Whatever label people want to throw on him makes no difference. They like what he stands for and believe he will (excuse the cliché) make America great again. That's it in a nutshell.

He has liberal views on some things? And? He's not a conservative? Ok, sounds good. He's racist! Ha! But he's a fascist! Hahaha!

People need to get over it, They support him and give zero fucks about some meaningless label that opponents and haters want to pin on him. It just doesn't matter....
I think most of the Big Quacks, and the Socialist Jew from Brooklyn by way of Vermont's, supporters are basically angry that they have not partaken from the growth in US gnp.
Lets break it down and make it simple. Trumps supporters don't care if he's a populist, Green party, yellow party, Dr Dre Party or Republican party. This whole 'lets label everything so we can put it in a nice box' is dying a slow death. Ask any Trump supporter if they care if he's a populist and they'll laugh. They don't that again...they do not care. Whatever label people want to throw on him makes no difference. They like what he stands for and believe he will (excuse the cliché) make America great again. That's it in a nutshell..

That is it in the nutshell- Trump supporters believe in the idea of 'TRUMP'- they don't care about the facts, or even what Trump has said or done in the past- it is the image that they believe in.
And the far right will freek when they find out Trump is going to do almost nothing for them.

I do prefer Trump to Cruz, who is dangerous to American civil liberties.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, in order to advance their agenda, and to stay in power.

LibProgs have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


You couldn't be more wrong.
I disagree, but, we will know, soon enough, one way or another.

This is not some sort of revolution against Liberalism. There wouldn't be a Bernie Sanders in the race if it were.


It is a bi-partisan populist rebellion against a Political Class that is out of touch and out of ideas.

I hope that HIllary is the dem nominee to keep it clear which side are the rebels.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, in order to advance their agenda, and to stay in power.

LibProgs have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


You couldn't be more wrong.
I disagree, but, we will know, soon enough, one way or another.

This is not some sort of revolution against Liberalism. There wouldn't be a Bernie Sanders in the race if it were.


It is a bi-partisan populist rebellion against a Political Class that is out of touch and out of ideas.

I hope that HIllary is the dem nominee to keep it clear which side are the rebels.
Well that's my question. Assuming Hill and the Donald are the nominees. What happens if the question is put to the Donald, and he's not allowed to avoid an answer, as to whether he's still pro-choice? He's gonna piss off one side that so far he may not have pissed off.
And the far right will freek when they find out Trump is going to do almost nothing for them.

I do prefer Trump to Cruz, who is dangerous to American civil liberties.

If he keeps his promises on Trade and Immigration, I'll be happy.

And that scares the ever-loving shit out of LIbProgs, who have hoodwinked large pockets of The People over time, in order to advance their agenda, and to stay in power.

LibProgs have finally pushed the American People too far, in the past eight years.

Consider this a Market Correction.

Welcome to your consequences.


You couldn't be more wrong.
I disagree, but, we will know, soon enough, one way or another.

This is not some sort of revolution against Liberalism. There wouldn't be a Bernie Sanders in the race if it were.


It is a bi-partisan populist rebellion against a Political Class that is out of touch and out of ideas.

I hope that HIllary is the dem nominee to keep it clear which side are the rebels.
Well that's my question. Assuming Hill and the Donald are the nominees. What happens if the question is put to the Donald, and he's not allowed to avoid an answer, as to whether he's still pro-choice? He's gonna piss off one side that so far he may not have pissed off.

Standard response is to promise to appoint Constructionist Justices.

Should keep the Pro-lifers in the tent.

It's not like Hillary is going to go after those votes.
He's a conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's hard to say since he's changed his mind so often.

He's really a populist.

I didn't know he'd hired illegals to work on his golf course.

Is Donald Trump Conservative? Here's the Rundown - Breitbart

A Trump rally is nothing more than an Angry--Ignorant--bigoted all WHITE mob. Something you would see coming out of the 1960's era in the south during the Civil Rights movement.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
You couldn't be more wrong.
I disagree, but, we will know, soon enough, one way or another.

This is not some sort of revolution against Liberalism. There wouldn't be a Bernie Sanders in the race if it were.


It is a bi-partisan populist rebellion against a Political Class that is out of touch and out of ideas.

I hope that HIllary is the dem nominee to keep it clear which side are the rebels.
Well that's my question. Assuming Hill and the Donald are the nominees. What happens if the question is put to the Donald, and he's not allowed to avoid an answer, as to whether he's still pro-choice? He's gonna piss off one side that so far he may not have pissed off.

Standard response is to promise to appoint Constructionist Justices.

Should keep the Pro-lifers in the tent.

It's not like Hillary is going to go after those votes.
If he says he wants Roe overturned, he will lose the women vote, and I don't buy the noise that he hasn't lost the latinos yet. I just think the "math" catches up to him sooner rather than later.

Although the Dems must be wishing Biden hadn't opted out.

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