Trump's A Racist.. ???

Trump has fame, fortune, good family, plenty of power and lives like a king anywhere he feels like it....I can't figure out why he'd go through all this crap...
Yeah, he'll be taking a big pay cut.
[QUOTE="Lumpy 1, post: 13645794, member: 19734"

When are you going to stop living in the past and your Democratic Party masters with their slavery, human abominations and Jim Crow laws?

are you seriously putting forth that the Democrats are favored in the racists states of the USA...why are Democrats so unpopular in Mississippi..?

Racism is at the Heart of the GOP......that is why we have a Black Democratic President ..LOL[/QUOTE]

Slavery is alive and well on the Democratic party plantations, generations have been born, lived, and died poor and dependent.
The GOP is the favorite party of the Confederate States of America ...'Nuff said

Yes? Perhaps that explains why Hillary is courting the Southern Black vote so strongly?
There is no denying that it is in the deep racist South that the GOP is strong...what is the sense of pretending that this fact is not a fact...why even do it?

The GOP is the favorite party of the Confederate States of America ...'Nuff said

Yes? Perhaps that explains why Hillary is courting the Southern Black vote so strongly?
There is no denying that it is in the deep racist South that the GOP is strong...what is the sense of pretending that this fact is not a fact...why even do it?

Because the Blacks make up 25% of the Democratic Party and Hillary is aware of this fact. That's why she'll be eating cornbread and collard greens all day today.
The GOP is the favorite party of the Confederate States of America ...'Nuff said

Yes? Perhaps that explains why Hillary is courting the Southern Black vote so strongly?
There is no denying that it is in the deep racist South that the GOP is strong...what is the sense of pretending that this fact is not a fact...why even do it?

Actually the racist South as you point to with obvious bigotry, has not experienced the racial strife and civil of late as has Chicago, Detroit, Missouri, Baltimore, etc.
Just listen to the left wing media Hillary/Obama junkies, they're convinced...:popcorn:

The race baiters are warming up.. (divisive politics means big money)

Dems in a frenzy...:ack-1:

Hey, news flash. The whole world knows he's a racist. It isn't just the American left wing. He's also a misogynist and a conman. He's a real dyed in the wool creep.

Canada – The Star, Dec. 13: Trump does best with men age 45 to 64, with a high school diploma or less, making less than $50,000 per year. These are the very same people hurt worst by the global recession, slowest to experience the recovery, and most vulnerable to wage competition from unauthorized workers. They're easy to ridicule as ignorant xenophobes. Most Trump supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim, that Muslims are a threat, that all illegal immigrants should be deported, that anti-white racism is as big a problem as anti-black racism. But then there's this telling figure from October: 71 percent think the "American dream"—work hard, get ahead—used to exist but has vanished.

Australia – The Age, Dec. 19: Four years before the outbreak of World War I, former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt met Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II. The meeting, recorded in Stephen Kotkin's? biography of Stalin, left Roosevelt with a premonition of the looming global catastrophe. He told his wife, "I'm absolutely certain now. We're all in for it." Donald Trump is the Kaiser Wilhelm of our time. Shallow, arrogant and belligerent would sum up both men. Wilhelm scorned democracy in the way Trump scorns political correctness as an impediment to clear thinking and immediate solutions. "I regard every Social Democrat as an enemy of the Empire and Fatherland," thundered the Kaiser. He was similarly dismissive of criticism: "I look on myself as an instrument of the Almighty and go on my way regardless of transient opinions and views."
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There is absolutely no evidence that Margaret Sanger ever said this. Admittedly Sanger was racist, and did not have a high opinion of non-whites of any racial background, but she never espoused any desire to eliminate black people.

Really, one tires of correcting misinformation and outright lies by conservatives.
“Words are inadequate for me to say how honored I was to be the recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award,” Martin Luther King Jr. wrote to the Planned Parenthood Federation in 1966. “This award will remain among my most cherished possessions.”

King’s acceptance speech for that award, “Family Planning — A Special and Urgent Concern,” makes it very clear that, no, you may not claim to be an heir to King’s moral vision while fighting against access to contraception as a component of universal health care.
FACT CHECK: Did Margaret Sanger say "Slavs, Latin and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds ... a deadweight of human waste ... Blacks, soldiers and Jews are a menace to the race"?

Claim: Margaret Sanger said "Slavs, Latin and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds ... a deadweight of human waste ... Blacks, soldiers and Jews are a menace to the race."


In his 1992 book American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen, Communists & Others, author John George writes that this quote was "evidently concocted in the late 1980s for the purpose of trying to make the early birth control advocate seem a racist and anti-Semite" and that "this fabrication has been kept in circulation by antiabortion and anti-birth control groups."

Banned Parenthood
Actually the racist South as you point to with obvious bigotry, has not experienced the racial strife and civil of late as has Chicago, Detroit, Missouri, Baltimore, etc.

Sure sure no racism whatsoever in the South woooo whooo whatever you say LOL NO Racism Exists in the Southern State ...LOL
The GOP promises ...what is not to like

Permanent war
Tax Cuts for Millionaires and billionaires
the End of Social Security

Replace the Constitution with the "King James"
Actually the racist South as you point to with obvious bigotry, has not experienced the racial strife and civil of late as has Chicago, Detroit, Missouri, Baltimore, etc.

Sure sure no racism whatsoever in the South woooo whooo whatever you say LOL NO Racism Exists in the Southern State ...LOL

Just stating the truth of the matter. It's not my problem that all the news reports indicate that the racial unrest is primarily in the North.
The GOP promises ...what is not to like

Permanent war
Tax Cuts for Millionaires and billionaires
the End of Social Security
Replace the Constitution with the "King James"

I know. It must really piss you off that most Americans are so much more ignorant than you.

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